Author Topic: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?  (Read 2598 times)


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HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« on: September 12, 2007, 07:55:58 AM »
According to :USA Today - Sep 12

Major League Baseball players may be finding a way to avert positive steroid tests by using human growth hormone, according to doctors familiar with the drug.

Three players — outfielders Jay Gibbons of the Baltimore Orioles and Rick Ankiel of the St. Louis Cardinals, and infielder Troy Glaus of the Toronto Blue Jays — were recently accused of receiving performance-enhancing drugs from a Florida pharmacy that's under investigation for illegally distributing prescription medications, according to and the New York Daily News which cited unnamed people and records obtained.

While having no direct knowledge of their alleged drug use, Gary Wadler of the World Anti-Doping Agency believes athletes are using HGH, for which their is no reliable test, to help conceal the use of steroids, beating MLB's three-year-old steroid-testing policy.

"Taking HGH enables you to take lower doses of anabolic steroids," Wadler said. "By taking a lower level of steroids, you may not be detected when undergoing drug tests.

"They are not testing for HGH, so athletes can take that as well as anabolic steroids and beat the system. That could be what we're seeing going on right now."

Simply taking HGH by itself, said Karl Ullis, formerly of UCLA, would make little sense for athletes unless they're also taking steroids.

Rob Manfred, MLB's chief labor lawyer, acknowledges players may be using HGH in conjunction with steroids but says steroids are detectable in "extraordinary low levels" in their testing program.

"We don't believe we are as vulnerable as other programs," Manfred said. "HGH is not a masking agent for steroids. The only conceptual grain of truth is the use of testosterone."

BALCO founder Victor Conte believes MLB's drug-testing program is faulty, citing Gibbons as an example.

According to, Gibbons received six shipments of HGH and two shipments of testosterone between October 2003 and July 2005. Yet he has never been identified as testing positive by MLB.

"He should have been caught," Conte said. "Players are using steroids during the offseason, and then using HGH during the season to maintain."

MLB, which banned HGH in 2005, is helping fund a study to detect the drug.

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Do you guys think that HGH is  a masking agent for steroids ?? ???


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 08:15:52 AM »
Without a doubt but not in terms of what the article is insinuating...I doubt it's being used so "low doses" of androgens can be used in the hopes of not being detected in a drug test...these guys have enough money to run large cycles of HGH so they do not have to use AAS in conjunction with it at all...


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 10:06:29 AM »
.these guys have enough money to run large cycles of HGH so they do not have to use AAS in conjunction with it at all...
High doses of hGH is not a replacement for steroids at all. Cannot be compared. High doses of hGH can even hurt performance in sports. The hGH more for recovery and treating injuries and such.

You can use a low dose of testosterone and pass tests. Some can use as much as 200+mg a week and still be below the threshold. That dose would put most way above normal levels.


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 10:13:33 AM »
Correct!The idea that using massive HGH helps an athlete is an outright example of stupidity.HGH by itself will just eat you up.You would have to take in such huge amounts of calories that you wouldnt be able to play,youd be too busy trying to get in another meal.HGH is also a TERRIBLE strength drug.Conte is right,its steroids in the off season and HGH to maintain.The last idiot on earth that I would ever listen to is Wadler or Dick Pound.Two total tools,who were two of the first to blame steroids for the Benoit killings and ,as usual,were proven to be 100% incorrect!!!.


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 10:19:58 AM »
High doses of hGH is not a replacement for steroids at all. Cannot be compared. High doses of hGH can even hurt performance in sports. The hGH more for recovery and treating injuries and such.

You can use a low dose of testosterone and pass tests. Some can use as much as 200+mg a week and still be below the threshold. That dose would put most way above normal levels.

personally, and I have zero evidence to back it up...I would guess that most "nattys" are running minimal test on/off.
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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 03:42:50 PM »
Correct!The idea that using massive HGH helps an athlete is an outright example of stupidity.HGH by itself will just eat you up.You would have to take in such huge amounts of calories that you wouldnt be able to play,youd be too busy trying to get in another meal.HGH is also a TERRIBLE strength drug.Conte is right,its steroids in the off season and HGH to maintain.The last idiot on earth that I would ever listen to is Wadler or Dick Pound.Two total tools,who were two of the first to blame steroids for the Benoit killings and ,as usual,were proven to be 100% incorrect!!!.

What the hell are you talking about? HGH will never eat you up, that is the dumbest f.cking thing I have ever heard in my life. Consume massive calories??? "You wouldn't be able to perform b/c you would need to eat"?? You're a moron. HGH by itself will build lean muscle mass, but the dose needs to be adequate. During contest prep the reason for taking it is to save muscle and reduce body fat but taken in high dose you will build muscle just as effectively as AAS. This is from jintropins website

"Every day more and more people seem to be finding HGH for themselves. It is used in large extent by athletes who want to become better during competitions. The fact that human growth hormone stimulates tissue growth throughout the body is only the start of why they use this hormone so much. Unlike other options such as steroids, HGH like Jintropin will help the body to make more cells as well as help them to become bigger. All that steroids will do for the body is the latter alone. Even skeletal muscle tissue is increased with human growth hormone.

When taking HGH the transportation of amino acids goes up as well as the rate of protein synthesis. These are actually affected by IGF-1 which happens to be a very anabolic hormone that is made in the liver as well as other tissues. This is triggered by HGH and when one takes human growth hormone injections like Jintropin, peak levels of IGF-1 are sure to be seen about 20 hours or so afterwards.

IGF-1 is not the only thing that human growth hormone will stimulate however. The body will also see more triglyceride hydrolysis in adipose tissue, which can lead directly to fat loss throughout the body. Natural insulin production can also be somewhat depressed when taking HGH and glucose levels can go up. What happens next is that the body starts actually using all of the fat it has stored for its primary energy sources and this too will lead to fat loss. There are even more benefits to human growth hormone such as the strengthening of connective tissues etc.

When HGH strengthens the various connective tissues in your body, it allows you to go without hurting yourself as often. Injuries become far less when tendons and cartilage are so much stronger and this is especially important to those who put a lot of stress on their bodies like bodybuilders and athletes.

But the fact that the hormone is not found on urine tests is probably the second best selling point. This does not mean that the athletic committees of the world have not banned HGH, because they have, it just means that for them to find out if people are actually using it is a lot harder than finding out of they are using steroids.

There has also been some talk of late that there are some testing methods that will tell if HGH is being taken effectively. These have not been used yet but they could hit at any time. Perhaps then less professionals will depend on human growth hormone, but for now it is still very sought after by those who can afford it.

Is human growth hormone going to work for you?

The real question when it comes to HGH is how well does it really work? There are thousands of athletes that swear it does but studies have been anything but consistent. There are some researchers that are positive that the hormone can do stunning things and others that are not. Some studies will clearly show that human growth hormone can cause the body to drop body fat quickly and easily while building lean muscle mass and others will be wholly inconclusive.

Human growth hormone is a product that many athletes and bodybuilders think is worth trying even though it costs so much money. The chance to get so much stronger and leaner is simply too much for some professionals to resist.

But why is there so much dissention among doctors and researchers? Why is it that human growth hormone seems to work so well for some and not others?

First of all a large part of this may be due to the fact that some people cannot afford the larger doses that really produce the big time positive results. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars per day on HGH these people choose to take lower, smaller doses in order to save money. This hampers the ability of the hormone to do all that it could.

For the best results when taking human growth hormone one must take the larger does, or so studies seem to show, and these must be taken nearly every day. One cannot expect to take a small dose once time every few days and see a big impact on their body, that is simply not the way human growth hormone works. HGH is only worth using if you can commit to a good cycle even though it is expensive.

Male athletes will need anywhere from 4 to 6 IU each day in order to get the very best results. It is possible to take only 1 or 2 IU but the results will not be nearly as powerful and you will still be spending a lot of money. It is vital that you get the human growth hormone daily and because of how fast this hormone metabolizes in the body you may want to seriously consider splitting your doses. This way you take some earlier in the day and some later on, it will maximize the effects of HGH injections.

If you are not an athlete and you simply want to find a quick and easy way to lose some extra body fat then you can take the human growth hormone injections for a lot less time. Once you have reached the body weight that you are comfortable with you can cease the injections completely. In most cases a few months should suffice to really trim down a lot.

No matter the reason you are beginning a cycle of HGH injections you will want to make sure that you inject the solution the right way. All HGH injections should be subcutaneous ones. These will help you to lose weight in the areas they are injected even above the rest of the body. This is a good reason for you to switch up the areas in which you inject this hormone. This will give you a more even and balanced weight loss.

The best news when it comes to human growth hormone cycles is that the fat comes off and it comes off quite quickly. It really does not take long to notice a big difference in ones weight and they do not need to be on the high doses that athletes do. This means it is a lot cheaper as well."


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 06:17:48 PM »
You're a moron. HGH by itself will build lean muscle mass, but the dose needs to be adequate. During contest prep the reason for taking it is to save muscle and reduce body fat but taken in high dose you will build muscle just as effectively as AAS.
Wrong. GH by itself will not build much muscle regardless of the dose. If there is weight gain it is water retention and increased organ mass.

There is not one single study that shows GH to build much, or any, contractile tissue by itself. And it has been studied in very high doses - 16IU or more per day. Now before you say the studies are flawed, studies in the same populations have showed small doses of AAS to build muscle mass.

You really need to combine it with AAS or insulin (whereas GH increases protein synthesis somewhat insulin reduces protein breakdown which is why they work well together) or both.

Women have twice as high GH levels as men - but they aren't as muscular as men nor build muscle nearly as easily.


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2007, 07:53:35 PM »
Wrong. GH by itself will not build much muscle regardless of the dose. If there is weight gain it is water retention and increased organ mass.

There is not one single study that shows GH to build much, or any, contractile tissue by itself. And it has been studied in very high doses - 16IU or more per day. Now before you say the studies are flawed, studies in the same populations have showed small doses of AAS to build muscle mass.

You really need to combine it with AAS or insulin (whereas GH increases protein synthesis somewhat insulin reduces protein breakdown which is why they work well together) or both.

Women have twice as high GH levels as men - but they aren't as muscular as men nor build muscle nearly as easily.

It's the effect it has on the release of IGF1 that builds muscle but here is a couple studies for you since you couldn't find any.

"In a study performed by L. Cass Terry, M.D., Ph.D., when the levels of HGH were elevated, over 75% of his patients experienced body-fat loss, muscle-mass gain, greater strength, increased exercise tolerance and energy levels and an improved quality of life. A large majority also reported better skin texture and greater skin thickness and elasticity.

Daniel Rudman, M.D. and his colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin, administered HGH to a group of men between the ages of 61-80. They found that within six months, without any change in diet, exercise, or smoking habits, the men lost 14% of their body-fat and gained an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass."


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 09:26:43 PM »
It's the effect it has on the release of IGF1 that builds muscle but here is a couple studies for you since you couldn't find any.

"In a study performed by L. Cass Terry, M.D., Ph.D., when the levels of HGH were elevated, over 75% of his patients experienced body-fat loss, muscle-mass gain, greater strength, increased exercise tolerance and energy levels and an improved quality of life. A large majority also reported better skin texture and greater skin thickness and elasticity.

Daniel Rudman, M.D. and his colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin, administered HGH to a group of men between the ages of 61-80. They found that within six months, without any change in diet, exercise, or smoking habits, the men lost 14% of their body-fat and gained an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass."
You need to look closer at these studies. What these studies show is an increase in LBM - lean body mass - which is NOT necessarily contractile muscle protein. EVERYTHING other than fat mass is LBM, which includes water, organs etc.

Do you have the full text of this particular study?

BTW, systemic IGF-1 isn't really anabolic either, the muscle specific isoform MGF is.

Also note the age of the subjects.


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 09:33:21 PM »
It's the effect it has on the release of IGF1 that builds muscle but here is a couple studies for you since you couldn't find any.

"In a study performed by L. Cass Terry, M.D., Ph.D., when the levels of HGH were elevated, over 75% of his patients experienced body-fat loss, muscle-mass gain, greater strength, increased exercise tolerance and energy levels and an improved quality of life. A large majority also reported better skin texture and greater skin thickness and elasticity.

Daniel Rudman, M.D. and his colleagues at the Medical College of Wisconsin, administered HGH to a group of men between the ages of 61-80. They found that within six months, without any change in diet, exercise, or smoking habits, the men lost 14% of their body-fat and gained an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass."
What you posted is not a study either. Seems like an ad you found on the net that twists the wording. See the bolded part in your post and compare to the bolded part here in the pubmed abstract:
Effects of human growth hormone in men over 60 years old.
Rudman D, Feller AG, Nagraj HS, Gergans GA, Lalitha PY, Goldberg AF, Schlenker RA, Cohn L, Rudman IW, Mattson DE.

Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.

BACKGROUND. The declining activity of the growth hormone--insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis with advancing age may contribute to the decrease in lean body mass and the increase in mass of adipose tissue that occur with aging. METHODS. To test this hypothesis, we studied 21 healthy men from 61 to 81 years old who had plasma IGF-I concentrations of less than 350 U per liter during a six-month base-line period and a six-month treatment period that followed. During the treatment period, 12 men (group 1) received approximately 0.03 mg of biosynthetic human growth hormone per kilogram of body weight subcutaneously three times a week, and 9 men (group 2) received no treatment. Plasma IGF-I levels were measured monthly. At the end of each period we measured lean body mass, the mass of adipose tissue, skin thickness (epidermis plus dermis), and bone density at nine skeletal sites. RESULTS. In group 1, the mean plasma IGF-I level rose into the youthful range of 500 to 1500 U per liter during treatment, whereas in group 2 it remained below 350 U per liter. The administration of human growth hormone for six months in group 1 was accompanied by an 8.8 percent increase in lean body mass, a 14.4 percent decrease in adipose-tissue mass, and a 1.6 percent increase in average lumbar vertebral bone density (P less than 0.05 in each instance). Skin thickness increased 7.1 percent (P = 0.07). There was no significant change in the bone density of the radius or proximal femur. In group 2 there was no significant change in lean body mass, the mass of adipose tissue, skin thickness, or bone density during treatment. CONCLUSIONS. Diminished secretion of growth hormone is responsible in part for the decrease of lean body mass, the expansion of adipose-tissue mass, and the thinning of the skin that occur in old age.
Lean body mass does NOT necessarily mean Lean MUSCLE mass.


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Re: HGH may help athletes hide steroid use ?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2007, 04:28:08 AM »
Have you ever used GH?I have,and by itself IT SUCKS!!!!Used with steroids[or insulin] it works great.Studies dont mean crap because they arent trying to build athletes.Wow,a site dedicated to promoting an agenda posts that its great.Do you know muscle tech tells me there products are the reason Branch Warren wins bodybuilding shows.