Author Topic: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?  (Read 2582 times)


  • Getbig III
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Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:11:03 PM »
sorry i was replying to your post and I cant seem to find the original Thread. Reposting.

-early undergrad at Occidental college, ranked 37th among liberal arts colleges by US News and World Report
-he did well enough to transfer to Columbia, the third most selective Ivy League college, Columbia being only slightly less selective than Harvard and Yale

-Went to the University of Idaho. While a decent school, it's considered a third tier school by the US News rankings.
So... Obamas wealthy white grandparents got him into a better school and he got accepted because he is a minority? How did he do at Columbia? He admits he didnt do very well there so what does the prestige of that college have to do with anything other than enforce the liberal elitist sterotype?

Harvard Law School.
-editor of law review in first year based on grades and writing ability. For those of you who are unaware, this essentially marks him as among the smartest and most able in a group full of very smart and able people.
-President of Law review in his second year. First black president of Harvard Law Review. Again, a very prestigious position, and marks him as both a leader, and as someone of exceptional ability.
-Graduated Magna Cum Laude (highest academic honors), again a significant achievement among a group of significant achievers.


Objectively then, Obama is either significantly smarter, harder working or both than Palin. His undergraduate education is objectively and provably better. His grad work proves that he was leaps and bounds beyond Palin in terms of intellectual and leadership ability. You don't get to be President of Harvard Law Review by being average, or a shrinking violet.

Advantage: Obama

Are you kidding? How does the fact that Obama can live off grandma and Grandpa and the state because of his family and race card mean he is smarter for having the opportunity to go to school? Education has nothing to do with leadership ability. How much did race play into his bieng the first president of the Harvard Law Review? Did you know that after graduation, he was given 12 months to publish his first book, was late getting it done then given a 7 month extension to live on a tropical island to finish it? Again on someone else dime.

Work, non governmental:
NY Public Interest Research Group-1984-85
Developing Communities Project, Director-85-88
University of Chicago School of Law-Constitutional law lecturer, 92-2004
(University of Chicago is ranked 7th among US Law schools. The fact that Obama got emplyment here, and then was able to continue, marks him as someone exptionally smart and able)
Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, 1993-2004, attorney

with husband in commercial fishing
and a brief stint as a TV reporter

Advantage: Obama His non-governmental work experience is more diverse, and objectively marks him as someone smarter and more able than Palin.

Ok so he did some work as a community oranizer working with local communities which I think is great, but discounting Palin as stupid because she worked hard with her husbands business is ignorant. Are you saying fisherman are idiots and because she chose to enter the real working world that she is visibly less intelligent?

Governmental Experience

1997-2004 State senator of Illinois' 13th district. That district has nearly 800,000 people in it.

2005-present Illinois Senator

City councilwoman of Wasilla, a town of 6k, 1992-1996
Mayor of Wasilla, 1996-2004
governor of Alaska, 2006-present. Note that Alaska has 600k people in the whole state.

Advantage: Obama As both senator and state representative, Obama has experience representing more people, and larger districts with larger issues than does Palin.

Honestly, if you were on the search committee for, say, a board of director's position of a fortune 500 company, who would get the nod, Obama or Palin? It's Obama, if you have even a shred of honesty in your body. Given that, why is Palin even in the ballpark as number 2 in line for the Presidency? Don't get me wrong, Sarah Palin has some achievements, and she has a right to be proud of them. But realistically, in any category that matters Obama is better than Sarah Palin.

How many times during his run as State senator did he only vote PRESENT rather than for or against an issue. He passed legislation for sex education for young children and got millions of dollars for the school system that did absoutely nothing to improve test scores. The guy was a Senator for 18 months before running for president. He has done NOTHING but run for president.

Regardless of how small Wasilla is, she was in an executive position of leadership. This is something that OBama has a visible lack of. She was responsible for running an entire town which is quite a bit more difficult than showing up and voting present at the state legislature. If I was a fortune 500 company I would much rather have Palin as a CEO than Obama, because she has demonstrated direct leadership capabilittes, where as Obaman has not.


FOREIGN nations visited:

In August 2005, Obama  traveled to Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan.The trip focused on strategies to control the world's supply of conventional weapons, biological weapons, and weapons of mass destruction as a first defense against potential terrorist attacks Following meetings with U.S. military in Kuwait and Iraq in January 2006, Obama visited Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinian territories. He left for his third official trip in August 2006, traveling to South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Chad. In a nationally televised speech at the University of Nairobi, he spoke forcefully on the influence of ethnic rivalries and corruption in Kenya]

So let's see - discounting his campaign trips and meeting with World leaders of UK, Germany, Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan - he has been on official business talking war stuff with the Senate Foreign Relations committe to:

South Africa
Palestinian territories

And Palin once left the USA and visted 1 country.

Think Palin doesn't matter?

Mccain is 72 years old, and has had cancer 4 times.

Mccain smoked 2 packs a day for 25 years.

He has degenerative arthritis.
He's had cataract surgery.

Also, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, he's
Arthritic, has had Vertigo.

He's on 6 different medications including for
Kidneys, cholesterol, sleep, blood clots.

And he's about to enter the most stressful job on Earth?

He has visited more places, you got me there!

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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 02:00:30 PM »
Obama has seen the world and has a law degree from Harvard.

Palin has seen 1 country and attended SIX colleges to complete a journalism degree.

You can draw your own conclusions about which person has a betters et of experiences and education to lead a multi-trillion corporation with 305 million employees/dependents and a lot of scary enemies.


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2008, 02:03:58 PM »
Wealthy white grandparents.  Starts off with a lie... I'm sure the rest is riveting. But I didn't bother to read it.


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 02:23:42 PM »
Wealthy white grandparents.  Starts off with a lie... I'm sure the rest is riveting. But I didn't bother to read it.

Ok he put himself through school.... oh wait no he didnt.  You should read the rest. Its common sense.


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2008, 02:24:51 PM »
Obama has seen the world and has a law degree from Harvard.

Palin has seen 1 country and attended SIX colleges to complete a journalism degree.

You can draw your own conclusions about which person has a betters et of experiences and education to lead a multi-trillion corporation with 305 million employees/dependents and a lot of scary enemies.

Did you actually read what I wrote? He isnt qualifed to run a McDonalds.

George Whorewell

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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 03:55:27 PM »
Geraldine Ferraro went to Marymount Manhattan college, ( the same school my father graduated from in 3 years when he could barely speak or write English) and she was a VP candidate. GW Bush went to Yale and by all accounts is inarticulate and incompetent. Palin went to University of Idaho and Obama went to Harvard Law School.


George W. Bush is mocked day and night for being a moron, but he's Yale educated. What difference does where someone went to school make when running the country?


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2008, 03:57:35 PM »
It only matters when ur facts back up a liberal attack.


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2008, 03:59:00 PM »
Geraldine Ferraro went to Marymount Manhattan college, ( the same school my father graduated from in 3 years when he could barely speak or write English) and she was a VP candidate. GW Bush went to Yale and by all accounts is inarticulate and incompetent. Palin went to University of Idaho and Obama went to Harvard Law School.


George W. Bush is mocked day and night for being a moron, but he's Yale educated. What difference does where someone went to school make when running the country?

Oh Puleaze!
Palin's probably got $100K in the death pool! She's prolly betting McCain kicks the bucket and makes her PREZ!

George Whorewell

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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2008, 04:13:26 PM »
Jaguar your acting like one mean pussy cat today. Do you have anything of merit to add besides some off the wall remark about McCain being old? Do you dispute my claim that (A) Obama should be focusing on McCain and (B) Where someone goes to college doesn't mean squat in terms of being an effective politician?


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2008, 04:14:52 PM »
She wants to be spanked.....


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2008, 04:28:51 PM »
She wants to be spanked.....

I'd rather be stroked & petted.  :P



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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2008, 04:30:58 PM »
we can do that as well. Heavy petting?


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2008, 04:40:34 PM »
Jaguar your acting like one mean pussy cat today. Do you have anything of merit to add besides some off the wall remark about McCain being old? Do you dispute my claim that (A) Obama should be focusing on McCain and (B) Where someone goes to college doesn't mean squat in terms of being an effective politician?

Yes I dispute A

Obama should focus on the issues, not that derelict, no nothing, fornicating, caribou barbie selecting, decrepit, unstable, addle-minded crypt keeper who is seeking the presidency for selfish reasons that have nothing to do with putting the country first

          John McCain - Ambition First Country Last


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2008, 04:43:22 PM »
we can do that as well. Heavy petting?

Discussing this matter further is useless without a pic.  :P


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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2008, 04:52:07 PM »
hahahha....sure jag. ;)

Oh come on and Obama wants to save us right..because he has a big heart. Obama is as full of if not more so full of shit.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Response to 240 - Thread got wiped?
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2008, 04:57:55 PM »
Obama has seen the world and has a law degree from Harvard.

Palin has seen 1 country and attended SIX colleges to complete a journalism degree.

You can draw your own conclusions about which person has a betters et of experiences and education to lead a multi-trillion corporation with 305 million employees/dependents and a lot of scary enemies.

ROFLMAO!!!  I love this thought is awesome.  Let me elaborate with your (and most Liberal) philosophy here (although you won't admit it):

Obama supporter/typical genius liberal"Since we have no chance at comparing our LACK OF A RECORD with McCain the other PRESIDENTIAL candidate, perhaps we can just run against Palin.  We can't beat McCain so lets just pretend he is Bush (since his approval ratings are so low) and try and trick the idiot public (which really aren't idiots but Liberals are too smart to know otherwise) by making these parallels.  It's our only hope!"