Author Topic: 50% increase in gas tax urged  (Read 814 times)


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50% increase in gas tax urged
« on: January 02, 2009, 08:02:56 AM »
 WASHINGTON – Motorists are driving less and buying less gasoline, which means fuel taxes aren't raising enough money to keep pace with the cost of road, bridge and transit programs.

A federal commission created by Congress to find a way to make up the growing revenue shortfall in the program that funds highway repairs and construction is talking about increasing federal gas and diesel taxes.

A roughly 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by the commission until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads.

The commission will also recommend that states raise their fuel taxes and make greater use of toll roads and fees for rush-hour driving.

Soul Crusher

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 09:23:25 AM »
WASHINGTON – Motorists are driving less and buying less gasoline, which means fuel taxes aren't raising enough money to keep pace with the cost of road, bridge and transit programs.

A federal commission created by Congress to find a way to make up the growing revenue shortfall in the program that funds highway repairs and construction is talking about increasing federal gas and diesel taxes.

A roughly 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by the commission until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads.

The commission will also recommend that states raise their fuel taxes and make greater use of toll roads and fees for rush-hour driving.

I swear, we need a massive march on DC to end this liberal tax and spend garbage.

They begged Americans to drive less to bring the cost down and for the environment, which we did.

Now that we did as they asked, they want to raise the price again for more tax money.

It is time for 1776 redux in this country.



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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 09:59:27 AM »
This is a really good example of why we have cars that get 14 miles a gallon here in this country. In 2009, they still make pickups that get 12-14 mpg new off the lot. The government does not want fuel efficiency, and independence from oil... BECAUSE THEY MAKE BIG $$$ OFF inefficient cars.

It's kinda like home prices here in California. The gvt has 'assisstance' programs that help keep home prices high because they tax at 1% to 2%, so the higher the 'value' the more $ comes in for welfare programs and union 'public service' jobs.

Soul Crusher

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2009, 10:30:08 AM »
This is a really good example of why we have cars that get 14 miles a gallon here in this country. In 2009, they still make pickups that get 12-14 mpg new off the lot. The government does not want fuel efficiency, and independence from oil... BECAUSE THEY MAKE BIG $$$ OFF inefficient cars.

It's kinda like home prices here in California. The gvt has 'assisstance' programs that help keep home prices high because they tax at 1% to 2%, so the higher the 'value' the more $ comes in for welfare programs and union 'public service' jobs.

Its unbelivable.

Al Capone, Gotti, Madoff, Milkin, et al have absolutely nothing on the Gvt.

Dos Equis

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2009, 11:20:46 AM »


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2009, 12:42:36 AM »
Wow, if that goes through, ...there's gonna be an even bigger world of pain out there.

Right now people think they've getting cheap gas, ...but the truth is,
...the price of gas today, about the same as it was last year at this time.

We just think it's cheap, cause the price shot up so much last spring.

Well guess what? Hamas & Israel have their little mating dance going on.
Russia has curtailed gas shipments to parts of Eastern Europe.
Gas pipelines have been reversed in order to allow the UK to supply various parts of Europe.
And OPEC is cutting production. What does this all mean?

It means the price of fuel is going to go through the roof, ...and much higher than before.

They've massaged us enough to psychologically trick us into believing we're getting cheap fuel,
...but we're not. we're just used to it. Like frogs, slowly cooked incrementally. Mark my words.

Adding an additional gas tax on there, gonna be brutal. The tax will come as a penalty for pollution.
Look for pollution spot checks. They're far more lucrative and provide much more of an economic stimulus.


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2009, 03:49:26 AM »
It won't happen.

Even far-left liberals know it's stupid to raise taxes during a recession.

Soul Crusher

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2009, 05:56:15 AM »
It won't happen.

Even far-left liberals know it's stupid to raise taxes during a recession.

Check out what the thieves in Oregon are trying to do now.  They want to tax people based on the mile by putting GPS in the cars.

The liberals have no brakes anymore and are going to tax even the air when they figure out how to do that.


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2009, 06:44:51 AM »
What the f-ck is wrong with our gov?  Why would we inflate gas taxes when people drove less directly because of the increase in gas prices?  Gas prices have gone up 40-50cents in the past couple weeks already.  Its back to $2 per gallon now.  I don't care if you are dem or rep, we need to speak up strongly against this horrible idea.
No one talks about decreasing spending.  Just how can they milk the taxpayor to support big government.


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2009, 08:27:17 AM »
What the f-ck is wrong with our gov?  Why would we inflate gas taxes when people drove less directly because of the increase in gas prices?  Gas prices have gone up 40-50cents in the past couple weeks already.  Its back to $2 per gallon now.  I don't care if you are dem or rep, we need to speak up strongly against this horrible idea.
No one talks about decreasing spending.  Just how can they milk the taxpayor to support big government.

One of the key planks in the plan will be to implement it in association with the environment. This won't be partisan.
The economy has tanked, transfer payments to states have been reduced, and the various states have to raise revenue for their various infrastructure projects. There is no two ways about it. Dems & Repubs alike know roads, bridges etc, need to be repaired & maintained before the next bridge collapse occurs... remember Minnesota?

This does not mean global climate change is a scam, ...on the contrary,'s very real. With the wonky weather we've been having... hot to cold, to hot to cold back & forth changing entire seasons within the same week and in some cases even weekend, it has taken one heck of a toll on roads, bridges, underground pipes etc., Acid rain and other volatile oranic and inorganic pollutants continue to do their part to exascerbate and hasten the erosion of aging infrastructure, and because it is something we can all agree is important, attempts to raise revenues will come wrapped in a cloak of environmental altruism. They are desperate, because things have reached a desperate point and action needs to be taken. As long as action needs to be taken, ...why not incorporate a revenue stream into it? Vermont even considered a head-tax on dairy farms due to the methane produced by dairy cows. I don't think this "udderly" ridiculous bid will go through, since it unfairly targets dairy cattle, and does not affect steers, or cattle ranchers. In any event, we will see much necessary and long overdue environmental initiatives wrapped in a revenue generation stream for the various states.

We may not see a direct "tax" added onto an item, ...however, we will see more mandatory requirements associated with various activites that have an accompanying expense associated with it.

The way they will accomplish this is to tax and fine the heck out of polluters... vehicular, and non-vehicular, as well as mandate costly additional requirements. Some states that currently do not do emission testing, will start to raise revenue through this mechanism. As standards become more and more stringent, the severity of fines, will increase, as well as penalties for non compliance. This ignites various industries within both the private & public sectors along with the tax revenue the sudden influx of economic activity stirs, ie: urea pumps, mandatory regen units, and other bolt-on applications etc., etc., etc.,

Of course the pollution problem will only get worse because more and more bio-fuels will be used, despite them being some of the nastiest producers of vehicular emissions. They are touted as being 'green' simply because they are renewable (unlike fossil fuels) however, they are just as big polluters, infact worse, and divert far too much of the world's food supply causing various other crisis' on a global scale. However, too many politicians have themselves already heavily invested in bio-fuels, not to mention existing corn subsidies that make ethanol and other engine destroying fuels profitable for ethanol investors, and engine manufacturers who then subsequently sell more engines and injectors etc., etc., etc.,  It truly is a very vicious and symbiotic cyle, not unlike the modern "healthcare" and "food manufacturing" industries.

As far as drivers are concerned, emission restrictions will become even tighter. Roving spot checks will require random spot testing of vehicular emissions and those that do not pass will be fined. They're currently working on a delicate balance. A fine significant enough that they can raise revenue, ...but not significant enough to cause an individual to go to court to fight it. in the case of over the road tractor trailordrivers, far, the state of NY has appeared to settle upon $300. Enough to raise massive revenues, but not significant enough to cause a Montana based trucker to travel to NY to challenge the fine.  In addition, vehicles will be required to add an extra substance "urea" to cut dangerous oxides of nitrogen. So in addition to paying to fill up fuel tanks, drivers will have to pull up to another pump, to pump in urea to reduce their oxides of nitrogen. ...just another added expense, and additional revenue stream for big business and state tax coffers.

There is another way however... they can get around all these added expenses, by using a nobel prize winning combustion catalyst that not only extends their fuel mileage, but will also protect and extend the lives of their engines, while reducing dangerous oxides of nitrogen and other vehicular emissions by 75% or more.

There's only 1 product technology that I'm aware of that has won a Nobel prize, that's EPA registered, as well as appears on the EPA's list of verified proven technologies, that does all that, well as has allowed a 1991 truck with 2.7 million miles on it to pass emission standards better than brand new trucks with less than 60,000 miles on them, and to not only meet, but exceed the 2020 emission standards in 2007, ...and actually pays drivers to use it.

Smart drivers who were previously pinched beyond belief with their backs up against the wall, have been using this brief respite in fuel prices to invest in this catalyst, condition their engines, improve their mileage, lower their emissions, and enjoy the return on their investment before the price of fuel shoots back up again. They were NOT prepared the last time fuel prices surged, ...and smart drivers intend to be prepared the next time it does,
...and it will surge again

Are you prepared for another meteoric increase in fuel prices?  ...coupled with an EPA environmental dragnet? ???

Soul Crusher

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2009, 08:29:25 AM »
The climate has been changing since the earth was formed.


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2009, 12:45:47 PM »
The climate has been changing since the earth was formed.

Perhaps, ...but there is no doubt as to the fact that our current methods & technologies are not always the wisest, or healthiest for life on this planet. Pollution is a factor that affects people's health. As a citizen of a country that provides universal healthcare to it's citizens, ...I can assure you, the impact of pollution on people's health is a subject wise governments that provide universal healthcare to their citizens are extremely concerned about. When they are footing the bill, they look to reduce their financial exposure, ...and if it means implementing policies that support health while reducing their financial exposure, ...and quite probably increasing their profitability at the same time, ...that's exactly what they will do. Whether you or I or anyone on this board believes in, ...or disbelieves in man-made global climate change, or man-accelerated global climate change, ...the fact still remains the climate is changing, and the focus du jour and probably for some time to come will be the environment. There are a number of hungry birds to be fed, ...and so far, only one worm (the environmental one) seems capable of managing that task.

Soul Crusher

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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2009, 01:04:16 PM »
Perhaps, ...but there is no doubt as to the fact that our current methods & technologies are not always the wisest, or healthiest for life on this planet. Pollution is a factor that affects people's health. As a citizen of a country that provides universal healthcare to it's citizens, ...I can assure you, the impact of pollution on people's health is a subject wise governments that provide universal healthcare to their citizens are extremely concerned about. When they are footing the bill, they look to reduce their financial exposure, ...and if it means implementing policies that support health while reducing their financial exposure, ...and quite probably increasing their profitability at the same time, ...that's exactly what they will do. Whether you or I or anyone on this board believes in, ...or disbelieves in man-made global climate change, or man-accelerated global climate change, ...the fact still remains the climate is changing, and the focus du jour and probably for some time to come will be the environment. There are a number of hungry birds to be fed, ...and so far, only one worm (the environmental one) seems capable of managing that task.

So I guess you favor taxing China, India, and Russia for their pollution???????????


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Re: 50% increase in gas tax urged
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2009, 01:30:24 PM »
So I guess you favor taxing China, India, and Russia for their pollution???????????

Considering the fact that theirs might be the only economies worth a damn in the next few years,
...that just might be a pretty darn good idea. It's the implementation that's the really tricky part  :-\
I don't think China, India or Russia will be all too eager to go for that.   :P

BTW - Environmental responsibility will be a huge factor in future trade agreements between nations.

There's a great documentary you should see. It's called "The Eleventh Hour" with Leonardo DiCaprio.
It's an absolutely fascinating piece of work. it's not your typical 'Oh the Earth is dying, we're all going to disappear' etc., There are some incredibly fascinating discussions within on the topic of sustainability and the use of ecologically sound principles modelled from nature. It's is truly fascinating, and one does not have to be an Eco-Nazi to be intrigued at the possibilities that can open up for mankind through the continued exploration of these sustainable technologies modeled after nature.

Unfortunately, I've mislaid my DVD, otherwise I'd pop it in real quick and give you examples of what I'm talking about, but trust me when I tell you, this stuff is as fascinating and as futuristic as the idea of a man landing on the moon must have seemed in the 1920's. As fascinating as the idea of man being able to fly must have seemed in the late 16th century. or the possibility that one could speak into a telephone to another person across the planet in instant time must have seemed to those in the 1600's.

It has traditionally been technological genius that has propelled this planet forward. A technological genius born of pure curiosity. The push for technological advancement is here again, only now, the impetus is neither vanity nor convenience, ...but rather survival and sustainability. There's no telling what such strong motivators can produce in the minds of man, ...especially as we enter a new age of increased higher vibrational frequencies. 

Can you picture a living breathing, pulsing building? ...and never ever having to pay an electric bill again?  :D