Author Topic: Barry Bonds Crucified  (Read 4133 times)

Arnold jr

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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2007, 09:47:27 AM »
Steroids are the reason why people are still interested in sports nowadays, most of them just don't realise it because of the media.

Imagine real clean sports.. marathons in not less than 2:30, 100M above 10 seconds etc. etc.

Besides, all people have different natural hormone levels. A.S evens things up a bit ;)
Thankyou...and if we could get the rest of the country to understand this, then we'd have something.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2007, 10:52:52 AM »
What a lot of people forget, is that speed is a bigger problem than steroids in baseball. You would be amazed at the stimulants these guys are taking.

Government does not focus on that which is more harmful that GH, Test, etc. We expect these athlete to perform day in and day out at a high level. With 162 games a season and maybe one day a week off, how are these guys supposed to be a the top of their game everyday? Double headers, road trips, fuck the traveling alone would wear me out! Owners have been turning a blind eye for years so they can reap the rewards.

It will all blow over thinking it is under control until the next substance comes out that is undectable. Will always be drugs in sports.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2007, 07:03:50 AM »
What a lot of people forget, is that speed is a bigger problem than steroids in baseball. You would be amazed at the stimulants these guys are taking.

Government does not focus on that which is more harmful that GH, Test, etc. We expect these athlete to perform day in and day out at a high level. With 162 games a season and maybe one day a week off, how are these guys supposed to be a the top of their game everyday? Double headers, road trips, fuck the traveling alone would wear me out! Owners have been turning a blind eye for years so they can reap the rewards.

It will all blow over thinking it is under control until the next substance comes out that is undectable. Will always be drugs in sports.

i was about to bring this up, stimulants have been used in baseball since it began!!!

Ken Caminiti talked alot about speed in sports before he passed away. he even mention Cal Ripkin Jr. and his long record of games he played, said he made it that far because of "help". Ken was known for being a coke head but he said 75% of all ball players used "some" type of "illegal" stimulant.

we used to pop caffeine pills before baseball games in high school...



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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2007, 01:19:01 PM »
The guys talk a lot about taking "green tops"?? or Greens???

Not sure what kind of stimulant that is but I know it is nothing like meth...

clayton green

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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2007, 02:22:36 PM »
The only reason Marion Jones admitted to using is because they caught her and her significant other in another scam.  The feds probably offered her a plea agreement to admit to AAS use and they would lighten her sentence.  As far as Bonds getting indicted, means nothing.  The government can practically indict anyone on very little circumstancial evidence. All an indictment is, is when the State or Feds present a case to a Grand Jury.  The defendant or defense attorney is not present so no rebuttal that would negate the allegations is presented.  If Bonds keeps his mouth shout and they don't have any physical evidence, he should be okay at trial.  However, with a trial there always exists the possibility of being found guilty or innocent regardless of the actual evidence presented.  Hell look at the OJ case!!!

Barry Bonds won't get charged, the government dosen't have shit on Barry.  They want to put pressure on him to admit that he used, because Marion Jones fucking cracked under the pressure.  They didn't have nothing on Jones either, absoulutely nothing, but she was stupid and admited to lying and sure as shit they nailed her.  Barry Bonds is a different story he isn't going to admit to dick all, they couldn't get him for 4 years, there is nothing they have stumbled upon.  It's all tactics for pressure, that's it.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2007, 02:38:35 PM »
The only reason Marion Jones admitted to using is because they caught her and her significant other in another scam.  The feds probably offered her a plea agreement to admit to AAS use and they would lighten her sentence.  As far as Bonds getting indicted, means nothing.  The government can practically indict anyone on very little circumstancial evidence. All an indictment is, is when the State or Feds present a case to a Grand Jury.  The defendant or defense attorney is not present so no rebuttal that would negate the allegations is presented.  If Bonds keeps his mouth shout and they don't have any physical evidence, he should be okay at trial.  However, with a trial there always exists the possibility of being found guilty or innocent regardless of the actual evidence presented.  Hell look at the OJ case!!!

But getting the indictment means a jury (Of 12?) found enough evidence to bring it to trial? Right?
That aint good for anyone. Is it just a majority of the jury, or all must find sufficient evidence?

They clearly had her cornered where it was the lesser evil to plea.

clayton green

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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2007, 09:00:05 AM »

It is a jury of 12 but there is no defense presented only the prosecutor giving his side of the story.  It must  be a majority of the jury but again, the defense is not  given an opportunity to present it's side of the story.  It is a pretty laid back enviroment, where jurours are permitted to ask the officers questions.

I am certain that Jones took the lesser of the two evils and that is why she admitted to the steroid use, she probably didn't have a choice.  It's ashame that the Feds wanted her to admit to the steroid use and gave her a plea  on the  other charges.  It is just another example of the Government highlighting it's priorities and displaying them for the public.  it does create a false impression of people who use gear but I guess that is what the government wants to do.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2007, 12:29:18 PM »

It is a jury of 12 but there is no defense presented only the prosecutor giving his side of the story.  It must  be a majority of the jury but again, the defense is not  given an opportunity to present it's side of the story.  It is a pretty laid back enviroment, where jurours are permitted to ask the officers questions.

I am certain that Jones took the lesser of the two evils and that is why she admitted to the steroid use, she probably didn't have a choice.  It's ashame that the Feds wanted her to admit to the steroid use and gave her a plea  on the  other charges.  It is just another example of the Government highlighting it's priorities and displaying them for the public.  it does create a false impression of people who use gear but I guess that is what the government wants to do.

Thats a pretty stacked deck for the prosecution...I didn't realise that.. Are the jurors from the area, or hand picked from some special group that further increase odds of a indictment?
The accused is not even necessarily present?


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2007, 12:39:15 PM »
Thats a pretty stacked deck for the prosecution...I didn't realise that.. Are the jurors from the area, or hand picked from some special group that further increase odds of a indictment?
The accused is not even necessarily present?

ESPN just reported that he will turn himself in tomorrow. They said that the prosecution will need proof he injected roids or actually took them knowingly, meaning witnesses. Do not know if they really have any witnesses other than his trainer who keeps doing jail time for not snitching on Bonds. Should unfold more next week looks like.

I am sure the Government is satified that he is just being blasted for this on TV, gets the media talking about how bad roids are and using him as an example.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #34 on: December 06, 2007, 12:43:07 PM »
Im not a Bonds fan but I feel for him, this is total bullshit.
Like charging racers for speeding at  Daytona.

clayton green

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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #35 on: December 06, 2007, 01:22:08 PM »
It is a stacked decked.  It very easy to indicte "anyone" if you have a good prosecutor who has coached the police officer what to say and what  not to say, if asked questions by the jurous.  The jurours are picked from a random pool like all other juries and you are correct, the accusted is not even present.  The majority of the time no one is aware of the indictment except the police officer(s) testifying, prosecutor and jurors.  A lot of times they will even seal the  indictment so the press can't get a hold of any of the information contained within the indictment.  One of the major advantages of indicting someone is that  they are not entitled to a "premiliary Inquiry", which is where a judge gets to hear a portion of the evidence and defence and makes a decision whether or not their is enough evidence to proceed with prosecuting the case.  If the judge deems that there is sufficient evidence he will then forward the case to a higher court, usually Circuit, for trial.

Thats a pretty stacked deck for the prosecution...I didn't realise that.. Are the jurors from the area, or hand picked from some special group that further increase odds of a indictment?
The accused is not even necessarily present?


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2007, 01:34:21 PM »
It is a stacked decked.  It very easy to indicte "anyone" if you have a good prosecutor who has coached the police officer what to say and what  not to say, if asked questions by the jurous.  The jurours are picked from a random pool like all other juries and you are correct, the accusted is not even present.  The majority of the time no one is aware of the indictment except the police officer(s) testifying, prosecutor and jurors.  A lot of times they will even seal the  indictment so the press can't get a hold of any of the information contained within the indictment.  One of the major advantages of indicting someone is that  they are not entitled to a "premiliary Inquiry", which is where a judge gets to hear a portion of the evidence and defence and makes a decision whether or not their is enough evidence to proceed with prosecuting the case.  If the judge deems that there is sufficient evidence he will then forward the case to a higher court, usually Circuit, for trial.

The pre-lim is probably what ESPN is saying he is turning himself in for?!

If the press does not know about the indictment, howcome it was all over ESPN when it happened? I think they wanted the world to know he was being indicted.

clayton green

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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2007, 03:24:35 PM »
If the indictment was not sealed, then it becomes public information once it is filed with the courts.  I know some prosecutors who intentionally leak the information to the press for political purposes.

I am not keeping a close look at the Bonds issue but if he was indicted then he will be turning himself in for for processing (fingerprints, photographs and a bond hearing).  The only difference between an indictiment and an arrest warrant is that when you are indicted you are not intitled to preminilary hearing.


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Re: Barry Bonds Crucified
« Reply #38 on: December 10, 2007, 04:11:24 PM »
Americans are not very good at Handling The Truth.

No offense, but a very true statement...although I believe its because of there patriotism and not believing that an American can do so wrong.
Just spot me BITCH!!!