Don Ross used to wrestle-as in bigtime wrestling (what they called it in the Bay Area) to make money-this was before the WWF, and of course that is where he came up with "RIPPER" and he would shave his head bald except for a mohawk strip down the middle. He looked pretty weird.
Tony Atlas was another BBer that wrestled-back then very few of the wrestlers were bodybuilders. Today almost all the wrestlers lift-but Ross wrestled to make cash.
Ross was one weird guy. The IFBB never gave him a shot really, and I remember back in the early 80's Flex magazine ran an articel or a picture on Tegan Clive-cant remember what it was-that Ross thougth was in poor taste so he wrote a letter to Flex complaining, and Flex printed it and their reply-and they really ragged on Don, saying things like Don was known "in some parts of the bodybuilding world" as in he was a nobody has been. But he was strong, he was intense in his training and he did carry size......
As a matter of fact, Don Ross wrote these muscle building pamphlets that he used to sell-real cheap things about 20 pages long and stapled together- on how to build arms, legs, chest and so on, but the one me and my friends always laughed at ......and the title of this one became our "Motto" in the gym( I still use this today) was called, get this one:
The Secrets to Size, Power and Muscularity
So when ever I see a wannabe in the gym I always ask them what their secret is to size power and muscularity....I wish I had a copy of those old training guides......