Author Topic: Kevin Nash interview  (Read 4060 times)


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Kevin Nash interview
« on: August 12, 2009, 07:35:08 AM »
On a recent talk he had with Shawn Michaels & Triple H: "We were kind of going through the rosters and saying who are the guys who are going to replace us. Which guys are going to replace us when we retire? And everybody through names around and there weren't a whole lot of names of guys who we thought were going to replace us. You look at a guy like Edge, and now he's starting to realize – and, gosh, I don't even know how old he is but he I think he's in his 30's. And he's getting to the point where he's had a ton of injuries. John Cena has had a ton of injuries. With these guys, it's almost [a question of] who can last."

On why wrestlers don't take time off for injuries: "I think it was Matt Hardy who not too long ago got like a little injury. And then got another little injury. And he was starting to get a push so he said, ‘Ah, I'm not going to take the time off.' And then that injury ends up escalating to something where he has to, because he has to get it fixed. It's hard. I sat one day and I was flipping channels and I saw Cena. I had read that he had injured his neck and I see John in there… I look, and here's this earthworm of a scar on his neck – knowing that he shouldn't be in the ring already. And it's not that Vince said, ‘You need to get here and get in the ring, John.' It's just the fact that John realizes that that spot's golden. And he doesn't want to lose that spot. And as soon as he feels that he can somewhat fill that void."

On his negotiations with WWE last year: "My whole thing was that I came into prominence with Shawn. And I know that Shawn is thinking about – I don't think he's going to be doing it that much longer. And I kind of wanted to have that circle of life. I wanted it on my wall of shame in my house to have that 1993 picture of Shawn Michaels doing a double-bicep pose with the black headed Diesel behind him and then I wanted a 2010 photo of Shawn Michaels doing the double-bicep pose with the gray-haired Diesel behind him."

On Scott Hall's problems: "I don't feel guilty, but I don't think sad even begins to cover it. Because, to me, Scott Hall is probably one of the most talented guys I've ever been around in my life. One of the most charismatic. It crushes me. I've tried. Everybody's tried. But as much as you want somebody to live a sober life, unless they want to, it's just not going to happen. And I've been around it. Scott's been a close friend of mine. I've seen the demon of addiction and, God, it's just horrible. And people say, ‘Well if you want, you can get clean.' I'm of the mindset, being around it as much as I have on so many different levels with so many different guys, that it's a disease. It is absolutely a disease and it has to be treated as a disease. And, you know, some people don't make it from a disease."

On whether he would want to book TNA: ‘I have a 13-year-old son who needs a father way more than TNA needs a booker… I don't do anything half-assed. If you put me in there, it means I'm thinking about it 24/7. You have to, because when you're lying there in the sun, you get an idea and it's like, ‘God, that's way better than I thought.' And you've got to get up and you've got to write it down. And you've got to change in and so on. I'm really good friends with [Vince] Russo. And I see what he has to go through and the situation that happened where kind of right before the pay per view, some political things go down, and he's left with a show with a bunch of gaps in it and he's got to do his best to fill it. And those are the things that take years off your life. And at this point, right now, like what we talked about earlier – I'm closer to dying. So, I don't need the stress and they can't put enough zeros at the end of my paycheck."

On critics of TNA's booking: "…For years Stallone and Shwarzenegger – they said what horrible actors they are. But you know then they do $240 million at the box office. So, I believe there's something to critics. But, you know what, I believe that the 10-16-year-old kid, who's really the meat and potatoes of your demographic, and then from there the 18-35 year-old demographic – I've never had a 9-year-old kid come up to me and say, ‘I think you need to pick up your workrate.' "

On the challenges TNA faces: "I've said this 100,000 times. I would write a show and I'd go to bed and I would say, ‘That's show is going to be brilliant.' And then three guys miss two spots and the execution… All of a sudden it's like this domino effect. This guy screws up a finish in match one. This guy does something in match two. And all of a sudden everybody's saying, ‘Your show is horrible.' Well, yeah, but if they would have executed those three things, it would have been a lot better. But I take the rap because I made the soup."

On wrestlers bringing their wives around the business: "I remember I was on the road with Rick Rude… And he looked over at me and he said, ‘Nash, whatever you do, don't bring your old lady around the business. Not backstage. Not anywhere.'... I don't think there's one of us in which there's not a Jeckyll and Hyde. You're different when you're in your character… There's so many times that you see a pretty girl walking backstage and the guys will walk by and you'll see them go, ‘God, who's that? And who's that? And who's that?' And you find out, eight minutes later, it's some guy's wife…The boys are the boys. They see a pretty girl and it does cause controversy. There's no doubt about it. The girls that we have, like the Christy Hemmes, and the Beautiful People, and Tracy – I look at those girls as sisters. They're part of the team. But it's always that fresh piece of meat that comes in. That's the one that causes [problems]. It's almost like putting chum in the shark tank. That's the one that the boys all start sniffing around – especially the single guys. And you can't blame them."


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2009, 07:47:55 AM »
Good find. Very interesting read.  :)


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2009, 11:14:35 AM »
Thanks for posting- I'm always interested in what Nash has to say- usually makes a lot of sense.  And kudos for being more concerned about his kid than his job; I always respect that.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2009, 11:47:33 AM »
Thanks for posting- I'm always interested in what Nash has to say- usually makes a lot of sense.  And kudos for being more concerned about his kid than his job; I always respect that.
I agree. He is very well spoken and has put a few dumb ass reporters in their place when asked or questioned regarding scandals in wrestling, etc.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2009, 03:50:19 PM »
I remember him being interviewed after the Benoit thing, and he comes across as a very intelligent guy.  I think the interviewer tried to put him on the spot a couple of times and he turned it back on her.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2009, 04:58:24 PM »
Always been one of my favorites.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2009, 09:19:25 PM »
I remember him being interviewed after the Benoit thing, and he comes across as a very intelligent guy.  I think the interviewer tried to put him on the spot a couple of times and he turned it back on her.

I posted that interview back in March.
The clip has been removed, but a Youtube search will probably yield an active link for anyone wishing to view it again.

And yes, Nash is intelligent and very well spoken.

During that interview an “expert” condescendingly and wrongfully tried to discredit Nash’s testimony and opinion regarding steroid use in wrestling.
Nash shut her down by asking if she’d ever used steroids or been around people who have (LIKE NASH HIMSELF HAD BEEN).

Of course she hadn’t, which right away established Nash as a greater authority on the matter than her.
Even less surprising, FOX cut short the segment and Nash never had the opportunity to completely prove his point.

The reporters for that news piece tried discrediting Nash before the interview even began by introducing him very toungue-in-cheek as “Big Sexy.” ::)


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2009, 04:41:41 AM »

I posted that interview back in March.
The clip has been removed, but a Youtube search will probably yield an active link for anyone wishing to view it again.

And yes, Nash is intelligent and very well spoken.

During that interview an “expert” condescendingly and wrongfully tried to discredit Nash’s testimony and opinion regarding steroid use in wrestling.
Nash shut her down by asking if she’d ever used steroids or been around people who have (LIKE NASH HIMSELF HAD BEEN).

Of course she hadn’t, which right away established Nash as a greater authority on the matter than her.
Even less surprising, FOX cut short the segment and Nash never had the opportunity to completely prove his point.

The reporters for that news piece tried discrediting Nash before the interview even began by introducing him very toungue-in-cheek as “Big Sexy.” ::)

I remeber that interview...that bitch was cutting him off everytime he raised a valid point and at the end big Kev tuned her up like a piano. Lol..."Have you ever taken steroids? How do you know then?"


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2009, 06:37:56 AM »
Their minds were already made up, and “Let’s use the big, dumb wrestler to prove our point that “steroids” were responsible for a double murder suicide.

If steroids turned people into cold-blooded killers then there would be no NFL. All of their players would be either awaiting or serving their sentencing.

I don’t know about Canadian news media, but ours (south of the border) BLOWS.
CNN, FOX… none of them are any damn good.

Phucking dildos.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2009, 07:17:44 AM »
Their minds were already made up, and “Let’s use the big, dumb wrestler to prove our point that “steroids” were responsible for a double murder suicide.

If steroids turned people into cold-blooded killers then there would be no NFL. All of their players would be either awaiting or serving their sentencing.

I don’t know about Canadian news media, but ours (south of the border) BLOWS.
CNN, FOX… none of them are any damn good.

Phucking dildos.

Our news sucks too and is full of half truthes and is very misleading as well.

By the way, your forgot, NHL, NBA, MLB and even tennis & golf players that use AAS.

What kills me about that whole fiasco is how they blame steroids for everything. As if steroids made Benoit get on a plane, fly across the country, kill his wife, wait a day, kill his son, wait a day, place bibles next to them and then kill himself. Ha.

Roid rage? What a joke and mother used to yell at me every single day when I was a kid. Does this mean she's on gas? Roid rage? Gimme a break. The general public is so fucking stupid it isn't even funny. Even alot of the people on getbig are a joke when it comes to that subject and these are people who come to a bbdg forum that should know better.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2009, 01:19:13 PM »
Their minds were already made up, and “Let’s use the big, dumb wrestler to prove our point that “steroids” were responsible for a double murder suicide.

If steroids turned people into cold-blooded killers then there would be no NFL. All of their players would be either awaiting or serving their sentencing.

I don’t know about Canadian news media, but ours (south of the border) BLOWS.
CNN, FOX… none of them are any damn good.

Phucking dildos.

Our news sucks too and is full of half truthes and is very misleading as well.

By the way, your forgot, NHL, NBA, MLB and even tennis & golf players that use AAS.

What kills me about that whole fiasco is how they blame steroids for everything. As if steroids made Benoit get on a plane, fly across the country, kill his wife, wait a day, kill his son, wait a day, place bibles next to them and then kill himself. Ha.

Roid rage? What a joke and mother used to yell at me every single day when I was a kid. Does this mean she's on gas? Roid rage? Gimme a break. The general public is so fucking stupid it isn't even funny. Even alot of the people on getbig are a joke when it comes to that subject and these are people who come to a bbdg forum that should know better.

Exactly.  I hate the way they use words like 'steroids' and 'roid-rage' in the headlines to conjure up images of violent 300lb psychopaths.  Or when some guy who works out kills his wife, they put: "Bodybuilder charged with murder", knowing that people will see 'Bodybuilder' and straight away think steroids/roid-rage.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2009, 09:46:37 PM »
That’s called sensationalism.

They also found traces of alcohol in Benoit’s blood, but “STEROIDS” sells more newspapers than “WINE.”


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2009, 05:18:03 AM »
That’s called sensationalism.

They also found traces of alcohol in Benoit’s blood, but “STEROIDS” sells more newspapers than “WINE.”

Exactly. Like Nash said in that interview, "Its not sexy to the media as steroids are." Tons of murders happen all over the world every day. Does that mean they are all on gas? Absolutely not. What kills me even more is that the wrestlers of the eighties were alot bigger/muscular and gased up more then today's guys and 90% of them are alive and well. The few that died along with the more recent wrestling deaths have all been attributed to pain killer or rec drug abuse that caught up with them. Not steroids.

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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2009, 01:30:07 PM »
Nash was a prick when I met him.  He was huge though....right in the middle of the nWo run.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2009, 01:41:57 PM »
Nash was a prick when I met him.  He was huge though....right in the middle of the nWo run.
You probably caught him on a bad day. WHat happened?

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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2009, 02:05:15 PM »
You probably caught him on a bad day. WHat happened?

Was staying at the same hotel where a bunch of the wrestlers were in town for a show....made an attempt to be polite and say hello as we waited to check in....he just had this "I'm too good to speak to you commoners" air about him.....bunch of the other guys were really cool as we hung out in the hotel bar after the show and drank with them....


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2009, 08:48:07 PM »
He was probably just too busy thinking about ways to book himself to go over.

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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2009, 09:53:41 AM »
He was probably just too busy thinking about ways to book himself to go over.

hair flip, reverse elbow in the corner, hair flip, big boot, hair flip, run-in by the flip, hair flip...


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2009, 09:46:21 AM »
Anyone have the clip of when Nash did a cannon ball into the pool to avoid the Big Show.that cracked me up ;D


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2009, 10:19:06 AM »
He always seemed like a wank. I always thought he sucked. For me he was just way too arrogant for what he was. He's not in the league of the all time greats. But I bet he thinks he is. Just another guy HBK made famous. But with a big mouth. Besides Bischoff. Nash was the main reason why I hated the NWO. You can tell he's an asshole.
He was big before your boy toy was. He held the title twice and main evented in 1994-1996 while Michaels was a mere IC champion.

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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2009, 02:25:25 PM »
He was big before your boy toy was. He held the title twice and main evented in 1994-1996 while Michaels was a mere IC champion.

Do you think Nash would've had a career if were Shawn's size?


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2009, 07:43:22 PM »
Do you think Nash would've had a career if were Shawn's size?

“Below-Average-Sized” Daddy Cool?

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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2009, 08:26:52 PM »
Do you think Nash would've had a career if were Shawn's size?
Would Hogan have had the career he did if he wasn't 290 lbs?
Would Shawn if he was 6'11"?
I don't really get your point.IMO Nash helped Michaels get over big time. His first WM main event was against Diesel. His first babyface turn as HBK was after Diesel saved him after Sid demolished him. Granted Shawn brought him in but Nash took the ball and ran.


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Re: Kevin Nash interview
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2009, 05:17:35 AM »
Would Hogan have had the career he did if he wasn't 290 lbs?
Would Shawn if he was 6'11"?
I don't really get your point.IMO Nash helped Michaels get over big time. His first WM main event was against Diesel. His first babyface turn as HBK was after Diesel saved him after Sid demolished him. Granted Shawn brought him in but Nash took the ball and ran.
Exactly. He took the ball and ran with it for a good while.