Author Topic: Senate Apologizes for Slavery  (Read 5025 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #50 on: June 19, 2009, 12:23:54 PM »
Wow,that was deep.How about this,we all stop bitching about injustices of the past and move on.Work hard,raise good families,and mind your own business.Perhaps if blacks concentrated on lowering their out of wedlock birth rates,that might be a better solution then a bunch of gutless cowards appologising.

The Irony and utter stupidity of your post is astounding...You start by saying everyone should stop bitching, mind their business, raise good families work hard and then turn around and say Blacks should work on lowering their out of wedlock birth rate??? Obviously you did not get the news that is DECADES OLD and that is whites have more children out of wedlock than any other people in the world....DO I NEED TO REPEAT THAT?!?!?!?!? whites lead the way in ABORTIONS, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Incest, Prostitution, Rape, child prostitution, child kidnapping and sexual deviance. and you have the nerve to talk about IMAGINARY problems within the Black community?!?!?!!?!?

To add to the debaucherous humor...whites would first have to apologize to the Native People of america FIRST, return their land, pack their white shit up and head back to that cesspool called Europe, return and restore all they they have stolen, destroyed and damaged before you can even THINK to start apologizing to the African American community. Let us not talk about the reparations to the Native People in the form of the Gold, Silver, Platinum, oil and all whites have stolen from the land. Then you can get around to the rep you owe the African American population which there is not enough money in the WORLDS CAUFFERS to satisfy that bill. But you know what the pleasure EVERYONE other than whites are having is the fact that the JOO is now CLEANING YOU OUT. Your white ass may have, to a degree, gotten away with literal murder with the Native or African Americans, but the Joos are wringing every thing from the last dime to every home, car, saving account, pension, social security, tax and all from your white asses...NOW LET ME SEE YOU GET AN ATTITUDE WITH THEM. Let me see you mouth off to them? Let me see you stop them from taking all you have? And best of all let me see you talk of their (eh hem) HOLOCAUST openly without getting your mouth BASHED IN.

So please like the rest of your worthless own, you don't have to apologize (not that it would be accepted or would mean anything anyway) you don't have to repay, you don't have to do anything...but as the screws are tightened by the ZIONIST that run america don't cry about injustice, or your supposed rights, or that it is not fair what is being done, because ALL THAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU AND YOURS IS FAIR AND JUST AND WHAT WILL SOON COME WILL BE FAIR AND JUST. And just so you know why it is happening...the good book says... DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. Do you understand what that means.???? It means treat people in the way you would want them to treat you. Since whites have treated the world with utter contempt, so now comes the time for the world to treat you with more of the same...GET READY...IT'S GOING TO GET UGLY...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2009, 12:26:46 PM »
Really, so your saying that every person from the African continent was sold to American slavers, and wiped out the African culture forever? And while we are on the subject how did American's get the slaves, sail over to Africa and just grab um out of the jungle?

That's the part Africans don't like to talk about.
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.
Most slaves weren't taken from the Bush.

In fact there is still a fairly sizable slave trade in Africa with some Middle East countries.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2009, 12:29:27 PM »
I'm 1/16 American Indian, I want an apology and shares in Cash Creek Casino.   8)

You're 1/16 Indian and 15/16 JOKE. Casinos are owned by WHITES pretending to be Native Peoples. Cash Creek, Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun yadda yadda ALL BULLSHIT. The Native People still being held on the concentration camps called RESERVATIONS don't see a dime of this money. Given the Billions these casinos make every year they should be living like kings and queens on the reservation, yet they are all living financially in poverty. While the WHITES who really own those casinos live large.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2009, 12:33:10 PM »
You're 1/16 Indian and 15/16 JOKE. Casinos are owned by WHITES pretending to be Native Peoples. Cash Creek, Foxwoods, Mohegan Sun yadda yadda ALL BULLSHIT. The Native People still being held on the concentration camps called RESERVATIONS don't see a dime of this money. Given the Billions these casinos make every year they should be living like kings and queens on the reservation, yet they are all living financially in poverty. While the WHITES who really own those casinos live large.
bro iono if you need to hit the pipe or stop hitting the pipe but which ever it is go do it.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2009, 12:34:14 PM »
That's the part Africans don't like to talk about.
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.
Most slaves weren't taken from the Bush.

In fact there is still a fairly sizable slave trade in Africa with some Middle East countries.

That is the point I was trying to make, it appears some mythology has become fact to some. From what I can find it appears about 10 million Africans were slaved out to the America's ( not simply the United States) as a matter of fact the north atlantic slave trade was going on around 200 years before there ever was a USA, of the 10 Million about 500K ended up in the United States.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #55 on: June 19, 2009, 12:48:02 PM »
Yo check this out chief. Im gonna type like i talk. But check it out. Without slaves, the America you know dosent exist today, in every way, socially, economically and another ally. Take for instance you have a business selling shirts over seas. You dont pay any of your employees anything vs. your competetion who has labor as part of their overhead. You would do much better that them right. Yeah thats the US as we know it and how it got to be a power. Now...Tell everyone that you now that the guy who made the shirts dosent have to be treated like a human at all. And for them to even want rights as a human is a dream because it is LEGLISLATION that makes them less than human. When that leglislation is finally out the door you say "well they are gonna be treated like humans but they will get the worst of everything, and if they ever try to make something of their own...well just burn it down (see blackwallstreet Tulsa OK, east st louis etc) and then look at the lasting effects and say, man get over it already. With all due respect bro. You can kiss my buff black ass with all that. Police beating up people because they are a certian race. Burning down churches with kids in them, killing non violent protestors...sheeeit that was all post slavery, sheeeeeit you got it fucked up.
yea, I'm on the same page with most of this and spend time bitching about it myself.  This is stuff that's happening now and can be affected, not crap before anyone alive can remember.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #56 on: June 19, 2009, 12:49:57 PM »
bro iono if you need to hit the pipe or stop hitting the pipe but which ever it is go do it.

Samson had had a little too much GMO-contaminated food recently.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #57 on: June 19, 2009, 12:50:52 PM »
bro iono if you need to hit the pipe or stop hitting the pipe but which ever it is go do it.

The only pipe he's sucking on is that of his local fundamentalist sheik. Allah commanded it.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #58 on: June 19, 2009, 12:57:39 PM »
The only pipe he's sucking on is that of his local fundamentalist sheik. Allah commanded it.

Samson just hates white people, thinks anyone white is guilty of every sin that has ever befallen the world, while ignoring anything and everything that anyone who is not white has done. Fuck him and the horse he road in on, he bitches and complains about all the wrongs done to black people and how horrible and wrong it is, then in the next breath wishes worse on whites.

Here samson they are serving all day



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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #59 on: June 19, 2009, 01:06:03 PM »
Samson just hates white people, thinks anyone white is guilty of every sin that has ever befallen the world, while ignoring anything and everything that anyone who is not white has done. Fuck him and the horse he road in on, he bitches and complains about all the wrongs done to black people and how horrible and wrong it is, then in the next breath wishes worse on whites.

Here samson they are serving all day

Unfortunately, it's well documented that he is a gimmick of HugoChavez so the chances of him being banned or having his posts deleted are zero.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #60 on: June 19, 2009, 01:06:23 PM »
That's the part Africans don't like to talk about.
Africans sold other Africans into slavery.
Most slaves weren't taken from the Bush.

In fact there is still a fairly sizable slave trade in Africa with some Middle East countries.

Africans did not sell Africans into slavery. Slavery began as a trick by whites to get Blacks to go along with their game of getting them shipped off to america. In Africa a practice had been around for millenia and is still in existence in many nations in Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and the South Pacific where young men are brought into manhood by leaving home and being taught survival skills, hunting skills, craft skills etc in the far reaches of their own country or in other lands. These now "MEN" would be returned home after some time to tell of their experience and show what they had learned and how they are now "MEN". The custom was passed down through their fathers and their fathers and their fathers etc. Whites capitalized off of this practice by claiming they could do the same...except their technique required them to be carried off on ships where they ended up being shackled and carried off to america. Whites managed to get Africans to GO ALONG with their game at first before it became a VIOLENT GUN THREATENING/KILLING system of capture, shackle and ship off against their will. The Arabs were pulled into the sinisterness of the practice because whites paid them money and gave them  liquor to do so.

SO far as continuing practices of slavery go...there is a difference between slavery and usurping a people who migrate to another land for work or food. What is seen not only in Africa but in just about all countries world wide is the usurping of people for greed and profit sake. Just as Mexicans have migrated into america and find themselves working hard for below minimum wage with no benefits this s what has happened to people moving from one African nation to another. They are NOT SLAVE , but they are clearly being abused, just as Mexicans are NOT SLAVES in america , but they are clearly being abused/usurped. Now I don't see you talking about the "SLAVERY" in Europe as the eastern Europeans are routinely beaten, jailed, forced to work long hours at below minimum wage, have their passports taken, denied housing, hospital care, with women often being RAPED by your so called western Europeans (they are all white regardless of where they are from). The major sex slave trade in the world is still being conducted in Israhell and primarily fooled/captured eastern europeans (especially women)who are desperate for work and answer ads in Israhell newspapers for domestic help or models, but when they arrive in Israhell their passports are taken and they are forced into the sex trade industry. The people of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc are routinely brought into various wealthy Middle eastern nations as CHEAP LABOR to build up their cities and malls and often are not paid when the work is done or are paid as little as 50 cents per day.

These systems of USURPING AND ABUSING world wide are systems based on the white system of enslaving for the sake of free or cheap labor and big profits.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #61 on: June 19, 2009, 01:07:13 PM »
bro iono if you need to hit the pipe or stop hitting the pipe but which ever it is go do it.

I'll leave the pipe smoking to Phelps


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2009, 01:07:33 PM »
Africans did not sell Africans into slavery. Slavery began as a trick by whites to get Blacks to go along with their game of getting them shipped off to america. In Africa a practice had been around for millenia and is still in existence in many nations in Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia and the South Pacific where young men are brought into manhood by leaving home and being taught survival skills, hunting skills, craft skills etc in the far reaches of their own country or in other lands. These now "MEN" would be returned home after some time to tell of their experience and show what they had learned and how they are now "MEN". The custom was passed down through their fathers and their fathers and their fathers etc. Whites capitalized off of this practice by claiming they could do the same...except their technique required them to be carried off on ships where they ended up being shackled and carried off to america. Whites managed to get Africans to GO ALONG with their game at first before it became a VIOLENT GUN THREATENING/KILLING system of capture, shackle and ship off against their will. The Arabs were pulled into the sinisterness of the practice because whites paid them money and gave them  liquor to do so.

SO far as continuing practices of slavery go...there is a difference between slavery and usurping a people who migrate to another land for work or food. What is seen not only in Africa but in just about all countries world wide is the usurping of people for greed and profit sake. Just as Mexicans have migrated into america and find themselves working hard for below minimum wage with no benefits this s what has happened to people moving from one African nation to another. They are NOT SLAVE , but they are clearly being abused, just as Mexicans are NOT SLAVES in america , but they are clearly being abused/usurped. Now I don't see you talking about the "SLAVERY" in Europe as the eastern Europeans are routinely beaten, jailed, forced to work long hours at below minimum wage, have their passports taken, denied housing, hospital care, with women often being RAPED by your so called western Europeans (they are all white regardless of where they are from). The major sex slave trade in the world is still being conducted in Israhell and primarily fooled/captured eastern europeans (especially women)who are desperate for work and answer ads in Israhell newspapers for domestic help or models, but when they arrive in Israhell their passports are taken and they are forced into the sex trade industry. The people of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc are routinely brought into various wealthy Middle eastern nations as CHEAP LABOR to build up their cities and malls and often are not paid when the work is done or are paid as little as 50 cents per day.

These systems of USURPING AND ABUSING world wide are systems based on the white system of enslaving for the sake of free or cheap labor and big profits.

How do you feel about millions of your scumbag Muslim brethren still actively engaging in the slave trade?  ???


  • Getbig V
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #63 on: June 19, 2009, 01:08:27 PM »
Samson had had a little too much GMO-contaminated food recently.

I thought you claimed GMO was you are saying it isn't???


  • Getbig V
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #64 on: June 19, 2009, 01:09:30 PM »
Samson just hates white people, thinks anyone white is guilty of every sin that has ever befallen the world, while ignoring anything and everything that anyone who is not white has done. Fuck him and the horse he road in on, he bitches and complains about all the wrongs done to black people and how horrible and wrong it is, then in the next breath wishes worse on whites.

Here samson they are serving all day

Sorry if I have upset you with the truth, but the TRUTH MUST BE TOLD


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2009, 01:11:37 PM »
I thought you claimed GMO was you are saying it isn't???

I am trying to offer up an acceptable excuse for you.

You're welcome.   :)


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2009, 01:12:40 PM »
Sorry if I have upset you with the truth, but the TRUTH MUST BE TOLD

You don't upset me I am just dismayed and the level of stupidity you display. Let me put it this way, if stupidity were bricks you would be the great wall of china.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2009, 01:18:29 PM »
How do you feel about millions of your Muslim scumbag brethren still actively engaging the slave trade?  ???

This idiot thinks they are being trained for becoming men.

Even tough they and their families have been slaves for generations.

Samson's the biggest troll on the board. Its obvious he can't read and is majorly delusional.

He is foolish enough to think that all slaves were men. Which is not true at all.

These hugely racist posts against white people piss me off, because they are not even based on any FACT.  
But on this board racism against whites and anti-semitism is allowed and in some cases cheered on.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #68 on: June 19, 2009, 01:20:09 PM »
The Irony and utter stupidity of your post is astounding...You start by saying everyone should stop bitching, mind their business, raise good families work hard and then turn around and say Blacks should work on lowering their out of wedlock birth rate??? Obviously you did not get the news that is DECADES OLD and that is whites have more children out of wedlock than any other people in the world....DO I NEED TO REPEAT THAT?!?!?!?!? whites lead the way in ABORTIONS, Child Abuse, Spousal Abuse, Incest, Prostitution, Rape, child prostitution, child kidnapping and sexual deviance. and you have the nerve to talk about IMAGINARY problems within the Black community?!?!?!!?!?

To add to the debaucherous humor...whites would first have to apologize to the Native People of america FIRST, return their land, pack their white shit up and head back to that cesspool called Europe, return and restore all they they have stolen, destroyed and damaged before you can even THINK to start apologizing to the African American community. Let us not talk about the reparations to the Native People in the form of the Gold, Silver, Platinum, oil and all whites have stolen from the land. Then you can get around to the rep you owe the African American population which there is not enough money in the WORLDS CAUFFERS to satisfy that bill. But you know what the pleasure EVERYONE other than whites are having is the fact that the JOO is now CLEANING YOU OUT. Your white ass may have, to a degree, gotten away with literal murder with the Native or African Americans, but the Joos are wringing every thing from the last dime to every home, car, saving account, pension, social security, tax and all from your white asses...NOW LET ME SEE YOU GET AN ATTITUDE WITH THEM. Let me see you mouth off to them? Let me see you stop them from taking all you have? And best of all let me see you talk of their (eh hem) HOLOCAUST openly without getting your mouth BASHED IN.

So please like the rest of your worthless own, you don't have to apologize (not that it would be accepted or would mean anything anyway) you don't have to repay, you don't have to do anything...but as the screws are tightened by the ZIONIST that run america don't cry about injustice, or your supposed rights, or that it is not fair what is being done, because ALL THAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU AND YOURS IS FAIR AND JUST AND WHAT WILL SOON COME WILL BE FAIR AND JUST. And just so you know why it is happening...the good book says... DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. Do you understand what that means.???? It means treat people in the way you would want them to treat you. Since whites have treated the world with utter contempt, so now comes the time for the world to treat you with more of the same...GET READY...IT'S GOING TO GET UGLY...

I only wish it would get ugly.You see,blacks and minorities are so fucking stupid,when they riot or are outraged they burn down their own communities.When whites get pissed off we do like McCveigh.You take out 5 we take out 500.The last thing in this world minoriteies ever want is a race war,see what happens to Indians thats the way we roll.Whites are FAR better at killing then anyone on the face of the earth.We would chew through every mud race in about 5 days.

Blacks have a 70% out of wedlock birth rate.The fathers are so piss poor they leave the families to fend for themselves which explains why they are in the same position today as they were 50 years ago.Every other race has come here and thrived,the blacks live in poverty in communites that fools like Obama organise.Keep blaming whites if it makes you feel goo.I will be in my gated community tonight without a care in the world.

By the way,please explain how EVERY nation on the face of the earth got land.If my history book is correct,its by war.The idea that you think we did the Indians so wrong,take a look at the soviet empire,the roman empire,the uk or every other world power.They all became a world power by overpowering other lands.Thats the way its been since day one.

We owe blacks NOTHING!!!!If it werent for us they would still be in Africa transfering baskets across rivers on their burry heads.They should get on their knees every night and thank whites that they dont have to live in mud huts anymore.


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2009, 01:21:43 PM »
This idiot thinks they are being trained for becoming men.

Even tough they and their families have been slaves for generations.

Samson's the biggest troll on the board. Its obvious he can't read and is majorly delusional.

He is foolish enough to think that all slaves were men. Which is not true at all.

These hugely racist posts against white people piss me off, because they are not even based on any FACT.  
But on this board racism against whites and anti-semitism is allowed and in some cases cheered on.

That's because HugoChavez, who runs the Samson gimmick, is a black muslim militant who couldn't care less about racism or bigotry when it doesn't involve blacks or Muslims. Mention those two and you'll be getting pm's threatening you with permabans and what not. Sad the double standard that gets played on here.

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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #70 on: June 19, 2009, 01:24:58 PM »
Wow,that was deep.How about this,we all stop bitching about injustices of the past and move on.Work hard,raise good families,and mind your own buisines.Perhaps if blacks concentrated on lowering their out of wedlock birth rates,that might be a better solution then a bunch of gutless cowards appologising.

biggidty BOOM!!!!!!!!!

Option D

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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #71 on: June 19, 2009, 01:26:07 PM »
yea, I'm on the same page with most of this and spend time bitching about it myself.  This is stuff that's happening now and can be affected, not crap before anyone alive can remember.

I can fucks with that


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #72 on: June 19, 2009, 01:55:53 PM »
Samson, you create your own realities dude.  Your probably the most racist person on the board, and often delusional.  What confuses me is that occasionally you have a great, insightful post...then back to this shit.

Out of wedlock births are a bad start for any child.  As a percentage, it is more prevalent in blacks but its a problem with all races.  Also, there's no shame in it anymore...people even accept the title of baby mama and baby daddy.  Men need to be men and take care of their responsibilities.  (or just use a f-cking condom!)


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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #73 on: June 22, 2009, 01:48:12 PM »
This is the first step towards reperations for slavery.Once that is introduced it will be the final straw for whites.This counytry will look like Iran.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Senate Apologizes for Slavery
« Reply #74 on: June 22, 2009, 01:58:50 PM »
This is the first step towards reperations for slavery.Once that is introduced it will be the final straw for whites.This counytry will look like Iran.

Reparations wont do shit.  most will squander the money withing a month andbe complaining about the same issues two months later. 

what needs to happen is bluntness, honesty, hard work, and reality.