Author Topic: More good news for white males in the UK  (Read 1883 times)


  • Getbig V
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More good news for white males in the UK
« on: July 29, 2008, 02:21:05 AM »
[size="5"]Go soft on killer wives: Women who kill in cold blood could escape murder charge[/size]

Women who kill abusive partners in cold blood could escape a murder conviction if they prove they feared more violence. Under a major government review, they will be punished for the lesser offence of manslaughter, sparing them a mandatory life sentence. They must establish only that they were responding to a 'slow burn' of abuse. The change sweeps aside the existing requirement in any defence of provocation that they killed on the spur of the moment after a 'sudden' loss of control.

In cases where a husband kills, the existing 'partial defence' of provocation if a wife was having an affair is scrapped altogether. The Ministry of Justice said this was in response to long-standing concerns that the centuries- old measure impacts differently on men and women. In the first major changes to homicide laws in 50 years, ministers have ruled that other categories of killer, as well as domestic violence victims, should be offered new partial defences of provocation. They include those 'seriously wronged' by an insult.
  :blink:  Beneficiaries of this change may include those who strike out after long and bitter disputes with neighbours, or victims of a serious crime who are taunted at a later date by the attacker.

Instead of receiving a mandatory life sentence for murder, they too could escape with a manslaughter conviction. Women's groups had long campaigned for changes to the law to protect victims of domestic violence who hit back in desperation.  But the proposed new partial defence for killers who feel 'seriously wronged' by 'words and conduct' took experts completely by surprise. Robert Whelan of the Civitas think-tank accused Ministers of introducing 'gang law' into the legal system.

He said: 'To take someone's life because they say something that offends you is the law of gang culture.

Harriet Harman: 'Changing the law will end this injustice of women being killed by their husbands and the injustice of them then being blamed'

'Are we really going to introduce into our criminal justice system that it is a defence to say "I was insulted"?' He also voiced concern about the plan to give special protection to certain groups. Mr Whelan said: 'By creating all these special categories, the Government are making some people more equal than others before the law. 'It seems some lives are worth more than others.' Lyn Costello of Mothers Against Murder and Aggression described the changes as 'utter madness'. She warned: 'We need clear laws, not more grey areas. This is not the sort of message to send out. 'You will have some very clever lawyers who will twist this around to suit their clients. 'Unless there are really exceptional circumstances, such as self defence or protecting yourself or family, then there is no excuse for killing someone and it should be murder.' Officials, however, denied they were creating any loopholes.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Justice Minister Maria Eagle gave an example of where the new defence could apply as a 'serious neighbour dispute' in which the provocation of one person had reached a 'very high level'. She also cited a person who had been subjected to repeated racist abuse. Her officials stressed later that any neighbour dispute would have to go 'quite beyond what an ordinary person should be expected to deal with'. Other examples of where the defence may apply included a victim of a serious crime, such as a rape, being taunted by their attacker at a later date, or a mother who came home to find a man trying to rape her daughter, chased him down the street and stabbed him in the back.

The new defence reads: 'In exceptional circumstances only, killing in response to words and conduct which caused the defendant to have a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged'. Te defences of both fear of serious violence and being 'seriously wronged' apply only in cases where a person is deemed to have 'lost control', rather than acted in a premeditated manner.

This is itself a weakening of the current law, which specifies that a person using such a defence must have have suffered a 'sudden' loss of control. The 'seriously wronged' clause also makes a special exemption for infidelity. Ministers said sexual jealousy could no longer be used as a defence under any circumstances.  Harriet Harman, Labour's deputy leader and Minister for Women, said: 'After a man has intentionally killed his wife, bereaved relatives have said to me "Why is he allowed to try and get away with murder?. '"He planned to kill her, he intended to kill her, he did kill her. How is this not murder?". 'At the moment the law allows him to try to get off a murder charge by claiming she provoked him, for example by being unfaithful.  'It's unacceptable if you've lost a sister, or a mother, to then be told it's her fault because she provoked him.  'Changing the law will end this injustice of women being killed by their husbands and the injustice of them then being blamed. 'And it will end the injustice of the perpetrators making excuses saying it's not their fault.'

The proposals will be part of a Bill to be included in the Queen's Speech in November. They will then go through Parliament over the following months. Justice Department officials said that, overall, they expected the number of murder convictions to increase by 20 each year as a result of the whole package of changes. Ministers have, however, decided not to adopt two proposals suggested by the Law Commission, the Government's law reform advisers. They are for a U.S.-style system of first and second degree murders, and a recommendation for a defence of 'developmental immaturity'. This would have seen children who kill being convicted of lesser charges if their lawyers could prove that they were young for their age.

I particulary like the racist angle. So now the muslims will be able to kill us for offending them - something we seem to do every time we take a breath. Touchy buggers.


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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2008, 03:02:48 AM »
I blame weak White Males for allowing this to happen. 

Nordic Superman

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2008, 05:39:01 AM »
Fucking joke mate...

But am I supprised? No...


The new defence reads: 'In exceptional circumstances only, killing in response to words and conduct which caused the defendant to have a justifiable sense of being seriously wronged'. Te defences of both fear of serious violence and being 'seriously wronged' apply only in cases where a person is deemed to have 'lost control', rather than acted in a premeditated manner.

Words can never justify murder. This is pure scummary!
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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 07:17:44 AM »
Women are scum...
I hate the State.


  • Getbig V
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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 07:27:58 AM »
Women are scum...

That's not nice, Deicide!  I would not go that far....however:

The National Center for Health Statistics reports that from 1975 to 1988 in the US, in families with children present, wives file for divorce in approximately two-thirds of cases. In 1975, 71.4% of the cases were filed by women, and in 1988, 65% were filed by women.[1]

According to a study published in the American Law and Economics Review, women currently file slightly more than two-thirds of divorce cases in the US.[2] There is some variation among states, and the numbers have also varied over time, with about 60% of filings by women in most of the 19th century, and over 70% by women in some states just after no-fault divorce was introduced, according to the paper. Evidence is given that among college-educated couples, the percentages of divorces initiated by women is approximately 90%.

In their study titled "Child Custody Policies and Divorce Rates in the US," Kuhn and Guidubaldi find it reasonable to conclude that women anticipate advantages to being single, rather than remaining married.[3]

When women anticipate a clear gender bias the courts regarding custody, they expect to be the primary residential parent for the children and the resulting financial child support, maintaining the marital residence, receiving half of all marital property, and gaining total freedom to establish new social relationships. In their detailed analysis of divorce rates, Kuhn and Guidubaldi conclude that acceptance of joint physical custody may reduce divorce. States whose family law policies, statutes, or judicial practice encourage joint custody have shown a greater decline in their divorce rates than those that favor sole custody.
1. "Advance Report of Final Divorce Statistics, 1988" (PDF) (1991-05-21). Monthly Vital Statistice Report 39 (12 (supplement 2)). 

2. Brinig, Margaret; Douglas W. Allen (2000). "These Boots Are Made for Walking: Why Most Divorce Filers are Women". American Law and Economics Review 2 (1): 126–129. 

3. Kuhn, Richard; John Guidubaldi (1997-10-23). "Child Custody Policies and Divorce Rates in the US". 11th Annual Conference of the Children's Rights Council. Retrieved on 2006-09-18. 


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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2008, 07:29:53 AM »
Have Anti-Father Family Court Policies Led to a Men's Marriage Strike?

Kathleen is attractive, successful, witty, and educated. She also can't find a husband. Why? Because most of the men this thirty-something software analyst dates do not want to get married. These men have Peter Pan Syndrome--they refuse to commit, refuse to settle down, and refuse to "grow up."

However, given the family court policies and divorce trends of today, Peter Pan is no naive boy, but instead a wise man.

"Why should I get married and have kids when I could lose those kids and most of what I've worked for at a moment's notice?" asks Dan, a 31 year-old power plant technician who says he will never marry. "I've seen it happen to many of my friends. I know guys who came home one day to an empty house or apartment--wife gone, kids gone. They never saw it coming. Some of them were never able to see their kids regularly again."

The US marriage rate has dipped 40% over the past four decades, to its lowest point ever. There are many plausible explanations for this trend, but one of the least mentioned is that American men, in the face of a family court system which is hopelessly stacked against them, have subconsciously launched a "marriage strike."

It is not difficult to see why. Let's say that Dan defies Peter Pan, marries Kathleen, and has two children. There is a 50% likelihood that this marriage will end in divorce within eight years, and if it does the odds are two to one that it will be Kathleen, not Dan, who initiates the divorce. It may not matter that Dan was a decent husband--studies show that few divorces are initiated over abuse or because the man has already abandoned the family. Nor is adultery cited as a factor by divorcing women appreciably more than by divorcing men.

While the courts may grant Dan and Kathleen joint legal custody, the odds are overwhelming that it is Kathleen, not Dan, who will win physical custody. Over night Dan, accustomed to seeing his kids every day and being an integral part of their lives, will become a "14 percent dad"--a father who is allowed to spend only one out of every 7 days with his own children.

Once divorced, odds are at least even that Dan's ex-wife will interfere with his visitation rights. Three-quarters of divorced men surveyed say their ex-wives have interfered with their visitation, and 40% of mothers studied admitted that they had done so, and that they had generally acted out of spite or in order to punish their exes.

Kathleen will keep the house and most of the couple's assets. Dan will need to set up a new residence and pay at least a third of his take home pay to Kathleen in child support.

As bad as all of this is, it would still make Dan one of the lucky ones. After all, he could be one of those fathers who cannot see his children at all because his ex has made a false accusation of domestic violence, child abuse, or child molestation. Or a father who can only see his own children under supervised visitation or in nightmarish visitation centers where dads are treated like criminals.

He could be one of those fathers whose ex has moved their children hundreds or thousands of miles away, in violation of court orders which courts often do not enforce. He could be one of those fathers who tears up his life and career again and again in order to follow his children, only to have his ex-wife continually move them.

He could be one of the fathers who has lost his job, seen his income drop, or suffered a disabling injury, only to have child support arrearages and interest pile up to create a mountain of debt which he could never hope to pay off. Or a father who is forced to pay 70% or 80% of his income in child support because the court has imputed an unrealistic income to him. Or a dad who suffers from one of the child support enforcement system's endless and difficult to correct errors, or who is jailed because he cannot keep up with his payments. Or a dad who reaches old age impoverished because he lost everything he had in a divorce when he was middle-aged and did not have the time and the opportunity to earn it back.

"It's a shame," Dan says. "I always wanted to be a father and have a family. But unless the laws change and give fathers the same right to be a part of their children's lives as mothers have, it just isn't worth the risk."

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2008, 07:58:45 AM »
shame on you guys for putting up with that BS.

Seriously, i almost WISH there were muslim protesters with signs on my street so I could go outside and beat them with their own signs.  (Yes, I'm a little aggressive today due to high protein). 

Nordic Superman

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2008, 08:12:26 AM »
shame on you guys for putting up with that BS.

Seriously, i almost WISH there were muslim protesters with signs on my street so I could go outside and beat them with their own signs.  (Yes, I'm a little aggressive today due to high protein). 

Aggressive because of high protein? What's you protein source? Semen? That's the only protein source I know of with a protein/hormone mixture that might make ones self aggressive.
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Purple Aki

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2008, 09:00:23 AM »
Changing the laws relating to diminished responsibility and provocation so that they cover battered wives and mercy killings can only be a good thing.

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2008, 09:03:10 AM »
Aggressive because of high protein? What's you protein source? Semen? That's the only protein source I know of with a protein/hormone mixture that might make ones self aggressive.

Have you researched this topic a lot then?

Nordic Superman

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2008, 09:07:12 AM »
Have you researched this topic a lot then?

No, I just read Purple Aki's University thesis on the topic.
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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2008, 09:16:05 AM »
No, I just read Purple Aki's University thesis on the topic.

71% in criminal law, fucker. :D

I'm not justifying killing anyone, but it strikes me as odd that a man can kill his missus in a rage and have it reduced to voluntary manslaughter; whilst a battered wife that kills out of fear is often charged with murder. The need for a "temporary and sudden loss of self control" is heavily weighted in our favour, fact.

Nordic Superman

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2008, 09:25:21 AM »
71% in criminal law, fucker. :D

I'm not justifying killing anyone, but it strikes me as odd that a man can kill his missus in a rage and have it reduced to voluntary manslaughter; whilst a battered wife that kills out of fear is often charged with murder. The need for a "temporary and sudden loss of self control" is heavily weighted in our favour, fact.

Congrats mate, does that get a first class honour then?

I knew you thesis on "the effect of induced sperm consumption, and the sperm digestion capabilities of the human digestive system" was good... but not that good!
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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2008, 09:33:39 AM »
shame on you guys for putting up with that BS.

I agree to a point - the thing is - which British citizen actually thought they were voting in girls that would bring in such legislation ?

I'm English and I still consider myself so after 11 years away at 38 years old. There's pretty much a 2 party system there, much as there is in the US. It seems to me that the girls (and there's no other word for them) that bring in crap like this are not even part of the government we vote in. They are at the sidelines of both parties, destroying the very fabric of British culture & society.

I have no idea who these idiots think they are representing. It sure isn't the people that voted them in.

Purple Aki

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2008, 10:12:09 AM »
Congrats mate, does that get a first class honour then?

I knew you thesis on "the effect of induced sperm consumption, and the sperm digestion capabilities of the human digestive system" was good... but not that good!

No, a decent 2:1 - had some ropey marks in trusts, land law and E.U.

I'll always be thankful for all that practical research you did for my thesis, though.

Nordic Superman

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Re: More good news for white males in the UK
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2008, 01:42:09 PM »
No, a decent 2:1 - had some ropey marks in trusts, land law and E.U.

I'll always be thankful for all that practical research you did for my thesis, though.

lol, touché! well done :(
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