Author Topic: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!  (Read 113732 times)

Camel Jockey

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #200 on: May 23, 2008, 09:19:23 PM »
gayer than knowing what the hell that even is.  ;D

Gayer than George Michael in a LA public restroom.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #201 on: May 23, 2008, 09:25:12 PM »

- Your expression of hate towards Jews and Blacks is so obviously masking an inferiority complex. You truly believe that Jews are intellectually superior and Blacks are physically superior, so you are consumed with tossing around the two things you are most insecure about: Your IQ and your Strength. As pathetic as it is, it actually makes you feel better by posting "I have a 130 IQ and a 500 lb Deadlift".

Very insightful observation.  This is great Matt is getting crushed.  Maybe now he'll stop bringing up all this dumb shit that he feels so entitled to be able to discuss so freely.  This is why you don't argue politics or religion Matt. 

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #202 on: May 23, 2008, 09:28:34 PM »

Matt, are all people who attend Canadian Universities smart?

Is the average University students IQ higher than someone who didnt attend?

I've not read the studies, although I would assume that is the case.  Note that it is not attending the university institution which makes one smarter, but rather that those who are naturally smarter are also naturally more inclined to attend university.

Camel Jockey

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #203 on: May 23, 2008, 09:29:31 PM »
Very insightful observation.  This is great Matt is getting crushed.  Maybe now he'll stop bringing up all this dumb shit that he feels so entitled to be able to discuss so freely.  This is why you don't argue politics or religion Matt.     

it's all a Jewish conspiracy by the forum admin, who just happens to be a Jew controled by the Jews that own the media... These people respond to their masters among the free masons or some other shit.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #204 on: May 23, 2008, 09:34:55 PM »
waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaa!................cry me a fucking river!
only "supplements" that work
A) a good quality whey or MRP protein
B)a good multi-mineral multi-vitamin
C) Fat-burner or "energy-pill"

I've never really tried B or C, but I imagine they would work.  I would also add:

D) Creatine monohydrate
E) Nitric Oxide products (although I would advise against NO and recommend instead beta-alanine products - they are more effective AND less expensive).
F) Gainers for a calorie boost, but be sure you know what you are getting into nutritionally before consuming one.  Some are very high in sugar and other undesirable ingredients.
G) BCAAs.  I can't say for sure, but I feel they are likely what has elevated my mood in the gym since I began using them (after my training partner recommended them).


Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #205 on: May 23, 2008, 09:42:09 PM »
I agree with you man. I also think protein consumption is overplayed by thr supplement companies. Don't really need more than 120-150g a day.


"Of course, you do not have to use a full serving for every shake, nor do you need to consume the recommended three servings per day. If you were to do so, your entire 12 pound tub of Serious Mass would not even last you a week. While I have great respect for Optimum Nutrition, every company wants you to consume their products,so it doesn't surprise me that they recommend so many daily shakes. Ultimately, it is your choice how many Serious Mass shakes you consume each day and how large each shake is."

If you read my reviews, you will see that I routinely call BS on claims from supplement companies.

This is not referring to you Camel  Jockey, but I do wonder if anyone who is bashing my reviews has actually bothered to read them.

Not to mention, not all the reviews are even written by me to begin with.  I have a team of at least five reviewers other than me who have all reviewed products and the only instructions I gave them was to be honest and include as many details as possible.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #206 on: May 23, 2008, 10:00:59 PM »
We're just calling a spade a 'spade'. It's one thing to lie to impress people and quite another to lie to make money off of people who believe you. Here's a sampling of your the Bullshit you peddle:

- You claim that Gaspari's SizeOn put 10lbs on you and now this new product M3 put another 10lbs on you, but the problem is that at 170 lbs, you're lucky to have gained 20 lbs since you started working out 10 years ago.

I went from 180 to 190 on SIZEON.  Pretty significant when my weight was at a plateau for about six months before that.  Is that not worthy of reporting?  My strength from what I recall did not go up at all and I believe stayed pretty well exactly the same.  Pumps were WAY better while on.

- You post horrible lifts with horrendous form and always mention that you previously did it with perfect form for more reps.

Not exactly, but I agree partially...although I also make this pretty clear in the reviews.  For example, we all know I've benched 225X16 with pretty well perfect form (albeit fast) since I confirmed that on video.  I've done more, just not on video.  Lately, 185X16-17 has been high for me (past month or so).  So hitting 185X23 is noteworthy.  Whether it is the result of M3 or something else is anyone's guess I suppose.  Shouldn't I post my lift changes for better or worse and let readers make the decision?  I constantly emphasize that it is a number of factors which affect these things.

- If you weren't making money off of those BS reviews, you'd be slamming every product. It's fairly obvious that nothing has worked for you, as you look similar to most 17 year olds with a year of training under their belts.

Who says I don't slam supplements?  Again, not all the reviews are even written by me, and I have made negative comments about a lot of them.  Have you even read any of the reviews?  Go read them and I want specific points here and not these strawmen attacks.  Quote a specific part of a review which you don't think was fair and balanced and tell me about it.  I also constantly seek feedback for the reviews.

- You're no different than a movie reviewer who says every movie is "Incredible" in the hopes of getting invited to the next premiere. Oh yeah, occasionally you slam "Howard the Duck" or "Buckaroo Bonzai" to keep it real. ::)

At this point, I've literally written off NO products OUTRIGHT.  In every NO product review I write from now on, I will be encouraging people to use beta-alanine if they want to achieve better pumps.  Yeah, I'm still encouraging consumption to some degree, but if I find beta-alanine effective, is it not alright for me to promote that?

- You have mocked both Ron Avidan and the Weiders for being Jews and "controlling" the bodybuilding media, while you do everything you can to model your own business on theirs in a pathetic attempt to match their success.

I was never mocking any of you.  And please stop with the strawmen attacks.  I will not be responding to any strawmen from this point forward.  Stop putting words/opinions in my mouth.

- You have no original products to sell and no original ideas to offer so you "review" products to make a buck off the same kids you mock for believing a NO-Xplode ad.

I have never mocked anyone purchasing supplements, even those who are naive.  I would actually consider buying snake oil to be part of the learning curve.  I went through it, and in hindsight it did teach me some things.  It is part of the mechanism of capitalism, like it or not.  Some ads do border on fraud though (MuscleTech comes to mind - good products, ridiculous ads).

- There's absolutely zero basis to believe anything you say in your reviews. Are people supposed to believe you switch supplements every two weeks and that you stop using a product that's put 10 lbs on you to start using and review a new product "for the good of humanity"?

Strawman again.  Special Ed, have you even read any of my review?  My reviews cover various aspects ranging from nutritional content, the scientific research on the supplement I am reviewing, taste, cost effectiveness, and relevant background information.  If I only try 1-3 days worth of an NO product, I report that.  If I am only writing a review based on a one day sample, I advise my readers to take that for what it's worth and continue to research more before purchasing.  Heck, I probably wouldn't trust a review based on a one day sample, LOL.  :)

- Your expression of hate towards Jews and Blacks is so obviously masking an inferiority complex. You truly believe that Jews are intellectually superior and Blacks are physically superior, so you are consumed with tossing around the two things you are most insecure about: Your IQ and your Strength. As pathetic as it is, it actually makes you feel better by posting "I have a 130 IQ and a 500 lb Deadlift".

I don't want to keep talking about the race issue in this thread because all I deal with are strawmen!  Show me the white man who has ran the 100M in under 10 seconds.  ;)  I don't deny that he doesn't exist.  :)  But again, stop with the strawmen please.

- You post copies of your military honors and awards like an 8-year old brags about his bowling or karate trophies.

Nah, only when attacked.  But you guys all know my academic/military record by now, so no need to post it again.  I do have 1,000+ non-court ordered volunteer hours in my community.  Just thought I would throw that in there.  ;D

- You're the kind of guy who has probably tried to pass the Mensa exam 5-6 times. Because we all know that nothing would make you happier than to post a copy of your Mensa certificate. With your insecurities about your own intelligence, you need external approval. Absent getting it from Mensa, you try to get it here.

The accepted score for Mensa on the Stanford-Binet is 132, but for the Cattell it is 148.  I'm not certain if I would score high enough for Mensa.  I've not tried yet though.  If I did and I posted my certificate on here, people would still bash me.  It makes no difference how much I prove myself on here.

Name me someone in the industry has NOT been bashed on here.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #207 on: May 23, 2008, 10:13:25 PM »
mike is just jealous 'couse he has to juice to look like shit while matt can look like shit naturally.

I don't get what Mike's deal is.  We are getting along for years and all of a sudden he is on a Matt C hate tirade.  Might be just playful bashing.  Him and McFarland are kind of hard to read sometimes.

Also, my training is pretty good overall.  I lift heavy and I am injury free after years, so presumably my training is at least in the acceptable range (although I would say it is very intense and proper, but to each their own).  I feel that I don't gain weight largely due to my complete lack of appetite and not taking in enough calories.

How is this for a disclaimer for the top of each review?

Quote from: DISCLAIMER reviewers receive all reviewed supplements for free from and other suppliers. is also affiliated with the sale of all supplements being reviewed and is compensated on a commission basis per sale as you can see through the purchase links on each page.  While each review is written to be as fair and balanced as possible, always encourages each consumer to learn as much as possible about each supplement and read as many other user reviews as possible before making any purchase (if at all).

Do you feel something like that is necessary?  Additionally, is that specific disclaimer fair and balanced?


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #208 on: May 23, 2008, 10:52:37 PM »
Matt I'm kinda fucking with you but I'm kinda not.  Perhaps you asking me how much I deadlift pissed me off just a little bit but you know how I feel about the hate shit so that's not totally made up.  If you'll recall, I flat out refused to take part in your forum because you had intentions of making Woten a main attention on there and I knew with that happening the site would be going nowhere and I did not want to be associated with that.  The dichotomy here is that I, like Matt, am a huge fan of Woten and find him hilarious but I feel it is socially irresponsible to give him a forum uncensored.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #209 on: May 24, 2008, 01:32:19 AM »
Matt I'm kinda fucking with you but I'm kinda not.  Perhaps you asking me how much I deadlift pissed me off just a little bit but you know how I feel about the hate shit so that's not totally made up.  If you'll recall, I flat out refused to take part in your forum because you had intentions of making Woten a main attention on there and I knew with that happening the site would be going nowhere and I did not want to be associated with that.  The dichotomy here is that I, like Matt, am a huge fan of Woten and find him hilarious but I feel it is socially irresponsible to give him a forum uncensored.

Why?  Do you have a back injury which prevents you from deadlifting heavy?

I think you should ponder some of Woten's comments more carefully before judging.  I wouldn't agree with Woten either but he has given me more scientifically backed and referenced studies than I can shake a stick at.  How can I refute (for example) MRI scans which show brain size differences between races that are present at birth?

If someone actually gave me contrary evidence to refute this fact as well as others, I would change my opinions.  It is as simple as that.  As it is, no one can do that, so they resort to bashing me.  It's funny since I have such a simple way of being convinced - scientific evidence.  Knowing that, if people like Special Ed who want me to change my opinion actually had any, they would present it.  As it is, he knows he has no evidence and that is what pisses him off, causing him to attack me personally.  That's why I post scientific studies which confirm what I say.  The more bashing I receive on here, the more I affirm that my opinions are correct.  Also, if my being so pathetic was so self-evident, there would be no need to bash.  People don't bash the 25th place finisher at the NY Pro for example.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #210 on: May 24, 2008, 02:58:40 AM »
If I said every supplement I tried sucked in my reviews, people would still say I am pushing to sell more.

The reviews written by other people on my website fall into the same category as mine apparently, even though I never edit the content (barring spelling errors).

Anyone is free to reply to the related discussion threads in every post and state their opinion on the supplements.

Might it be that I actually like M3 and just want to report it?  If things change, I will report that too.  Simple as that.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #211 on: May 24, 2008, 04:29:38 AM »
If I had a stuffed dummy wearing black socks with scrub pants and clogs I would burn that bitch in Matt C effigy at this very moment and the rest of this Getbig mob would cheer me on in doing so.  Nice work Matt. 
Fucking hilarious!!  LOL  :)


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #212 on: May 24, 2008, 04:33:28 AM »
I think you should ponder some of Woten's comments more carefully before judging.  I wouldn't agree with Woten either but he has given me more scientifically backed and referenced studies than I can shake a stick at.  How can I refute (for example) MRI scans which show brain size differences between races that are present at birth?
Now you're being disingenuous, Matt. No one in their right mind would deny their are physical race differences. Those are undeniable. It is when you try to extrapolate these that you run into trouble -ie. your latest bugbear seems to be a gene-intelligence link (I think, maybe I've missed this week's 'intelligence' briefing). This kind of thinking is ethically and morally repugnant. And another thing, Mr. Science/strawman, your understanding of things scientific is backwards. Those who actually do the (real, mind you!) science enter into things with an open mind and then look at the results to draw conclusions, if at all. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain here on the boards that you already have your opinions/conclusions and just troll the internet looking for studies, dubious and uncontrolled as they are, to support them.

/don't you like to play baseball or something, instead of trying to promote some lame-brained antisemitism or to find reasons why some race is inferior? i promise you, you'll have more fun, feel better about yourself and won't be so keen to look for ghosts where none exist   

The Master

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #213 on: May 24, 2008, 04:55:36 AM »
This thread = getting exiting. Very hot.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #214 on: May 24, 2008, 05:07:26 AM »
This thread = getting exiting. Very hot.
It's a wonder with our limited intelligences that we can even hang in here. I'm punching way over my weight.       :o    :D

Nordic Beast

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #215 on: May 24, 2008, 05:12:25 AM »
I've never really tried B or C, but I imagine they would work.  I would also add:

D) Creatine monohydrate
E) Nitric Oxide products (although I would advise against NO and recommend instead beta-alanine products - they are more effective AND less expensive).
F) Gainers for a calorie boost, but be sure you know what you are getting into nutritionally before consuming one.  Some are very high in sugar and other undesirable ingredients.
G) BCAAs.  I can't say for sure, but I feel they are likely what has elevated my mood in the gym since I began using them (after my training partner recommended them).

agreed-----It baffles me how these people can deny that creatine dont need the latest delivery system BS but teh regular creatine monohydrate works great for me, actually better than most of the "innovative" stuff. 

NO products do work-----miracles?? but they do give you a great pump and can improve your look if you;re lean---that being said I just go with somehting like NOW's AAKG for $20 and stay away from the $70 bottles of NO2 etc... Not worth spending mad $$$$ but nothing Id mock if someone was taking it every once in a while

BCAA's---no need to explain


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #216 on: May 24, 2008, 05:15:55 AM »
Now you're being disingenuous, Matt. No one in their right mind would deny their are physical race differences. Those are undeniable. It is when you try to extrapolate these that you run into trouble -ie. your latest bugbear seems to be a gene-intelligence link (I think, maybe I've missed this week's 'intelligence' briefing). This kind of thinking is ethically and morally repugnant. And another thing, Mr. Science/strawman, your understanding of things scientific is backwards. Those who actually do the (real, mind you!) science enter into things with an open mind and then look at the results to draw conclusions, if at all. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain here on the boards that you already have your opinions/conclusions and just troll the internet looking for studies, dubious and uncontrolled as they are, to support them.

/don't you like to play baseball or something, instead of trying to promote some lame-brained antisemitism or to find reasons why some race is inferior? i promise you, you'll have more fun, feel better about yourself and won't be so keen to look for ghosts where none exist   

once again, thank you, comrade chimpsky for educating the peasants and spreading party ideology.

you are now eligible for purchasing a Lada automobile in the year 2016


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #217 on: May 24, 2008, 05:17:59 AM »
"Hate" in this context being essentially any doctrination holding that there are people "better" than others based on genetically-predetermined factors. would never align themselves with you tied to your current belief system and you are a fool for failing to realize this.


I like MattC, and do think he is an intelligent and well spoken person, and I am surprised he does not take this into account.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #218 on: May 24, 2008, 05:50:35 AM »
If I had a stuffed dummy wearing black socks with scrub pants and clogs I would burn that bitch in Matt C effigy at this very moment and the rest of this Getbig mob would cheer me on in doing so.  Nice work Matt. 

no dude

you'd put some make up on the dummy , pump yourself up a little and go out on hot date

The Master

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #219 on: May 24, 2008, 05:52:51 AM »
It's a wonder with our limited intelligences that we can even hang in here. I'm punching way over my weight.       :o    :D

Debussey agrees. Debusseys IQ = 53. MattCock = about 2,4528 times as intelligent as Debussey >:(


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #220 on: May 24, 2008, 05:58:13 AM »

I like MattC, and do think he is an intelligent and well spoken person, and I am surprised he does not take this into account.
A truly intelligent person who held the opinions on race that Matt does,would not speak so openly about them realizing that it could/would affect his business.

Sometimes it`s much smarter to just keep your opinions to yourself !

"Book smart" and a college education doesn`t guarantee that you have wisdom or good judgement.

The Master

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #221 on: May 24, 2008, 06:00:04 AM »
This is not about a Jewish conspiracy. This is all about a Wooten conspiracy.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #222 on: May 24, 2008, 06:00:27 AM »
if he had anything in his boxers he wouldnt be so bitter.

he hates blacks because they actually have cocks - instead of the shrunken balls//maggot dick combo he has. he hates Jews because they get to use their cocks more than his laughable baby penis

michael arvilla

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #223 on: May 24, 2008, 06:01:41 AM »

michael arvilla

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #224 on: May 24, 2008, 06:04:15 AM »