Author Topic: Rugby  (Read 2075 times)


  • Getbig IV
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« on: April 04, 2008, 01:04:21 PM »
Guys, i love learning about diff ways to lift, even though i never try half of them (i know what pretty much works for me). I like hearing abut them from u guys etc. So thought id share one here.

Loads wee kids use my gym, its quite near a school so kids come in after school, but once ina  while u get a more experienced lifter, or in this part of the world an athlete.

This was from rugby player who is turning to more olympic lifting (hopes to maybe try bodybuilding at later stage), was put together by his rugby coaches so it s by no means perfect but here u go:

Based around a split with each muscle being worked with aximum weight one week and dynamically the next:
Monday Focus= chest (heavy) and cleans (speed)
1.Incline bench (due to time constraints-he goes all out after warm ups, training in higher intensity style shooting for 8 reps or more b4 failure)+one drop set
2.incline Flys Same as above with no drop set (couple assissted reps+negatives used on incline press and fly).
3.3x5 dynamic/speed cleans
4.Bench assisstance work=close grip press ups 2x as many as possible.
Thats day 1.Chest was maximum weight,cleans was speed (swaps each week).

Wednesday focus=legs..Quads (heavy).hammys (speed).
After warm up.
1.Maximum squat for 6 or more reps (get 6 then up weihgt next time).
2.Maximum leg raise OR leg press (edpending how spent after squat) 1x 10-12.
3.Box jumps.
4.Hammy speed work (pik xcercise).

Friday focus=shoulders (heavy)/back (speed)
Hang clean and press 3x5
Lat raise 1x8+ (same intense work,slow negatives etc)
BB Row (dynamic) 3x5
Pulldowns 1x8 (heavy)
Bb Curl 1x8 (Heavy)

Week 2:
Monday Chest (speed)..Cleans (heavy)
Incline bench 3x5
Flys 2x15
Cleans 3x5 (work up to heaviest weight)
CGBP (heavy) 1x8

Wednesday Quads (speed)...Hammys (heavy)
Squat either jump squats, or heavy 20 rep set.
leg raise 2x30
Heavy leg curl/sldl

Friday shoulders (speed)....Back (heavy)
Push press 3x5
lat raise 2x15
BB Row 1x10 (heavy as poss)
T-Bar row (heavy as possible)
Dips (heavy)
DB Curl 2x15

There u go.

So in other words when theres for example heavy benching then he does light assistance work e.g. tris (pushups)
And when thers speed benching he does heavy assistance work e.g. CGBP.

Same goes for everything....Heavy shoulders = light assistance-pushups.
Dynamic/speed shoulders = Heavy assistance-Dips.

Goes for all body parts.

Like i said hes a rugby player, thats his off season routine, been given it to bulk up while working on power and all out strength on the basics aswell.

Looks to have good mix of explosive moves and basic xcercises e.g. BB row/flys etc which are all done HIT style.

Thought u guys wud appreciate

It isn't the mountains ah


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  • Getbig IV
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Re: Rugby
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 05:25:35 PM »
I like seeing different training methods as well because I usually try to adapt some part of it in my training if it looks good. For example I use a 5x5 type program with Strongman training and some movements made popular by Westside. Also throw in some Oly stuff on occasion. The only thing I dont do much of is BBing protocol (splitting up bodyparts and such).

Thanks Davie!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Rugby
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 01:33:25 AM »
I like seeing different training methods as well because I usually try to adapt some part of it in my training if it looks good. For example I use a 5x5 type program with Strongman training and some movements made popular by Westside. Also throw in some Oly stuff on occasion. The only thing I dont do much of is BBing protocol (splitting up bodyparts and such).

Thanks Davie!

Thats kul bro. Like i said im with u and like heairng about other trianing methods. Things like the above stand out to me b/c i play rugby (tho havnt since jan wen i injured ankle), and i actually usually in the summer (offseason) use it as time to bulk and work on explosive power aswell. Thats y that routine stood out to me.

Im loving what im doing right now, but come july,might be looking for something like this, then agian might just stick with what im doing lol.

It does seem to cover everything with not oo much overlap.It caught my eye as all bodybuilding moves (rows,incline presses,CGBP etc) wer done in HIT style, which is similar to how i train. While there are cleans (which will still build u up) and clean and press/box jumps,push press etc, that will not only build u up but help with raw strength and power aswell.

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  • Getbig IV
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Re: Rugby
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2008, 07:19:16 AM »
No one else love or hate this?

Like i said its not something im wanting to even try for a while, Sticking with my HIT. But as wicked knows, i love the feeling of moving heavy weight (heavy for me lol), so wanna get mor into this stuff at sum point. so feed back now is helpful.Even if it is a few months ahead of time.

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Re: Rugby
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2008, 10:12:55 AM »
ASide from flyes, I like the entire routine.  Some athletes might add more volume or a couple other exercises but overall it looks good.
Squishy face retard


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Rugby
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2008, 12:31:03 PM »
ASide from flyes, I like the entire routine.  Some athletes might add more volume or a couple other exercises but overall it looks good.

Yeh i see ur point mate, i think its b/c there tryingto keep sum basic mass bguilding xcercises in for each body part e.g. inclines and flys for rows and t bars for back, clean and press and laterals for shoulders and squats/extensions for legs.+bb curls etc.

It isn't the mountains ah


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Rugby
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2008, 04:06:53 AM »
So heres my summer routine, need break from HIT style,and thisl keep the size gains comeing while satisfying my lurges for strength training. Max effort and dynamic/speed effort for push and pull each week+leg work.

Based around a split with each muscle being worked with aximum weight one week and dynamically the next:
Monday Focus= chest (heavy) and cleans (speed)
1.Incline bench..REST/PAUSE (I LIKE REST PAUSE AND IT WORKED WHEN I DID DC) 15 rp'd target.
2.incline Flys Same as above.
3.3x5 dynamic/speed cleans
4.Bench assisstance work=close grip press ups 2x as many as possible.
Thats day 1.Chest was maximum weight,cleans was speed (swaps each week).

Wednesday focus=legs..Quads (heavy).hammys (speed).
After warm up.
1.Maximum squat for 6 or more reps (get 6 then up weihgt next time).
2.Maximum leg raise OR leg press (depending how spent after squat) 1x 10-12.
3.Box jumps.
4.Hammy speed work (pik xcercise).

Friday focus=shoulders (speed)/back (Heavy)
Hang clean and press 3x5
Lat raise 2x15 target.
Deads 1x12 1x6 (heavy)
Pulldowns 15 rp
Bb Curl 2x15

Week 2:
Monday Chest (speed)..Cleans (heavy)
Incline bench 3x5
Flys 2x15
Cleans 2x5 3x3 (work up to heaviest weight)
CGBP (heavy) 18rp

Wednesday Quads (speed)...Hammys (heavy)
Squat either jump squats, or heavy 20 rep set.
leg raise 2x30
Heavy leg curl/sldl

Friday shoulders (Heavy)....Back (Speed)
Hang clean and press 2x5 3x3
lat raise 20 rp
Speed pulls 3x5
pushups 2x BW
DB Curl 18rp

There u go.

It based around  powerlifting template of a max effort and dynamic day for both push and pull.

Day 1 on week 1 has max effort bench (rest/paused) with dynamic pulling-cleans.
day 3 in week 1 has dynamic pushing (hang cleana nd press), with max effort pulling-deads,rows.

Day 1 on week 2 has dynamic pushing (bench) with max effort pulling-cleans.
day 3 on week 2 has max effort pushing (hang clean and press), with dynamic pulling (speed pulls).

Legs also have max effort quads one week and dynamic quads the next.

I think its ok as it has the basics bodybuilding wise and u hit each body part each week with either max effort stuff or dynamic work with some higher reps aswell.
Also has heavy and dynamic explosive work with cleans etc.

ONly thing im not sure about is on the day im max effort benching,should i do light or heavy bench assisstance work, iv put that i do light, but what do u think.

It isn't the mountains ah