Author Topic: Does it really matter who our next president will be?  (Read 4307 times)


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Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« on: October 08, 2008, 08:35:20 PM »
Other that picking the supreme court justices and homeland secuirty, does it really matter who our next president will be?

In either case the state of things will be Bush's fault. Moreso of course if the dems win but still....

Regardless of who is president they are going to inherit an occupation in Iraq that will be ended in the same timeframe most likely regardless of who is in office.

They are going to inherit a war in Afganistan that needs to be resolved and will probably be done in the same manner regardless of who is in office.

They are going to inherit a shitstorm of an economy that will be blamed on the previous administration so will not have any money to get hardly anything done.

They are going to inherit rapidly deteriorating intitlement programs like social security and medicare that are going to bankrupt us faster than anything

If Mcain is in office then the democrats will continue to cock block anything he tries to do.

If Obama is in office, he wont have any money to do what he has promised and if he tried to do anything too radical then the congress will most likely shift like in 94 and he will get cock blocked..

So in all honesty how much different are these two presidencies going to be?

I have some opinions, I am just curious about what you guys think of these issues.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2008, 08:39:00 PM »
Neither were in my top 10!


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2008, 08:42:06 PM »
Other that picking the supreme court justices and homeland secuirty, does it really matter who our next president will be?

In either case the state of things will be Bush's fault. Moreso of course if the dems win but still....

Regardless of who is president they are going to inherit an occupation in Iraq that will be ended in the same timeframe most likely regardless of who is in office.

They are going to inherit a war in Afganistan that needs to be resolved and will probably be done in the same manner regardless of who is in office.

They are going to inherit a shitstorm of an economy that will be blamed on the previous administration so will not have any money to get hardly anything done.

They are going to inherit rapidly deteriorating intitlement programs like social security and medicare that are going to bankrupt us faster than anything

If Mcain is in office then the democrats will continue to cock block anything he tries to do.

If Obama is in office, he wont have any money to do what he has promised and if he tried to do anything too radical then the congress will most likely shift like in 94 and he will get cock blocked..

So in all honesty how much different are these two presidencies going to be?

I have some opinions, I am just curious about what you guys think of these issues.

No, there is NO DIFFERENCE and that is why it is important to pick one of the 3rd party candidates to vote for.

Become active in local level politics, and participate in events.

The issues they argue are meaningless when compared to WORLD BANKING and WAR.  Both go hand in hand and they feed off each other.

Glad to see someone else who "get's it"  My hat's off to you.


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2008, 08:43:38 PM »
I think the world will have less confidence in the US economy if the Republicans get back in ... just my 2 cents.

Eyeball Chambers

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 08:46:45 PM »
No, there is NO DIFFERENCE and that is why it is important to pick one of the 3rd party candidates to vote for.

Become active in local level politics, and participate in events.

The issues they argue are meaningless when compared to WORLD BANKING and WAR.  Both go hand in hand and they feed off each other.

Glad to see someone else who "get's it"  My hat's off to you.

Good post!  8)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 08:56:08 PM »
I give up, lets just elect McCain because Obama is exactly the same ::)  Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard and it comes FROM third party candidates because they need you to believe there is zero difference between the two or you won't vote for them!  Are there serious problems that both dems and republicans fuck us equally on, sure there are and they need to be fought and I intend on fighting these things.  But it is absolutely not true that McCain = Obama... 


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 09:00:57 PM »
listen to this. I don't expect you to listen to it all. but its not bad.

Gene Healy on "The Cult of the Presidency"

big L dawg

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 11:32:28 PM »
I give up, lets just elect McCain because Obama is exactly the same ::)  Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard and it comes FROM third party candidates because they need you to believe there is zero difference between the two or you won't vote for them!  Are there serious problems that both dems and republicans fuck us equally on, sure there are and they need to be fought and I intend on fighting these things.  But it is absolutely not true that McCain = Obama... 

listen these McCain guys are on a sinking ship...they are trying to minimize there losses by coping out that''it really doesn't matter".when your on the losing team thats how cope with's not there fault.It's a character flaw


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2008, 12:06:39 AM »
I give up, lets just elect McCain because Obama is exactly the same ::)  Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard and it comes FROM third party candidates because they need you to believe there is zero difference between the two or you won't vote for them!  Are there serious problems that both dems and republicans fuck us equally on, sure there are and they need to be fought and I intend on fighting these things.  But it is absolutely not true that McCain = Obama... 

bang on bro...well said.

this is the problem with voting. everyone has a right to- even stupid people. its worse in countries where its compulsory.

as far as i know, the third party votes end up where they decide to put them- taking your vote and putting your trust in their hands. Over here its called preferences and if you dont know very much about the third party then you're better off voting for the major party.

the difference is philosophy of life. some people believe strongly either way. to me, it means looking at the past and seeing what philosophy has and hasnt worked well, and addressing it.

over here we have liberal and labor. liberal is basically similar to how the US is run- the odds are stacked for winner takes all, opportunity abounds and the strongest survives. the economy tends to thrive under that model, the gap between rich and poor gets larger, healthcare and social services diminish etc. the result is that half the population is happy with that.

on the other hand labor is more for restricting opportunity and levelling the playing field so that when you get sick, you get cared for- in exchange you get less opportunity, and taxes may be higher. the economy doesnt boom but plods along- the gap between the rich and poor is small, but those with high aspirations get held back somewhat. half the population is ok about that.

i see the US issues as similar but different. I just cant understand how people can accept other human beings sleeping on the street, anyone being able to own a deadly weapon, and a right to do what you want. in other countries the social system provides for the poor, sick or destitute- for free, you simply cant even get your hands on a bb gun, and you need a license for most dangerous activities- coz the risk is high which in turn costs the government.

in the US if you hurt someone and dont have insurance, they dont get help and you get broke.

ok im raving now..i just feel strongly that the US has so much potential and at one time it's freedom and constitution applied well, but those times are gone and have been abused for too long. the US can be the greatest country in the world..maybe it was before, but it isnt right now.


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 12:24:16 AM »
I'll be voting for Ralph Nader, Bob Barr or Chuck Baldwin. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2008, 01:13:32 AM »
Yes it does, if McCain gets in there the rest of the world will hate us more than ever... and it could potentially get NASTY... With Obama I think many countrys that cant stand us might come to the table and talk about our differences.... How can leaders of other countrys resepct people like Buch and McCain, who are qualified to run a local wendys..

To be completely honest with you, I bought a house in eastern Europe... about 100 acres of land...  getting solar power, and make it to where i need minimal for my family and I to survive.  If shit gets ugly here, im OUT!


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2008, 01:24:05 AM »
Yes it does, if McCain gets in there the rest of the world will hate us more than ever... and it could potentially get NASTY... With Obama I think many countrys that cant stand us might come to the table and talk about our differences.... How can leaders of other countrys resepct people like Buch and McCain, who are qualified to run a local wendys..

To be completely honest with you, I bought a house in eastern Europe... about 100 acres of land...  getting solar power, and make it to where i need minimal for my family and I to survive.  If shit gets ugly here, im OUT!




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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2008, 06:55:04 AM »
There are 4,000 dead US soldiers and god knows how many tens of thousands Iraqis that wished  Bush was never president.

Only the president could have ordered the invasion of Iraq.  And he did.  He lied to the Congress when he claimed that congressional authorization to use force against Iraq was nothing more than bargaining leverage to be used at the UN.

It matters.

Debt matters.  Reputation matters. 

It's facile to write off the candidates as the same.  They aren't.


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2008, 08:05:26 AM »
Obama has been put on a pedistal so high, once he becomes president he will no place left to go, except down.

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2008, 11:21:06 AM »
Yes it matters.  We're at war.  One person is qualified to be CIC with two ongoing wars and the other is dangerously inexperienced and should not be anywhere near the military. 

One person will try to divide up the country between "the middle class" and everyone else and the other will try and lessen everyone's burden. 

One person believes if you make too much money, you "don't need help."  The other believes the government should take less of everyone's money.

One person wants to spend billons doing things like having the government takeover the healthcare system.  The other wants to put a “freeze” on most spending.   

big L dawg

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2008, 11:22:32 AM »
Yes it matters.  We're at war.  One person is qualified to be CIC with two ongoing wars and the other is dangerously inexperienced and should not be anywhere near the military. 

One person will try to divide up the country between "the middle class" and everyone else and the other will try and lessen everyone's burden. 

One person believes if you make too much money, you "don't need help."  The other believes the government should take less of everyone's money.

One person wants to spend billons doing things like having the government takeover the healthcare system.  The other wants to put a “freeze” on most spending.   

we will always be at war if it was up to mcsame.


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2008, 11:29:27 AM »
Just like every other election, it doesn't really matter to everyday people who gets put in office.......our day to day lives will not change much, if at all.  Whether it's McCain or Obama four years from the rich will still be rich and the poor will still be poor, and the middle class will still be struggling to put their kids through college.

I feel bad for the people that are putting all of their hopes and dreams on Obama.  Do they really believe that they'll wake up on Nov. 5 and their life will instantly be better?  Even with Obama in office the poor will still have very little, minorities will still face various forms of racism and the socio-economic factors that go along with it, and at the end of day; hard work, education, the right connections, and a little bit of luck will still determine who reaches the American dream.  

Dos Equis

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2008, 11:41:02 AM »
we will always be at war if it was up to mcsame.

I doubt it.  I trust the person who has served and been in combat over the person who never wore the uniform. 


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2008, 11:41:50 AM »
I give up, lets just elect McCain because Obama is exactly the same ::)  Possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard and it comes FROM third party candidates because they need you to believe there is zero difference between the two or you won't vote for them!  Are there serious problems that both dems and republicans fuck us equally on, sure there are and they need to be fought and I intend on fighting these things.  But it is absolutely not true that McCain = Obama... 

Man, that clown has you hook, like and sinker. They're both horrendous choices. You going to kill yourself when he ends up like every other schmuck politician? At least put the video on liveleak. Thanks!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2008, 11:48:33 AM »
Man, that clown has you hook, like and sinker. They're both horrendous choices. You going to kill yourself when he ends up like every other schmuck politician? At least put the video on liveleak. Thanks!

The two things that matter most, neither party will discuss.

1. Putting an end to fiat currency and adopting a policy of sound money.

2. Ending our overseas empire, and becoming a soverign nation once again.

Neither will change because both parties are front men for the powers that be.


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2008, 12:30:40 PM »


Nope, but not too far away...


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2008, 02:01:24 PM »
I doubt it.  I trust the person who has served and been in combat over the person who never wore the uniform. 

You would trust the admitted traitor over someone who happened to be born and come of age during a time when the country was NOT at war, simply because he never wore the uniform? That could be a plus?

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2008, 02:11:55 PM »
You would trust the admitted traitor over someone who happened to be born and come of age during a time when the country was NOT at war, simply because he never wore the uniform? That could be a plus?

What are you talking about?  Who is the admitted traitor? 

Yes it is "a plus" to have served in the military when you want to be commander in chief. 


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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2008, 02:15:06 PM »
You would trust the admitted traitor over someone who happened to be born and come of age during a time when the country was NOT at war, simply because he never wore the uniform? That could be a plus?

You know its possible to enlist, wear the uniform, and serve your country even when its not at war.  Party differences aside, I feel that past military service should be one of the requirements for the office of President.

big L dawg

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Re: Does it really matter who our next president will be?
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2008, 02:15:57 PM »
You know its possible to enlist, wear the uniform, and serve your country even when its not at war.  Party differences aside, I feel that past military service should be one of the requirements for the office of President.