Author Topic: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar  (Read 5581 times)


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Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« on: October 17, 2008, 10:31:47 PM »
CHICAGO – These days, Bill Ayers doesn't want to talk about the Weathermen, the Vietnam-era radical group he helped found that carried out bombings at the Pentagon and the Capitol.

That doesn't mean the man who has become a political headache for Barack Obama is hiding his past. In fact, all you need to do is stand outside Ayers' office at the University of Illinois in Chicago to be confronted with it.

Ayers' connection to the Weather Underground is plastered on his door. A postcard for a documentary on the group shows an old mugshot of Ayers. Nearby is cover art from Ayers' 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days."

But also affixed to the door is the title that reflects how Ayers, now 63, has become known in the past two decades in Chicago: distinguished professor.

"He gives of himself greatly to his students. He gives of his time, his energies, his commitment," said Pamela Quiroz, an associate professor who works in the college of education with Ayers. "He is just a superb individual."

Quiroz is among more than 3,200 people, mostly academics, who have signed an online petition protesting the "demonization" of Ayers during the campaign for the White House.

John McCain's camp has accused Obama of "palling around with terrorists," citing, among other things, a 1995 meet-the-candidate coffee that Ayers hosted at his home for Obama when the younger man launched his political career by running for state Senate. The two also served together on a Chicago school reform group and a charity board.

The subject flared up again during Wednesday's final presidential debate when McCain said Obama needs to explain the full extent of his relationship with Ayers, whom he called "an old, washed-up terrorist."

By all accounts, the two men were not close, and Obama has repeatedly denounced Ayers' radical activities.

Ayers has declined repeated requests for interviews. This week, he opened his front door a crack to tell an Associated Press reporter, "I'm not talking, thanks."

Ayers' beige stone rowhouse on Chicago's South Side is just a few blocks from Obama's home. He lives there with his wife, former fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn. Now a law professor at Northwestern University, Dohrn was a fugitive for years with her husband until they surrendered in 1980 and charges against him were dropped because of government misconduct, which included FBI break-ins, wiretaps and opening of mail.

Although Ayers has refashioned his life from street-level revolutionary to intellectual, he has not entirely renounced his past.

When "Fugitive Days" was published, a photo accompanying a Chicago Magazine article showed him stepping on an American flag. He also told The New York Times, in an interview that appeared coincidentally on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

The Weather Underground claimed responsibility for bombings in the early 1970s at the U.S. Capitol, a Pentagon restroom and New York City police headquarters. No one was injured. In 1970, a Greenwich Village townhouse that the group was using to build a bomb blew up, killing three members, including Ayers' girlfriend. The bomb, Ayers wrote in his memoir, was packed with screws and nails.

Had it been detonated, he admitted, it would have done "some serious work beyond the blast, tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people, too." It belied the group's claims that its targets were buildings, not people. "We did go off track ... and that was wrong," Ayers told the AP when his book came out.

"I'm not a terrorist," he said at the time. "We tried to sound a piercing alarm that was unruly, difficult and, sometimes, probably wrong. ... I describe what led some people in despair and anger to take some very extreme measures."

Still, in Chicago, he is known more for his work in education, which has earned praise from Mayor Richard Daley, whose own father, the iron-fisted mayor of this city during the Vietnam era, famously sent police to do battle with anti-war demonstrators during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. This spring, when Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign first raised Ayers' relationship with Obama, the younger Daley issued a statement defending him.

"I also know Bill Ayers," Daley said. "He worked with me in shaping our now nationally renowned school reform program. He is a nationally recognized distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois-Chicago and a valued member of the Chicago community."

Ayers has a doctorate in education from Columbia University in New York and has written or edited more than a dozen books, most about teaching. Ayers is on sabbatical this academic year but still spends time at his university office.

In an opinion piece this week in The Wall Street Journal, Sol Stern, a senior fellow at the conservative Manhattan Institute who is writing a book on Ayers and social justice teaching, challenged the notion that Ayers is a reformed revolutionary. Stern said he has read most of Ayers' work and concluded: "His hatred of America is as virulent as when he planted a bomb at the Pentagon."

Scott Snyder, a UIC junior in chemical engineering who describes himself as a conservative, said he is uncomfortable with Ayers working at a public university.

"The majority of taxpayers probably would not appreciate their money being spent to somebody with a history of disrespecting numerous public institutions within the United States," Snyder said. "He spent his life sticking it to the man, where now he is employed by the man."

UIC education professor Bill Schubert, who has known Ayers since he sat on the university committee that hired him in 1987, said the Ayers he knows is a Chicago Cubs fan and a good cook who invites colleagues, students and others over to his home for dinner.

But mostly Ayers is a good teacher, said Schubert, who recently wrote a letter about Ayers that he initially circulated among friends when questions about him began to mount. The piece, titled "The Bill Ayers I Know," has since made its way to the Web and extols Ayers' scholarly work and his commitment to teaching.

"I feel like I'm telling factual information about him," Schubert said, "and I am saying that he's a good colleague and friend."

Still, Ayers' past is a delicate matter. Schubert wanted to discuss only Ayers the educator, not Ayers the radical. Asked how he reconciled the two, Schubert paused for a long moment, then said: "That's a question that's too complicated to answer, I think, because it's dependent on different conceptions of what he did."

Robert Becker, an associate professor of anatomy and cell biology at UIC, is, at 60, a member of Ayers' generation but doesn't share his politics.

"He's unrepentant. He took a violent route along with his wife, and is lucky he didn't blow himself up," Becker said. That said, he added that he does not believe Ayers' past disqualifies him from a position on campus: "I'm a pretty conservative person, and I'm not going to deny him the right to be a member of the faculty. I believe that departments should hire who they feel is best for their departments."

Janise Hurtig, a researcher at the university who has known Ayers for about eight years, said he strongly backed a project she and another educator worked on that offers adult writing workshops in Chicago neighborhoods. If the renewed publicity about Ayers' past has weighed on him, Hurtig said, she hasn't noticed.

"He and Bernardine are very thoughtful and reflective about their past, and it's their past," she said.

Ayers had been invited to speak at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at an education conference Nov. 15, but the school canceled those plans Friday because of safety concerns.
<---gotta watch out for conservative nut jobs

Marjorie Kostelnik, dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences, said the decision was based on e-mails and phone calls the university's threat assessment group had received. She did not describe the communications as threats but said they left officials concerned about safety.

Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman and others had urged the university to rescind its invitation.

"Bill Ayers is a well-known radical who should never have been invited," Heineman said Friday. "The people of Nebraska are outraged."


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2008, 10:56:58 PM »
After reading this... It sounds to me its obvious he did some crazy shit when he was younger. All of us have and if WE do crazy things that can DISQUALIFY US from being President, but not someone who knows us. Thats rather mental. Since then it seems like he has changed his ways, him and his wife went on to get their PHD in Education and Law. Both have been upstanding citizens in the Chicago community.  Does this make him a bad person NOW? Thats something each individual needs to judge for him or her self.  But the big question is, does Obama sitting on a board with him and other heavy-weights in Chicago disqualify him to be president? Absolutely not, and I think anyone that qualifies him as a "terrorist" has fallen for the Republican Propaganda machine.  Think about the past elections... it was all PEOPLE SCARED... KERRY is a TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!! now OBAMA HANGS WITH TERRORISTS be Scared of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Its all a big show in Washington just like the WWE... They go at each others throats and then have tea afterwords...

Grape Ape

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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 05:45:10 AM »
I'll admit, you had me going for awhile, so I give you credit for your gimmick account.

But, after reading this, and then remembering a post where you said Revered Wrights words were those of the Iraqi Prime minister, I realize this is all a big joke.  Nobody could possibly be this dumb.  Well played.

Another compelete IDIIOT... he didnt say GOD DAMN AMERICA>.. he was QUOTING WHAT THE IRAQI PRIME MINISTER SAID... if you actually watched the whole video you would see that...But your buddies at FOX news just played the clip of him saying that...

Republicans always gotta leave out FACTS to push their claims...

as far as IF McCain gets in il say GD america!!! And i once again gotta live in HELL casue of ignorant ass scared people following the GOP scare tactics...



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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2008, 05:57:47 AM »
After reading this... It sounds to me its obvious he did some crazy shit when he was younger. All of us have and if WE do crazy things that can DISQUALIFY US from being President, but not someone who knows us. Thats rather mental. Since then it seems like he has changed his ways, him and his wife went on to get their PHD in Education and Law. Both have been upstanding citizens in the Chicago community.  Does this make him a bad person NOW? Thats something each individual needs to judge for him or her self.  But the big question is, does Obama sitting on a board with him and other heavy-weights in Chicago disqualify him to be president? Absolutely not, and I think anyone that qualifies him as a "terrorist" has fallen for the Republican Propaganda machine.  Think about the past elections... it was all PEOPLE SCARED... KERRY is a TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!! now OBAMA HANGS WITH TERRORISTS be Scared of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Its all a big show in Washington just like the WWE... They go at each others throats and then have tea afterwords...

So Busted If i KILLED some people or bombed a few places against my own country 20/30 yrs ago it's OK now?
give me a break you are trying to justify what he did? Obama knew what this guy did, maybe not at 8 yrs old.
But at 8 yrs old he wasen't running for President. But when he was invited to Ayers house you can bet he knew who he was and what he did, at that point he should have banned any relationship with him at that time, but no Ayers
help him get into the polictical world. You don't hang around people who are going to hurt you in the long run, he should have known better, so it makes me wonder who and what he really stands for?


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2008, 06:32:35 AM »
Its pathetic that a domestic terrorist that got off on a technicality is now a 'distinguished' liberal Chicago professor.  Pathetic.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2008, 06:41:56 AM »
Its pathetic that a domestic terrorist that got off on a technicality is now a 'distinguished' liberal Chicago professor.  Pathetic.

It's right up there with Nazi money men who laundered the dirty money that went to Hitler to kill Americans scrubbing their history then going on to become supposedly respected Republican President and pResident, or a shallow, treasonous, philandering, gold-digger of a soldier who gives up info getting Americans killed being called distinguished war hero. {spit}


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 06:43:19 AM »
Its called Paxil, Jag. Give it a try.

Such anger.



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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2008, 07:09:00 AM »
Its pathetic that a domestic terrorist that got off on a technicality is now a 'distinguished' liberal Chicago professor.  Pathetic.

This thread is great, shows the real face of this board Democrats.

They will ignore everything just to get their Messiah into the white house.

Grape Ape

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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2008, 07:09:43 AM »
It's right up there with Nazi money men who laundered the dirty money that went to Hitler to kill Americans scrubbing their history then going on to become supposedly respected Republican President and pResident, or a shallow, treasonous, philandering, gold-digger of a soldier who gives up info getting Americans killed being called distinguished war hero. {spit}

Ah, the old "two wrongs make a right" defense.  Good answer.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2008, 11:43:05 AM »
It's right up there with Nazi money men who laundered the dirty money that went to Hitler to kill Americans scrubbing their history then going on to become supposedly respected Republican President and pResident, or a shallow, treasonous, philandering, gold-digger of a soldier who gives up info getting Americans killed being called distinguished war hero. {spit}

Dingbat, we're not talking about nazi's and money and ur other drivel...we're talking about a douchbag American terrorist who tried to blow up the Pentagon, his shitbag wife wanted to blow up a dance filled with GI's and their FT Dix New York. This guy has NEVER repented. He should be arrested, convicted and executed..along with his wife.

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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2008, 11:52:34 AM »
Its pathetic that a domestic terrorist that got off on a technicality is now a 'distinguished' liberal Chicago professor.  Pathetic.

Pathetic indeed. 


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2008, 12:22:36 PM »
I've never seen anything suggesting that Bill Ayers killed anyone.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2008, 12:24:22 PM »
Pathetic indeed. 

Come now he's a scholar  ::)

Democrats should go to the dream team, they can spin something on their finger better than any basketball player.

I wonder if Osama will go get some degrees now everything will be forgotten  ::)


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2008, 12:32:53 PM »
I've never seen anything suggesting that Bill Ayers killed anyone.

He was acquitted on a technicality because the FBI was illegally wiretapping to try to find him when he was on the run, which he was for years. Upon leaving the courthouse he proudly proclaimed to the reporters, "Guilty as hell, free as a bird!" He has never apologized for his crimes and bombings to government buildings, police precincts and military offices. He has never apologized for his crimes and in fact wish he had done more bombings.

He was protesting the war in Vietnam, which many people did. He took it to another level. Most demonstrations were peaceful.

He has no criminal record because he was acquitted, which is why he has a job as a professor. Had he been convicted, he was facing life in prison.

His organization did kill and maim a few people. He has never apologized. Put another way...if i call in an artillery strike and that kills people, technically I didn't kill anybody did I. But I planned it, put other people in position to do it....even if I miss, it just means I suck at calling in artillery. The intent is still there.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2008, 12:40:15 PM »

He was acquitted on a technicality because the FBI was illegally wiretapping to try to find him when he was on the run, which he was for years. Upon leaving the courthouse he proudly proclaimed to the reporters, "Guilty as hell, free as a bird!" He has never apologized for his crimes and bombings to government buildings, police precincts and military offices. He has never apologized for his crimes and in fact wish he had done more bombings.

He was protesting the war in Vietnam, which many people did. He took it to another level. Most demonstrations were peaceful.

He has no criminal record because he was acquitted, which is why he has a job as a professor. Had he been convicted, he was facing life in prison.

His organization did kill and maim a few people. He has never apologized. Put another way...if i call in an artillery strike and that kills people, technically I didn't kill anybody did I. But I planned it, put other people in position to do it....even if I miss, it just means I suck at calling in artillery. The intent is still there.

Stop talking about facts in a logical manner....its Democrats you're dealing with...they live in the land where Obama planing to spend more on everything will make the economy better  ::)


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2008, 01:35:13 PM »
I'm sorry...facts always get in the way of liberal bullshit.

 December, 1969 Ayers and his zealous co-revolutionaries resorted to an outright terrorist campaign, a step taken at what they dubbed a “National War Council” in Flint, Michigan. It was an ugly scene, where various spokesmen, Berger writes, “proudly proclaimed themselves the ‘New Barbarians’ and pondered aloud whether it would be acceptable to kill white children to prevent the further spread of white supremacy. They worked themselves up to a laughing frenzy, chanting ‘Explode!’” At the end of this sickening spectacle they made the decision to go underground, and within months the bombings started in earnest.

In February 1970 the Weather Underground firebombed the home of John Murtagh, a New York City judge, with his entire family barely escaping the conflagration. On March 6 a massive nail bomb intended to kill and maim soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ prematurely detonated in a townhouse in Greenwich Village, killing three members, Ted Gold, Diana Oughton, and Terry Robbins, while two others, Katy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson, managed to elude capture. “Operating under the logic that ‘the bigger the bang the better,’” Dan Berger notes, “the action was to be a pre-emptive strike against those who would soon drop bombs over Vietnam, thus ‘bringing the war home’ with all the intensity the slogan implied.”

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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #16 on: October 18, 2008, 01:47:18 PM »
Should all the Repugs be condemming every single person who has associated with Ayers.

Why just Obama?

Let's start by condeming Walter H. Anennberg and all Republicans who are associated or have taken money from him or his foundation.

Seriously, Annenberg is clearly a supporter of terrorism.

No one can deny that


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #17 on: October 18, 2008, 01:49:59 PM »

He was acquitted on a technicality because the FBI was illegally wiretapping to try to find him when he was on the run, which he was for years. Upon leaving the courthouse he proudly proclaimed to the reporters, "Guilty as hell, free as a bird!" He has never apologized for his crimes and bombings to government buildings, police precincts and military offices. He has never apologized for his crimes and in fact wish he had done more bombings.

He was protesting the war in Vietnam, which many people did. He took it to another level. Most demonstrations were peaceful.

He has no criminal record because he was acquitted, which is why he has a job as a professor. Had he been convicted, he was facing life in prison.

His organization did kill and maim a few people. He has never apologized. Put another way...if i call in an artillery strike and that kills people, technically I didn't kill anybody did I. But I planned it, put other people in position to do it....even if I miss, it just means I suck at calling in artillery. The intent is still there.

Do you have a source suggesting that a bomb he planted or made killed someone?


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #18 on: October 18, 2008, 01:51:50 PM »
Should all the Repugs be condemming every single person who has associated with Ayers.

Why just Obama?

Let's start by condeming Walter H. Anennberg and all Republicans who are associated or have taken money from him or his foundation.

Seriously, Annenberg is clearly a supporter of terrorism.

No one can deny that

It's important to only condemn people you don't like. That's the point of the double standard.

Attack Obama for indirect affiliations with ACORN, Ignore McCain's direct affiliations with ACORN.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2008, 01:54:34 PM »
Sure...Anennberg should never have had that douchebag involved but again..we're not talking about Anennberg, we're talking about a guy running for US president.

Dude...I suggest u do ur own homework. The list of things they did and tried to do was very very long. Ayers was a poor terrorist, but I've run into a few poor terrorists.They generally either blow themselves up, as several of the Weather dipshits did, or we find em and kill them, as should have been done to Ayers.

Ok what did McCain do with Acorn ::)


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2008, 02:02:44 PM »
Sure...Anennberg should never have had that douchebag involved but again..we're not talking about Anennberg, we're talking about a guy running for US president.

Dude...I suggest u do ur own homework. The list of things they did and tried to do was very very long. Ayers was a poor terrorist, but I've run into a few poor terrorists.They generally either blow themselves up, as several of the Weather dipshits did, or we find em and kill them, as should have been done to Ayers.

Ok what did McCain do with Acorn ::)

You seem to be confusing things that Ayers himself did with things that the Weatherman group did.

Your treatment of Annenberg is a lot less harsh than that of Obama. Why? The fact that he is running for president doesn't mean that his involvement should be exaggerated.

And I'm sure that you already know about McCain's involvements with Acorn. If not, then you need to be doing the homework.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2008, 02:08:48 PM »
McCain was at an Acorn co-sponsored rally......ok whatever. Ayers has said and done many things, horrible un American things....his wife is a piece of shit. These people helped get Obama elected. They saw something in him, a kindred spirit...yeah this is the guy I want as president.  ::)..Annenberg doesn't matter...u can dismiss it all u libs want. U have dismissed his flimsy resume, u dismissed his pastor, Rezco, Ayers, Dorne.....etc etc etc. Obama cares about Obama, he's done nothing to deserve the nomination but make speeches. I really don't care about ACORN. Voter fraud in big cities is par for the Dem course

Straw Man

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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2008, 02:31:46 PM »
Sure...Anennberg should never have had that douchebag involved but again..we're not talking about Anennberg, we're talking about a guy running for US president.

Dude...I suggest u do ur own homework. The list of things they did and tried to do was very very long. Ayers was a poor terrorist, but I've run into a few poor terrorists.They generally either blow themselves up, as several of the Weather dipshits did, or we find em and kill them, as should have been done to Ayers.

Ok what did McCain do with Acorn ::)

If Obama is stained with an association with Ayers then so is Anennberg and any Republican or Democrat or ANYONE who had an association.   

BTW - the entire city of Chicago must also support terrorism because Ayers was awarded citizen of the year in 1997. 

Here's another list of terrorist supporting scumbags.  These people are all on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago along with Wlliam Ayers:

Laura S. Washington - Board Chair - Ida B. Wells-Barnett University Professor and Fellow of the DePaul Humanities Center

Jesus G. Garcia - Board Vice Chair - Executive Director, Little Village Community Development Corporation

Lee Bey - Director of Media and Governmental Affairs, Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill LLP

Doris Salomón Chagin - Community Affairs Director, Midwest US, BP America Inc.

Beth E. Richie - Professor and Head of the Department of African American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago

Patrick M. Sheahan - Executive Director, Public Affairs, UBS Investment Bank

Charles N. Wheatley - President, Sahara Enterprises, Inc.

Let's also not forget everyone at the University of Illinois at Chicago where Ayers is employed.   Those people all support terrorist.

Terrorist supporting scumbags one and all


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2008, 02:43:31 PM »
McCain was at an Acorn co-sponsored rally......ok whatever. Ayers has said and done many things, horrible un American things....his wife is a piece of shit. These people helped get Obama elected. They saw something in him, a kindred spirit...yeah this is the guy I want as president.  ::)..Annenberg doesn't matter...u can dismiss it all u libs want. U have dismissed his flimsy resume, u dismissed his pastor, Rezco, Ayers, Dorne.....etc etc etc. Obama cares about Obama, he's done nothing to deserve the nomination but make speeches. I really don't care about ACORN. Voter fraud in big cities is par for the Dem course

They are dismissed because they are blown out of proportion and irrelevant.

Here is something you should familiarize yourself with: Guilt by association.


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Re: Bill Ayres In Chicago, ex-radical better known as a scholar
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2008, 02:47:29 PM »
First off...Obama is running for President. Ayers did much more then sit on a board with him...get past that. Second these people don't matter to me...we're talking in Presidential hopeful Obama. No Lib its guilt by guilt...guilt by poor judgement..guilt by believing in the same liberal/socialist ideals. There is nothing in Obama's past that says that he's anything other then a borderline socialist and full blown Liberal.