Author Topic: I just found out that it is all our fault  (Read 460 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • I'm totally Brolic, bro!
I just found out that it is all our fault
« on: February 11, 2009, 09:31:14 AM »
I am so sick of the whiney, delusional, paranoid, victim card-playing attitude that black people STILL possess. Get a grip on yourselves. It isnt 1800-ish or 1960 anymore. Not every white person is out to get you anymore. You are the most accepted, priviledged, spoiled people out there these days. You can play the race card and get away with situations you put yourself into, you go on welfare and live off of the Government so you can buy your Gucci bags and designer jeans that you do NOT look hot in; all the while, having babies at home starving. You have a lousy black President now so your victimization is over with, as far as I'm concerned. Stop complaining about a troubled life that you had every opportunity to improve on. Stop complaining about having to sell drugs or enter into a gang because your delusions of grandeur in regards to being a rapper or athlete failed. EVERYONE can improve their lifestyle if they try. I do not feel sorry for you if claim that "whitey" is being unfair, insensitive, and racist when they point out stereotypical things that are based on reality. Like, uhhhm, 85% OF PRISONS BEING FILLED WITH BLACKS. Now, I do blame a lot of people's personalities and perceptions on life by how they were raised. if your mom never taught you any family values but instead told you to expect everything to be handed to you because she does, mostly because baby daddy isnt around, then those people will most likely grow up thugs.

If you DO grow up with a sense of responsibility and respectability, why waste those qualities?

I bring all of this up because I have heard black people treating me, and others, as a therapist and thinking we still live in the Civil War days, and that they are always victimized. On top of everything I just said, when was the last time anyone ever heard the media blow up a major news story about black people harming/killing white people? The O.J. Simpson case doesnt even count because he was acquitted. I am constantly hearing about supposed "hate" crimes when a white person kills a black person, but never vice versa. HOW DOES THAT MAKE BLACKS THE ONES BEING PICKED ON??? I'm not seeing it. There are many racist blacks out there and many hate crimes that involve blacks victimizing whites that most people never hear about because the media doesnt want to seem "racially insensitive." (See example article below.) Well, if it's insensitive to report TRUE events as they happen, and make people aware of the dangers that exist, then I'm glad to be a get my drift. Look at the Duke rape case even. For one thing, the moment I heard the news reporters say the woman was a STRIPPER, i immediately called BS. They blew that stupid case up for about a year, trying to make America feel sorry for the poor, little nasty stripper. When all was said and done and the truth came out about her story being completely FAKE and that her bruises and such were from her BLACK boyfriend, the media shut up so quick you would think they had a spontaneous attack of amnesia. I dont blame them. I would have wanted to forget the whole thing ever happened, too. I would be embarrassed if I had stooped so low as to feel sympathetic toward a freakin stripper. Anyone with half a brain and an ounce of common sense could've figured out that 3 rich, priviledged, athletic men DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT need to rape a nasty stripper of ANY race. Why was that not considered a hate crime? She made up a horrible story about a few white guys and in turn, practically destroyed their lives. There are many more examples that I wont get into. I think everyone gets my point.

To seal the lid on this, the main thing I wanted to get out there is people are not victimized in any sense of the word like they once were. Even when they deserve to be because they are thugs, they still arent. Stop complaining about the past, a past you never experienced, a past your own family members that you knew/know on a personal level probably didnt even experience. You got your black President, now sit down, shut up, and hand me your race card to use in 2020 when whites become the minority. I never did anything harmful to black people and never will; well, unless they harm my family. However, I have been harrassed and threatened by quite a few of them in my life, just minding my own business, but am I asking you to bow down to me??? No. I can move on with life. YOU ALL NEED TO, AS WELL.

Bring on the "you're racist" comments. It will make me laugh because it is sooo not true. Everything I stated is totally legit and deep down inside, even when you dont want to admit it, you know it is true.