Author Topic: Most recent status of wounds (GRAPHIC)  (Read 44126 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #225 on: December 22, 2008, 03:39:44 AM »
get your ass to a top hospital

christ sake dude

do what the above ER MD said....

just do it man


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #226 on: December 22, 2008, 03:41:37 AM »
get your ass to a top hospital

christ sake dude

do what the above ER MD said....

just do it man

Agreed. Moose leave right now.


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #227 on: December 22, 2008, 03:54:00 AM »
Looks like an adverse reaction to the antibiotics that were given to him,not knowing that he could have had an alergic reaction,one woman in California lost her entire epidermal,the skin literally melted off her body,but some how miraculosly grew back.If you'll notice the infection is not attacking the underlying tissue.

Damn, I dk if I have any allergies


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #228 on: December 22, 2008, 03:54:39 AM »
maybe a cycle of winstrol would help the wound heal ;)

Yeah, I WISH I was back in the 80's right now!


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #229 on: December 22, 2008, 03:55:37 AM »
on my left arm i had this, this was in the healing phase

i used to have some worse pictures of it but i deleted them

i have shown my most gruesome pic to bast and broadstreet

Ummm, JF, forgive me, but I can't see anything there, dude.


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #230 on: December 22, 2008, 03:56:30 AM »
they put stiches in my arm after they did the culture and found no fungus or anything in the culture

i attribute this flesh eating disease to my profound meat eating "disease" at the time ..when i quit eating the meat the flesh eating stopped

i hope moosejay will listen

and let not his appetite for meat dictate his death

please listen to me moosejay this is serious if you dont make this change right now

im telling you that this happend to me as god as my witness

I PM'd you , JF


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #231 on: December 22, 2008, 04:00:13 AM »


I know johnny falcon/ daddy waddy, and I have known him since we spoke as he entered the Mr Getbig 1 contest.

He comes off as a funny character here, but in real life he does some serious studying on the topic of natural healing.

Talk to him about your diet.  He has ideas which may work.  You are a man of science, and you may discount his diet beliefs as many trained medical professionals would - but hey, the proof is in the pudding...

Results talk-
Your virus is getting WORSE and they can't find a solution.
His gash went AWAY due to diet adjustment.

Do you have anything to lose at this point (besides your arm?)

Pm him and get his perspective.  I sit very quiet on most of his posts, but this is one time where i believe diet adjustment - particularly the meat and other toxins from the pile of meds you've been on for 2 years - are preventing you from healing.  Remember - people that live on Advil will wear the same bruise for weeks.  Look at all the shit you're on - is it any wonder your gash will not heal?

Yes. I have been on a ton of shit for so long...can't be any good. My diet is shit...I am inn the worst shape body is not used to being soi maybe this is all a non-healing reaction to my body being pulled from goodness


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #232 on: December 22, 2008, 04:01:57 AM »




Well, I am not dead!@

How did you dev your problem?


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #233 on: December 22, 2008, 04:02:45 AM »
Some people just don't seem to ever heal,even from the most minor of wounds,a woman who lives down the street from me nicked her leg while shaving,looks like a goddamn shark took a bite out of her after she finally healed

that is true. I thought maybe I was a poor healer


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #234 on: December 22, 2008, 04:04:55 AM »


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #235 on: December 22, 2008, 04:05:49 AM »
this is true.

Personally, I know that when I used to live on tylenol and advil during sinus season, I bruised easily, got cut easily, and wore the bruises for weeks at a time.  I am clumsy and run into stuff all the time, and I ws always all bruised up.

This year, I just used hot sauce and dealt with the sinus pain, and I'm not bruising.  Matter of fact, I don't bruise at all, no matter how banged up I get.  Small marks are gone in a day.

I couldn't heal because of the NSAIDs in my body.  You know what they do, moosejay... and you know what all those meds you're on must be doing to your system.

Shit...I read this to Carol and she said, "You know how many Tylenol PM's you take..."

I take 6 to go to sleep...I wake up often and take 4-5 more.

Damn, I agree with you...THAT might be it. Jesus Christ. Man


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #236 on: December 22, 2008, 04:09:06 AM »
Mike, I don't care much for your stupid actions over the past year but no one deserves to struggle with a challenge like this. I'm at a loss for words - that arm is fucking nasty. I can only begin to fathom the torment, both physically and mentally that a deteriorating arm would induce.

Friend, I am not one to coomplain, but torment is an accurate word.

I sincerely wish you the absolute best of luck. I know that you've had some medical challenges in the past year and waIts like a never ending bad dream...the, I can only dream abouyts hoping that you'd pull through and be hitting the gym in no time. I never would have thought that you'd be stricken with something like this. That's fucked... I'm really sorry to hear about that. I hope you have some better luck with the doctors, man. has confounded me and everyone. The, I can only dream about that!@

Rest up, stay positive and do some research in your spare time. Fuck this stupid website... I'd be scouring the internet to see if you can find any morsel of knowledge regarding that arm. I am no expert and can't offer any helpful advice regretfully. I wish there was something I could do. All bullshit aside, I wish you the best. Stay positive, bro.

Yeah..I am just here as a repast...There is a lot of information out there...I have some scince friends and my sisters are always lookmingb...its a full-full time job

Thanks for your kind thoughnts


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #237 on: December 22, 2008, 04:13:12 AM »
Please take this post with the up most seriousness. I am a ER MD. I work in Orlando, Florida. Worked at one of the best hospitals in the country the past ten years before moving to Florida. I have seen it all. Trust me. Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you.

 Moosejay, you need to get some real help soon. Your way past the maybe stage. You will most likely lose your arm up to the elbow and may lose your life if not treated soon. How your doctors are "stumped' on this one is beyond me. No eating meat is not the cause, Septra will not help you, and Honey will not help you. It is not flesh eating bacteria. If it was your arm would be gone in a day or even hours , bone and all. You don't want it getting in your bloodstream your already immunosuppressed , your organs are next if it reaches your blood stream. You need to be taken care of "NOW".

Do me a favor and more importantly yourself. Never see your doctors again or go to the hospital that did your surgery again. I can get into why later. The most important aspect right now is your health and your life.

Your so called "doctors' and the hospital your now going to is to blame for your current condition. I am truly amazed and stumped on how and why you have loyalty to them. Go seek some professional help. Your not dealing with professionals. Period. Anyone that would let you go through this pain and suffering for the length of time you have is not taking your plight seriously or more likely in denial that they were the cause of your infection. You should have been hospitalized immediately at the first signs of MRSA. Your have MRSA. End of story.

You need to go to MAYO NOW. Get in your car and drive there or take a taxi. NOW. Right now. I don't think you realize how serious this is. Your in danger as I am writing this post. That open wound is a ticking time bomb.

Wound healing involves three distinct stages,the inflammatory, proliferative, and a remodeling phase.

In the inflammatory phase, bacteria and debris are phagocytized and removed, and factors are released that cause the migration and division of cells involved in the proliferative phase. Your way past that point.

The proliferative phase is characterized by angiogenesis, collagen deposition, granulation tissue formation, epithelialization, and wound contraction.

In the maturation and remodeling phase, collagen is remodeled and realigned along tension lines and cells that are no longer needed are removed by apoptosis.

All three processes are very fragile. The challenge here clinically and microbiologically is to identify which healing phase is impaired as a result of infection or heavy bacterial burden and figure out which systemic or topical antimicrobial treatment will be of benefit. For this you need to be hospitalized. NOW.
In most cases after a wound such as yours after surgery is methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is more commonly encountered, reflecting the hospital flora.

If your doctors did a swab and are still "stumped' is may be because organisms cultured from a superficial swab may, however, simply reflect the colonising bacterial flora and are not always representative of the pathogenic organisms invading deeper tissue. This is particularly relevant to deep surgical and deep penetrating wounds such as yours in which infection from internal sources may occur. I have seen this mistake too many times to count. Improper "swabs' putting the patient at risk because most doctors do not experience these kinds of wounds on a rountine basis. Most of the peers I have met over the years the best doctors come from large 'teaching hospitals' and see a wider array of wounds and their causes. Even the best trained doctors would miss a 'bad or negative swab' if they have not encountered such a wound before.

Most laboratories will perform a semiquantitative analysis on wound swabs. This entails grading bacterial growth as scanty, light, moderate, or heavy. Semiquantitative analysis introduces a bias towards motile and fast growing organisms.Infection is a major source of failed wound healing.
Fastidious organisms such as anaerobes may be under-represented. Bacterial load greater than 100 000 organisms or colony forming units per gram of tissue or mm3 of pus is a predictor of wound infection.

If your wound is MRSA, which I suspect it is, you should start on a treatment of Zyvox immediately. Linezolid, an oxazolidinone, is a very effective agent against MRSA. It has excellent bioavailability, can be administered orally, and has good skin and bone penetration.

Please listen to what I am telling you. Good luck and god bless.

Man, I am pretty speachless her.

Thank you. I am losing confidence in my team. I feel stuck. I have already contacted Mayo. It takes months to get in. Even with a call from my docs.

Thanks for your knowledge...I am really bummed out now. Shit..that scares Hell out of me....


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #238 on: December 22, 2008, 04:14:06 AM »
"You're on the Moosetrain,
ready to crash and burn,
you'll never learn..."


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #239 on: December 22, 2008, 04:14:28 AM »
Moosejay, this is should listen to this guy, he knows what he is talking about.

Yes. I am having my GF read it and sendiong it to my parenst...they are probably going to wig out


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #240 on: December 22, 2008, 04:15:14 AM »
yes moosejay get yourself up to Harvard Med or MIT Med ASAP and get some psychiatric help while you're there as well.

everyone can use pyschological help. Including you, brother.


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #241 on: December 22, 2008, 04:16:04 AM »
get your ass to a top hospital

christ sake dude

do what the above ER MD said....

just do it man

I know, I know, Gino.

Yale is a top aint as easy as you think to do this...but I appreciate your thoughts


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #242 on: December 22, 2008, 04:17:18 AM »

I rarely waste time.

As I have said, the solution to any problem may exist in the least likely place.

I spend a prolific amount of time with health care professional every day of the week.


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #243 on: December 22, 2008, 04:18:11 AM »
"You're on the Moosetrain,
ready to crash and burn,
you'll never learn..."

Hate to disappoint you


I will rise

and exceed

My former place and standing


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #244 on: December 22, 2008, 04:20:01 AM »
Hate to disappoint you


I will rise

and exceed

My former place and standing

Not into GNR huh?  What about these guys?


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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #245 on: December 22, 2008, 04:22:15 AM »
Not into GNR huh?  What about these guys?

I don't know GNR
and I don't kn ow what you are talking about

the same thing you must elicit from others when you try to convey your 'thoughts' to them


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #246 on: December 22, 2008, 04:23:04 AM »
everyone can use pyschological help. Including you, brother.
moosejay  you are in medical CRISIS you need all sorts of help.  that is all i meant


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #247 on: December 22, 2008, 04:24:40 AM »
I don't know GNR
and I don't kn ow what you are talking about

the same thing you must elicit from others when you try to convey your 'thoughts' to them



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #248 on: December 22, 2008, 04:27:26 AM »
this is FAKE, the Moose is an attention whore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Most recent status of wounds
« Reply #249 on: December 22, 2008, 04:30:22 AM »
this is FAKE, the Moose is an attention whore.
This has been said quite a few times today about "loosegay"  :-\