yeh i hate homos!
1. Homosexuality injures the fabric of society, especially children.
2. Homosexuality is anti procreation.
3. Homosexuality does not offer the stability of a traditional family.
4. Homosexuals have a higher incidence of infidelity.
5. Homosexuals have a shortened lifespan.
6. Homosexuals have a much higher incidence of domestic violence.
7. Homosexuals have a much higher rate of molestation than Heterosexuals
8. Homosexuality is not condoned in the Bible.
9. Homosexuals want to redefine marriage, changing the uniqueness of heterosexual marriage.
10. Homosexual marriages will lead to other “unnatural” unions
11. Homosexual marriage is not a “right”
12. Homosexual relationships are dangerously unhealthy.
13. God did not intend for same sex relationships to exist.
14. Homosexuality is not genetic.
15. Homosexuals should not be given benefits of marriage.
Same sex couples should not be rewarded with the benefits of marriage, because immoral behavior should not be rewarded. It is not a matter of rights or fairness, if the act is immoral, why should that be praised or rewarded? Most do not think that adulterers or fornicators should be rewarded alimony or benefits. Should any sin be tolerated or promoted with benefits? Those who want the benefits of marriage should comply with the intent of the Creator that intended only marriage, between one man and one woman. Feelings for fairness do not determine what is right or moral or you will have moral anarchy. The reason heterosexual married couples are rewarded benefits is that society recognizes this as the best kind of relationship for stability and perpetuation of human kind.