Author Topic: obama - a let down once again  (Read 3856 times)


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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2009, 10:45:32 AM »
I say this without having any interest in personal use either. 


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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2009, 11:01:01 AM »
Yesterday you asked my why I lied about Obama's stance on gay marriage.........why do you continually lie about those statments when you know full and well they we're taken out of context?

Those were words out of those people's own mouths.  They said.

You got caught in a lie that was never said or supported.  Big difference.

The Coach

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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2009, 11:10:58 AM »
Those were words out of those people's own mouths.  They said.

You got caught in a lie that was never said or supported.  Big difference.

Like I said......he took it out of context............

The 100 Year Lie
By Charles Krauthammer

WASHINGTON -- Asked at a New Hampshire campaign stop about possibly staying in Iraq 50 years, John McCain interrupted -- "Make it a hundred" -- then offered a precise analogy to what he envisioned: "We've been in Japan for 60 years. We've been in South Korea for 50 years or so." Lest anyone think he was talking about prolonged war-fighting rather than maintaining a presence in postwar Iraq, he explained: "That would be fine with me, as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed."

And lest anyone persist in thinking he was talking about war-fighting, he told his questioner: "It's fine with me and I hope it would be fine with you if we maintained a presence in a very volatile part of the world."

  There is another analogy to the kind of benign and strategically advantageous "presence" McCain was suggesting for postwar Iraq: Kuwait. The U.S. (with allies) occupied Kuwait in 1991 and has remained there with a major military presence for 17 years. We debate dozens of foreign policy issues in this country. I've yet to hear any serious person of either party call for a pullout from Kuwait.

Why? Because our presence projects power and provides stability for the entire Gulf and for vulnerable U.S. allies that line its shores.

The desirability of a similar presence in Iraq was obvious as long as five years ago to retired Gen. Merrill McPeak, one of Barack Obama's leading military advisers and his campaign co-chairman. During the first week of the Iraq War, McPeak (a war critic) suggested in an interview that "we'll be there a century, hopefully. If it works right." (Meaning, if we win.)

Why is that a hopeful outcome? Because maintaining a U.S. military presence in Iraq would provide regional stability, as well as cement a long-term allied relationship with the most important Arab country in the region.

As McPeak himself said about our long stay in Europe, Japan and Korea, "This is the way great powers operate." One can argue that such a presence in Iraq might not be worth the financial expense. A legitimate point -- it might require working out the kind of relations we have with Japan, which picks up about 75 percent of the cost of U.S. forces stationed there.

Alternatively, one might advocate simply bolstering our presence in Kuwait, a choice that would minimize risk, albeit at the sacrifice of some power projection. Such a debate would be fruitful and help inform our current negotiations with Baghdad over the future status of American forces.

But a serious argument is not what Democrats are seeking. They want the killer sound bite, the silver bullet to take down McCain. According to Politico, they have found it: "Dems to hammer McCain for '100 years.'"

The device? Charge that McCain is calling for a hundred years of war. Hence:

-- "He (McCain) says that he is willing to send our troops into another 100 years of war in Iraq" (Barack Obama, Feb. 19).

-- "We are bogged down in a war that John McCain now suggests might go on for another 100 years" (Obama, Feb. 26).

-- "He's (McCain) willing to keep this war going for 100 years" (Hillary Clinton, March 17).

-- "What date between now and the election in November will he (McCain) drop this promise of a 100-year war in Iraq?" (Chris Matthews, March 4).

Why, even a CNN anchor (Rick Sanchez) buys it: "John McCain is telling us ... that we need to win even if it takes 100 years" (March 16).

As Lenin is said to have said: "A lie told often enough becomes truth." And as this lie passes into truth, the Democrats are ready to deploy it "as the linchpin of an effort to turn McCain's national security credentials against him," reports David Paul Kuhn of Politico.

Hence: A Howard Dean fundraising letter charging McCain with seeking "an endless war in Iraq." And a Democratic National Committee press release in which Dean asserts: "McCain's strategy is a war without end. ... Elect John McCain and get 100 years in Iraq."

The Annenberg Political Fact Check, a nonprofit and nonpartisan project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, says: "It's a rank falsehood for the DNC to accuse McCain of wanting to wage 'endless war' based on his support for a presence in Iraq something like the U.S. role in South Korea."

The Democrats are undeterred. "It's seldom you get such a clean shot," a senior Obama adviser told Politico. It's seldom that you see such a dirty lie.


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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2009, 11:15:11 AM »


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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2009, 11:17:51 AM »
MOST pot users I know are filthy, slow talking, lazy individuals.
America is already lazy, why make people lazier than they already are.

For the most part, pot is legal (misdomeanor), unless you get caught with a pickup truck
ful of the stuff.

there arent POT SMOKERS who are filthy, lazy etc. there are PEOPLE who are already filthy and lazy, and happen to smoke pot as well. Filth and lack of motivation are not symptoms of marijuana!
Meet your drug dealer for a bag here in new york city and tell me youre comfortable doing so! it is farrr from legal. you will be thoroughly tossed and imprisoned by cops. also, if a cop finds a few flakes in your car they LOVE to use that as probable cause to search your car and run their fingers between your ass cheeks. the only truth to your statement is that it is a misdemeanor, and you'll only spend a night or so in jail until you meet with the judge, who will more than likely let you off with a warning, fine, or whatever unless you are a repeat offender.

I bet most of the f*cking retards in the audience who were laughing at the suggestion / question like it was the most preposterous thing ever, are the kind who shake their heads and laugh about it while having a drink or two ::) And Yes, President Obama wasn't doing himself a favor by treating the question like it was a joke, when it's a perfectly legitimate and serious issue.

The fact that a lot of people asked the question shows that most of them understand that declaring Marijuana, which is a naturally occurring substance / product as a "drug", the possession, distribution and consumption of which is against the law, makes no sense when Alcohol and tobacco are both legally available everywhere and in as much quantity as an adult wishing to buy them requires.

That is of course, aside from the fact that the damn government has no business dictating what it's citizens can and cannot consume. You can bet that the morons in the audience who laughed at the issue like it was a ludicrous one would have done the exact same thing if the question was about legalizing alcohol consumption in an alternate or parallel universe where the government just as randomly declared that Marijuana consumption was perfectly legal while that of alcohol wasn't.

Good to know there are that many pot smokers, lol!

you are absolutely right! they act like it is such a humorous, absurd matter. ohh yeah those crazy internet potheads. obama lost some support with that one, no doubt. many pro-pot activists are democrat, and will be quite disappointed in his response.

I think its unfortunate the question was handled like a joke.  Its a legitimate question.  If marijuana was legalized and dealt with just like alcohol, there would be tax revenue, decreased criminal activity and less problems with mexican drug smuggling.  Schools would warn against marijuana use (particularly habitual use, which does foster laziness IMO) just like they warn against alcohol.  I think there are more reasons to look at legalization than against it.  No one can say pot is more medically harmful than alcohol.

Also don't believe its the gov's right to prevent its citizens from using a minimally harmful substance.  Just need to warn against habitual use, use by minors and use while operating a vehicle.   Its the same rules as with alcohol IMO.

i agree with everything you said 100 percent! right on the money with this post. there's a lot of work to be done in legalizing marijuana, especially since the top ranked politicians find it a laugh worthy subject, as seen in the video.

I'd much rather be considered a consumer than a criminal. I'd be happy to continue smoking weed knowing that it stimulates the economy. It wouldn't? Bullshit! There could be marijuana dispensaries in every state. That's plenty of money right there.

plentyyy of money indeed, which is a HUGE plus! and this isn't where the true passion of the argument lies! the financial success of legalizing pot combined with the unjust history of its prohibition and its medicinal benefits all make the fools who oppose it look like piles of uninformed SHIT.


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Re: obama - a let down once again
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2009, 01:06:27 PM »
Like I said......he took it out of context............

And this excuses you entire blatant lie - not taken out of context, just taken from your own post - how?

I like how you attempt to shift the discussion away from your lie to something else.