Author Topic: It brings me great joy to watch .............  (Read 5503 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2008, 02:38:09 PM »

i'm dependent on you ? i pay more in taxes per quarter, then you make in a yr. YOU'RE DEPENDENT ON ME, and don't forget it !

without capitalists like me taking risks in the business have nothing. no paycheck, no healthcare.........nothi ng. this country was built by people like me, not some lazy government employee !

just remember one thing, I'M THE CAPITALIST and you're the socialist.

that hurts big time huh ?


a CONSERVATIVE republican outspent 42 presidents COMBINED ! you can not escape the facts ! hahahaaaaa

the biggest spenders in human history have been the republicans......and you can't SPIN those facts.

I was waiting for the "I make more money" post and right on que...U have no idea how much money I make and as usual when u lib morons can't find a real argument..u resort to that or name calling..its typical.  Get this bro..I don't care how much money u make and I will never ever be dependent on u.There isn't a single thing u can do for me...not one.  U however can't walk done the street without guys like me doing my job. I lump in all the cops and firefighters as well since they too are socialists. ::) As far as being built by people like was built by soldiers and patriots...not name callers with massive inferiority complexes. And in my experience people who say things like " i pay more in taxes per quarter, then you make in a yr"  generally don't.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #51 on: March 08, 2008, 02:44:40 PM »
HH6.  Trying to hold up the Titanic on his own.    EPIC spanking by NT on our socialist soldier, who hates everything he needs, to support himself daily.

Maybe you and joeloco should meet, to grope in a toilet stall with Larry craig................... .......Its the republican way..


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2008, 02:56:55 PM »
Republicans want small goverment??   Heres the facts....


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2008, 03:05:45 PM »
Drink some haterade on the clinton vs bush numbers.

Tell me repugs are for small govt............what a dumbass.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #54 on: March 08, 2008, 03:22:34 PM »
Are u to idiots are done jerking each other off. I make u sick... ::)u hate ur own country. I guess any alpha male makes douches like u sick. Gotta wonder what service man buggered ur wife. Good for him :D


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #55 on: March 08, 2008, 03:27:05 PM »

WH, great post. i'm sure the republicans have NOTHING to say about those charts.

bush outspent 42 prior presidents combined and the GOPers still argue the Dems are the BIG GOVERNMENT party.

a total joke.

HAHAHAHA.  He has no response but personal attacks, now......pathetic.   Hes probably gonna call senator Larry Craig for a reach around tonite....and thats for real!! :-X   Not just an internet wet dream for our dumb lil grunt, living off govt welfare checks.....


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #56 on: March 08, 2008, 03:30:44 PM »
Republicans want small goverment??   Heres the facts....

CONSERVATIVES want small government.

There have not been very many conservatives in the Republican party lately.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #57 on: March 08, 2008, 03:33:31 PM »
U guys start with personal aattcks from the get go....its the getbig lib checklist...personal attack consisting of

ur dumb..
I make more money
I'm better educated
Bush this Bush that
some attack on Christians
some attack on America
some attack on the military

Its so predictable.
I'm not a grunt dumbass....I was a grunt a long time ago. I'd love to take u into a planning session run by "dumb grunts"...U'd have a better shot at learning ancient Greek then figuring out what they're doing.

Too true....but this thread has devolved into idot leftwing name calling.



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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #58 on: March 08, 2008, 03:42:17 PM »
CONSERVATIVES want small government.

There have not been very many conservatives in the Republican party lately.

I agree with you.   It was a noble thought, but not one that was applied unfortunatly.      I dont believe in socialism. (Everybody can work at something)

But as Decker states, I dont believe in unlimited corporate growth as monopolies would exist.   We need basic mandates to control the good for all.

But no one should get a free ride.  This is why dems are mostly center now and why conservatives are in the center also.  The old definitions dont apply.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #59 on: March 08, 2008, 03:48:20 PM »
I don't think anybody on here can say that Bush has driven us into the ground economically. He should have cut alot of wasteful programs while he had congress. But do u really believe that either of the Dems will not continue to grow government and spend us into the ground further. Their plans are online.....and forget Iraq we're not leaving so u genius's better figure a way of turning a profit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #60 on: March 08, 2008, 03:53:04 PM »
I don't think anybody on here can say that Bush has driven us into the ground economically. He should have cut alot of wasteful programs while he had congress. But do u really believe that either of the Dems will not continue to grow government and spend us into the ground further. Their plans are online.....and forget Iraq we're not leaving so u genius's better figure a way of turning a profit.

You look at that graph and tell me what the Dems pattern is and how it compares to repubs..........The pattern tells me that the dems are used to fixing messes, so most likely will this time. But it may be to much for anyone at this point.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #61 on: March 08, 2008, 04:08:29 PM »

you're an uneducated clown.

go pick up your government check that MY taxes provide for you.

LOL... Youre relentless..... ;D


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #62 on: March 08, 2008, 04:16:42 PM »

I agree with you.   It was a noble thought, but not one that was applied unfortunatly.      I dont believe in socialism. (Everybody can work at something)

But as Decker states, I dont believe in unlimited corporate growth as monopolies would exist.   We need basic mandates to control the good for all.

But no one should get a free ride.  This is why dems are mostly center now and why conservatives are in the center also.  The old definitions dont apply.

I like Decker. He's smart and rational but I do think he's a tad bit on the left with some of his fiscal point of views.

He's right though. Unlimited corporate growth will lead to too powerful corporations which stifles open markets and free enterprise. However, I'm of the point of view that government should stick to leveling the playing field and leave it to the American business owner to run the economy. IMO, when ever the government gets involved in anything it turns to shit. Sort of the anti-Midas touch. We can cite references of government incompetence all day long.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #63 on: March 08, 2008, 04:30:40 PM »
I like Decker. He's smart and rational but I do think he's a tad bit on the left with some of his fiscal point of views.

He's right though. Unlimited corporate growth will lead to too powerful corporations which stifles open markets and free enterprise. However, I'm of the point of view that government should stick to leveling the playing field and leave it to the American business owner to run the economy. IMO, when ever the government gets involved in anything it turns to shit. Sort of the anti-Midas touch. We can cite references of government incompetence all day long.

Look at my thread.  "Americas Free market"    We need to block NAFTA and outside interest to save our way of life..


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2008, 04:38:39 PM »
Look at my thread.  "Americas Free market"    We need to block NAFTA and outside interest to save our way of life..

I agree. We can thank Bush Sr. and Bubba Clinton for NAFTA.

We still have an American dollar in a death spiral, jobs going overseas, high inflation, and a flood of illegal immigrants. The last time I checked the Mexian economy is still crap.

I'm sure it's all a part of the "big" plan to introduce the Amero and piss away our nation's sovereignty. I mean, why the fuck not? The government doesn't seem to have a problem with robbing us of our individuals freedoms do they?

And I'm talking about Democrats AND Republicans that have sold America out.

BTW, the "American Free Market" is a myth. There is nothing free about a heavily regulated market. In some ways I don't blame companies for leaving.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #65 on: March 08, 2008, 04:46:07 PM »
I agree. We can thank Bush Sr. and Bubba Clinton for NAFTA.

We still have an American dollar in a death spiral, jobs going overseas, high inflation, and a flood of illegal immigrants. The last time I checked the Mexian economy is still crap.

I'm sure it's all a part of the "big" plan to introduce the Amero and piss away our nation's sovereignty. I mean, why the fuck not? The government doesn't seem to have a problem with robbing us of our individuals freedoms do they?

And I'm talking about Democrats AND Republicans that have sold America out.

BTW, the "American Free Market" is a myth. There is nothing free about a heavily regulated market. In some ways I don't blame companies for leaving.

Actually there is nothing free about a heavily UN-Regulated Market.   They go overseas because they can, see.!!      Its like a teenager running away from home because he can......What if it was beneficial for him to stay?  What if the penalties for leaving were huge?  The loss of american jobs s the core of our demise, we should be inclined to stay and help ourselves...Not just run to mexico for immediate profits...


  • Getbig V
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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #66 on: March 08, 2008, 04:51:53 PM »

Actually there is nothing free about a heavily UN-Regulated Market.   They go overseas because they can, see.!!      Its like a teenager running away from home because he can......What if it was beneficial for him to stay?  What if the penalties for leaving were huge?  The loss of american jobs s the core of our demise, we should be inclined to stay and help ourselves...Not just run to mexico for immediate profits...

It won't happen. I'm sorry but it's a fantasy.

The Chinese control the value of their currency to keep it low. American companies leave because the (far) left want to tax the fuck out of them making it hard to compete with the already unfair global market.

Then there is "Federal" Reserve. What a fucking joke. Out of money? Don't worry, we'll make more!

The American public had their chance to select Ron Paul and they didn't. While I strongly disagree with his views on Iraq (we are there so finish the damn job or be prepared to send our son's and daughters back) he's balls on accurate about our economy and our tax and spend government.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #67 on: March 08, 2008, 05:03:15 PM »
It won't happen. I'm sorry but it's a fantasy.

The Chinese control the value of their currency to keep it low. American companies leave because the (far) left want to tax the fuck out of them making it hard to compete with the already unfair global market.

Then there is "Federal" Reserve. What a fucking joke. Out of money? Don't worry, we'll make more!

The American public had their chance to select Ron Paul and they didn't. While I strongly disagree with his views on Iraq (we are there so finish the damn job or be prepared to send our son's and daughters back) he's balls on accurate about our economy and our tax and spend government.

It must happen or our economy will collapse or weaken.  Other countries will drag us into more wars we cant afford.   The chinese will pull the plug on loans if the dollar continues to drop. (They are losing money).   Other countries will urge nations to stop valuing Oil in Dollars and were f'd.

All of this would be solved if we came back together to build our own economy again, to gaurd our own borders, to keep busines here.
It would be tough as price corrections would have to take place, as to what the costs of goods should be for real working wages in the US.

Globalization will kill us, we cant compete with mexico, india, china etc.

Straw Man

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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #68 on: March 08, 2008, 05:21:43 PM »
Calling a soldier or any employee of our government a socialist is ridiculous.   
By that standard then every politician right up to the President is also a socialist.

Straw Man

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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #69 on: March 08, 2008, 05:47:05 PM »
socialism: An economic system in which the production and distribution of goods are controlled substantially by the government rather than by private enterprise.

if you work for the government, (think HH6) by definition you're in a form a socialism. clearly, it's not capiltalism...... is it ?

HH6 plays the capitalist fiddle.......but every Jan. he waits for his socialist C.O.L.A.

You're taking a definition about a country and applying it to an individual.  It makes no sense.  HH could be regarded as a capitalist in that he trades his time for a salary.  He's not living on a governemtn handout.  Your whole premise makes no sense. 

Straw Man

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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #70 on: March 08, 2008, 05:56:07 PM »

just a reminder why i initiated this thread.  8)

I remember.  And that premise didn't make much sense either.

I get your point I just doubt that Bush and Co gives a flying fuck and my point is that plenty others who didn't support Bush or do anything to create the current situation are being harmed.  The rain falls on everyone.

Straw Man

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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #71 on: March 08, 2008, 06:15:34 PM »

HH6 plays the capitalist fiddle asking for smaller government, while his hands are outstreched looking for more government handouts..... for himself. you can't have it BOTH ways.

he'd cry like a baby if his C.O.L.A. didn't arrive every Jan 1st.

but God forbid anyone else received ANYTHING from the government !

if you say so

We're probably on the same page on most stuff but I just don't see your point of view on this or (as I previously mentioned) the need to gloat about the serious problems facing our economy.   The people that will suffer the most are not Bush or the financial wizards on Wall Street.  Those guys will be fine.  Does this idiot look like he cares about anything?


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #72 on: March 08, 2008, 06:42:26 PM »

HH6 plays the capitalist fiddle asking for smaller government, while his hands are outstreched looking for more government handouts..... for himself. you can't have it BOTH ways.

he'd cry like a baby if his C.O.L.A. didn't arrive every Jan 1st.

but God forbid anyone else received ANYTHING from the government !

A government "hand out" is getting something for nothing.

Are you suggesting that those that serve in the military or as public servants (less sellout politicians) give nothing back?

Social workers, police officers, firemen, members of the armed forces, and teachers just take and do absolutely nothing for society?

Put your political bias aside for a minute and think about necessary government spending to maintain and support our nation's infrastructure and national defense vs. parasitic turds in society that feed off our tax dollars.

HH6 is a military veteran who has seen combat. I'd say he's sacrificed a lot for his country. Have you? What have you done besides "pay your taxes?"

Politics aside, your lack of respect for the military embarasses me. You embarass yourself.


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #73 on: March 09, 2008, 07:20:51 AM »
You may want to get a better understanding of what fascism means.

Values + church + indiference to government action = easily manipulated crowd. And this is the case ALL THE TIME, be it here in the US or in Burkina Fasso. That is exactly the goal of the fascists: self-regulation and no challenge of government. And this is exactly what does not happen is NY. People here are much more scheptical of what Bush says.

When you go further west, or north, that's when you start hearing the "U-S-A" every 5 minutes, the "Proud to be an American" bumper stickers, etc. You know, the type of shit that deviates your attention from the fact that your grandpa has more money than you, you now pay more taxes than your grandpa (even though they built all the infrastructure back in his time,) and you now pay more for shit that has a lifecycle ¼ of those your grandpa bought.

I am of the crowd that believes in the following:

Leave me the fuck alone + complete separation of church and state + less taxes = what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

Note, a patriot is someone who loves his country and is scheptic of his government. A stupid moronic imbecile is someone who loves his government and does everything he is asked, even when it involves OBVIOUS crimes against humanity.

The people who wrote the Constitution warned us about the shit that is going down right now.

And do me a favor, next time write more than 12 words. Fucking worried about the keys on your keyboard getting worn down? 


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Re: It brings me great joy to watch .............
« Reply #74 on: March 09, 2008, 08:06:51 AM »
[...]In some ways I don't blame companies for leaving.

Well, the thing is they don't. They just take the jobs to a country that has no labor laws (Viet Nam, Cambodia, etc.,) turn around and sell you THE VERY SAME SHIT for the VERY SAME PRICE. Nike is a company that comes to mind. Remember Kathy Lee Gifford? Outsourcing production to a country that had no labor laws, and hence managers could demand slavery-like services from their employees, was a big thing years ago (and now even moreso because of China). They all fucking knew it. They all knew it was WROOOOOOONG. And these were BY AND LARGE American companies.

I remember seeing a documentary on Nike. If my memory serves me right, I remember hearing that the company's costs to ship all the materials to a foreign (Asian) country was 85 cents per unit, 5 cents to asemble and 90 cents to ship back to the US, where a pair of sneakers would cost you and I $115.00, while it cost Nike less than $2.00. Who benefited? 

Wander now why the towelheads fly planes into our buildings?