Now on, I'll get a mexican to do it...
You should have done that in the first place. Mexicans are supposed to do the manual labor in this country, not fat french fags.
That was painful... I usually do it for the fun of it but it's hurting my postcount. Now on, I'll get a mexican to do it... Still, never too tired or dirty to hit a bicep pose. gODsPEED to aLL.
Forearms and delts look massive as usual, Alex. How much do you weigh now?
You look slimmer in the face.
Don't try to get on my good side, picless freak Debussey, I spend the entire afternoon chasing a formula/algorithm to do pixel interpolation from a historical matrix to create a heathmap....
WTF did you just say? Speak law, and you speak my language.
I said I'm trying to find a common ground between all the various parties and produce a court document that would recap the agreements
awesome are you at arm wrestling?
Alex enjoys alone time in his garage.
Are you french Alex?
My dad is from Quebec and speaks french. Much like goatboy is from Texas and speaks english. However he is too dumb to understand it and does the equivalent of me calling him "Fat British Fag".He does however claim to be educated but I doubt.