Author Topic: Today is leg day, bitches  (Read 7687 times)


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #100 on: October 23, 2008, 05:25:31 PM »

Not only would they say his legs looked massive, but they'd most likely shit there pants in fear as well.
The dude is as big as a fucking house and strong as an ox.  But of course the haters will always hate. ::)


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #101 on: October 23, 2008, 05:27:20 PM »
The dude is as big as a fucking house and strong as an ox.  But of course the haters will always hate. ::)
exactly, dude is 300 pounds and deadlifts 700 and squats 900, he nearly got his arm blown off in Iraq or Afghanistan can't remember which one it was and because of that he can't bench but i'll gaurantee you it was good too before the injury.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #102 on: October 23, 2008, 05:35:31 PM »
yep, progressive weight on the squat.....over the years u could even work up to 900lb,,,and have legs like this guy  ::)

this is what happens when a powerlifter diets down. is he missing any bodyparts from not doing front raises and kickbacks?


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #103 on: October 23, 2008, 05:36:48 PM »
this is what happens when a powerlifter diets down. is he missing any bodyparts from not doing front raises and kickbacks?
Gulledge is a huge strong mofo.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #104 on: October 23, 2008, 06:23:52 PM »
I am 21, I think you are younger than me no ?

im 19... i thought you were my age!

Pete Nice

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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #105 on: October 23, 2008, 06:50:20 PM »
Gulledge is a huge strong mofo.

most definitely
Air Falcon


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #106 on: October 23, 2008, 07:36:15 PM »
I have been nursing an IT band issue on my left leg.  I can't squat right now, but I have taken to high rep extensions followed by high rep leg presses to keep my legs up and it has been going pretty good.  I do 2 sets to failure on the extensions and then proceed to the leg press for 2 sets to near failure of 25-30 reps on the first set and 20-25 on the 2nd. 

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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #107 on: October 23, 2008, 07:38:00 PM »
5 sets of squat
5 sets of leg press supersetted with leg extension
5 sets of stiff-leg deads supersetted with leg curl
3 sets of 40 lunges

what are you guys training today

OUCH!!.........I would have a hard time walking a golf course if I did that :D


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #108 on: October 23, 2008, 07:56:10 PM »
most definitely
that's not Kevin Levrone  ;D


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #109 on: October 23, 2008, 08:11:47 PM »
Christ, you can tell that's a back that's familiar with deadlifting. Serious hard-earned muscle mass there. No joke.
SNX I want your opinion on this  :-\

It's written by Tom Venuto

The primary difference between the effects of rep ranges on the adaptive response depends on whether the load affects neural factors (low reps) or metabolic factors (higher reps). When you train with low reps (1 - 5), the adaptations that make you stronger are mostly neurological: You develop an increased ability to recruit more muscle fibers, you stimulate the higher threshold fibers that are not activated with high rep, low weight sets, you decrease neuromuscular inhibition, and there is increased coordination between the muscle groups. However, with low reps, the hypertrophy (size increase) of the muscle fibers is minimal.

In other words, reps under 6 make you stronger, but they don’t necessarily make you bigger because the strength gains come from adaptations in the nervous system - the muscle fibers and other muscle cell structures do not hypertrophy (enlarge). This explains why certain athletes, powerlifters and Olympic lifters can be wicked strong but they don’t look as strong as they are.

When you train with medium reps (6-12) the adaptations are more metabolic and cellular and only moderately neurological. This is why 6-12 reps is the range most often recommended for bodybuilding and hypertrophy. You get bigger and stronger in this rep range, but your strength gains are not maximal. This explains why some bodybuilders look stronger than they are (and why they are often the brunt of jokes made by powerlifters and weight lifters; i.e. “big, weak, slow, useless muscles”, ha ha).

When you train with higher reps (13-20+), the adaptations are mostly metabolic and cellular. This rep range produces local muscular endurance, a small degree of hypertrophy in certain cellular components such as the mitochondria and the capillaries, and very little strength.

There is not a distinct line where neural adaptations end and structural/metabolic adaptations begin; rather it is a continuum, like temperature or colors of a rainbow.

For example, when you train in the 6-8 rep range, the adaptations are still somewhat neural, but also metabolic/structural: In this rep range, you get excellent strength gains and also excellent hypertrophy. In the 8-12 rep range, there is still some neural adaptation, but less than the 6-8 range and much less than the 1-5 range. The advantage of the 8-12 rep range is that you get maximal hypertrophy (this is the best rep range for pure size increases when strength is not the number one concern). You will also get stronger, of course, but not nearly to the degree as you would training with lower reps.

Rep range Percent of 1 rep max Training Effect Goal desired
1-5 reps 85-100% Neural Strength & power, little hypertrophy
6-8 reps 75-85% Neural & metabolic Strength & Hypertrophy
9-12 reps 70-75% Metabolic & Neural Hypertrophy & some strength
13-20+ reps 60-70% Metabolic local endurance, some hypertrophy, little strength

Now, what exactly happens inside the muscle to make it get bigger and not necessarily stronger? Quite simply, ALL the structures inside the muscle cell grow when exposed to the appropriate training stimulus.

Remember back in high school when you had to memorize those diagrams of cellular anatomy (or you would get an F in the class)? There were all kinds of organelles and cell structures such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the mitochondria, the golgi complex, ribosomes, centrioles, Lysosomes, and cytoplasm. Remember all that stuff?

If you’re anything like me, you defied your biology teacher to explain the reason why you had to memorize all that crap and what good it would do you in the "real world." Well, now that you're in the "real world" and you want strength and muscles, here you go:

A muscle cell has all the same cell structures as other body cells, and they all take up space. When speaking of the muscle cell, you mostly hear about the mitochondria (the cellular powerhouse where energy production takes place), the myofibrils (the actual muscle fibers themselves) and the fluid inside the cell (called cytoplasm in other body cells, or in the case of the muscle cell, its called sarcoplasm).

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is caused most effectively in the 6-8 rep range. This contributes to the most visible increases in muscle mass and cross sectional width. However, that doesn’t mean you should only train in the 6-8 rep range. If you want to make the other "stuff" in the muscle cell grow as well, you should train in all rep ranges. The mitochondria and sarcoplasm also take up a substantial amount of space in the muscle cell and they are best stimulated with high reps. High rep training can also stimulate increased capillarization in the muscle (just ask former Mr. Universe and Mr. Legs himself, Tom Platz, about the effectiveness of high rep leg training done in addition to the low and medium rep training).

In addition, there is more than one type of muscle fiber: you have slow twitch (type I) and fast twitch (type IIa and IIb). Slow twitch muscle fibers also hypertrophy from higher reps (although they have the least potential for size increases, which is why you should spend more time below 13 reps if it's muscle mass you're after).

So here’s the take home lesson: If you’re an athlete and your primary goal is strength and power for improved sports performance, then a good majority of your training is going to be in the 1-5 rep range. This will help make you stronger, faster and more powerful without adding muscle bulk. If you’re a bodybuilder and your primary goal is muscle mass, then the majority of your training should be done in the 6-12 rep range, but you should also do a little bit of training in the 3-5 rep range for power and strength, which will later facilitate hypertrophy (and prevent the powerlifters from making fun of you), and you should do a little bit of training in the 13-20+ rep range to facilitate the development of slow twitch muscle fiber, build mitochondrial density and increase capillarization.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #110 on: October 23, 2008, 09:26:38 PM »
Lots of stuff right. He's read enough to know some things.

He gets it basically wrong on the "low reps = little hypertrophy" theory though. There's no magic that happens at six reps. It's like saying "1 g protein/lb of bodyweight". It's arbitrary. It's so common in bodybuilding that to question it is heresay.

Meta-analysis of published research (about as close to an answer as you're going to get) shows hypertrophy maximizes at 85% of a 1RM or higher. I'll give an example.

My max bench is 390. Not a pound more. 85% of that is 330 lbs. I can tell you right now I don't have a hope in hell of doing a set of 330 for 6 reps. Maybe one set, if I bust a gut, maybe get a forced rep. Then, I'm done. I can't do a second set.

So that pretty much precludes 6 reps as being ideal for a guy like me. I can press 330 for sets of 3 though, maybe 4. And I can do a few sets with that.

Essentially, I know I can do 305 for a set of 6 and rattle it off strong. That's 78% of my 1RM. Not chump change, but not ideal. Will I still gain size? Yes. But not as fast as if I'd lifted 85% or higher. And the other key factor -- the bodypart need between 50 and 70 reps per 5 day period with that heavy weight. If I'm toying with 78%, I'll probably need to do more reps. And even then, I might not high the high threshold fibers.

I don't understand why he believes that heavy weights do recruit high threshold fibers (he says this), yet believes that doesn't lead to growth. It doesn't make sense. If you target a fiber with enough resistance, you damage it. Then, it grows. Especially a type II fiber -- they're most prone to growth.

Yes -- heavy weights bring neurological adaptation. But he's got it wrong. The adaptation, neurally, happens when you force the muscle fibers to contract against a resistance. Fibers fire on the all-or-nothing principle. He should know that. Type I fibers fire first. If they can't move the weight, more motor neurons are recruited and cause fiber group contractions until the weight moves. If that means you have to recruit all fibers, then so be it. But the last ones to get recruited are type II -- the most prone to growth.

So if you use heavy weights to teach motor neural recruitment of type II fibers (by essentially teaching your muscle to recruit all fibers), then you're going to grow as fast as possible. Light weights don't hit type II fibers -- simply physiological fact.

Research agrees that on any strength training program, the primary gains are always neurological in nature (i.e. your body learns how to do the work). Only after several weeks does hypertrophy begin to happen in earnest, peaking around the 6-8 week mark. More research needs to be done on this though. Most studies don't last past the 12 week mark, so it's tough to tell.

His example of "powerlifting vs bodybuilding" muscle size/strength is empirical and flawed. Look at superheavyweight powerlifters. Those guys look small to you? Not to me. They're giants. If they lost fat, they'd be huge bodybuilders. Bb'ers look the way they do because of bone structure, genetic shapes of muscle bellies, etc...Also, most of the world's best bb'ers would look the way they do no matter how they train -- they are gifted to look a certain way. Saying that a pro's training produces a certain look is flawed logic. Their genetics produce that look.

Overall, I don't agree with the basic premise of his piece.
50-70 contractions per 5 days with 85% weight, very interesting concept
most pros seem not to even know what makes a muscle grow  ???
seriously, they all train wrong, in non productive fashion
for "sarcoplasmic" hypertrophy and pump weights  ::)
but I guess with enough drugs and genetics anything will give you results

on a sidenote, you bench 400 pounds!  :o very impressive

Ian Paisley

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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #111 on: October 24, 2008, 02:53:54 AM »
I am 22 and cant wait to have kids.

Its the whole point of life :)
You don`t know what you`re talking about.

You have been indoctrinated.
Keep Belfast Clean.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #112 on: October 24, 2008, 02:59:22 AM »
5 sets of squat
5 sets of leg press supersetted with leg extension
5 sets of stiff-leg deads supersetted with leg curl
3 sets of 40 lunges

what are you guys training today

How many reps per set? Fuck, that seems a lot of reps even for legs. Don't you train calves during your leg workout?


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #113 on: October 24, 2008, 08:28:46 AM »
How many reps per set? Fuck, that seems a lot of reps even for legs. Don't you train calves during your leg workout?

this month I do high reps because I have major knee pain so I want to give them a break.

20 reps for the squats
25 reps for the leg presse and 20 reps for the extensions.
12 reps for stiff-deads, 12 reps for leg curls
and 40 steps for the lunges

I never train calves with my legs, I hate training legs so once I am finished with that I just want to go home.
I train calves on monday and on friday at the end of other workouts


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #114 on: October 24, 2008, 09:16:18 AM »
today i did shoulders

exact workout

bent over rear laterals
20 lb dumbells X 10
40 lb dumbells X 6
50 lb dumbells X 6
70 lb dumbells X 8

reverse pec dec
few notches down X 6
few more notches down X 6
about 3/4 stack X 8

side laterals
25 lb dumbells X 5
35 lb dumbells X 5
45 lb dumbells X 5
55 lb dumbells X 5
65 lb dumbells X 8

military press
135 X 5
185 X 5
225 X 6

cable side laterals
few notches down X 4
few more notches down X 4
few more notches down X 8

upright rows with olympic bar
quarter each side X 5
2 quaretsr each sie X 5
3 quarters each side X 3

standing calve raises
few notches down X 5
whole stack X 10

cardio treadmill walking 10 minutes


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #115 on: October 24, 2008, 10:35:28 AM »
Don't get so worked up dave :D

Personally, front squats hits the quads much better than regular squats. When i train legs my first priority is quads not glutes. i get much better results training like this. On regular squats, glutes and lower back give out before quads. Therefore i use legpress as the first exercise.
tank u jesus


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #116 on: October 24, 2008, 12:30:34 PM »
You don`t know what you`re talking about.

You have been indoctrinated.

These are my own thoughts


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #117 on: October 24, 2008, 12:58:56 PM »
Don't get so worked up dave :D

Personally, front squats hits the quads much better than regular squats. When i train legs my first priority is quads not glutes. i get much better results training like this. On regular squats, glutes and lower back give out before quads. Therefore i use legpress as the first exercise.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #118 on: October 25, 2008, 11:10:55 AM »
Don't get so worked up dave :D

Personally, front squats hits the quads much better than regular squats. When i train legs my first priority is quads not glutes. i get much better results training like this. On regular squats, glutes and lower back give out before quads. Therefore i use legpress as the first exercise.
Then you're not squatting right.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #119 on: October 25, 2008, 11:37:10 AM »
just got back from doing arms

v bar push downs
1/4 stack X 5
3/4 stack X 5
full stack X 5
fullstack + 25plate X 8
fullstack +45 lb pate X 8

cg bench press
135 X 5
225 X 5
295 X 6

overhead dumbell extensions
100lb dumbell X 5
130lb dumbell X 6

straight bar pushdowns
1/2 stack X 5
full stack X 5
fullstack + 25 lb plate X 8
fullstack + 25 lb plate X 8

barbell curls
empty bar X 6
25 each side X 6
two 25's each side X 7

preacher curls
25 per side X 5
two 25 per sidee X 5
two 25+ one 10 per side X 6



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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #120 on: October 25, 2008, 11:40:25 AM »
Why don't you just start a training log on the training board? ::)


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #121 on: October 25, 2008, 11:42:17 AM »
why dont you go smoke a joint you uptight motha fucka  :P


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #122 on: October 25, 2008, 11:48:47 AM »
why dont you go smoke a joint you uptight motha fucka  :P
Weeds for ni66ers.


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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #123 on: October 25, 2008, 11:48:59 AM »
just got back from doing arms

v bar push downs
1/4 stack X 5
3/4 stack X 5
full stack X 5
fullstack + 25plate X 8
fullstack +45 lb pate X 8

cg bench press
135 X 5
225 X 5
295 X 6

overhead dumbell extensions
100lb dumbell X 5
130lb dumbell X 6

straight bar pushdowns
1/2 stack X 5
full stack X 5
fullstack + 25 lb plate X 8
fullstack + 25 lb plate X 8

barbell curls
empty bar X 6
25 each side X 6
two 25's each side X 7

preacher curls
25 per side X 5
two 25 per sidee X 5
two 25+ one 10 per side X 6

You left out how many mg's/g's of aas you injected this week.
I am a big baby

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Re: Today is leg day, bitches
« Reply #124 on: October 25, 2008, 12:27:40 PM »
5 sets of squat
5 sets of leg press supersetted with leg extension
5 sets of stiff-leg deads supersetted with leg curl
3 sets of 40 lunges

what are you guys training today

That's quite a workout friend.