Author Topic: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!  (Read 113811 times)


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #500 on: May 25, 2008, 10:04:41 PM »
Do you care to formally debate the issue?

Debate you wanting to debate just to get attention.... ::)

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #501 on: May 25, 2008, 11:42:20 PM »
Your points are valid, but you have to recall lurkers?

Why do you think Chick posts certain things here - for the lurkers. As an aside, I was once out to dinner with a bunch of top pros, and they were talking about getbig - one turned to me "Do you ever read it?" ;D

This thread has over 3,000 views. If one person has glanced at it and gotten a negative view of you and decided not to utilize your business/visit your site - that is one too many.

With business, 'pride often comes before a fall'. As a fairly young female, yes and a black female at that, in my position in business/life it is often assumed some man gave me something, that I like inherited everything I have and all sorts of stupid crap. Even on this board the things people say to me are nothing short of amusing. People will down me, throw racial slurs, expect that I am some tramp who flashes her ass for a $50 photoshoot - and then brag about an income that I would not even get out of bed for and a lifestyle I would not expect my dog to live. Seriously.

You have to deal with all types in business. I am so used to it by now. My tenants actually condescend to me. They live in my property - and deem themself above me when some struggle to pay their rent lol ;D

Ignore 'dumb' people - the world is rife with them. Focus on making money, recall every page view is a potential customer for you, and never forget what you put in writing always remains.

Yes, these are all fair comments.  The G&O board is not the place for intellectualism.  Perhaps the politics board is since smarter people would intentionally choose to go there.

I am not the type to do anything that seems forced though.  I would rather be my own man even to my own detriment at times.  This goes with what Nordic Beast said about having an overwhelming ego in times of decision making.  Another side of me keeps on driving me to do what I can to build up financially for the sake of myself in my family.  I think ultimately that side will win out.

I asked someone on here whose name I will not mention what I would have to do to prove to him that I can back up what I say.  He basically said that once I become a millionaire that will prove it.  Yeah, that happens overnight.  ::)  I'll be there in 10 years.  That kind of thing takes time.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #502 on: May 25, 2008, 11:46:13 PM »
Ed is cool. We are all extra sensitive when hate is directed against our own "race". Ed probably wouldn't find it that funny if Block constantly joked about Jews using negative Jewish stereotypes. That's how we all work, our loyalty is to our own group.

Block's jokes are just that, jokes. However I doubt he would tell 'em to Cormier for example IRL.  :D

Interestingly, I am not.  To understand why that would be to understand just how closely my mind operates free from emotion.  I constantly try to partition my emotion from logical decision making and to be quite frank, I am pretty consistent at it.

I speak accurately of southern Italians and Britons - for better or for worse.  I can objectively state that I see good things in both cultures but neither are devoid of fault and I acknowledge them honestly also.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #503 on: May 25, 2008, 11:51:26 PM »
Debate you wanting to debate just to get attention.... ::)

I hear what you're saying.  I'm pretty sure I can read between the lines.

Are you saying that I should post a video of me solving the Rubik's cube in order to redeem myself?

Special Ed

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #504 on: May 26, 2008, 12:05:00 AM »
As many can attest, I have a very open-minded sense of humor. What's funny to me is what makes me laugh. Black jokes, Jewish jokes, Polish jokes, and even handicapped jokes can all be funny. In fact, my two favorite jokes are a horribly tasteless gay joke and an even more tasteless child molestation joke.

Blockhead's impressions or exaggerated stereotyping is his attempt to entertain and get some laughs.
I do not consider ethnic, religious, or racial jokes to be even remotely similar to Mazi's comments.

Jokes based on stereotypes are used to try to make people laugh; Mazi's comments based on stereotypes were being used to try to make people hate or subjugate others.

I think there's a big difference.

As for my private comments to Benz, I doubt I would ever confuse a greasy Chilean with a greasy Mexican. :)

And Mazi, I accept your apology.

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #505 on: May 26, 2008, 12:18:11 AM »
As for my private comments to Benz, I doubt I would ever confuse a greasy Chilean with a greasy Mexican. :)

LOL!!!!!!!  Sorry to anyone who may be offended by this, but this literally made me LOL.

Just a small comment: I think rather than putting "I doubt I would ever...", I would go with "I apologize for offending you because I would never confuse...", THEN make the offensive comment, lol.  I like those kinds of jokes that come with a primer which puts a person's guard down, then comes the comment.  Such as "You may be slime, but I trust you.  Just kidding.  I don't trust you", which effectively retracts the part you don't expect retracted, lol.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #506 on: May 26, 2008, 12:21:53 AM »
Matzi has filthy dealings with the Lebanese Hezbollah camel-rapists. His anti-semitism has no bound!!!


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #507 on: May 26, 2008, 12:29:37 AM »
As many can attest, I have a very open-minded sense of humor. What's funny to me is what makes me laugh. Black jokes, Jewish jokes, Polish jokes, and even handicapped jokes can all be funny. In fact, my two favorite jokes are a horribly tasteless gay joke and an even more tasteless child molestation joke.

Blockhead's impressions or exaggerated stereotyping is his attempt to entertain and get some laughs.
I do not consider ethnic, religious, or racial jokes to be even remotely similar to Mazi's comments.

Jokes based on stereotypes are used to try to make people laugh; Mazi's comments based on stereotypes were being used to try to make people hate or subjugate others.

I think there's a big difference.

As for my private comments to Benz, I doubt I would ever confuse a greasy Chilean with a greasy Mexican. :)

And Mazi, I accept your apology.

hahaha  ;D

dont worry ed, my ashtray is always open for jews  ;)

Matt C

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #508 on: May 26, 2008, 12:30:46 AM »
Special Ed,

While I have - or perhaps had (in response to your recent attacks) - some degree of respect for you, your attempted pogrom targeted at both myself and my business interests is becoming tiresome; it has revealed you as a rather pathetic, untrustworthy character.

First of all Special Ed, you cannot link to any post of mine that is not based on established fact - certainly nothing that would fail to hold up in court - so please, put a stop to your hammy-styled Alan Dershowitz act.

I understand that facts and hard science are not your game, so I will explain my position FOR THE FINAL TIME; any further posts from you will be construed as baiting and ignored from now on, unless you give me some substance.

Most all credible scientists in this area (Pinker, Dawkins, Risch, Harpending et al) believe that intelligence is 80% heritable; Indeed, Pinker even endorses the CHH paper and therefore states that it's a myth that race and intelligence don't exist, that they are driven largely by [80%] genetic factors.

Pinker in a conference at the Institute for Jewish Research covering the CHH hypothesis stated the following:

- The Jewish IQ advantage is largely heritable. Pinker noted the irony that even the existence of intelligence is not recognized by many intellectuals. "I find it remarkable that intellectuals deny that intelligence exists because intellectuals are obsessed with intelligence."

Pinker though quickly pointed out that a blue-ribbon panel appointed by the American Psychological Association defined the consensus view as embracing intelligence as a real and stable property; that IQ is a good measure of it; that it is a good predictor of success in life; and it is from 50 - 80% heritable. Pinker pointed out that twin and adoption studies have shown that whatever the environmental causes may be, family upbringing is not among them. Whether it's twins reared apart or adoptees vs. birth-children, there's nothing about the parents or siblings that seem to matter; the evidence for environmental influence on IQ is weaker than the genetic evidence.

- The Ashknazim were highly endogamous with very little outbreeding

- Money lending was the primary occupation were ones where intelligence provided a distinct advantage, thus saw the jews gravitate to said vocation

- Financial success translated into reproductive success - i.e., more children. Unlike today, in the past - before the Demographic Transition in the 18th century, more wealth meant more children.

- Ashkenazim are associated with unusually high frequencies of certain rare genetic diseases; The prevalence of these disorders has often been attributed to drift - i.e, random mutations occurring within a genetically isolated populations. But CHH calculate the odds of such random mutations clustering around sets of related genes as improbably low; these mutations show tell-tale signs of selection.

- That the presence of these diseases are associated with increased intelligence. There is already evidence that one Ashkenazi disease, Torsion Dystonia, is clearly associated with elevated IQ

So there you go Special Ed, take Pinker to court.

This was never about supremacy, it has always been about hard science and truth.


Special Ed, you (as with that imbecile Horton) have graphically demonstrated a) your recourse to nothing other than ad hominem, and b) your inability to read my previous posts - specifically the ones that contained links to elite academics (from Lynn through Dawkins, from Harpending through Pinker) from several different fields (from genetics through psychometric testing).

It makes my cringe to hear you attempting to validate your position here; you clearly know nothing of this subject and are merely being shown up as the parasitic bottom feeding lawyer you are; It's hilarious in the extreme to watch you engage in such antics while simultaneously overlooking the views of James Watson (you do know who he was?)

All our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really

"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."

The above quote from James Watson - THE WORLD'S FOREMOST MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST.

The intellectual landscape (based on bullshit such as Lewontin's Fallacy) had previously been structured to eradicate controversial hypotheses out a priori (race does not exist, intelligence does not exist, the mind is a blank slate inscribed by parents) yet - as always - truth is winning; and academics of such stature as the above names are no longer bothered about stating such facts.

So there you go Ed, please carry on at your own convenience, the peanut gallery members are waiting.

This will be my final post on this topic in THIS thread.  If anyone wants to continue this discussion with me, take it to the politics board or PM.  The only comments you see of me in this thread from this point forward are going to be about M3 and jerking off the dudes at through praise.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #509 on: May 26, 2008, 03:39:16 AM »
I wasn`t inferring that drug addiction was a crime,I was refferring to the crimes that they commit many times in order to obtain the money to get drugs...........involves theft usually.

I think rehab is waranted also but if someone steals your car to sell it for drugs and wrecks it,they usually don`t consider re-hab as a first choice for punishment.

Most drug addicts are repeat offenders, and at times in the act of a theft to obtain money for drugs,innocent people get hurt just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Far from victimless,think of the people adversely affected directly or indirectly by just one heroin addict.

The Master

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #510 on: May 26, 2008, 05:17:33 AM »
intelligence does not exist, the mind is a blank slate inscribed by parents

Horseshit like that won't survive. Like you said: Truth eventually always wins.

Ps: Good post dear MattCock.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #511 on: May 26, 2008, 05:28:40 AM »
calling something a "crime" it automatically means it is someone hurting another person

A quote of Martin Luther Kings I always liked:

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal

And I concur. My parents lived under Jim Crow for 25 years, and it was "crime" for them to get medical care in a hospital, enter a front door of many establishments, go to the movies and so much more. Brutal criminals going to a movie ::)

PS - This is the hottest thread the nutrition board has seen forever. Personally, I don't even venture here normally.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #512 on: May 26, 2008, 05:50:15 AM »
Matt,I have to ask you a very serious question...........does the Higher Power stack by really work?  LOL   ;D


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #513 on: May 26, 2008, 07:32:43 AM »
So Matt get back to saying that anyone Jewish is genetically smarter than him and he will never be able to change that, so therefore he hates Jewish people out of jealousy.

Oh wait...they are still inferior to his superior race and showed by his magnificent videos  ::)

Nordic Beast

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #514 on: May 26, 2008, 07:42:22 AM »
I wasn`t inferring that drug addiction was a crime,I was refferring to the crimes that they commit many times in order to obtain the money to get drugs...........involves theft usually.

I think rehab is waranted also but if someone steals your car to sell it for drugs and wrecks it,they usually don`t consider re-hab as a first choice for punishment.

Most drug addicts are repeat offenders, and at times in the act of a theft to obtain money for drugs,innocent people get hurt just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Far from victimless,think of the people adversely affected directly or indirectly by just one heroin addict.

if the drug addict was supplied drugs through a federal government treatment program---do you think he would be stealing cars to support his habit?? Of course not, criminalizing the drug issue only makes underground criminal syndicates more powerful and drives up the cost for the drug addict so that he has to steal, cheat and lie in order to get his fix.

treat the drug issue like another other disease where the addict can get prescriptions for his drug and be put in rehab and treatment programs to find out and resolve the underlying issues as to why he or she is a drug addict.

Dont you see how making drugs illegal, thus them being on the black market for ridiculous amounts of money, creates this atmosphere of crime and theft?? Someone would not steal and thieve for something the government was giving them for free.

It would also lessen the financial power of criminal organizations that use the war on drugs to fuel their wars, coups, rebellions, terrorist actions etc... All of a sudden they would be making billions less $$$$.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #515 on: May 26, 2008, 07:42:34 AM »
A quote of Martin Luther Kings I always liked:

"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal

And I concur. My parents lived under Jim Crow for 25 years, and it was "crime" for them to get medical care in a hospital, enter a front door of many establishments, go to the movies and so much more. Brutal criminals going to a movie ::)

PS - This is the hottest thread the nutrition board has seen forever. Personally, I don't even venture here normally.

It's time for "people of color" to get over this shit already. I know I have!


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #516 on: May 26, 2008, 08:17:53 AM »
if the drug addict was supplied drugs through a federal government treatment program---do you think he would be stealing cars to support his habit?? Of course not, criminalizing the drug issue only makes underground criminal syndicates more powerful and drives up the cost for the drug addict so that he has to steal, cheat and lie in order to get his fix.

treat the drug issue like another other disease where the addict can get prescriptions for his drug and be put in rehab and treatment programs to find out and resolve the underlying issues as to why he or she is a drug addict.

Dont you see how making drugs illegal, thus them being on the black market for ridiculous amounts of money, creates this atmosphere of crime and theft?? Someone would not steal and thieve for something the government was giving them for free.

It would also lessen the financial power of criminal organizations that use the war on drugs to fuel their wars, coups, rebellions, terrorist actions etc... All of a sudden they would be making billions less $$$$.

Have you ever seen a heroin addict with a $500.00 a day habit?

I have, and no amount of drugs the government could/would supply them is gonna` be enough to compensate for the magnitude of their addiction.

Re-habs work,I`ve been in one myself,but they only work if the addict wants to recover.

I do however agree with you on the organized crime and drug cartels becoming more powerful and rich from drug sales,but in reality,the government will never legalize deadly drug use in any setting.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #517 on: May 26, 2008, 09:01:16 AM »
if the drug addict was supplied drugs through a federal government treatment program---do you think he would be stealing cars to support his habit?? Of course not, criminalizing the drug issue only makes underground criminal syndicates more powerful and drives up the cost for the drug addict so that he has to steal, cheat and lie in order to get his fix.

treat the drug issue like another other disease where the addict can get prescriptions for his drug and be put in rehab and treatment programs to find out and resolve the underlying issues as to why he or she is a drug addict.

Dont you see how making drugs illegal, thus them being on the black market for ridiculous amounts of money, creates this atmosphere of crime and theft?? Someone would not steal and thieve for something the government was giving them for free.

It would also lessen the financial power of criminal organizations that use the war on drugs to fuel their wars, coups, rebellions, terrorist actions etc... All of a sudden they would be making billions less $$$$.

1.One of the main reasons drugs are illegal is due to them making people into zombies. Who will want to go and work when he can be high all day long on free government supplied drugs?

2.Most steroid myths about receptors downgrade come from street drugs where it really does happen.
Thus you will supply more and more until people will OD and die.

3.Many drugs have very powerful effects, and you really don't want people on an acid trip walking down the streets/driving/operating machinery or whatever. There is enough shit with Alcohol (and cigarettes) why add drugs as another legal problem?

4.I agree that the black market gets stronger but that is not the way to handle them.

Nordic Beast

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #518 on: May 26, 2008, 09:11:10 AM »
1.One of the main reasons drugs are illegal is due to them making people into zombies. Who will want to go and work when he can be high all day long on free government supplied drugs?

2.Most steroid myths about receptors downgrade come from street drugs where it really does happen.
Thus you will supply more and more until people will OD and die.

3.Many drugs have very powerful effects, and you really don't want people on an acid trip walking down the streets/driving/operating machinery or whatever. There is enough shit with Alcohol (and cigarettes) why add drugs as another legal problem?

4.I agree that the black market gets stronger but that is not the way to handle them.
so what is your answer---shall we keep funneling billions of dollars into a war on drugs that doesnt work??

do you think its fair they use hard earned taxpayer money (when we are on the verge of a recession) to pay for this war, which has only exacerbated the problem and fueled criminal enterprises to greater power.

people want to take drugs, period. Obviously throwing people in jail doesn't deter that.  Shit America has the highest jailed citizen rate of any modern country :o.

My argument is not to just blindly give drugs to people, but rather to have programs set up (using the money they funnel into the futile war on drugs) to help people rehab instead of throwing them in jail cells, I think making drugs legal would also help the criminal problem associated with drug use.

whats being done now isnt working so your arguments for continuance of these procedures are fundamentally flawed and idealistic and in no way rooted in the reality of the situation.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #519 on: May 26, 2008, 09:23:19 AM »

whats being done now isnt working so your arguments for continuance of these procedures are fundamentally flawed and idealistic and in no way rooted in the reality of the situation.

WTF? I hope you don't refer to my arguments about the effects since they  are true and based on facts, thats why you didn't try to dispute any of them.

Now the dealing with drugs is far from being so simple that me and you will just find the solution in two posts on Getbig  ::)

I don't think legalizing them will help because of:

1.The reasons I stated.

2.Their nature will (and the fact they are currently controlled by them) keep the criminals near them.
There are plenty of legal business that appeal to the underworld and they stay near them, Casino comes to mind :)

3.I do agree that changing of the laws will help, some in a more harsh manner and some the other way.
For example it might help to make dealing a one strike felon, deal once and you will never see the light of day (just off my mind don't take it as anything more).
Maybe applying some of the new powers they give homeland security might help, who knows.
And on the other hand, using can be legal to any of the "reasonable" drugs such as grass, coke, steroids and than some.

I will say again, you make it sound way too easy if you ask me, legalizing drugs might open a hornets nest so its better to keep that as a last resort.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #520 on: May 26, 2008, 09:26:05 AM »
It's time for "people of color" to get over this shit already. I know I have!


I was making a very rational statement, about illegal things not being always just and fair.

Your fat ass never lived it, my parents did for 25 years - which is a fact.

My father's brother died as he was barred from a hospital.

People had family die in the holocaust.

So tell you what, tell me your address, I will come with a gun and kill your sibling or your mom and then tell you to get over it then.

Hope that was clear :)

Nordic Beast

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #521 on: May 26, 2008, 09:31:00 AM »
WTF? I hope you don't refer to my arguments about the effects since they  are true and based on facts, thats why you didn't try to dispute any of them.

Now the dealing with drugs is far from being so simple that me and you will just find the solution in two posts on Getbig  ::)

I don't think legalizing them will help because of:

1.The reasons I stated.

2.Their nature will (and the fact they are currently controlled by them) keep the criminals near them.
There are plenty of legal business that appeal to the underworld and they stay near them, Casino comes to mind :)

3.I do agree that changing of the laws will help, some in a more harsh manner and some the other way.
For example it might help to make dealing a one strike felon, deal once and you will never see the light of day
(just off my mind don't take it as anything more).
Maybe applying some of the new powers they give homeland security might help, who knows.
And on the other hand, using can be legal to any of the "reasonable" drugs such as grass, coke, steroids and than some.

I will say again, you make it sound way too easy if you ask me, legalizing drugs might open a hornets nest so its better to keep that as a last resort.
the 3 strikes law has failed miserably----it has not reduced criminal activity and has caused overcrowding in California prisons...yet you want to make a one strike law :-\  that sounds like communist Russia to me or North Korea, shit we might as well put them in labor camps :-\

we Americans are supposedly living in a FREE nation, taking our civil liberties away, as the "patriot act" does, will only push us farther away from that ideal and make us more into a Soviet Russia clone.  We may live in a "safe" society but does that really matter if you are not free to do anything, shit someone wont hurt themselves if you lock them in a padded cell with a straight jacket on but is that really living ???  Be careful the power you grant the government for the best intentioned laws can be used and manipulated into making us drones and pawns of the state.  The founding fathers of this country would be appalled at such laws.

You CANNOT lock people up for something that is inherent in their nature, people have and will always use drugs.  The answer is to treat them as people with a disease instead of as criminals and locking them up in a small cell and throwing away the key.

The answer is not easy, I agree with you, but things must change and the answer does not lie in imprisoning our citizens.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #522 on: May 26, 2008, 09:34:40 AM »
Quoting without replying means....?

Nordic Beast

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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #523 on: May 26, 2008, 09:45:03 AM »
Quoting without replying means....?
sorry my mistake-----I accidentally pushed post and did not get a chance to write my response.

I am not attacking you, this kind of dialogue is good and what the country needs.  We must change this problem of Americans rotting in prison for consensual crimes.

Look at California, they legalized weed and the state hasn't been torn apart by criminals or fallen into the sea as some Conservatives said would happen.  It has actually been very beneficial to helping their budget crisis.  Imagine 8.25% of every eighth sold going to the state, that adds up to a lot of money the state was not seeing before legalization.  Our economy cannot afford to lose these funds and have this money funneled to places like Afghanistan (heroin) or Colombia (cocaine), and into the hands of terrorists.


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Re: Matt C's review of the Higher Power stack by!
« Reply #524 on: May 26, 2008, 10:00:30 AM »
sorry my mistake-----I accidentally pushed post and did not get a chance to write my response.

I am not attacking you, this kind of dialogue is good and what the country needs.  We must change this problem of Americans rotting in prison for consensual crimes.

Look at California, they legalized weed and the state hasn't been torn apart by criminals or fallen into the sea as some Conservatives said would happen.  It has actually been very beneficial to helping their budget crisis.  Imagine 8.25% of every eighth sold going to the state, that adds up to a lot of money the state was not seeing before legalization.  Our economy cannot afford to lose these funds and have this money funneled to places like Afghanistan (heroin) or Colombia (cocaine), and into the hands of terrorists.

Well I'm not from the US but if my opinions can help America I'm all for it  ;D
Notice that I did mention Weed as something that can easily be legalized but LSD,crack and others are drugs that shouldn't be anywhere beside labs.

BTW don't think I'm some kind of old prone, I have experienced with steroids,weed and some other light drugs and I have plenty of friends who use regularly without killing them self or others.
But I and them have also seen what some drugs can cause people even at low dosages, hell man if alcohol wasn't rooted in human history it would stay banned like in the 20's, and although I like to drink I can see why.

Also keep in mind that most people are far from what you and I are, we can keep a diet, train and in general like to be in control of ourself, but I don't trust a fat bitch that can't resist a Mars bar to resist ODing on LSD or shooting people with her daddy's rifle because she thought she saw demons chasing her lol  ;D

Just think that instead of a regular bar you'll have LSD and crack bars at won't be a pretty sight.