Author Topic: Double standards  (Read 916 times)


  • Getbig II
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Double standards
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:50:03 AM »
Why can a women get implants and inject shit into there face and body like botox Which hasn't been around for long enough to know if there are any long term side effects. But Steroid which have been around since what? the late 1920s? and they are banned.
as far as i know Steroids are safe to use if you are a healthy and you use them at reasonable dosage and cycle it.
i know trannys use them safely my their doctors.
so hot


  • Getbig II
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2008, 06:25:10 AM »
You have a point, it is such crap that roids are banned. Simply put, if the government regulated it and increased prices on it that would be fair. Alcohol is horrible, kills people, causes demostic disputes, but they make so much money off of it that it will never get banned. They disperse steroids for medical uses to elderly people and aids patients, but a healthy person wanting to increase muscles size, stamina, and overall performance in their respected sports is such a bad idea? Let's bust this guy with loads of roids, buy the guy on the corner slinging crack or heroin leave him alone because all he is doing is destroying homes and families.

Botox and all the other things are just a money pit for doctors.

I am pissed so I will leave it at that!!!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 07:20:37 AM »
It's not a double standard.  No one is saying you can't get implants or take botox, and steroids are illegal for women too.  It would be nice if they were legal tho, and good information wasn't mixed with so much bro science out there.

And just because alcohol and tobacco are bad for you doesn't mean steroids are good for you.  Ibuprofin being bad for your liver doesn't mean taking dobl constitutes healthy living.  These rationalizations get brought up all the time and hold no water at all.  If you're using, be informed and honest with yourself about the potential sides and take the best precautions you can.

Sorry, I must be in a crappy mood tonight.  ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2008, 08:53:35 AM »
when i said double standard i wasnt talking about sex, i was talking about what it legal and illegal
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  • Getbig II
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2008, 08:55:39 AM »
It's not a double standard.  No one is saying you can't get implants or take botox, and steroids are illegal for women too.  It would be nice if they were legal tho, and good information wasn't mixed with so much bro science out there.

And just because alcohol and tobacco are bad for you doesn't mean steroids are good for you.  Ibuprofin being bad for your liver doesn't mean taking dobl constitutes healthy living.  These rationalizations get brought up all the time and hold no water at all.  If you're using, be informed and honest with yourself about the potential sides and take the best precautions you can.

Sorry, I must be in a crappy mood tonight.  ;D

taking too much of ANYTHING can kill you
so hot


  • Getbig V
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2008, 09:51:27 AM »
I know man, but I disagree with your OP that steroids are safe to use.  I'd say they might be safe to use, but the Romano "where are the bodies" viewpoint doesn't really work for me.  If you get prostate cancer in 20 years, maybe the juice had something to do with it, maybe not.  In any case, there's no denying the immediate sides like gyno and hair loss.

I just don't dig the logic that if things that are unhealthier than steroids are legal, then you're safe to use.  Anyone using AAS should have no illusions and have their eyes wide open, and if you're not scared then you haven't been paying attention.  I admit I'm on the more paranoid side of the bell curve, but that's how I see it.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2008, 11:03:10 AM »
i just think i should be able to put whatever i want in my body if it wont hurt anyone else. crack and other drugs that people might turn to violence to get them, then yes i can unstand
so hot


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2008, 11:07:17 AM »
America is a country built on witchhunts.  Its happened here since Puritan times and it will continue to happen.

That said, I've done a lot of reading recently about anabolics and legal implications---I think the real problem with them is the media.  The media sensationalizes every time ARod farts, stinky or not.   If he was injecting something to help make his farts bigger, the fucking new would be all over it.  Combine that with some of the stories--like the parents who will not accept the possibility that their kid who was juicing to play baseball may have been fucked up in the first place and MAY have tried to kill himself no matter what he was taking and combine an overpaid group of congressmen who don't know their asses from their bellybuttons but who feel the need to tell every last one of us what we are to do and how to do it and you've got what you are seeing now days.  

Its also become a multibillion dollar industry worldwide.  That also drives the media and the bullshit they spout because the media by its very nature wants a piece of the pie.  it doesn't matter if they are reporting accurate facts or not as long as the story sells.  Most of the stories are based on conjecture anyway, so that just makes their job that much easier.  

Finally, you have to consider the fact that there may actually be long term health effects--we simply don't know.  Unfortunately steroids were made taboo before legitimate research could be conducted on what may or may not happen, and unfortunately, even in the scientific community, the stereotypes carry over.  You should have seen the look on the face of the medicine specialist when I suggested winstrol and equipoise for a horse (one of my wifes thoroughbreds) in renal failure who wasn't eating a few years back.  It doesnt matter her appetite picked up immediately and she improved drammatically after the drugs were administered, it doesn't matter that they are administered at a label dose for an indicated problem from the label, it was the evil steroids who killed her, not the kidneys that were failing long before those drugs were ever considered.  This kind of medical stupidity permeates both veterinary and human medicine.  

There are alot of people on forums like this one who are injecting a whole lot of shit into their bodies.  Some of it is legitimate, some of it who knows what it is because the sources are out to make a buck.  You have to face reality, anabolic steroids are illegal in the US without a prescription.  Doctors are reluctant to prescribe them because of the bullshit they have to deal with with them.  If you are looking at an underground source, you are looking at one thing---a person who is out to make a buck off you.  Why would they maintain pharmaceutical grade sterility in making the product?  Its going to cost them more and cut into their profits.  Those suppliers aren't concerned about serving a consumer, they are concerned about $$$$$.    Its going to be interesting in 15-20 years when the long term effects of injecting "underground" steroids are going to start surfacing.  

Sorry for the rant.   ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Double standards
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2008, 07:40:50 PM »
i just think i should be able to put whatever i want in my body if it wont hurt anyone else. crack and other drugs that people might turn to violence to get them, then yes i can unstand

I agree with that.  All I'm saying is it's best for the individual to be well informed.

Vet, good rant.  The only time I asked a guy (who deals grass, X, ice, etc) if he had access to some Tprop, he looked at me like I'd asked him to get me the devil's pitchfork, lol.  It's not as bad as in the US over here, but I can understand the frustration you guys must feel.  Even tho I'm giving mopar a hard time, I can see why he started this thread.