Author Topic: Why you MUST now vote Republican  (Read 3256 times)

Benny B

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #50 on: August 30, 2008, 01:38:55 PM »

I see the election as pretty rigged anyway, so why not vote with my conscious?

Yes, 240 is voting for the "high yalla" black man this one trying to pass in this election!  ;D


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #51 on: August 30, 2008, 01:45:45 PM »

Jailbait on the right, Bristol Palin.

that guy has a better hair piece than Derek


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #52 on: August 30, 2008, 01:52:17 PM »
Because Bill Clinton garnered the most votes in a hard fought campaign, and proved that he could lead by giving America eight years of peace and prosperity, that's why.  ;) How many votes has Palin garnered to be a heartbeat away from the presidency? Uhhh...that would be ZERO.

NEWS FLASH!!! Palin's the VICE-presidental pick, not the presidental pick. Nobody votes for the VP, or did you forget about that.

As for "peace and prosperity", the reason that Bin Laded hit us on 9/11 is because he'd been successful with previous terrorists attacks against us, DURING CLINTON'S TENURE. Had Clinton bagged him them, 9/11 never happens, and we still have the Twin Towers and 3000+ Americans still have pulses.

Hillary did not have what it takes. Obama took it to her and beat her. The dems wanted a new face and not the baggage that Hillary Clinton brings.
Why are you so concerned about Hillary as an obvious republican?  ::) She'll do fine as a senator from New York and do much to get legislation passed in an Obama administration.

I'm not concerned about Hilary, one way or the other. It's just comical that the Dems are yapping about how important experience is, when their least-experienced guy is their headliner.

Having an experienced guy as number two on the ticket is not unique, Sparky. If you know your history you'd know that Kennedy picked LBJ to be his VP because it would help him get elected by having an old steady hand in the ways of Washington beside him. Kennedy provided the bold vision and LBJ helped him with advice. Well, maybe not too much advice, as they didn't get along very well. :P Kennedy relied on his brother RFK more than anyone, who was Attorney general.

I never claimed it was unique, genius. You don't comprehend very well. Yapping about Palin's lack of "experience", when the Dems' top guy has even less (he hasn't run a government of ANY size; Palin has) is slapstick comedy.

And, if you abide by the saying of "Voting for the top of the ticket", McCain beats Obama in the experience category. Obama got his shots into McCain at the DNC; McCain will indeed return the favor at the RNC.

Bottom line, Obama got 18 million + votes from people who think he'll be a GREAT president in the primaries. Biden did not come close, so Obama won the nomination. But they do get along and Obama believes Biden can help him create the change agenda he believes in.

School's in session! NEXT!  ;D

Bottom line: The Obama camp is miffed that McCain just stole the spotlight from them, by selecting Palin. This changes the complexion of this election, making this more than ever a fight to the finish. With Obama's change agenda (i.e. the same tired tax-and-spend liberal spiel we heard from Kerry in 2004), that's exactly what Americans will have left in their pockets and bank accounts.....CHANGE!!!

Benny B

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2008, 02:26:30 PM »
NEWS FLASH!!! Palin's the VICE-presidental pick, not the presidental pick. Nobody votes for the VP, or did you forget about that.
I am well aware of the two different political positions, numbnuts. People do indeed often vote solely for the top of the ticket. However, I am also aware that the most important decision a presidential nominee has to make prior to the election is who his running mate will be. It says a lot about the judgment of the candidate when he picks someone lacking the qualifications to be president on day one. Palin is NOT battle tested from 18 months of campaigning with over 20 televised debates. Two years ago she was a mayor of a town with 9,000 people. I've lived in a small town before...most mayors of towns that small work as mayor PART TIME. Some of the biggest issues are repairing traffic lights and passing little city ordinances.  ::)

As for "peace and prosperity", the reason that Bin Laded hit us on 9/11 is because he'd been successful with previous terrorists attacks against us, DURING CLINTON'S TENURE. Had Clinton bagged him them, 9/11 never happens, and we still have the Twin Towers and 3000+ Americans still have pulses.
bwahaha!  ;D
The bottom line is America was struck under GEORGE W. BUSH'S TENURE. You can spin it all you want, but that is FACT. Maybe if the Bush administration paid attention to the high level memo titled "Bin Laden Plans To Strike The U.S. Using Airplanes", the events would not have happened.  ;) And please don't lecture me on the tragedy of 9/11/01...I worked in Lower Manhattan during that time and walked by the posters of people holding out hope for someone to locate their missing loved ones on the way to work every day. It was a tragic time.

I'm not concerned about Hilary, one way or the other. It's just comical that the Dems are yapping about how important experience is, when their least-experienced guy is their headliner.
I haven't heard Obama or Biden "yapping about experience", jackass. I am most certainly questioning Palin's credentials, however, because she isn't battle tested and McCain barely knows her. I personally, think the pick was irresponsible and dangerous.

I never claimed it was unique, genius. You don't comprehend very well. Yapping about Palin's lack of "experience", when the Dems' top guy has even less (he hasn't run a government of ANY size; Palin has) is slapstick comedy.
I comprehend just fine, thank you. Don't blame me because I am more knowledgeable on this than you. ;) It ain't "slapstick comedy" when a man gets the heaviest turnout in presidential primary history and garners over 18 MILLION votes, whereas Palin has received ZERO votes. Democrats have shown that they believe Obama is more than ready. Palin...not so much. She has a LOT to prove to show she can hang in a grueling campaign at the national level.

And, if you abide by the saying of "Voting for the top of the ticket", McCain beats Obama in the experience category.
Then why is Obama consistently leading in the polls?

Apparently, McCain has the experience but lacks the judgment by voting for Bush 95 PERCENT OF THE TIME.  ;)

Obama got his shots into McCain at the DNC; McCain will indeed return the favor at the RNC.
Indeed he will. And it will be a snooze fest compared to the brilliant and electrifying DNC.

Bottom line: The Obama camp is miffed that McCain just stole the spotlight from them, by selecting Palin. This changes the complexion of this election, making this more than ever a fight to the finish.
Hardly. She ain't ready for prime time, and will be exposed from the heat of this campaign. She also can't be an attack dog on Obama's experience, because she has LESS.  ;D This pick shows McCain's terrible judgment once again.

With Obama's change agenda (i.e. the same tired tax-and-spend liberal spiel we heard from Kerry in 2004), that's exactly what Americans will have left in their pockets and bank accounts.....CHANGE!!!
Nice attempt at humor...but I believe Obama will prevail. America is tired of tax cuts for the rich and tax breaks for the oil companies that gouge us at the pump. McBush is old and tired and Obama is going to bring the vision and CHANGE we need!!!

The Luke

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #54 on: August 30, 2008, 02:45:26 PM »

As a Christian how do you justifying lying for political ends...?

A former oil lobbyist (Palin) whose politcal career has been financed by oil money has no business being on the Republican ticket during an Oil War, why must you contort your standards depending on party affiliations?

How is Obama too inexperienced, yet a less experienced (younger) candidate IS qualified ...seemingly solely by virtue of her being not too bright and Republican?

In simple terms, (yet somehow beyond the grasp of simpletons), ever since World War Two the policies and (more importantly) the results of the various administrations have consistently shown that:

-Democrats raise the standard of living for the average American, Republicans lower it

-Democrats lower the deficit, Republicans raise it

-Democrats end wars, Republicans start them

-Democrats support unions, Republicans dismantle them

-Democrats raise military wages and improve entitlements for military families, Republicans lower military wages and reduce veterans rights

-Democrats give new rights to the public citizen, Republicans curtail and revoke them (save the 2nd Amendment)

These trends are not refutable... they are matters of public record. why is general perception the opposite of the factual evidence on each topic above?

But more importantly, why are self-professed Christians (such as yourself MCWAY) so willing to lie in order to promulgate these falsehoods and misconceptions?

What would Jesus do...? Jesus is so far left he'd be closer to Ralph Nader than Obama... a Republican he is NOT! 

The Luke

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #55 on: August 30, 2008, 02:46:53 PM »
To be'd have to be semi-retarded to NOT vote republican even if she wasn't a VP>


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #56 on: August 30, 2008, 02:52:38 PM »
I am well aware of the two different political positions, numbnuts. People do indeed often vote solely for the top of the ticket. However, I am also aware that the most important decision a presidential nominee has to make prior to the election is who his running mate will be. It says a lot about the judgment of the candidate when he picks someone lacking the qualifications to be president on day one. Palin is NOT battle tested from 18 months of campaigning with over 20 televised debates. Two years ago she was a mayor of a town with 9,000 people. I've lived in a small town before...most mayors of towns that small work as mayor PART TIME. Some of the biggest issues are repairing traffic lights and passing little city ordinances.  ::)
bwahaha!  ;D

Obama ain't "battle-tested" either. Yet, the Dems stuck him on TOP of the tickets, crowing about how successful they were, the last time they did that back in '92. So, bleating about the need of experience now, in regards to their opponent's VP pick, makes them look utterly silly. But, if they want to go there, McCain will refute their chirps, at the RNC.

The bottom line is America was struck under GEORGE W. BUSH'S TENURE. You can spin it all you want, but that is FACT. Maybe if the Bush administration paid attention to the high level memo titled "Bin Laden Plans To Strike The U.S. Using Airplanes", the events would not have happened.  ;) And please don't lecture me on the tragedy of 9/11/01...I worked in Lower Manhattan during that time and walked by the posters of people holding out hope for someone to locate their missing loved ones on the way to work every day. It was a tragic time.

And, the guy responsible for that struck the WTC and the USS Cole UNDER BILL CLINTON'S TENURE. Maybe if Clinton had gone after Bin Laden then, instead of getting his freak on with every one BUT Hilary, Bin Laden would be behind bars or in his grave, thus no 9/11.

I haven't heard Obama or Biden "yapping about experience", jackass. I am most certainly questioning Palin's credentials, however, because she isn't battle tested and McCain barely knows her. I personally, think the pick was irresponsible and dangerous.

Ever heard of the terms, "spokesmen"? Those words about experience are coming from Obama spokesmen. Those, O bright one, are people that speak ON OBAMA'S BEHALF, meaning their words (for all practical purposes are HIS words).

I comprehend just fine, thank you. Don't blame me because I am more knowledgeable on this than you. ;) It ain't "slapstick comedy" when a man gets the heaviest turnout in presidential primary history and garners over 18 MILLION votes, whereas Palin has received ZERO votes. Democrats have shown that they believe Obama is more than ready. Palin...not so much. She has a LOT to prove to show she can hang in a grueling campaign at the national level.
Then why is Obama consistently leading in the polls?

Kerry got the heaviest turnout in Democrat history at that point, back in 2004. He still lost. So much for primary turnout.

Obama has gone from leading decisively in all polls a few months ago, to barely leading, tied with, or trailing McCain. That was prior to the DNC. He got his bounce; but McCain will get his after the RNC. The end result will be a neck-and-neck race....AGAIN.

Despite this heavy turnout, Obama can't pull away from McCain. And, it's only going to get worse, if Palin gets the social conservatives to rally behind McCain.

Apparently, McCain has the experience but lacks the judgment by voting for Bush 95 PERCENT OF THE TIME.  ;)

And.....Obama towed his party line 97% of the time. And since the Dems took over Congress, their approval rating is much, MUCH WORSE than that of President Bush.

Indeed he will. And it will be a snooze fest compared to the brilliant and electrifying DNC.

To you, of course it will be. The liberals had their party; now, it's the conservatives' turn.

Hardly. She ain't ready for prime time, and will be exposed from the heat of this campaign. She also can't be an attack dog on Obama's experience, because she has LESS.  ;D This pick shows McCain's terrible judgment once again.
Nice attempt at humor...but I believe Obama will prevail. America is tired of tax cuts for the rich and tax breaks for the oil companies that gouge us at the pump. McBush is old and tired and Obama is going to bring the vision and CHANGE we need!!!

She can be an attack dog on his experience...when compared to that of John McCain. Again, they're the guys on the top of the tickets.

Old and tired is what Obama is, as his tax-and-spend, heartbeat-away-from-socialism policies virtually mirror those of Kerry back in '04. As I said earlier, left up to him and his liberal buddies, CHANGE is what we'll have left in our pockets, after hard-working Americans get taxed silly, upon Obama's not being able to pay for the checks that his mouth's been writing.

The Luke

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #57 on: August 30, 2008, 02:53:41 PM »
To be'd have to be semi-retarded to NOT vote republican even if she wasn't a VP>

Jesus would vote for Obama... why do you hate Jesus Coach? Are you an elitist? Are you French? Why do you hate America?

The Luke 

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2008, 02:55:14 PM »
Jesus would vote for Obama... why do you hate Jesus Coach? Are you an elitist? Are you French? Why do you hate America?

The Luke 

You obviously have a different interpretation of scripture than I do.

The Luke

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2008, 02:58:52 PM »
You obviously have a different interpretation of scripture than I do.

...isn't Jesus against the death penalty and war for oil?

What would be his opinion of bombing innocent civilians?

The Luke


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #60 on: August 30, 2008, 03:01:38 PM »
The islamic terrorists will see Sarah Palin and say

Hell, to heck with Allah, Islam and the 72 gals in heaven

I am gettin me some of that

War Over!

<---- sand niggy voting repb here....

i simply dont like taxes
carpe` vaginum!

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2008, 03:12:19 PM »
What would be his opinion of bombing innocent civilians?

I am not sure the bible sais pre-emptively killing your enemies is A-okay.

I'm very sure Jesus would prefer to negotiate with a threat instead of just stoning or crucifying someone before they had actually committed a sin.

We invaded Iraq BEFORE they could attack us, remember.


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #62 on: August 30, 2008, 03:15:44 PM »
I hope McCain win now cause maybe we will get a lot of "upskirt" shots of the VP


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #63 on: August 30, 2008, 03:17:27 PM »

As a Christian how do you justifying lying for political ends...?

A former oil lobbyist (Palin) whose politcal career has been financed by oil money has no business being on the Republican ticket during an Oil War, why must you contort your standards depending on party affiliations?

How is Obama too inexperienced, yet a less experienced (younger) candidate IS qualified ...seemingly solely by virtue of her being not too bright and Republican?

Palin ain't at the top of the ticket for her party. Obama is for his party. I'm not arguing the "experience" factor, one way or the other. The Dems, who were bragging about Clinton winning in 1992, despite these same charges hurled at him, are now talking smack about Palin's lack of experience.

This with Obama on the top of the ticket, Biden on the bottom, and H. Clinton GONE altogether.

That's rich!!!

The Dems are steam, because Palin has stolen the spotlight from them. Had McCain picked Romney, Pawlenty, or Ridge, the DNC (and especially Obama's fantastic speech) would be the top political headline.

In simple terms, (yet somehow beyond the grasp of simpletons), ever since World War Two the policies and (more importantly) the results of the various administrations have consistently shown that:

-Democrats raise the standard of living for the average American, Republicans lower it

-Democrats lower the deficit, Republicans raise it

-Democrats end wars, Republicans start them

-Democrats support unions, Republicans dismantle them

-Democrats raise military wages and improve entitlements for military families, Republicans lower military wages and reduce veterans rights

-Democrats give new rights to the public citizen, Republicans curtail and revoke them (save the 2nd Amendment)

Why don't you ask some long-term military folks how much they got under Clinton's administration? And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't the Great Depression happen with a Democrat at the helm?

And in the last 40-50 years, how many two-term Democratic presidents have we had again?

These trends are not refutable... they are matters of public record. why is general perception the opposite of the factual evidence on each topic above?

But more importantly, why are self-professed Christians (such as yourself MCWAY) so willing to lie in order to promulgate these falsehoods and misconceptions?

What would Jesus do...? Jesus is so far left he'd be closer to Ralph Nader than Obama... a Republican he is NOT! 

The Luke

This "Jesus is so far left" spiel is almost as comical as the previous foolishness you posted. I'm sorry. When did He punish those who built a good living for themselves by TAXING THEM out of their earning? Last time I checked, He instructed His followers to give to the poor. (Key word: GIVE, not have the government bled someone's check dry with high taxes).

In fact, I do recall an instance, where He rebuked someone who wanted his brother to divide the inheritance (that his father gave to his brother) with him.

The point: At no time did Christ condone a pseudo-socialist system, which is effectively what Obama wants to institute. Nor, did He command that a "rich" man get taxed more to pay for someone else's healthcare and education.

I won't even get into the social issues. So please spare me the silliness of claiming that a Christian is obligated to vote for Obama. My abs are beginning to hurt from all this laughing.

The Coach

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2008, 03:22:33 PM »
I am not sure the bible sais pre-emptively killing your enemies is A-okay.

I'm very sure Jesus would prefer to negotiate with a threat instead of just stoning or crucifying someone before they had actually committed a sin.

We invaded Iraq BEFORE they could attack us, remember.

I'm glad I never went to Catholic school, the bible was obviously the last thing they taught or did they even teach it? As for the highlighted..........bri lliant, especially after we gave them 2 years and 17 resolutions to's not like they didn't know. Oh yeah, we wern't the only country to give the nod either. You liberals act as though we did this without anyone knowing or agreeing.............eno ugh on this Rob, you've been spinning it for years. You sure you don't work for CNN?

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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #65 on: August 30, 2008, 03:30:33 PM »
I'm glad I never went to Catholic school, the bible was obviously the last thing they taught or did they even teach it? As for the highlighted..........bri lliant, especially after we gave them 2 years and 17 resolutions to's not like they didn't know. Oh yeah, we wern't the only country to give the nod either. You liberals act as though we did this without anyone knowing or agreeing.............eno ugh on this Rob, you've been spinning it for years. You sure you don't work for CNN?


All you're saying is that we did a lot of paperwork before attacking them.
We made it LEGAL in the world's eyes.

Not MORAL in the Lord's eyes.

I have a hard time believing - if Jesus were sititng in the Oval Office - that he'd be ordering "shock and awe" bombings of people who haven't attacked us. 

You can justify it in your conscious with "we did the paperwork with UN resolutions". I'm sure Pontius Pilote had all the legal paperwork in place to crucify Jesus too.  Doesn't make it right - just makes it legal.

With the UN paperwork, it was a LEGAL invasion.
In the eyes of GOD, I'm not so sure pre-emptively killing someone who MIGHT threaten you later, is legit.

It helps people sleep at night, and that's fine.  But I have the guts to admit... "Wow, the war was needed for our national interests, but it sure stinks in terms of the Ten Commandments".


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #66 on: August 30, 2008, 03:39:44 PM »

that guy has a better hair piece than Derek

Agreed...... :-X


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #67 on: August 30, 2008, 03:57:25 PM »
I am not sure the bible sais pre-emptively killing your enemies is A-okay.

I'm very sure Jesus would prefer to negotiate with a threat instead of just stoning or crucifying someone before they had actually committed a sin.

We invaded Iraq BEFORE they could attack us, remember.

if ya tally u teh total...ore christians have killed muslims than the other way around.....

of course..mass bombing iraq did not kill no one ::)

and i cant facking believe lol folks bought into that here....

carpe` vaginum!


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Re: Why you MUST now vote Republican
« Reply #68 on: November 06, 2008, 09:17:26 AM »

I am "Grade-A", however ;)

You're a "Grade-A" what?
Nasser called Palumbo an acromegalion