Author Topic: Obama's ENTIRE agenda is "Dead on Arrival" and needs a "Hail Mary Pass"  (Read 2007 times)

Soul Crusher

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b]As His Agenda Collapses On Capitol Hill, Obama Hopes For Press Conference Hail Mary Today[/b]


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NBC's Chuck Todd: “The honeymoon is coming to an end for President Obama, but it's not personal. It's professional, as now the public appears to be judging the president on some of his actions.” (NBC's "Nightly News," 6/17/09)



CBO Concludes Democrat Plan Increases Federal Deficit By $1 Trillion And Counting Over Next Decade. "[E]nacting the proposal would result in a net increase in federal budget deficits of about $1.0 trillion over the 2010-2019 period. ... It is important to note, however, that those figures do not represent a formal or complete cost estimate for the draft legislation ...” (Douglas W. Elmendorf, Congressional Budget Office Director, Letter to Senator Edward M. Kennedy, 6/15/09)

Democrats' Plan Fails To Insure 36 Million Americans. "The analysis says that the number of uninsured Americans, now estimated at around 50 million, would decrease to about 36 million once the bill was fully implemented." ("CBO: Senate Bill $1 Trillion Over 10 Years," The Associated Press, 6/15/09)


House Democrats Have “Lots Of Potential Targets For Higher Taxes” To Pay For Government-Run Health Care. “House Democrats have lots of potential targets for higher taxes as they aim to expand health care coverage to reach the roughly 50 million that experts say are uninsured. Also under consideration are higher alcohol taxes, increases to the Medicare payroll tax and a value-added tax, a sort of national sales tax, of up to 1.5 percent or more ... The [other] tax options include: increasing the price of soda and other sugary drinks by 10 cents a can, applying a potential 2 percent income tax increase to single taxpayers earning more than $200,000 a year and households earning more than $250,000, a new employer payroll tax could target 3 percent of employers' health care expenditures, taxing employer-provided health insurance benefits above certain levels ... House Democrats planned to unveil a draft of their sweeping health care bill Friday ... The draft, being released at a news conference ... was not expected to mention the potentially unpopular tax options.” (Erica Werner, "House Eyes New Taxes As Senators Pare Health Bill," The Associated Press, 6/19/09)

CBO Director Says Plans For Government-Run Health Care Would Worsen Budget Outlook. “President Obama's plan to expand health coverage to the uninsured is likely to dig the nation deeper into debt unless policymakers adopt politically painful controls on spending, such as sharp reductions in payments to doctors, hospitals and other providers, congressional budget analysts said yesterday … 'Without meaningful reforms, the substantial costs of many current proposals . . . would be much more likely to worsen the long-run budget outlook than to improve it,' he said. ..." (Lori Montgomery, Shailagh Murray And Ceci Connolly, “Obama’s Health Plan Needs Spending Controls, CBO Says,” The Washington Post, 6/17/09)

Public Knows That Obama Has No Plan To Deal With Deficits. "A substantial majority of Americans say President Obama has not developed a strategy to deal with the budget deficit, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll ... Six in 10 people surveyed said the administration has yet to develop a clear plan for dealing with the deficit, including 65 percent of independents." (Jeff Zeleny and Dalia Sussman, "Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care," The New York Times, 6/17/09)



Democrats Balking At Job-Killing National Energy Tax. "everal Democratic aides noted that with the economy in a deep recession, many vulnerable Democrats might be loath to vote for anything that could be blamed for higher utility bills. 'With the economy the way that it is, I don't know that there's going to be the stomach to pass a bill that might raise people's utility and gas rates,' one Senate Democratic staffer said." (Emily Pierce & Steven T. Dennis, "House Climate Bill Facing Senate Headwinds," Roll Call, 5/18//09)

No Agreement Among Democrats Despite Pressure From Obama Administration. “House Democrats still lack agreement on key details of a comprehensive global warming and energy bill despite intervention from several top Obama administration officials...” (Darren Samuelsohn, "House Climate Bill Remains In Holding Pattern," The New York Times, 6/22/09)

Dem Leadership Attempting To Ram Bill Through Without Consulting Fellow Rank-And-File Democrats.  "And significantly, four conservative Blue Dog Democrats - Reps. Mike Ross (Ark.), John Barrow (Ga.), Charlie Melancon (La.), and Jim Matheson (Utah) - voted against the bill in committee, which could portend trouble for it on the House floor and in the Senate. Ross and other Blue Dogs had complained loudly that Waxman and other key Democrats did not bring them in early enough in the drafting of the health care or cap-and-trade bills." (Steven T. Dennis, "Democrats Plan an Offensive; Leaders Looking to Legislate," Roll Call, 5/26/09)

Discussions Among House Democrats “Blew Up.” “House Agriculture Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) on Friday said climate change bill negotiators are heading back to the drawing board after discussions between Democrats ‘blew up last night’ ... ‘It’s a whole new concept being brought in at the last minute,’ said Collin Peterson (D- MN). ‘Many didn’t like it … I’m tired of this running around in arrcles.’” (Jennifer Bendery, "Peterson: Democrats Back to Square One on Climate Bill," Roll Call, 6/19/09)


In January, Administration Report Said Unemployment Would Only Reach 8 Percent This Year With Stimulus. "In January, the incoming administration predicted in a white paper study that without a huge stimulus package, unemployment would reach just over 8%, and would be contained at under 8% with a stimulus package." (Jake Tapper, "President Obama Predicts Unemployment Will Hit 10% This Year," ABC News' “Political Punch” Blog, 6/16/09)

But Now Obama Says Unemployment Will Reach 10 Percent This Year. AL HUNT OF BLOOMBERG: "Do you think that unemployment will reach 10%?” PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: "Yes." HUNT: "This year?" OBAMA: "Yes." (Bloomberg, 6/16/09)

Associated Press: Obama’s Claim That Stimulus Has Saved 150,000 Jobs "So Murky It Can Never Be Verified." "Obama faces souring public opinion over his handling of the economy, which has shed 1.6 million jobs since the stimulus was signed in February. That total has far overshadowed White House announcements estimating the effort has saved 150,000 jobs, a figure that is so murky it can never be verified." (Brett J. Blackledge & Matt Apuzzo, "Spin Meter: Obama's New 'Accelerated' Recovery Plan Is Neither New Nor Accelerated," The Associated Press, 6/9/09)


 Majority Of Americans Say Obama Economic Policies Have No Effect Or Make Conditions Worse. “[W}ith fewer than half of Americans saying they approve of how he has handled health care and the effort to save General Motors and Chrysler. A majority of people said his policies have had either no effect yet on improving the economy or had made it worse ..." (Jeff Zeleny, "Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care", The New York Times, 6/17/09)


Simon Johnson, Senior Fellow At Peterson Institute For International Economics: History Proves We Should Not Give Federal Reserve More Power. "First and foremost, [Obama] says the Federal Reserve will become the official 'system risk regulator'... But in principle the Fed had exactly this kind of leadership role before -- and under both Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke it was a reckless cheerleader and facilitator for the unsustainable real estate boom. If the Fed had been stronger before, the crisis now would be worse." (Simon Johnson, "The Defanging Of Obama's Regulation Plan," The New York Times' "Economix" Blog, 6/18/09)

Senator Mark Warner (D-VA): Giving One Institution Too Much Power Dangerous.   "We have resisted creating an all powerful central bank to this point, and the experiences of countries which have concentrated too much power in one entity serve as cautionary tales. The Fed and Treasury over the past year struck "private deals" with the largest and most powerful financial institutions that put smaller, less powerful institutions "at a competitive disadvantage. An old African proverb says that when elephants dance, the grass gets trampled. We've got a trampled grass problem now. I don't think we can solve it with bigger elephants -- whether they are regulators or institutions." (Sudeep Reddy, "Sen. Warner Proposes 'Systemic Risk' Council," The Wall Street Journal's "Real Time Economics" Blog, 6/16/09)

Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA): Giving Power To Federal Reserve Means Little To No Accountability. "I'm concerned about giving all this additional power to the Fed, while at least the Federal Reserve's 12 branches are not even governmental entities. Their boards are selected by bank executives and are not responsive to the electorate in this democracy." (MSNBC's "Live," 6/17/09)

USA Today Editorial: Obama's Plan Will Create Bureaucratic Turf Wars.  "The most worrisome aspect of Obama's plan -- which would create both a Consumer Financial Protection Agency and a Financial Services Oversight Council -- is its potential to spawn turf wars and bureaucratic bloat." (Editorial, "Our View On Preventing Economic Excess: Obama Plugs Financial Holes, But Opens Door To Bloat," USA Today, 6/18/09)


 Associated Press: Obama's Plan Will Not Improve Efficiency. “[T]he plan would do little to streamline the alphabet soup of agencies that oversee the financial sector..." (Jim Kuhnhenn & Martin Crutsinger, "New Financial Rules: Major Changes For Big, Small," The Associated Press, 6/17/09)


OBAMA PLEDGED: "When There Is A Bill That Ends Up On My Desk As President, You Will Have Five Days To Look Online And Find Out What's In It Before I Sign it." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks of Senator Barack Obama: Taking Our Government Back, Manchester, NH, 6/22/07)

BUT NOW: Obama "Has Almost Never" Waited Five Days Before Signing Legislation. "During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised that once a bill was passed by Congress, the White House would post it online for five days before he signed it... Five months into his administration, Mr. Obama has signed two dozen bills, but he has almost never waited five days." (Katharine Q. Seelye, "White House Changes The Terms Of A Campaign Pledge About Posting Bills Online," The New York Times, 6/22/09)



OBAMA PLEDGED: "My Administration Is Committed To Creating An Unprecedented Level Of Openness In Government." (President Barack Obama, "Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies: Transparency and Open Government," Press Release, 1/21/09)



BUT NOW: Obama Administration Refuses To Disclose White House Visitors Logs After Meeting Privately With Coal Executives. "[L]ast week public-interest groups were dismayed when his own administration rejected a Freedom of Information Act request for Secret Service logs showing the identities of coal executives who had visited the White House to discuss Obama's 'clean coal' policies... The refusal, approved by White House counsel Greg Craig's office, is the latest in a series of cases in which Obama officials have opted against public disclosure." (Michael Isikoff, "Obama Closes Doors On Openness," Newsweek, 6/20/09)


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Lame Duck one year into Presidency. 

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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your posts are tiresome

Soul Crusher

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your posts are tiresome

This post, above all else, shows that even many democrats realize Obama is out of touch and reckless when it comes to his agenda. 

I posted very early on about bread and butter issues that showed he was a marxist, socialist, and reckless person who never bothers to pull out a damn calculator.  Whether it be Cap & Trade, Card Check, endless bailouts, fraudulent stimulus bill, he is finally being called out for his lies and garbage. 

I'm sorry you dont want to hear that, but deal with it. 

What many of us said before election has come true not even 6 months into his presidency.

He is almost a lame duck already since he decided to pursue a radical agenda not in touch with common sense, reality.   

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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you're all piss all the time.

you're a broken record

we get it

obama is wrong about everything

we all got duped into voting for him.

btw - aren't you one the people on this board who thinks Palin is the answer to all our problems

Soul Crusher

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you're all piss all the time.

you're a broken record

we get it

obama is wrong about everything

we all got duped into voting for him.

btw - aren't you one the people on this board who thinks Palin is the answer to all our problems

Politicians have a far greater ability to make things worse than make them better.  As the old saying goes "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." 

Their best bet is to get out of the way, let business work, and STFU.  We dont need new wasteful programs that never work, new stimiluus bills that are based on lies and false pretenses, new bailouts of criminal banksters, etc.       

What is encouraging to me about that article is that even many mainstream democrats are waking up to the reckless agenda of Obama that will bankrupt the country even faster than what took GWB 8 years to accomplish. 

Obama has a choice, become moderate and sane, or continue to pursue a radical agenda that will ensure a great depression. 

It seems to me that more and more people are not willing to follow him over the cliff. 

Yes, GWB was the worst, yes he was horrible, but if you look on almost issue after issue, he is GWB on roids.   


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
you're all piss all the time.

you're a broken record

we get it

obama is wrong about everything

we all got duped into voting for him.

btw - aren't you one the people on this board who thinks Palin is the answer to all our problems

Well name some things hes right on and that will help America?Cap and trade?Card Check?Taking over the auto industry?Taking over health care?The stimulous.Please name a few things he has done or wants to do that will help and not destroy the country.

Straw Man

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Well name some things hes right on and that will help America?Cap and trade?Card Check?Taking over the auto industry?Taking over health care?The stimulous.Please name a few things he has done or wants to do that will help and not destroy the country.

I haven't decided on Cap and Trade

I think he's done the right thing so far with the Auto Industry

~ 70% of the US wants single payer health care or at least an option

So far NONE of these issues have been resolved and we don't know the results (bad or good)

No president has ever been handed such a flaming bag of shit as Obama has and I'm not happy at all with some of his decisions but I'm not wasting my time bitching that the sky is falling.

I do find it interesting that the people that are most against Bush are also fervent Palin supportes. 

That alone makes me question their judgement on any issue


  • Getbig V
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I haven't decided on Cap and Trade

I think he's done the right thing so far with the Auto Industry

~ 70% of the US wants single payer health care or at least an option

So far NONE of these issues have been resolved and we don't know the results (bad or good)

No president has ever been handed such a flaming bag of shit as Obama has and I'm not happy at all with some of his decisions but I'm not wasting my time bitching that the sky is falling.

I do find it interesting that the people that are most against Bush are also fervent Palin supportes. 

That alone makes me question their judgement on any issue
Iraq hasnt been resolved either straw you have an opinion on that? i bet you do...

I agree straw he was handed a big pile of shit which he has continued to add to, we dont need healthcare reform right now, we dont need energy reform right now...we need to stop the bleeding what obama is doing is creating more holes. We dont need economic recovery 10 years down the road lets concentrate on getting back on track and then tackle other problems that are less important to the immediate health of this country.

p.s. obama uses the sky is falling bs more then anybody, he fear mongers with the best of them and then when is called out on it he says "nobody could have known" he said that about his stimulus package being pushed with UE numbers...if nobody could have known should we really have SHOVED THIS SPENDING BILL DOWN THE TAX PAYERS THROATS?


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~ 70% of the US wants single payer health care or at least an option

while your making up shit, why not make it 100 % ?


  • Getbig V
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you're all piss all the time.

you're a broken record

we get it

obama is wrong about everything

we all got duped into voting for him.

btw - aren't you one the people on this board who thinks Palin is the answer to all our problems

HAHAHA  how true.

Notice not a single little conservative defended the "Palin" statement.


  • Getbig V
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HAHAHA  how true.

Notice not a single little conservative defended the "Palin" statement.

Who cares, she wasn't fit to be VP and was a McCain action to get the conservatives that were wary of him. It's politics.

Either way, this thread and this article isn't about Palin. Stop misdirecting and stay on point. Obama had/has a huge agenda that looks to be incredibly fiscally reckless, more power to the Fed, debt, debt, debt, spending, still at war, health care....the list goes on. I believe that he really thought he could use the crisis and the fear mongering to get his agenda passed before anyone really knew what was going on. I'm not saying it is going to fail or that it will pass, but people are taking notice and the Dems in Congress are taking notice.

This should be interesting.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
HAHAHA  how true.

Notice not a single little conservative defended the "Palin" statement.

Palin has done a MILLION times better job as governor then Obama did as state senator,senator and now president.Her state is doing well.Everything he has touched has gone to shit .His "comunity"in  Chcago is a bomb shelter,his work as state senator is a joke,he was one of the worst senators in the entire senate and everything he has done as president has failed.

The idea that he did well in the auto crap is a joke.He screwed the people that invested their money and rewarded the absolute failures of the UAW,who are the main ones responsible for the companies decline.

Dont know how you feel about cap and trade?A phony cause like global warming and we get punnished to the tune of 3,000 extra a year.

Obama is a FAILURE!!!!HE HAS FAILED!!!!HE WILL CONTINUE TO FAIL!!!!65,000 DOLLARS per person  to insure those  few people in his health care plan and it leaves out over 25,000,000 people.Yes sir thats great.Please name ONE thing that the government has done that has worked.One program.Now they want to take over health care.God help us.

Soul Crusher

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Palin has done a MILLION times better job as governor then Obama did as state senator,senator and now president.Her state is doing well.Everything he has touched has gone to shit .His "comunity"in  Chcago is a bomb shelter,his work as state senator is a joke,he was one of the worst senators in the entire senate and everything he has done as president has failed.

The idea that he did well in the auto crap is a joke.He screwed the people that invested their money and rewarded the absolute failures of the UAW,who are the main ones responsible for the companies decline.

Dont know how you feel about cap and trade?A phony cause like global warming and we get punnished to the tune of 3,000 extra a year.

Obama is a FAILURE!!!!HE HAS FAILED!!!!HE WILL CONTINUE TO FAIL!!!!65,000 DOLLARS per person  to insure those  few people in his health care plan and it leaves out over 25,000,000 people.Yes sir thats great.Please name ONE thing that the government has done that has worked.One program.Now they want to take over health care.God help us.

Case closed. 

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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Iraq hasnt been resolved either straw you have an opinion on that? i bet you do...

I agree straw he was handed a big pile of shit which he has continued to add to, we dont need healthcare reform right now, we dont need energy reform right now...we need to stop the bleeding what obama is doing is creating more holes. We dont need economic recovery 10 years down the road lets concentrate on getting back on track and then tackle other problems that are less important to the immediate health of this country.

p.s. obama uses the sky is falling bs more then anybody, he fear mongers with the best of them and then when is called out on it he says "nobody could have known" he said that about his stimulus package being pushed with UE numbers...if nobody could have known should we really have SHOVED THIS SPENDING BILL DOWN THE TAX PAYERS THROATS?

the difference btw Iraq and the Auto Industry or Healthcare is that I have 6+ years of data.
So far I can say we were lied into the war, we were lied about the cost of the war ..... the end result is still not known but it looks like we'll have spent all those tax dollars to help create another Muslim Theocracy

Bush and his bagman Hank Paulsen were the masters of the shock doctrine/sky is falling strategy.   Obama is not even in their league.


  • Getbig V
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Palin has done a MILLION times better job as governor then Obama did as state senator,senator and now president.Her state is doing well.Everything he has touched has gone to shit .His "comunity"in  Chcago is a bomb shelter,his work as state senator is a joke,he was one of the worst senators in the entire senate and everything he has done as president has failed.

The idea that he did well in the auto crap is a joke.He screwed the people that invested their money and rewarded the absolute failures of the UAW,who are the main ones responsible for the companies decline.

Dont know how you feel about cap and trade?A phony cause like global warming and we get punnished to the tune of 3,000 extra a year.

Obama is a FAILURE!!!!HE HAS FAILED!!!!HE WILL CONTINUE TO FAIL!!!!65,000 DOLLARS per person  to insure those  few people in his health care plan and it leaves out over 25,000,000 people.Yes sir thats great.Please name ONE thing that the government has done that has worked.One program.Now they want to take over health care.God help us.

The only FAILURE I see around here is the Palin supporters attempting to help her carry that big ol' cross up the hill to be crucified yet again, as she is doing on a monthly basis it seems.

Or maybe your own party has an answer to healthcare?  What's Michael Steele got in mind?  He got a hip hop answer for that?  Oh that's right... he - just like the rest of you - don't have an answer for anything.


  • Getbig V
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Case closed. 

Yep and reality doesn't have a chance of getting in that air tight delusional case huh?

Straw Man

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  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
The only FAILURE I see around here is the Palin supporters attempting to help her carry that big ol' cross up the hill to be crucified yet again, as she is doing on a monthly basis it seems.

Or maybe your own party has an answer to healthcare?  What's Michael Steele got in mind?  He got a hip hop answer for that?  Oh that's right... he - just like the rest of you - don't have an answer for anything.

This coming from an Obama supporter that bitches like a little girl about FOX.MAYBE HE SHOULD SEEK THE COUNCIL OF REV. WRIGHT TO SOOTHE HIS HURT.

Once again,just name ONE government program that has worked and not lost money hand over fist.Just one.Then come back and tell me Obama can solve health care.

You want to solve health care.No more lawsuits over 10,000 dollar damages.See how fast premiums drop and how much cheaper health care costs are.


  • Getbig V
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Maybe Obama's new and improved healthcare will cover your meltdowns.


  • Getbig V
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the difference btw Iraq and the Auto Industry or Healthcare is that I have 6+ years of data.
So far I can say we were lied into the war, we were lied about the cost of the war ..... the end result is still not known but it looks like we'll have spent all those tax dollars to help create another Muslim Theocracy

Bush and his bagman Hank Paulsen were the masters of the shock doctrine/sky is falling strategy.   Obama is not even in their league.

we may end up getting oil from iraq what then? will you deem it a success? problem is straw obama lied about the stimulus to ram it down our throats and lied about the cost, whats the difference?

perhaps you dont listen to obamas press conferences or perhaps you forgot the dire need the country was in and only the stimulus package would save it...trillions spent and nothing to show for it looks like bush and obama have alot in common...

again you dont need to see the results of trillions of dollars worth of spending on shit we dont need to understand its a bad idea, do you?


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Maybe Obama's new and improved healthcare will cover your meltdowns.

JUST NAME one GOVERNMENT PROGRAM THAT HAS WORKED!Social security-bankrupt,medicaide-bankrupt,medicare-bankrupt,the post office-bankrupt,the war on drugs a failure,the war on poverty a failure.You can try to insult me all you want,they are all as lame as hell,but just try to name a government program that has worked then tell me you want the government to controll health care.

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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we may end up getting oil from iraq what then? will you deem it a success? problem is straw obama lied about the stimulus to ram it down our throats and lied about the cost, whats the difference?

perhaps you dont listen to obamas press conferences or perhaps you forgot the dire need the country was in and only the stimulus package would save it...trillions spent and nothing to show for it looks like bush and obama have alot in common...

again you dont need to see the results of trillions of dollars worth of spending on shit we dont need to understand its a bad idea, do you?

I'll deem it a success when it pays for the cost of the war and ongoing occupation

the "stimulus" just f'ng started so I don't have enough data to know if it's working or not


  • Getbig V
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Yeah but Barry promised no double digit unemployment and the damm stim has or will bankrupt us.


  • Getbig V
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I'll deem it a success when it pays for the cost of the war and ongoing occupation

the "stimulus" just f'ng started so I don't have enough data to know if it's working or not
LOL you think the stimulus package is going to pay for the trillions that we put in?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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LOL you think the stimulus package is going to pay for the trillions that we put in?

I don't blame Obama and if you looked at what is claimed as the math you probably wouldn't either:

from the New York Times (and this is not a favorable article on Obama by any means):

"You can think of that roughly $2 trillion swing as coming from four broad categories: the business cycle, President George W. Bush’s policies, policies from the Bush years that are scheduled to expire but that Mr. Obama has chosen to extend, and new policies proposed by Mr. Obama.

The first category — the business cycle — accounts for 37 percent of the $2 trillion swing. It’s a reflection of the fact that both the 2001 recession and the current one reduced tax revenue, required more spending on safety-net programs and changed economists’ assumptions about how much in taxes the government would collect in future years.

About 33 percent of the swing stems from new legislation signed by Mr. Bush. That legislation, like his tax cuts and the Medicare prescription drug benefit, not only continue to cost the government but have also increased interest payments on the national debt.

Mr. Obama’s main contribution to the deficit is his extension of several Bush policies, like the Iraq war and tax cuts for households making less than $250,000. Such policies — together with the Wall Street bailout, which was signed by Mr. Bush and supported by Mr. Obama — account for 20 percent of the swing.

About 7 percent comes from the stimulus bill that Mr. Obama signed in February. And only 3 percent comes from Mr. Obama’s agenda on health care, education, energy and other areas.

If the analysis is extended further into the future, well beyond 2012, the Obama agenda accounts for only a slightly higher share of the projected deficits."