Author Topic: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin  (Read 2035 times)


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Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« on: September 16, 2008, 07:42:07 AM »
As usual, Newt is spot on:

Kristol: Gingrich on the Power of Authenticity
Bill Kristol
Newt Gingrich e-mailed me the following, which he gave me permission to share with the wider world:

Authenticity is the one word threat to the Obama-Biden ticket.

There is something going on this weekend which traditional pundits, traditional consultants and traditional politicians are simply missing. All of the normal biography-oriented and issue-oriented analysis misses an emotional gestalt event comparable to when Ronald Reagan in 1980 crystalized his leadership in New Hampshire when he seized control of the GOP debate.

In one sudden moment Friday, John McCain fundamentally changed American politics in a manner that transcends issues and details.
The great threat to the Obama-Biden ticket can be captured in one word: authenticity.

There is something unaffected and "unsophisticated" (in the Columbia, Princeton, Harvard and University of Chicago meanings of the word) about Governor Palin. She really was point guard of a state championship basketball team. She really is a competent hunter. She is a hockey mom. She has one son about to go to Iraq.

She has 13 years in elected office

By any practical standard she has done far more in the real world with much more spontaneity and practicality than Barack Obama. And there is something deeply real and courageous about John McCain ignoring most of his advisers and all of the "insider wisdom" to reach out to a younger woman whose greatest characteristic is undaunted courage and a willingness to clean out the corruption in her own party.

This is a moment of stunning authenticity versus a sad collapse on the part of the Obama campaign from " change you can count on" to politics as usual, as marked by Obama's choice of a senator first elected when Palin was 9 years old.

As I wandered around from a family restaurant to the dry cleaners to a variety of other non-political places, people kept walking up to me and talking with energy and enthusiasm about their reaction to McCain’s choice of Governor Palin. As I sifted through their emotions and the intensity of their reaction it hit me that they were responding to "the real thing." The power of Palin is that she is so out of the establishment, and so out of the talking-heads, inside-the –Beltway-elite mindset, that the 80 per cent of Americans who believe we are on the wrong track suddenly can identify with someone who isn’t part of what got us on that track.

Palin will make mistakes. The news media and the Obama researchers will find things to attack. But if she stays relaxed and continues to be authentically who she has been for 44 years, the country is going to love her, and they are very rapidly going to get disgusted with the cynical negative nastiness of politics as usual.

Finally 2008 really has given us "change we can count on." Ironically, it is the McCain-Palin ticket.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 08:19:38 AM »
Authenticity and B-movie actor Reagan do not belong in the same sentence.

Authenticity arguments sound like some desperate left wing observation.

She was a dynamic sports reporter on her local news though.

You want authentic?  Here's authentic:  she's a bona fide Uncle Tom to the women's movement.  She wants reproductive rights stripped from women.

"Republicans have -- in a P.T. Barnum, sucker-born-every-minute kind of way -- successfully framed themselves as the custodians of Christian ethics and conservative family values. This stance successfully masks their wholesale class war against the majority of their supporters, who continue to vote blatantly against their own economic interests in thrall to this deliberate emotional manipulation. It was the media critic Douglas Rushkoff who pointed out, several years ago, that Republican politicians were employing marketing techniques perfected by Clotaire Rapaille. Rapaille, broadly paraphrased, introduced a theory that approximately 80 percent of all decision making is done at the level of the limbic system -- our lowest, most colorless, reptilian emotional level. Republican strategies are consistent with a belief that the voting process, for most people, is full of feelings -- but devoid of reason."

"Sarah Palin, in this light, makes so little sense that she makes perfect sense. She speciously represents a new power paradigm of the Nice Mommy: the opposite of Hillary (the Mean Mommy), the opposite of Oprah (black, and therefore foreign), the opposite of Martha Stewart (another Mean Mommy). In her support for women on women's issues, she has done everything but volunteer for her own circumcision. She tacitly promises a roll backward into old-fashioned sexual roles -- like Old Testament-style old. Her morality is fixed, predictable and inflexible. There are those who will find comfort in the fact that they will know exactly what can be expected from Palin: Free will subordinated to obedience of an airtight, evangelical interpretation of the demands of God, country and Republican men. "

"It is unsurprising that the morally compromised fraternity of corruption-infested Republican robber barons and war profiteers came up with this stunt, but we must regard it in the same light as the rest of their treasonous, criminal behavior. We must regard Sarah Palin as the Carmella Soprano of the GOP -- an enabling wife of organized crime, who sees, hears and speaks no evil of the boys in her old-boy network for whom she does this ideological lap dance."

"It is a kind of eerie coincidence that Sarah Palin is being sprung on the public at the same time as the bimbo/frat-boy titty comedy "House Bunny," which features a poster of a beautiful young lady with Playmate-style bunny ears, big, stupid eyes and her mouth hanging open like someone just punched her. "

"Sarah Palin is the White House bunny -- the most nauseating novelty confection of the evangelical mind-set since Southern "chastity balls," wherein teen girls pledge abstinence from premarital sex by ceremonially faux-marrying their own fathers. "

"Sarah Palin is the sexual front of the culture war and the embodiment of the bold social engineering stance of the new authoritarianism that Republicans have been employing ever since they stole the election in 2000. As a result of conservative Republican policies, America has proved itself to be too rife with fraud, bureaucratic constipation, self-inflicted economic calamity, cronyism and incompetence to effect any positive movement anywhere at all, even at home. "

"But, the Republicans seem to be saying, at least we can offer you the hope of putting women back in their place. "


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2008, 08:24:54 AM »
See.....more Lib bullshit. The Libs are scared so they write/blog drivel like this. More "stole the election" crap....more class warfare shit that ths dems have profected ala Jackson and the other jerri curled idiot. Keep attacking some point u guys will realize, she's the VP.  ::)


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 08:34:56 AM »

For decades, liberals have been touting that the thoroughly modern women of the late 20th/early 21st century should be of the far-left feminist mold.

Sarah Palin DESTROYS that. Women now see that they don't have to abandon their families, their faith, or their moral conscience to succeed in the world. They are basically being shown, what most people know in their hearts to be true: A woman is valuable and special, whether she's at home, raising her kids, or out in the big-bad corporate world.

Powerful and strong, but sweet and loving (at least, on the surface), she has changed the game. And, it's scaring the holy hell out of the liberals and feminists.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!!!  ;D


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2008, 08:39:07 AM »
The Republicans are, in effect, saying: We're not going to win this race on the basis of being the better candidates. Barack Obama is going to make you think. You don't like thinking. Here's an It Girl vice president who is easy on the eyes, you stodgy old white baby boomer. She's like a grown-up version of Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island." She embodies the raw conviction that everything the Republicans have ever done has been right. She'll make you feel better about yourself for voting for Bush. Twice.

Relax: The war is God's plan. (Or whatever.) Women, even if they are vice president, can always look pretty, worship their husbands in the fear of God and never, ever resist invasions from unwanted sperm.

Sarah Palin and her virtual burqa have me and my friends retching into our handbags. She's such a power-mad, backwater beauty-pageant casualty, it's easy to write her off and make fun of her. But in reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.
She is dangerous. She is not just pro-life, she's anti-life. She is the suppression of human feeling and instinct. She is a slave to the compromises dictated by her own desire for power and control. Sarah Palin is untethered from her own needs and those of her family, which is in crisis, with a pregnant daughter, a son on the way to Iraq and a special-needs infant.

She should, however, be a galvanizing point for women everywhere. Not to support her candidacy but to rebel against the Republican Party and take back the respect and equality so hard-earned by the women's liberation movement in the 1970s.

We've been shanghaied. This is sick. We need to slap the face of our bad frat-boy date and walk home from this drive-in movie. Sarah Palin may put out to be popular, but the rest of America's women don't need to do the same.

If not, what the hell? John McCain should go the whole Hugh Hefner route and have eight V.P.s that all look exactly like Sarah Palin.

It's McCain's world, girls: You'd just live in it.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 08:41:13 AM »
The reality is Sarah Palin is an terrible candidate.  And it shows just how dumb-ed down America is.

so in this election she looks great.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2008, 08:56:31 AM »
The Republicans are, in effect, saying: We're not going to win this race on the basis of being the better candidates. Barack Obama is going to make you think. You don't like thinking. Here's an It Girl vice president who is easy on the eyes, you stodgy old white baby boomer. She's like a grown-up version of Mary Ann from "Gilligan's Island." She embodies the raw conviction that everything the Republicans have ever done has been right. She'll make you feel better about yourself for voting for Bush. Twice.

This coming from the folks who left Hilary Clinton high-and-dry, despite the consensus that an Obama-Clinton/Clinton-Obama ticket would be unstoppable. That's a riot.

Nobody's claiming that everything the Republicans have ever done is right. BTW, the Democrats control Congress, and their approval ratings are FAR WORSE than that of President Bush.

When are you liberals going to get it through your skulls that Bush ain't running for president? You had two shots to beat him in the election, but you didn't get the job done. It's too late, now. It's Obama vs. McCain, not Obama vs. Bush, not Obama vs. Palin.

Obama is so busy lobbying jabs against the folks against whom he isn't competing, that he's letting the guy who headlines the oppositing ticket BEAT ON HIM, almost without impunity. That's one of the reasons Obama is LOSING in the polls.

Relax: The war is God's plan. (Or whatever.) Women, even if they are vice president, can always look pretty, worship their husbands in the fear of God and never, ever resist invasions from unwanted sperm.

Sarah Palin and her virtual burqa have me and my friends retching into our handbags. She's such a power-mad, backwater beauty-pageant casualty, it's easy to write her off and make fun of her. But in reality I feel as horrified as a ghetto Jew watching the rise of National Socialism.
She is dangerous. She is not just pro-life, she's anti-life. She is the suppression of human feeling and instinct. She is a slave to the compromises dictated by her own desire for power and control. Sarah Palin is untethered from her own needs and those of her family, which is in crisis, with a pregnant daughter, a son on the way to Iraq and a special-needs infant.

She should, however, be a galvanizing point for women everywhere. Not to support her candidacy but to rebel against the Republican Party and take back the respect and equality so hard-earned by the women's liberation movement in the 1970s.

We've been shanghaied. This is sick. We need to slap the face of our bad frat-boy date and walk home from this drive-in movie. Sarah Palin may put out to be popular, but the rest of America's women don't need to do the same.

If not, what the hell? John McCain should go the whole Hugh Hefner route and have eight V.P.s that all look exactly like Sarah Palin.

It's McCain's world, girls: You'd just live in it.

This is straight-up comical. Has it ever occured to these women that keeping their legs closed goes a long way toward keeping that blasted "unwanted sperm" from doing its job, to help bring life into the world?

Again, every stereotype and everything that these bitter bra-burning banshees touted as mandatory to become a fulfilled woman of the 20th/21st century have officially been rendered moot and utter BS, thanks to this hockey-mom-turned-mayor-turned-governor-turned-(perhaps)-vice-president.

And, if you think the blubbering is bad now, wait until Nov 4. If McCain and Palin get 'er done, they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth amongst the feminists.....MUSIC TO MY EARS!!!!  ;D


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 08:57:13 AM »
Why exactly is she terrible....first off she's the VP pick. Second she has fired up the Republican party like nobody else running has. She has directly or indirectly altered the way this race has been run. The Dems tried to get here and its back-fired. Now Congress could be in play and States like New York are close to being in play for McCain. I don't expect him to win that state, but come on. Its not all about her either, but its about how Obama is dealing with her. Alot of energy is being put into attacking her instead of showcasing Obama's plans or even his guy, Biden. U remember Joe Biden right, dem pick for VP.  ;)


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2008, 09:02:30 AM »
In the latest FOX News/Rasmussen polls, McCain is ahead of Obama in Florida, Colorado, and Ohio, while the candidates are tied in Virginia and Pennsylvania. From Real Clear Politics:

McCain 48 (+2 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 46 (-3)

Obama leads by 0.6 of a point in the RCP Average for Colorado

McCain 49 (+1 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 44 (-4)

McCain leads by 6.3 points in the RCP Average for Florida

McCain 48 (-3 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 45 (+1)

McCain leads by 2.2 points in the RCP Average for Ohio

Obama 47 (nc vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
McCain 47 (+2)

Obama leads by 1.6 points in the RCP Average for Pennsylvania

McCain 48 (-1 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 48 (+1)

McCain and Obama are tied in the RCP Average for Virginia


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2008, 09:05:04 AM »
Why exactly is she terrible....first off she's the VP pick. Second she has fired up the Republican party like nobody else running has. She has directly or indirectly altered the way this race has been run. The Dems tried to get here and its back-fired. Now Congress could be in play and States like New York are close to being in play for McCain. I don't expect him to win that state, but come on. Its not all about her either, but its about how Obama is dealing with her. Alot of energy is being put into attacking her instead of showcasing Obama's plans or even his guy, Biden. U remember Joe Biden right, dem pick for VP.  ;)

Her way of firing up the repub rally is not important. What's discussed is that she dangerously underqualifed. The scary thing is that americans are not seeing it.

Do you have any idea how terrified Europe are of Mccain/Palin? They reek of lies and pure incompetence and since USA still plays an important role in the world they are outright DANGEROUS to the rest of us.

Why the hell Ron Paul got kicked out is beyond me. But I do think Obama is the lesser of two evils here.
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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2008, 09:06:37 AM »
Why exactly is she terrible....first off she's the VP pick. Second she has fired up the Republican party like nobody else running has. She has directly or indirectly altered the way this race has been run. The Dems tried to get here and its back-fired. Now Congress could be in play and States like New York are close to being in play for McCain. I don't expect him to win that state, but come on. Its not all about her either, but its about how Obama is dealing with her. Alot of energy is being put into attacking her instead of showcasing Obama's plans or even his guy, Biden. U remember Joe Biden right, dem pick for VP.  ;)

My point is this:

Shes was solely picked for the political purpose of winning the election.  Nothing more.

Take Biden and Mr. "Change our language to spanish" out of the equation for a just moment.

-  She's a mother of 5 (young ones)
-  Governor with 2 years experience
-  Not much other high level experince
-  ZERO foreign affairs experience.
-  She's backing up McCain who's very old and had bouts with cancer

She's not a good candidate.  However when you factor in the opposing team....  She's good.

Should we judge her based on the opposition or if she's good for the position?


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2008, 09:09:11 AM »
Europe wants Obama so they manipulate him. He's their type of guy, socialist, taxer...very naive. The terrorists want him because he's weak. If ur really a Ron Paul guy, there is no way in hell u should be supporting Obama. I think all u RP guys are full of shit. RP represents a very conservative branch of the Republican party. U don't go from supporting him to supporting a super Lib.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2008, 09:10:56 AM »
Europe wants Obama so they manipulate him. He's their type of guy, socialist, taxer...very naive. The terrorists want him because he's weak. If ur really a Ron Paul guy, there is no way in hell u should be supporting Obama. I think all u RP guys are full of shit. RP represents a very conservative branch of the Republican party. U don't go from supporting him to supporting a super Lib.

R u talking to me?


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 09:12:44 AM »


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 09:13:21 AM »
This coming from the folks who left Hilary Clinton high-and-dry, despite the consensus that an Obama-Clinton/Clinton-Obama ticket would be unstoppable. That's a riot.

Nobody's claiming that everything the Republicans have ever done is right. BTW, the Democrats control Congress, and their approval ratings are FAR WORSE than that of President Bush.
Clinton/Obama would have been a disaster
When are you liberals going to get it through your skulls that Bush ain't running for president. You had two shots to beat him in the election, but you didn't get the job done. It's too late, now. It's Obama vs. McCain, not Obama vs. Bush, not Obama vs. Palin.
Could you list the substantive differences between McCain and Bush's resepctive tax, Iraq and social security policies?

This is straight-up comical. Has it ever occured to these women that keeping their legs closed goes a long way toward keeping that blasted "unwanted sperm" from doing its job, to help bring life into the world?
Jeez, I thought we lived in a free country where people can determine how they manage their own bodies?  Nice to see you're such a prude on the sexual front.

Again, every stereotype and everything that these bitter bra-burning banshees touted as mandatory to become a fulfilled woman of the 20th/21st century have officially been rendered moot and utter BS, thanks to this hockey-mom-turned-mayor-turned-governor-turned-(perhaps)-vice-president.
I sort of agree with you on this point.

And, if you think the blubbering is bad now, wait until Nov 4. If McCain and Palin get 'er done, they'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth amongst the feminists.....MUSIC TO MY EARS!!!!  ;D
McCain is a Bush 3rd term.

Apparently you didn't learn your lesson the first two times around.  This isn't politics's masochism.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2008, 09:15:06 AM »
I wonder how much of an impact haveing the DNC in Colorado will affect voting in the state.

CO is like a lot of other states... take out Denver and Boulder and the entire state is a solid red state.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2008, 09:19:48 AM »
Europe wants Obama so they manipulate him. He's their type of guy, socialist, taxer...very naive. The terrorists want him because he's weak. If ur really a Ron Paul guy, there is no way in hell u should be supporting Obama. I think all u RP guys are full of shit. RP represents a very conservative branch of the Republican party. U don't go from supporting him to supporting a super Lib.

It's all a conspiracy eh?

I think voting Obama is important even though you might have little support for him. Voting for a third party certainly makes your point but to actually contribute and get rid of this Mccain/Palin travesty, vote Obama. As said, the lesser of two evils.

Damn man, have you ever been to Europe? Obama is NOT a super lib, that's something Bill O'Reilly would say.

You should come to Sweden, here the streets are clean, we haven't waged a war for 200 years, political stability, MUCH less poor people and everyone gets free healthcare. Meanwhile the middle class still gets get to keep their money and the rich stay rich. Awesome isn't it?
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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2008, 09:21:30 AM »
obama wants to ramp up the war effort in afghanistan, and send more forces into pakistan.

mccain doesnt.

which one of them sound like a lib wussy?


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2008, 09:24:55 AM »
obama wants to ramp up the war effort in afghanistan, and send more forces into pakistan.

mccain doesnt.

which one of them sound like a lib wussy?

How much is the Afghanistan war costing compared to the Iraq war?

Does Obama want to transfer troops and funds from Iraq to Afghanistan and solve it that way?
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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2008, 09:40:14 AM »
In the latest FOX News/Rasmussen polls, McCain is ahead of Obama in Florida, Colorado, and Ohio, while the candidates are tied in Virginia and Pennsylvania. From Real Clear Politics:

McCain 48 (+2 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 46 (-3)

Obama leads by 0.6 of a point in the RCP Average for Colorado

McCain 49 (+1 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 44 (-4)

McCain leads by 6.3 points in the RCP Average for Florida

McCain 48 (-3 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 45 (+1)

McCain leads by 2.2 points in the RCP Average for Ohio

Obama 47 (nc vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
McCain 47 (+2)

Obama leads by 1.6 points in the RCP Average for Pennsylvania

McCain 48 (-1 vs. last poll, Sept. 7)
Obama 48 (+1)

McCain and Obama are tied in the RCP Average for Virginia

If he keeps all the East coast states "Red" (FL, VA, OH), that's the ballgame, regardless of what Obama does out west.

Her way of firing up the repub rally is not important. What's discussed is that she dangerously underqualifed. The scary thing is that americans are not seeing it.

Based on what? More specifically, what makes her underqualified (as VP) vs. what makes Obama (who's never been a mayor, governor, commander-in-chief of a military) and has but 4 years in the Senate qualified to be president, as he is headlining the Dems' ticket?

Do you have any idea how terrified Europe are of Mccain/Palin? They reek of lies and pure incompetence and since USA still plays an important role in the world they are outright DANGEROUS to the rest of us.

Do you have any idea that we Americans couldn't give a rat's behind how "terrified" Europe is of McCain/Palin? We heard that garbage four years ago. We vote how we want to vote.

My point is this:

Shes was solely picked for the political purpose of winning the election.  Nothing more.

Nope. She was chosen to help win the election AND reform this mess in Washington.

Take Biden and Mr. "Change our language to spanish" out of the equation for a just moment.

-  She's a mother of 5 (young ones)
-  Governor with 2 years experience
-  Not much other high level experince
-  ZERO foreign affairs experience.
-  She's backing up McCain who's very old and had bouts with cancer

She's not a good candidate.  However when you factor in the opposing team....  She's good.

Should we judge her based on the opposition or if she's good for the position?

- She's a mother of 5 (one of which is a grown man, the other is nearly grown and soon to be married)
- She's been mayor and governor and has WAY more exec. experience than Obama (who's the #1 guy on the Dems' ticket).
- McCain may outlive us all; his mama is 96. On a sadder note, the Dems lost a congresswoman who was 13 years younger than McCain. So, this idea that McCain will keel over and die, the second he's sworn into Office is rather spurious.


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2008, 09:42:35 AM »
is this the same gingrich who presented his wife divorce papers while in the hospital battling cancer ?



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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2008, 09:48:29 AM »
is this the same gingrich who presented his wife divorce papers while in the hospital battling cancer ?

Yes, yes it is. 


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2008, 09:51:15 AM »

Nope. She was chosen to help win the election AND reform this mess in Washington.

- She's a mother of 5 (one of which is a grown man, the other is nearly grown and soon to be married)
- She's been mayor and governor and has WAY more exec. experience than Obama (who's the #1 guy on the Dems' ticket).
- McCain may outlive us all; his mama is 96. On a sadder note, the Dems lost a congresswoman who was 13 years younger than McCain. So, this idea that McCain will keel over and die, the second he's sworn into Office is rather spurious.

You brought Obama into your argument.  Keep him out becuase my point isn't considering who she's running against.

She has no experience in Washington and is running with a person who is too old.   Visualize her as president. Regardless of oother person's age, you should always do that with a VP pick

There are far better picks, is my point.  She was picked to win the election becuase of the current situation


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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #23 on: September 16, 2008, 09:54:22 AM »

Based on what? More specifically, what makes her underqualified (as VP) vs. what makes Obama (who's never been a mayor, governor, commander-in-chief of a military) and has but 4 years in the Senate qualified to be president, as he is headlining the Dems' ticket?
You like to compare Palin with Obama and basically say that they both have little experience but Palin excels of the two of them. Even though I don't agree with your conclusion I do see your point and it raises a question: Why set the bar so incredibly low? You people REALLY have to dig and search and twist facts and stories to make Palin/Obama meet the criteria. I bet there are dozens of people out there in America ready to lead with much higher competence whether they are Repubs or Libs. Really shows what a sad state America is in.

Do you have any idea that we Americans couldn't give a rat's behind how "terrified" Europe is of McCain/Palin? We heard that garbage four years ago. We vote how we want to vote.
Yeah and look how that turned out. The bush administration is a disaster and America is about to go in the shitter. Usually only hardcore neocons disagree with this.

- McCain may outlive us all; his mama is 96. On a sadder note, the Dems lost a congresswoman who was 13 years younger than McCain. So, this idea that McCain will keel over and die, the second he's sworn into Office is rather spurious.
Mccains has already had cancer and is on a ton of medications as we speak. 70+ years old and in this type of medical condition does not inspire confidence.

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Re: Newt Gingrich discusses Sarah Palin
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2008, 10:22:46 AM »
It's all a conspiracy eh?

I think voting Obama is important even though you might have little support for him. Voting for a third party certainly makes your point but to actually contribute and get rid of this Mccain/Palin travesty, vote Obama. As said, the lesser of two evils.

Damn man, have you ever been to Europe? Obama is NOT a super lib, that's something Bill O'Reilly would say.

You should come to Sweden, here the streets are clean, we haven't waged a war for 200 years, political stability, MUCH less poor people and everyone gets free healthcare. Meanwhile the middle class still gets get to keep their money and the rich stay rich. Awesome isn't it?

I've been to Europe alot and will be headed back after Christmas...Obama is the most Liberal senator we have..period. I didn't make that up, they rank them.  U cannot compare our two countries, and while I'm sure Sweden is great its only slightly larger the California and has close to 9 million people. U have a social welfare based system which I'm sure works great for Sweden but we have 350 million people and unfortunatly we have global responsibilities. The closest I've been to Sweden is Norway twice, lovely country.