Author Topic: Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends  (Read 594037 times)

Protein Jones

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Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends
« on: March 15, 2005, 12:23:12 PM »
I love when you guys start telling stories about training/hanging out with the guys that we've all come to know as legends.  Clayton on Ironage always used to talk about training at Gold's in 1969 with Arnold, Franco and others, but then he started throwing tantrums and stopped doing it.  I realize that you guys probably have an enormous amount of stories you could tell but just select a few that really stand out.

Oh, and this doesn't have to be limited to the old-schoolers -- if anyone has a great story involving pros or legends (bodybuilding, powerlifting, WSM, armwrestling, whatever), let's hear it.

Bill Brasky

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2005, 12:27:28 PM »
well..................I was Brooke Shields' stunt ass in the Blue Lagoon.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2005, 12:33:37 PM »
Thanks Protein Jones,

Hmmm... my stories get triggered in the dusty old cob-web infested memory by something someone else says but to this day whenever I see Samir Bannout we both start making the sound of a machine-gun. Why?

Well when we were training partners, our third partner "Steve W*%&^" was REALLY into crytal meth. He'd hit the gym bathroom first thing and toot some. When were training he would talk so fast that he'd stutter and he was so intense his head would shake and it would sound like a machine gun going off. Samir and I would look at each other like "what the f*ck did he say". Then we'd just make that sound and crack up.

There are more but that one brings up all the good times and killer workouts.

Oh... tried it once... HATED it. Never again.
and keep moving!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2005, 01:49:38 PM »
Call the fire depatment!

When I trained at Ray Mentzers "Muscle Mill" is Redondo Beach, CA we would all go out to dinner after our workouts. Benny "beast-from-the-east" Podda, Ray Mentzer, Mike Mentzer, and 4 or 5 guys from the gym. As you can imagine most of the time it turned into a lecture from Mike and Ray. And of course there was no shortage of "test" running through our veins. Well were there's test, there's horns... woman beware.

After dinner one night one of the guys Ross is talking to some girl near her car. Now we've carpooled to the eatery so were the guys who rode with Ross are waiting. But he's making headway. Benny is getting pissed so all of a sudden we here "Ross call the fire department"!! Benny's got his pants around his ankles and had lit his pubic hair on fire (Benny loved attention). The girl freaks and hits the gas. We're all on the floor laughing our asses off!

So after that our favortite saying became "Call the fire depatment!".
and keep moving!

Protein Jones

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2005, 01:54:31 PM »
;D hilarious

Some guy on here told this great story one time about how he went to a seminar in the 80's where one of the speakers was Gunnar Rosbo (I think Haney was there too), but when it was Gunnar's turn to talk he was so drunk that he kept falling down on stage.  Then someone raised his hand and asked Gunnar what his diet prep consisted of and Gunnar replied, "A case of beer and two bottles of vodka!"  I'm not sure if that's exactly how the story went but the person who told it should come back and tell it again.

Clayton used to tell a lot of stories about how much of an asshole Zane was, and how Arnold and his buddies would always drive to the beach in a station wagon loaded up with Blair's protein.  I think one day Clayton said that Zane was being really cocky and then he outbenched him (Clayton over Zane), and Arnold was so happy about it that he invited Clayton over to train.

There's been a few good stories about the jaw-dropping strength of Ray Mentzer, Casey Viator and Bertil Fox - onlyme just told another one.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2005, 02:20:07 PM »
I'm like Max I read something and it joggles my mind so it brings back a memory.  I have a Benny Podda story I will tell later cause he is an asshole.  Anyway I have one with Don Ross.  We did a Gillete commercial for Puerto Rico.  It was for the new razor Gillette Probak II.  We were wrestlers and in the locker room shaving.  The razors we were using weren't working good and we would grab one then braks it while growling and gettin pissed off.  Finally we pick up the new Gillette Probak II.  It was awesome it shaved us so close and so smooth that we get so into it and excited we shave our heads.  We originally was going to so us actually shaving our heads but Don and the other guys head kept bleeding on camera.  Their heads were so fucked up from scars adn stuff.  My head was nice and smooth.  Even the makeup artist said it was perfect.  In fact the makeup artist was one of the original Mouseketeers.  I can't remeber his name but he shaved "Bulls" head on Night Court too.  Anyway, we shaved our heads just before lunch.  But me and Don were going to go outside for awhile and we had themn shave only parts of it and in weird patterns.  We looked like crazy guys.  I remember that the lunch they had for us was just some snacks.  If you knew Don Ross he was a crazy nut.  He went ballastic and said he will not finish the shoot unless we got steak.  the director was so afraid he asked me to calm Don down and I said man HE is crazy you better get us steaks.  So they did.  The pic is of me after my shaved head.  I have another great Don Ross story up later.  He was a nut.  Anyone else know who he was.  he was a pretty popular writer and he had the "Alien" on his arm.

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2005, 02:30:17 PM »
Don Ross used to carry a picture of a chicks p***y in his wallet and whenever he suspected someone was gay he'd flash it at them like you flash a cross at a vampire. He'd say this is my "anti-shmevick" potion get away shmevik (his word for gay)! He was such a goof. He started hangin at Ray's gym just before I left.

Benny was not an asshole... he just got tired of being around Ray.
and keep moving!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2005, 05:11:17 PM »
The Ripper in action.................. .

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2005, 06:10:00 PM »
i can tell a story about titus. back in 95 or 96 when he still lived in houston he was working out at the same gym as i. this hot i mean hot blonde came up to him and asked if he was a pro bber and said he looked real good. he said "im working out leave me the fuck alone!!!" the girl walked off really fast.
real men= no rubbers


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2005, 06:44:30 PM »
What a dipshit  >:(
what are you talking about, hes training no time for talk, plus he (back in the day) could pick and choose as he pleased.

Great stories guys


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2005, 07:05:17 PM »
Too bad Clayton was a ficticous charachter on ironage with about 5-6 different handles that he would converse with himself with........that`s why he is no longer there!

Don Ross again!!

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2005, 07:07:06 PM »
More Ross!

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2005, 07:09:30 PM »
Don and Bob Jodkiweicz !

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2005, 07:11:21 PM »
Don Ross used to carry a picture of a chicks p***y in his wallet and whenever he suspected someone was gay he'd flash it at them like you flash a cross at a vampire. He'd say this is my "anti-shmevick" potion get away shmevik (his word for gay)! He was such a goof. He started hangin at Ray's gym just before I left.

Benny was not an asshole... he just got tired of being around Ray.
I cant believe you guys know Don Ross......and that shevick shit-he was doing that when I met the guy in 1979. I cant believe Onlyme did a commercial with Ross. The first gym I joined was Clancy Ross's Mr America gym in Walnut Creek. Clancy had Don as manager (no relation). Clancy is one of the pioneers of BBing, having won the 1945 Mr. America, and Clancy beat Steve Reeves twice in competition.

Now Don, I dont know if he was an idiot or it was all just an act-but he was such a goof ball everyone got tired of him at the gym and Clancy fired him. Arnold would not let Don compete in the 1979 Mr Olympia contest (IFBB, Show /Arnold as promoter and Don was from Dan Luries WBBG), and Don was pissed off about that. Don was able to go in a few IFBB shows, but his career was winding down and he did poorly. He was always calling gay guys the  shevick line.

Don then went over to a huge hardcore gym that had just opened in Oakland in 1980 called the Olympia Gym and was manager there until it was closed by the IRS in 1981-now it is a Gold's Gym. But Don Ross was a charachter to say the least. His line used to be "I have to take 3 dbol a day b/c I compete against the best BBers in the world". Don was from Detroit and started training at the orginal Powerhouse Gym in Highland Park, Detroit-run by the Dabish brothers.....Tom Platz was also from Detroit and reallly looked up to Don Ross, Tom said his training heavy and with super intensity came from Ross.

I have to say I was very surprised when Don had the big heart attack-about 10 years ago and died-he was in his 50's and in decent shape........


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2005, 07:13:50 PM »
It is amazing how some people, when a competitor is in the zone of training for a big contest, come up to them during the toughest times of a set, and proceed to talk away, asking for a picture , for training information, etc.  Flex Wheeler said it best that the proper ediquette is to wait until one is done with a set or session and then come up afterwards, not right smack in the middle of it.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2005, 07:18:41 PM »
The pics that Bix posted have Don up against Ron Thompson Mr. America winner, who was also from was Samir Bannout and Roger Callard.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2005, 07:28:52 PM »
The pics that Bix posted have Don up against Ron Thompson Mr. America winner, who was also from was Samir Bannout and Roger Callard.
There are many, many BBs that came out of Michigan, and extra ordinary number.

Don Ross used to wear a Powerhouse Gym shirt at Clancy's in 1979-when there was only one Powerhouse the time I just figured Don was from LA and Powerhouse was one of the hardcore gyms in So Cal.....had no idea it was in Michigan and would become a major gym chain. I cant remember if Don was manager at Powerhouse Detroit, but as I recall he was.......


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2005, 07:31:19 PM »
Yeah,I remember years ago...........way back reading a mag where Ross won the Mr. Michigan.......a lot of famous guys came out of there...........Ron Love was another one!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2005, 07:47:19 PM »
Too bad Clayton was a ficticous charachter on ironage with about 5-6 different handles that he would converse with himself with........that`s why he is no longer there!

Don Ross again!!

I thought that was a shame to have banned Clayton. Didn't Bill Grant say that he remembered him from back in the days ? So if he were real and had real stories to tell then who should give a f..k if he talked to himself on the board ?


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2005, 08:04:23 PM »
Bix,I don`t recall Bill having said that but trust me........"Clayton" was someone in the industry who used the "Clayton" personna to hype up his products.........most of the stories were just that......stories.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2005, 08:09:45 PM »
Oh the Blair's protein guy, right ?I never really paid to much attention to his threads but how are you sure they were just stories ?


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2005, 08:18:20 PM »
He would just make up stuff..........a lot of his stories in old posts were different in more recent posts........almost as if he forgot the lies he told.

He was about as real as the Easter Bunny..........some of his stuff was more than likely accurate but a lot of his tales of "1969" were ficticous.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2005, 08:33:20 PM »
I can't remember what mag Don wrote for but he called me and interviewed me on the phone and said he's like to put some of the interview in the article.  I never saw the article.  Here is the funniest Don Ross story.  I can't remember the film name but I got a call to go to Dino DeLaurentis office to read for this movie.  I get there and see Don Ross in the lobby.  We say hi how are yhou doing that kind of stuff.  Anyway, the casting director comes out and puts us in groups of 3.  We are supposed to be 3 brothers just got out of jail.  We're supposed to be a little crazy and "off" in the head.  So anyway the first group goes in.  They leave.  Then it was Don's group.  I was in the last group.  About a minute later you here all this yelling and screaming and things breaking from the office.  We're all looking at each other like what's up.  The girl in the office opens the door and you can just barely see Don going crazy inn the office.  You hear all this cussing.  She shuts the doors and about a minute later Don comes out the door and yell "Fuck Yea"! he says see you later to me and leaves.  The guys from the office come out and tells the girl to call Don's agent.  He asks us to come in.  We go and the place is a mess. This guy is hysterical and asks us "what's with you Hollywood fuckers" look at what that asshole did.  Lolng story short, they didn;t even let us read for the part.  They cancelled the additions for LA and moved them to North Carolina or somewhere's like that cause that is where they were based out of.  I talked to Don once since that happend.  He told me his agent called him and told him they wanted Don to pay for the damages.  Don laughed at that one.  SO I think his agent at that time had to pay for it and he dropped Don.  I asked what he did and he said the part asked for the guy to be really crazy so he decided to be REALLY crazy.  He was reallu funny.  I wished I had one of the posters we did together.  I hadd one and lost it.  They were in every store in Puerto Rico.  We were also on a ton of billboards over there.  I did an appearance in Miami and some people recognized from the billboard.  It was neat.  I liked being bald and in fact I just shaved my head last week and am bald again.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2005, 09:10:54 PM »
Don Ross used to wrestle-as in bigtime wrestling (what they called it in the Bay Area) to make money-this was before the WWF, and of course that is where he came up with "RIPPER" and he would shave his head bald except for a mohawk strip down the middle. He looked pretty weird.

Tony Atlas was another BBer that wrestled-back then very few of the wrestlers were bodybuilders. Today almost all the wrestlers lift-but Ross wrestled to make cash.

Ross was one weird guy. The IFBB never gave him a shot really, and I remember back in the early 80's Flex magazine ran an articel or a picture on Tegan Clive-cant remember what it was-that Ross thougth was in poor taste so he wrote a letter to Flex complaining, and Flex printed it and their reply-and they really ragged on Don, saying things like Don was known "in some parts of the bodybuilding world" as in he was a nobody has been. But he was strong, he was intense in his training and he did carry size......

As a matter of fact, Don Ross wrote these muscle building pamphlets that he used to sell-real cheap things about 20 pages long and stapled together- on how to build arms, legs, chest and so on, but the one me and my friends always laughed at ......and the title of this one became our "Motto" in the gym( I still use this today) was called, get this one:

The Secrets to Size, Power and Muscularity

So when ever I see a wannabe in the gym I always ask them what their secret is to size power and muscularity....I wish I had a copy of those old training guides......


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2005, 10:18:14 PM »
I don't mean to trash Don but that is one ugly mug and a pretty unappealing physique.

Let's get back to some stories this thread has gone way off topic. You bunch of shmeviks!
and keep moving!