Author Topic: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"  (Read 6871 times)

Benny B

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Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:48:07 AM »
Clemens reportedly admits on "60 Minutes" that the trainer that we all know supplied him with roids and hgh gave him vitamin B-12 and painkiller shots in the ass. Guess he thinks we're all idiots? Most of you on getbig ARE idiots, but since I'm not I find this lying a-hole repugnant. It'll be sweet that he won't ever get into the Hall of Fame until he stops lying.

Camel Jockey

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2008, 11:50:32 AM »
hahaha what a fucking moron..

He denies anything at first and makes threats to sue.

Now this pile of shit.

They should take away a few of his Cy Youngs and tell him to shut it.

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2008, 11:53:59 AM »
Has anyone on here ever recieved a B-12 shot?? What does it do for you?

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2008, 11:55:12 AM »
Has anyone on here ever recieved a B-12 shot?? What does it do for you?

According to Clemens, it lets you throw 95 mph fastballs in your 40s.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2008, 12:00:37 PM »

Camel Jockey

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2008, 12:01:25 PM »
According to Clemens, it lets you throw 95 mph fastballs in your 40s.

In that case it's a HELLUVA drug!

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2008, 12:01:46 PM »
Has anyone on here ever recieved a B-12 shot?? What does it do for you?
More importantly, what's the point of taking a painkiller IN THE ASS??? Painkiller shots are localized, as far as I know. Clemens needed to numb his ass in order to pitch more effectively?  ::)

What a lying sack of shit...I hope he gets the same treatment Bonds has gotten over the years. Bonds has been unfairly given the "poster boy for steroids in baseball" treatment, while all these other liars sat back and watched. That's fucked up.

I use to think bodybuilders were the most shameful liars to lie with a straight face and no shame. Now I realize they are no different than other pro athletes...other than the fact that they aren't real athletes.  :D


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2008, 12:03:19 PM »
I took a B 12 shot once, didnt feel shit, as for lidocaine, its a local anethetic so unless he had a pain in his ass there would be no benefit to shoot lidocaine there.

Camel Jockey

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2008, 12:05:06 PM »
Bonds wasn't as big a bitch as Clemens and he played through it all.

Clemens got caught, lied, and is now spewing more bullshit. Who does this think he's fooling?

I've never liked him. Ever since that episode where he threw a piece of a broken bat at Mike Piazza.. He's a lying sack of shit.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2008, 12:07:43 PM »
Bonds wasn't as big a bitch as Clemens and he played through it all.

Clemens got caught, lied, and is now spewing more bullshit. Who does this think he's fooling?

I've never liked him. Ever since that episode where he threw a piece of a broken bat at Mike Piazza.. He's a lying sack of shit.

well....then so is every other pro athlete who denies taking performance enhancing drugs

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2008, 12:08:49 PM »
I've never liked him. Ever since that episode where he threw a piece of a broken bat at Mike Piazza.. He's a lying sack of shit.
hahaha...yeah, as a Met fan I remember that all too well. Roger DID punk Mike though...Mike didn't do shit when he should of ran to the mound and pounded on Clemen's fat head.  :D Looking back, that incident looks a bit like a 'roid rage moment.

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2008, 12:10:26 PM »
hahaha...yeah, as a Met fan I remember that all too well. Roger DID punk Mike though...Mike didn't do shit when he should of ran to the mound and pounded on Clemen's fat head.  :D Looking back, that incident looks a bit like a 'roid rage moment.

If I were Piazza I'd have clocked him with a Rawlings bat.

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2008, 12:10:53 PM »
Don't you guys realize that throwing 95 MPH fastballs IS a Pain In The Ass.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2008, 12:15:04 PM »
synthetic vitamins make you fat.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2008, 12:16:30 PM »
what a fvcking liar.  too bad the masses will buy his story and let him off the hook.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2008, 12:42:24 PM »
Clemens reportedly admits on "60 Minutes" that the trainer that we all know supplied him with roids and hgh gave him vitamin B-12 and painkiller shots in the ass. Guess he thinks we're all idiots? Most of you on getbig ARE idiots, but since I'm not I find this lying a-hole repugnant. It'll be sweet that he won't ever get into the Hall of Fame until he stops lying.
Clemens was a fat slob at best. Great pitcher...but a fatso. No way he took gas. If he did....he got major short changed and used them wrong.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2008, 12:46:18 PM »
Clemens reportedly admits on "60 Minutes" that the trainer that we all know supplied him with roids and hgh gave him vitamin B-12 and painkiller shots in the ass. Guess he thinks we're all idiots? Most of you on getbig ARE idiots, but since I'm not I find this lying a-hole repugnant. It'll be sweet that he won't ever get into the Hall of Fame until he stops lying.
Clemens was a fat slob. He had three chins. A great pitcher but a fat slob never the less. No way he took gas. If he did, he used it wrong or got short changed big time. Talk about shooting blanks.

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2008, 12:50:00 PM »
Clemens was a fat slob at best. Great pitcher...but a fatso. No way he took gas. If he did....he got major short changed and used them wrong.
Clemens doesn't look like a bodybuilder, but he's hardly a "fat slob". I like to joke about his big, fat head, but not his body. His workout routine is actually legendary in baseball circles, and he looks pretty solid and muscular to me. No major gut like you see in many guys who allow themselves tp gain weight and get sloppy as they age. It's the gh and juice...not to be confused with gin and juice.  :D

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2008, 12:53:56 PM »
by Mike Celizic

If Roger Clemens had been paying attention these past five years or so, he’d  know that he can’t deny his way out of this one.

According to the P.R. folks over at “60 Minutes,” Clemens told the show’s Mike Wallace that the only thing his former trainer, Brian McNamee, injected him with were Vitamin B-12 and lidocaine. The B-12, he said, is something he’s taken for years and the lidocaine was for his joints.

From what I can find, lidocaine is a local anesthetic like novocaine. It can also be used topically to treat skin irritation, but if you take a shot of it in the butt, which was the target area specified by McNamee, it’s not going to go to your joints. All you’re going to get is a numb butt, which might be helpful if it’s sore from all the other shots you’re getting in that part of your anatomy.

Of course, I’m not a doctor, and neither is McNamee. Yet Clemens does admit to Wallace – or so the show says he will when the interview is aired on Sunday – that McNamee did inject him.

I’m just guessing here, but I’m pretty sure Wallace doesn’t hold Clemens’ feet to the fire on this. “60 Minutes” does some pretty hard-hitting pieces, but few of them involve superstar athletes. Those pieces are usually pretty fawning – like the ones the show did with Tiger Woods and Tom Brady. Wallace has interviewed Clemens before and admits to being a fan of the big guy. Clemens probably couldn’t have done better if he’d sat down with the smoochmeister himself, Ahmad Rashad.

But he better not think the interview will make everything McNamee says about injecting Clemens with human growth hormone and steroids go away. And repeating it on Monday at a press conference won’t help. It didn’t work for Barry Bonds or Marion Jones or Rafael Palmiero or Justin Gatlin or Floyd Landis or anyone else. It’s not going to work for him.

You can see what’s coming here. Clemens is setting it up so he can say he thought McNamee was injecting him with vitamins and a butt-numbing agent. McNamee will say Clemens knew exactly what was in those shots. Clemens will say, “Who you gonna believe, him or me?”

Clemens’ attorney, Rusty Hardin, has called McNamee a “troubled man.” Others have said that’s not a fair characterization. If you’re registered with The New York Times, there’s a profile of McNamee here. (If you’re not registered, you should be; it’s a good newspaper.)

Clemens’ credibility takes further damage because his buddy and work-out partner, Andy Pettitte, has already admitted that McNamee did inject him with HGH, as the trainer said he did in baseball’s Mitchell Report.

There’s no hard proof that Clemens took any drugs, and if he was taking them before 2003, I’m not going to hold it against him because baseball had no rules against it. But I do object to lying. I also object to waiting for several weeks after the Mitchell report to get a lawyer and work out a story before starting the 2008 Roger Clemens Denial Tour.

It’s not going to work. Back when Jose Canseco started this with his book that everybody laughed at, we were willing to pretend that the guys ratting out other players were scum and the players denying the charges were the clean-living heroes they pretended to be. Then we found out that Canseco was telling the truth. And then there was the BALCO grand jury and the book, “Game of Shadows.” And now the Mitchell Report.

So who are we going to believe, the guy with the needle in his hand or the one with the needle in his butt?


Mike Peters

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2008, 01:39:47 PM »
The moral of this story and the lesson to be learned is always inject yourself with the gear.  Do NOT let some trainer inject you. 

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2008, 01:42:45 PM »
The moral of this story and the lesson to be learned is always inject yourself with the gear.  Do NOT let some trainer inject you. 
There are no "morals" in the story as you see it.  ;) The moral of this story is don't take drugs that are illegal without the proper prescription and then lie about it.


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2008, 01:43:30 PM »
Clemens reportedly admits on "60 Minutes" that the trainer that we all know supplied him with roids and hgh gave him vitamin B-12 and painkiller shots in the ass. Guess he thinks we're all idiots? Most of you on getbig ARE idiots, but since I'm not I find this lying a-hole repugnant. It'll be sweet that he won't ever get into the Hall of Fame until he stops lying.

Why do you start a negative thread on Clemens? Why do you care if he used drugs? Do you enjoy the negative responses?
HAHA, RON.....

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2008, 01:51:50 PM »
Why do you start a negative thread on Clemens? Why do you care if he used drugs? Do you enjoy the negative responses?
I'd like to know people's thoughts on a major figure in the world of sports.
Care to enlighten me on how many people know or care about the female bodybuilder you are infatuated with?

Please be more creative in your attempt to imitate me. Oh, and fuck off asshole!  >:(


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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2008, 01:53:35 PM »
I'd like to know people's thoughts on a major figure in the world of sports.
Care to enlighten me on how many people know or care about the female bodybuilder you are infatuated with?

Please be more creative in your attempt to imitate me. Oh, and fuck off asshole!  >:(

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Too easy....
HAHA, RON.....

Benny B

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Re: Clemens..."I only took B-12 and painkiller shots in my butt!"
« Reply #24 on: January 04, 2008, 01:54:36 PM »

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Too easy....
What's too easy for you...swallowing sperm?