Author Topic: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan  (Read 3900 times)


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Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« on: January 24, 2008, 11:22:04 AM »
    Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
    Four-pronged approach will strengthen the economy by reforming taxes, cutting spending, improving monetary policy and eliminating burdensome regulations


    January 24, 2008


    America became the greatest, most prosperous nation in human history through low taxes, limited government, personal freedom and a belief in sound money. We need to return to these principles so our economy can thrive again. When enacted, my plan will provide both short-term stimulus and lay the groundwork for long-term prosperity.

    Other candidates talk a lot about stimulus packages, but my record stands alone. I have fought for these measures for years as a member of Congress and will make them a top priority as president.

    Ron Paul, a 10-term Republican congressman from Texas's 14th District, is currently the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology. He has been named "Taxpayers' Best Friend" for 10 consecutive years by the National Taxpayers' Union. Ron Paul is also the author of several books on monetary policy and economics.

    The Four-Point Plan

Tax Reform: Reduce the tax burden and eliminate taxes that punish investment and savings, including job-killing corporate taxes.
Spending Reform: Eliminate wasteful spending. Reduce overseas commitments. Freeze all non-defense, non-entitlement spending at current levels.
Monetary Policy Reform: Expand openness with the Federal Reserve and require the Fed to televise its meetings. Return value to our money.
Regulatory Reform: Repeal Sarbanes/Oxley regulations that push companies to seek capital outside of US markets. Stop restricting community banks from fostering local economic growth.

1. Tax Reform

  • Eliminate Taxes on Dividends and Savings.
The basis of capitalism is savings, and Americans who do so should be rewarded.
Pass HJ Res. 23 to encourage savings over consumption.

  • Repeal the Death Tax.
Attacking small businesses and breaking up family farms smothers growth and kills jobs.
Pass H.R. 2734 to make the Bush tax cuts permanent.

  • Cut Taxes for Working Seniors
Grandmothers and grandfathers working to make ends meet should keep all the fruits of their labor.
Pass H.R. 191 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the inclusion in gross income of Social Security benefits.

  • Eliminate Taxes on Social Security Benefits.
That money belongs to seniors, not the government. They paid into the system for a lifetime, and they should be free to spend every penny as they see fit.
Pass H.R. 192 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the 1993 increase in taxes on Social Security benefits.

  • Accelerate Depreciation on Investment.
We need to help companies grow and create jobs.
Pass H.R. 4995 and amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reduce corporate marginal income tax rates.

  • Eliminate Taxes on Capital Gains.
Investment should be embraced and rewarded.
Pass H.J. Res 23 (The “Liberty Amendment”), proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and gift taxes and prohibiting the United States Government from engaging in business in competition with its citizens.

  • Eliminate Taxes on Tips.
The single parents and working students who earn their income chiefly through tips deserve to keep all of their money. This tax on "estimated income" is unfair and should be ended.
Pass H.R. 3664 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide that tips shall not be subject to income or employment taxes.

  • Support Mortgage Cancelation Relief Act.
Working families who lost their homes should not be punished a second time with a big IRS bill.
Pass H.R. 1876 to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude from gross income of individual taxpayers discharges of indebtedness attributable to certain forgiven residential mortgage obligations.

2. Spending Reform

  • Reduce Overseas Military Commitments.
Our bases and troops should be on our soil, bolstering our economy.
It's time to stop subsidizing our business competitors in Europe, Japan and South Korea.

  • Freeze Non-Defense, Non-Entitlement Spending at Current Levels

I vote against all bloated, pork laden spending bills and will veto them as president.

3. Monetary Policy Reform

  • Televise Federal Open Market Committee Meetings.
An institution as powerful as the Federal Reserve deserves full public scrutiny.

  • Expand Transparency and Accountability at the Federal Reserve

Pass H.R. 2754 to require the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to continue to make available to the public on a weekly basis information on the measure of the M3 monetary aggregate and its components.

  • Return Value to Our Money. Legalize gold and silver as a competing currency.

Level the long-term boom and bust business cycle by passing H.R. 4683, which would repeal provisions of the federal criminal code relating to issuance coins of gold, silver, or other metal for use as current money and making or possessing likenesses of such coins.

4. Regulatory Reform

  • Repeal Sarbanes/Oxley.
It has seriously wounded our capital markets and helped make the UK the financial center at our expense.
Ending these misguided regulations would bring jobs flooding back to the United States

Pass H.R. 1049 to reform Sarbanes-Oxley and reduce the burden it places on small businesses.
  • Repeal or Remove Costly and Unnecessary Federal Regulations.
Neighbors know best how to help their neighbors.
We need to make it easier for community banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions to better serve their communities and to help people in these communities get access to credit and capital.
Pass H.R. 1869 to enhance the ability of community banks to foster economic growth and serve their communities, boost small businesses, increase individual savings, and for other purposes. [/list]


  • Getbig II
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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 11:27:45 AM »
Love the guys' domestic policy.

Paul would be the Republican nominee if his foreign policy wasn't so stupid.

That and he comes across as a total asshole on TV.


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 11:40:47 AM »
That and he comes across as a total asshole on TV.

how does he come across as an asshole? Do you think he is an asshole for not speaking in simplified terms?

The rest of the candidates speak to people as if they are children, consoling them everything will be alright, its ok don't worry. It's absolutely foolish the way other candidates treat people

I don't see it. I see the rest of the candidates as puppets who say whatever they think the public wants to hear. They look like the real asses. I'm not saying that because I like RP. The other candidates are liars. It's difficult to take their word for anything, they are soo full of shit. People shouldn't be supporting people like romney, mccain, billary. Those candidates aren't there to support the people. It's scary that people support these candidates and believe them word for word. With RP it's different.

This what I mean:


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 12:02:42 PM »
how does he come across as an asshole? Do you think he is an asshole for not speaking in simplified terms?

The rest of the candidates speak to people as if they are children, consoling them everything will be alright, its ok don't worry. It's absolutely foolish the way other candidates treat people

I don't see it. I see the rest of the candidates as puppets who say whatever they think the public wants to hear. They look like the real asses. I'm not saying that because I like RP. The other candidates are liars. It's difficult to take their word for anything, they are soo full of shit. People shouldn't be supporting people like romney, mccain, billary. Those candidates aren't there to support the people. It's scary that people support these candidates and believe them word for word. With RP it's different.

This what I mean:

Dude did you see him in the last Republican debate? He did not come across as personable at all.

Like I said, if his foreign policy was as good as his domestic policy, I'd be a Ronulan too.

Dos Equis

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 12:11:35 PM »
Dude did you see him in the last Republican debate? He did not come across as personable at all.

True.  He comes across as sort of grumpy and a little whiney at times.  That's part of the reason he doesn't sell well.  He has a solid background and some good ideas, but isn't packaged very well. 


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 12:16:58 PM »
seriously some of you are fucked :D

you guys are complaining about how personable he is. Come on now. hahaha.

Listen to what he is bringing to the table compared to the rest, he is a much better candidate than them.

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 12:19:51 PM »
seriously some of you are fucked :D

you guys are complaining about how personable he is. Come on now. hahaha

Listen to what he is bringing to the table compared to the rest, they don't compare.

I'm not complaining about him.  Just making an observation.  A candidate has to be able to sell himself or not enough people will listen to his ideas and he won't get elected.  It's partly a beauty contest.  I don't like that, but that's simply the way it is. 


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 12:34:04 PM »
I'm not complaining about him.  Just making an observation.  A candidate has to be able to sell himself or not enough people will listen to his ideas and he won't get elected.  It's partly a beauty contest.  I don't like that, but that's simply the way it is. 

ok fine you aren't complaining.

This is the problem. Admitting it's a beauty contest then saying that it's simply the way it is, is foolish. It's insane actually. Reading your post in my judgement you do like this system otherwise you would see the insanity of the system in how america decides on its next leader. If there was no vanity involved, the issues and the future of the country are the most important criteria for electing the next president.

Isn't the prosperity of America the most important issue for america and americans today? Security is important but if you have no money there is no security  ;)

If it is then what difference does it make in how well the candidate sells himself? If people can't hear the message because they are blinded by superficial things, then america is doomed.

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2008, 12:51:57 PM »
ok fine you aren't complaining.

This is the problem. Admitting it's a beauty contest then saying that it's simply the way it is, is foolish. It's insane actually. Reading your post in my judgement you do like this system otherwise you would see the insanity of the system in how america decides on its next leader. If there was no vanity involved, the issues and the future of the country are the most important criteria for electing the next president.

Isn't the prosperity of America the most important issue for america and americans today? Security is important but if you have no money there is no security  ;)

If it is then what difference does it make in how well the candidate sells himself? If people can't hear the message because they are blinded by superficial things, then america is doomed.

If I'm following you, you're saying by making an observation about the system that  means I actually like the system?   ???  No, that's not true.  I stand by what I said.  Simply making an observation doesn't mean you like the way things are.  That makes no sense. 

I've talked about this before.  An ultra liberal local columnist made this point in a thread I created a while back, when talking about why Obama was leading in Iowa:

Third, we tend to prefer personality over intellect in American politics, particularly in the age of television. Don’t believe that? Witness the ascendancy of His Incompetency, George W. Bush.

He can’t talk. He can’t think. He can’t do much of anything right. And intellectually he could-n’t carry the bags of John McCain, Al Gore or John Kerry - his principal opponents in 2000 and 2004.

But boy-oh-boy-oh-boy is Bush ever folksy. His twang reminds you of every country western singer, every good old boy gathered around the cracker barrel you ever heard, saw or read about. His little sneer may bother you at times, but his kiddin’ and joshin’ make you forget his administration’s non-response to Hurricane Katrina and the war he launched over those non-existent “weapons of mass destruction.”

Personality counts, and Obama’s got it. He’s obviously comfortable with himself, his past and his present. Obama lopes into a rally, and he brings excitement with him.

Here is another observation:  we don't put our best and brightest in public office, particularly the presidency.  For example, Jeb is probably smarter and might have been a better president than Dubya, but Jeb didn't run in 2000.  The most qualified man in the country to be president isn't running (Colin Powell).  Does that mean I like the process and I'm happy with the candidates?  Of course not. 

I don't think America is doomed, but one of the facts of our way of life is personality sells (just like Boylan said).  So does appearance.  This is true in government, entertainment, business . . . .  It's everywhere.  And I don't think it's necessarily unique to the U.S.   


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2008, 01:34:12 PM »
Mb u want ur guy to win..he has to sell himself better. Thats part of the game. Also he has to be able to sell himself abroad as well once he's president. He can't come off as whiny or seen as weak. This domestic policy is great...I'd also look at suspending all foreign aid...all...until a 90 day review can be conducted. Then a select few can get back in line. All Paul or whoever has to say is that America can no longer afford to to be all things to all people and that we need to clean up or own economic problems. I like his plan alot....


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2008, 02:14:15 PM »
All Paul or whoever has to say is that America can no longer afford to to be all things to all people and that we need to clean up or own economic problems.

Ron Paul has been doing this nonstop on every debate.

Please watch the debate tonight.

I don't want a polished used car salesman , I prefer someone be themselves, and be honest with me.

I think Ron Paul is the most honest person running, just look how he gives money back to the treasury every year ( this year it s 75,000 ) from the funds he is given to run his office in D.C.

and if you just take the time to read up on him, you might like what you learn.

Beach Bum and headhuntersix, both of you should honestly consider Dr. Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2008, 02:25:15 PM »
Ron Paul has been doing this nonstop on every debate.

Please watch the debate tonight.

I don't want a polished used car salesman , I prefer someone be themselves, and be honest with me.

I think Ron Paul is the most honest person running, just look how he gives money back to the treasury every year ( this year it s 75,000 ) from the funds he is given to run his office in D.C.

and if you just take the time to read up on him, you might like what you learn.

Beach Bum and headhuntersix, both of you should honestly consider Dr. Paul.

Eldon I like Ron Paul.  I created a thread about where he stands on issues and both headhunter and I agreed with him on most issues.  Ozark agreed too.

The problem is he isn't going to be elected. 


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2008, 02:30:36 PM »
If I'm following you, you're saying by making an observation about the system that  means I actually like the system?   ???  No, that's not true.  I stand by what I said.  Simply making an observation doesn't mean you like the way things are.  That makes no sense. 

Many people, including you by some of the things you say fall into this mentality of thinking and go with the majority. They know its foolish and go along with it. Electing someone that is able to "Win".

Nobody is perfect, RP would bring sanity back to America -> Worldwide.

The monetary system has to change.

Eldon I like Ron Paul.  I created a thread about where he stands on issues and both headhunter and I agreed with him on most issues.  Ozark agreed too.

The problem is he isn't going to be elected.  

LOL you proved my point.  :)


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2008, 02:46:19 PM »
Beach Bum,

I would rather be right and lose, than to be wrong and win.

Do you really Like anyone else ?

Rudy ? do you know all the millions he has made since leaving  being a mayor, in shady middle east deals ?

Huckabee ?    talks great, but the truth is...... He is a pro life Liberal, and he never met a tax he did not like.

McCain ?   I read on-line that even Rush Limbaugh said that if John McCain is the Republican running for President, he might sit out , and not vote this time around.

Romney ?   read up on his shady money deals with China, and all of his offshore deals.  This is why the Duncan Hunter said he would not support him.

Hillary ?  please, She is a joke,   she says she has 35 years of experience,    if you believe this, I feel sorry for you

and do you really want Bill Clinton as our first lady ?

Obama,  What has he ever done  that shows he would be a Great President ?

Edwards,  this guy is the biggest joke of all.......  and both of his 2 Worlds :-)

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2008, 02:47:57 PM »
Many people, including you by some of the things you say fall into this mentality of thinking and go with the majority. They know its foolish and go along with it. Electing someone that is able to "Win".

Nobody is perfect, RP would bring sanity back to America -> Worldwide.

The monetary system has to change.

LOL you proved my point.  :)

Not true at all.  I make up my own mind.  I vote my conscience.  That's why I'm an independent.   :)  I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans.  I actually gave Obama a hard look, but figured out he is just a garden variety liberal.  

What I won't do is waste my vote.

In addition, I'm not sure I would vote for Ron Paul even if he were a legitimate candidate.  I'm not convinced he could man the bully pulpit effectively, which is one of the president's primary jobs.  Love his tax positions though.  :)  

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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2008, 02:53:56 PM »
Beach Bum,

I would rather be right and lose, than to be wrong and win.

Do you really Like anyone else ?

Rudy ? do you know all the millions he has made since leaving  being a mayor, in shady middle east deals ?

Huckabee ?    talks great, but the truth is...... He is a pro life Liberal, and he never met a tax he did not like.

McCain ?   I read on-line that even Rush Limbaugh said that if John McCain is the Republican running for President, he might sit out , at not vote this time around.

Romney ?   read up on his shady deal with China, and all of his offshore deals.  This is why the Duncan Hunter said he would not support him.

Hillary ?  please, this bitch is a joke,   she says she has 35 years of experience,    if you believe this, I feel sorry for you

and do you really want Bill Clinton as our first lady ?

Obama,  What has he ever done  that shows he would be a Great President ?

Edwards,  this guy is the biggest joke of all.......  and both of his 2 Worlds :-)

I'm not sure who I'm going to vote for.  I've been doing the process of elimination.  Will not be Hillary, Obama, or Edwards.  Ron Paul simply isn't a viable candidate.  That really leaves me with Rudy, McCain, Romney, and Huck.  Out of those, I'd say McCain/Huck would be a good ticket in the general.  McCain has a solid military background and is a principled man.  Huck is a good man who has been a successful governor.

That said, no one in this race excites me.   


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2008, 03:05:30 PM »
John McCain vs. John McCain

John McCain flip flops on ethics reform

47 Second Flip Flop


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2008, 04:10:03 PM »
Eldon u might be right..but here is the problem right now..what if enough folks who like Ron Paul and vote for him....and they'd be more then likely true conservatives, hand over the country to Obama or Hil. I do like him more and more. If he would lay out a real Iraq plan other then saying we're pulling out. I'd be blasting the board in support for him.


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2008, 04:39:55 PM »
When RP hits an interveiw or has to present...... he comes in with alot of hurdles to jump over.....this makes him get straight to the point to validates his ideas.  Hes not spending alot of time trying to be pritty( like romney and saying empty things)

The dude is all business because thats what we need more than ever...major reform is a hurdle...I like his NO BULLSHIT presentations.!!!    Says alot to me that his policys are laid out for all to see this early when all the others are secretive about details.


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2008, 04:56:26 PM »

You and beachbum, keep mentioning the fact that a vote for Paul is a waisted vote.
to tell the truth,  I have been going over and over this same fact in my head for the last few months.
but as Beach said he once voted for democrats, I have always voted  Republican. But after 8 years of Bush,
I see that Bush and many other republicans are not truly conservatives.
example :
1.)Bush spending money like a drunken sailor  wtf ???
2.)Bush nominating his personal lawyer Harriet Miers for supreme court justice, she had never been a judge in her life, and she was a democrat in the  80's and 90's.  WTF ???

3.)his bribing of many senators 6 months ago, trying to get the McCain/Kennedy Sh-Amnesty passed.

4.) And lastly, Bush has taken way too much away from us, with the Homeland Security,  He is turning the USA into the USSR, and come a few years, you will be stopped on the streets and asked for your passport ( national I.D. )  WTF ??
I have had it.

Remember that Ron Paul voted for the War in Afghanstan, to go after Alqueda,  and he is very supportive of our troops.

He did not vote for the War in Iraq, as they had not attacked us. and they were no more a threat than many other Countires, such as North Korea, and many others.  Sure Saddam was bad,  but as Pat Buchanan said, it is not our job to police the world anymore.
and we are going broke doing so.

Watch the debate tonight on MSNBC,  and just listen hard, and ask yourself, who is being honest, and who sounds like a used car saleman.



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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2008, 05:22:21 PM »
Oh, not voting for the war is not the problem. The guy thought we were going after the least dangerous folks and maybe he's right. Its the fact that we are there and he better have a clue as to what to do. He is the only real conservative. I'm sure he has a plan for Iraq beyond..we need to pull out..I'd liek to hear it.  I'm not thrilled with any Repub...I don't see any Reagan types on the horizon either...keep posting the Ron Paul stuff because it furthers the debate..he would be a good president. I have plenty of time to decide......but I can't stand to think that there is any chance that Obama could be president..or even Hil. Edwards is the biggest used car salesmen of all of them.


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2008, 05:27:53 PM »
I can't stand to think that there is any chance that Obama could be president..or even Hil. Edwards is the biggest used car salesmen of all of them

 that is a scary thought :o

Headhuntersix,  are you going to get to watch the debate tonight ?
It is on in about 30 minutes...

Here is a good video :


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2008, 09:15:30 PM »
I will vote for Paul. I have told everyone who dosent know about him and guided them to vote for him or at least look at him as a candidate. The shitty thing is that most people dont know about him. I love him and love what he says he is in reality the "Champion of the Constution" I wish the people on the news would give him a little more credit. They dont even talk about him unless its in a joke.


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Re: Ron Paul Unveils a REAL Economic Stimulus Plan
« Reply #23 on: January 25, 2008, 03:26:16 PM »
good post  :)