Author Topic: IS THE BIBLE'S AUTHOR REALLY GOD?  (Read 30278 times)


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2009, 04:11:46 PM »
the bible states that adulterers should be stoned to death? do you think that is a fair punishment?

Christians are not under the Mosaic law, so this isn't true.

also, children who misbehave should be stoned, do you agree with this?

Not a Christian teaching that I'm aware of. I would have to review the scriptural ref. in regards to this under the Mosaic law to see if it is so in the Hebrew portion.

hell, an eternal torture is an immoral punishment for a finite act.

Not a Bible teaching.



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« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2009, 04:29:50 PM »

I agree most Christians are hypocrites, but it's an intellectual hypocrisy... not because they read the bible and "were not following it's teachings".

I'm not sure if I follow what you are saying, Luke. So if one does follow the teachings of the Bible, you still feel like that one is being mislead by the teachings of said Bible? I'm assuming for the reason that you feel like the God of the Bible is a hypocrite?  :-\

You don't have to read very far into the Old Testament to find Yahweh endorsing slavery; rape; infanticide; genocide and all sorts of other base, depraved... oh so very human cruelties. Those are God's "teachings".

I believe McWay covered these topics quiet well. Go back and read those. I concure with what he wrote about this.

God's failings are mans failings... as god does not exist outside of the human mind. God is a mirror to the human psyche precisely because he is a product of the human psyche... nothing more.

That's pretty much how I felt before I studied for myself and cleared up the misinformation that others had taught me abut the Bible.

Yahweh never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by primitive superstitious people who saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

Likewise, Jesus never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by only slightly less primitive people who still saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

Again, look at McWay's explanation of this.

The God of the Old Testament cannot progress with man as he is concreted in words and scripture, the GodS (plural) of the Genesis story have at least had a re-write, but not much else of the Bible has been so lucky. It's long overdue.

Not really. God mentions other writtings that have not been revealled yet. The ones we have tho, are practical to this day.


big L dawg

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« Reply #52 on: September 06, 2009, 10:37:26 AM »
"Jesus' last words on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" hardly seem like the words of a man who planned it that way. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure there is something wrong here." --Donald Morgan

The Luke

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« Reply #53 on: September 06, 2009, 04:32:33 PM »
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

That is tantamount to arguing that Peter Jackson's King Kong is wholly new and original unless a frame-for-frame; pixel-for-pixel; digital-bit-for-digital-bit EXACT duplicate produced earlier than 2004 can be presented...

...that reasoning doesn't win an argument. Jesus is still just a shoddy big-budget remake.

A question you won't see McWay or any of the other fundies answer is which details of the stories of these other gods will they concede DO MATCH the later Jesus fable?

The Luke


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« Reply #54 on: September 06, 2009, 05:07:03 PM »
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

Luke, I can see your point. So, help me to understand fully where we need to start with this. I need dates that will back your theory.

Please start with ONE at a time so that ALL that are viewing won't get lost, including me.  ;D

For instance, what would be the first occurrence of the "Jesus" story being plagiarized? Once again, start with ONLY ONE example so that I can address it with accuracy and in hopes of not allwowing the content to expand beyond the laman's conception. Thanks in advance.


The Luke

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« Reply #55 on: September 06, 2009, 05:33:27 PM »
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

Anyway, here goes, knock yourself out.

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.


...but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

McWay often uses this version-swapping tactic... it's disingenuous.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least.

The Luke


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #56 on: September 06, 2009, 07:08:29 PM »
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

You did, but you never responded to my question in regards to it. :)

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

As McWay brought out, there are similarties, yet hardly leading to proof of plagiarism. It would need to be the same in all regards in my opinion. Also, there are allot of similarities being drawn out that don't exist between the "Jesus" account and these aforementioned "gods". I'm not sure where you are getting that your "Jesus" story from based on this?

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

Again, from what I can tell, most of those similarities are not consistent with the Jesus story.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

I only stick to the Bible's rendition. Let's see if it (Bible) agrees with this notion.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

This definitely doesn't agree with the Bible.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least....but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

I have a problem with saying that written recorded human history is past 6000 years or so. Why? Do the results of scientific dating affect our understanding of the Bible? That depends on our viewpoint. If we have held to the fundamentalist interpretation that the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars - not just mankind - were all created in just six 24-hour days, we have to admit that the scientific evidence is unsettling.

On the other hand, if we understand that the days of Genesis were long periods of thousands of years, with billions of years prior thereto for planet Earth’s formation, there is no problem.

A conflict does arise, however, when a few radiocarbon dates indicate that there were men burning campfires, making tools, or building houses more than 6,000 years ago. Such dates contradict Bible chronology. Which should we believe?

From the time Adam was created, the Bible gives a year-by-year count of time that links up with reliable secular history about 25 centuries ago. The years were marked by the annual march of the sun from the summer to the winter solstice and back again, a sign God put in the sky for that purpose. Intelligent men noted and logged the successive years from one historic event to another. The records were incorporated in the early books of the Bible and preserved thereafter as part of the sacred treasury of the Jewish people as long as their national existence continued. This history of unmatched accuracy and authority tells us that mankind has been on the earth only about 6,000 years.

In contrast with this definite and positive authority, look at the radiocarbon theory. It is based on assumptions that have all been questioned, revised, and qualified, and many of which are still clouded in serious doubts. How can it seriously challenge the historical chronology of the Bible?

What, then, may we conclude? We have seen that geologists find generally good support in radiometric dating for their theories on the history of the earth, although most of the dates are far from certain.

Paleontologists, most of whom are prejudiced by their training and by their associates in favor of the theory of evolution, keep looking for support from radiometric dating for their claims that supposed fossils of ape-men are millions of years old. But their pursuit is a frustrating one.

On the one hand, the geological clocks, uranium and potassium, run so slowly that they are not suitable. On the other hand, the radiocarbon clock, which works fairly well for just a few thousand years back, gets hopelessly entangled in difficulties beyond that. Even so, the overwhelming majority of radiocarbon measurements fall within the Biblical 6,000-year range. The few older dates, to which evolutionists cling desperately, are all suspect.

Other scientific dating methods, of which amino-acid racemization was foremost in the attack on the Bible's history of man’s creation, have failed evolutionists miserably.

We can confidently stand on this fact: The chronology in the Bible stands unimpeached by any scientific dating.

Also, some quotes from trusted sources.

A report in New Scientist of March 18, 1982, reads - “‘I am staggered to believe that as little as a year ago I made the statements that I made.’ so said Richard Leakey, before the elegant audience of a Royal Institution evening discourse last Friday. He had come to reveal that the conventional wisdom, which he had so recently espoused in his BBC television series The Making of Mankind, was ‘probably wrong in a number of crucial areas.’ In particular, he now sees man’s oldest ancestor as being considerably younger than the 15-20 million years he plumped for on television.” - P. 695.

The New Encyclopedia Britannica (1976, Macropaedia, Vol. 5, p. 509) says -  “Hope rather than accomplishment mainly characterizes the status of thermoluminescence dating at the present time.” Also, Science (August 28, 1981, p. 1003) reports that a skeleton showing an age of 70,000 years by amino acid racemization gave only 8,300 or 9,000 years by radioactive dating.

Popular Science (November 1979, p. 81) reports that physicist Robert Gentry “believes that all of the dates determined by radioactive decay may be off—not only by a few years, but by orders of magnitude.” The article points out that his findings would lead to the conclusion that “man, instead of having walked the earth for 3.6 million years, may have been around for only a few thousand.”

I could go on and on, but I think you see what I'm getting at. Peace!


big L dawg

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« Reply #57 on: September 06, 2009, 07:35:29 PM »
Government controlled = Mcgay


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #58 on: September 06, 2009, 07:45:02 PM »
Government controlled = McWay

Your kidding, right?


The Luke

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« Reply #59 on: September 06, 2009, 07:50:12 PM »
As McWay brought out, there are similarties, yet hardly leading to proof of plagiarism. It would need to be the same in all regards in my opinion.

...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke

big L dawg

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« Reply #60 on: September 06, 2009, 07:50:37 PM »
"The god of the Bible measures up to the level of a petty and vicious tyrant. The god of the bible punishes babies for the sins of their parents (Exodus 20:5, 34:7; Numbers 14:18; 2 Samuel 12:13-19); punishes people by causing them to become cannibals and eat their children (2 Kings 6:24-33, Lamentations 4:10-11); gives people bad laws, even requiring the sacrifice of their firstborn babies, so that they can be filled with horror and know that god is their lord (Ezekiel 20:25-26); causes people to believe lies so that he can send them to hell (2 Thessalonians 2:11), and many other atrocities, far too many to list here. It would not be hard to measure up to, and exceed, that level of moral purity.  Atheists surpass it every day."
- Doug Krueger, "That Colossal Wreck"


  • Getbig III
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« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2009, 06:28:33 PM »
...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke

This example nor the others that you have posted prove Jesus of the Bible was plagiarized. Why? The, Messiah (Jesus) must appear at an exact time. None of your examples fit this criteria! So, WHEN I'm sure you want to know? Well, Luke, the angel Gabriel told Daniel, and this prophet tells us - “Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the anointed one, the prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks.” - (Dan. 9:24, 25).

So “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem” unto Messiah the prince would be sixty-nine weeks. How long are these sixty-nine weeks, "The Luke"? They are not weeks of days but weeks of years, in harmony with the rule “each day for a year,” often found in Bible chronology. - (Ezek. 4:6; Num. 14:34).

When do these sixty-nine weeks of years, or 483 years, begin counting? They begin, as Daniel said, “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” When was this? History tells us it was 455 B.C. That year King Artaxerxes decreed that Jerusalem and its wall be rebuilt. This is found at (Nehemiah 2:1-8). So starting with 455 B.C., the 483 years would end A.D. 29. This is the exact time for Messiah to appear. He could not appear on earth either before or after that date.

Well, "The Luke", did Messiah appear A.D. 29? Indeed he did! ( Luke 3:1-4, not any relation to you, 'The Luke') says - “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, - God’s declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness. So he came into all the country around the Jordan, preaching baptism of those repenting for forgiveness of sins.” About six months later Jesus of Nazareth came to John and was baptized, and at this baptism it was evidenced that Jesus became the Messiah, the Anointed One; for he was anointed with God’s holy spirit. - (Take a look see at Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:32-34 and Luke 4:17-19).


The Luke

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« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2009, 06:59:16 PM », no one could be that dumb.

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa as a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

The Luke


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« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2009, 07:03:54 PM », no one could be that dumb.

*Sigh*. I'm beginning to wonder. Maybe the intellects can out smart themselves?

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

Well, Luke, did Issa get baptized/anointed in that said year?



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« Reply #64 on: September 08, 2009, 07:50:07 AM »
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

Anyway, here goes, knock yourself out.

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.


Yep!! And I've ripped apart never every claim you've made on these figures, either here or on other threads. If I've missed any, it's simply because every time I take one apart, you leap to another one, hoping to support your pathetic claims.

...but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

That is simply Luke's silly way of saying "Don't research the topic for yourself, else you'll find that the figures don't match Jesus Christ in the slightest". Both I and Loco have asked Luke, more times than the law allows, to produce the so-called "metaphorical/astrological solar deity version" that allegedly mirrors the account of Jesus Christ.

Instead of doing such, Luke has come up with more excuses than a convict in the state penn (the last one, if I remember, was a workout that took over two weeks). The "folklore" version (as it turns out) is indeed the actual account of these figures and, as has been shown REPEATEDLY, they do no match Jesus Christ in form, function, purpose, or practicality.

And, the last time you tried using Horus (i.e. that moronic Zeitgest video), that got torn to shreds, courtesy of references from a site I used, pointing out the collosal errors in both your assertions and that of the video.

As I've stated numerous times, not only do you NOT have your facts straight about Jesus Christ, you DON'T EVEN have them straight, regarding the figures from whom Jesus was supposedly crafted. And neither did that silly video you linked.

McWay often uses this version-swapping tactic... it's disingenuous.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

This is a case of more excuse-making on Luke's part. Of course, he conveniently forget that long before there ever was a Catholic Church, we have the manuscripts of the New Testament, that tell of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as we know it today.

But, never let the facts interfere with Luke's factually-void blather.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least.

Yet, more grade-A buffoonery!!! The New Testament accounts of Jesus Christ have ZIP to do with a mystery religion. And every attempt by Luke to try and fuse the two, I've bascially dismantled, using facts, figures, and references which anyone can access at any time.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #65 on: September 08, 2009, 08:07:48 AM », no one could be that dumb.

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

The Luke

Look who's talking about "dumb"!!

Issa is the MUSLIM NAME for Jesus. In other words, boy genius, the people of that region believe that they are ONE AND THE SAME, not that the Jewish people copied from another source.

As usual, I brought that up, when you jumped to the whole Issa thing, after your pathetic attempts to turn Attis' self-castration and Osiris' drowning into crucifixion fell flat.

...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Every single minute detail? How many times can you post such foolishness, before it dawns on you that your information is as right as two left shoes?

First of all (and this is where I initially went to carving up this mess), your very first "minute detail" is wrong.

One, the sages (it took you this long just realize they weren't kings) weren't Buddhist.

Two, nowhere in Scripture does it indicate that there were exactly three of them. That number is credited to Western Tradition, which cites three of them, based on the gifts Jesus received.

Three, and I don't know how many times you need to be told this, the wise men DID NOT FIND JESUS at His birth. According to Scripture, He was approximately TWO YEARS OLD, when the magi appears. See Matt 2:7,16.

BTW, where does it state that Jesus traveled to the Far East and studies Buddhism, again? And, nowhere in Scripture does it indicate that He "knew everything" by age 12.

And, lost in all of this, is that fact that He worked AS A CARPENTER in Nazareth. That is how he was identified, in the book of Mark.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke

The last person that needs to be criticizing someone else about reading comprehension is YOU. Virtually all of your screwball assertions have been shown to be categorically false. And I have the references and notes to prove it.

Get a clue and come back, when you have something of substance to report, rather than the usual skeptic gibberish that's been dismembered repeatedly, here and elsewhere.


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« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2009, 08:42:11 AM »
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

Make up your mind here. One minute, you’re claiming that there “no other mystery religion solar deity” that conforms to every single minute details. The next, you’re claim that Issa (which is the Muslim name for Jesus, BTW) does just that.

Open mouth; insert foot…..AGAIN!!!!

That is tantamount to arguing that Peter Jackson's King Kong is wholly new and original unless a frame-for-frame; pixel-for-pixel; digital-bit-for-digital-bit EXACT duplicate produced earlier than 2004 can be presented...

...that reasoning doesn't win an argument. Jesus is still just a shoddy big-budget remake.

A question you won't see McWay or any of the other fundies answer is which details of the stories of these other gods will they concede DO MATCH the later Jesus fable?

The Luke

And what details would those be, Luke? That’s what YOU’VE BEEN ASKED to produce time and time again. Yet, the only thing you’ve brought is excuses.

You were asked to produce the SPECIFIC so-called mystery religion accounts that show that these other figures were born, lived, died, and resurrected as Jesus Christ was. You have produced, to date, ZILCH (sans the aforementioned excuses).


Jesus died via crucifixion.

Did Attis? NOPE!! He castrated himself.
Did Osiris? NOPE!!! He got drowned.
Did Dionysus? Sorry, He got gored to death by a wild boar.
When those details were brought to the forefront, you came up with this crackbrained attempt to make a post-mortem crucifixion out of the accounts of those two figures (and others).

And, a question that YOU won’t answer is how exactly do those two figures (among others) fit the so-called dying/resurrecting godman blueprint, WHEN THEY DON’T RISE FROM THE DEAD?

Then, there’s the fact that you keep trying to assert that three kings (although you recently reduced them to mere sages) attended the birth of Jesus, even though I’ve pointed out MULTIPLE TIMES that:

- They were simply magi, not kings
- No exact number of them is given
- They don’t find Jesus at birth but as a toddler, approx. 2 years old. (lost in all of this is how the shepherds, who did find Jesus immediately after His birth, did so WITHOUT a star, which you foolishly claimed was part of some astrological mumbo-jumbo).

The simple fact is that, every time the details are examined and it is shown that the accounts of these other figures DO NOT match Jesus Christ in the slightest, you concoct some bird-brained idea, attempting to make a link that ain't there; or, you revert to the "that's the folklore version". That's what you did when mutiple accounts of Attis were referenced, only to show that NONE OF THEM remotely match that of Jesus Christ.

That's why we (Loco and I) asked YOU to produce the "mystery religion" version. But, I guess it's so mysterious that YOU CANNOT bring it forth, when called to do so, to back your silly claims.

The Luke

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« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2009, 09:23:43 AM »

I'm not responsible for your stupidity.

Just a few factual errors in your critique of my assertions:
-Issa is not a dying/resurrecting godman
-the Issa I am referring to is not the Muslim Jesus, but "Saint Issa" of Kashmir

Likewise, when I claim there are parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and other Mystery Religion solar deities... you can't discount these assertions by comparing Jesus with the FOLKLORE versions of these other gods.

Compare like with like...

I concede that Attis did not die via crucifixion, he castrated himself under a tree.

If I can concede this, will you concede his body was nailed to the tree after his death?

Will you similarly concede that all the following were crucified in certain traditions?

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

...sure, there are versions of these gods stories in which they are NOT crucified. But that doesn't negate the fact that there are traditions/versions in which they ARE crucified.

For example, there are many Cathar traditions in which Jesus did not rise from the dead at all, and these Gnostic traditions are in fact older than Christianity itself.

Saint Issa is a version of the Jesus story in which Jesus/Issa did not ascend into heaven.

But I'm not quoting these versions of the Jesus story as evidence that the Bible account does not exist...

The Luke


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« Reply #68 on: September 08, 2009, 09:38:28 AM »

I'm not responsible for your stupidity.

You're responsible for your own, but that's another issue.

Just a few factual errors in your critique of my assertions:
-Issa is not a dying/resurrecting godman
-the Issa I am referring to is not the Muslim Jesus, but "Saint Issa" of Kashmir

Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

Likewise, when I claim there are parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and other Mystery Religion solar deities... you can't discount these assertions by comparing Jesus with the FOLKLORE versions of these other gods.

One, Jesus is NOT a mystery religion solar diety. Two, and this has been asked of you MULTIPLE TIMES, where are these so-called mysterly religion account that, in fact, depict these other figures in the same likeness of Jesus Christ?

I've asked you that; Loco asked you that; yet you have produced absolutely NOTHING. Put up or shut up!!!

Compare like with like...

I concede that Attis did not die via crucifixion, he castrated himself under a tree.

If I can concede this, will you concede his body was nailed to the tree after his death?[/quote]

If Attis castrated himself under a tree and died, that manner of death is FAR different than that of Jesus Christ. What happens to his body afterwards is immaterial. Not only did Attis not die in the same manner, he didn't even die for the same purpose. Jesus died for the sins of mankind; Attis died OUT OF INCESTUOUS LUST for his own mother.

And, Attis DOES NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD, disqualifying him from that precious "dying/resurrecting godman blueprint" you love so much.

Will you similarly concede that all the following were crucified in certain traditions?

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

I will concede no such thing, because I've read the accounts (displaying some of them here on this site) and they don't match, period.

...sure, there are versions of these gods stories in which they are NOT crucified. But that doesn't negate the fact that there are traditions/versions in which they ARE crucified.

Yet, for some strange reason, you can't produce those traditions, despite being asked to do so for MONTHS on end.

For example, there are many Cathar traditions in which Jesus did not rise from the dead at all, and these Gnostic traditions are in fact older than Christianity itself.

Utter hogwash!!! You are foolishly the genesis of Christianity with the start of the Roman Catholic Church, a common fallacy done by skeptics in their attempt to discredit the Christian faith.

Saint Issa is a version of the Jesus story in which Jesus/Issa did not ascend into heaven.

But I'm not quoting these versions of the Jesus story as evidence that the Bible account does not exist...

The Luke

What are you talking about? What you've asked to do is to actually produce the SPECIFIC references that show these so-called mystery religion accounts and that they depict certain figures in the exact (or near-exact) same format as that of Jesus Christ.

The simple fact is that you have yet to do do, likely because YOU CAN'T. The accounts we have on the aforementioned figures indicates that they are NOT like Jesus Christ, with regards to several major important details.

The Luke

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« Reply #69 on: September 08, 2009, 09:48:50 AM »
Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

...Do YOU believe Saint Issa and Jesus are one in the same person?

The Luke

The Luke

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« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2009, 06:42:38 AM »
Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

...Do YOU believe Saint Issa and Jesus are one in the same person?

...notice how this question ended the thread?

I suppose McWay googled "Saint Issa" and is now curled up in the corner of the room sobbing.

The Luke


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« Reply #71 on: September 17, 2009, 02:48:47 AM »

What's your take on this prophecy? It kills "The Luke's" 'Issa' link, eh?


The Luke

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« Reply #72 on: September 17, 2009, 06:02:43 AM »
What's your take on this prophecy? It kills "The Luke's" 'Issa' link, eh? It applies equally well to Issa himself.

Remember, McWay thinks Jesus and Issa are the same person.

The Luke


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« Reply #73 on: September 17, 2009, 06:24:12 AM » It applies equally well to Issa himself.

Remember, McWay thinks Jesus and Issa are the same person.

The Luke

Eh, are you taking medication? Didn't you ask McWay IF he THINKS  they are the same? Also, why are you answering for Mcway?


The Luke

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« Reply #74 on: September 17, 2009, 06:44:23 AM »
Eh, are you taking medication? Didn't you ask McWay IF he THINKS  they are the same? Also, why are you answering for McWay.

...I did, AFTER he asserted Issa was merely the Muslim name for Jesus.

McWay will never answer whether Issa and Jesus are the same person:

-if he differentiates beween them, then he loses his claim that Jesus is original and couldn't have been plagiarised from other deities because the Jesus story and the Issa story are identical in every single respect: there is NO variation, other than the spelling

-if he conflates the two, (as some religious sects do) then he has to account for the fact that Issa is buried in Kashmir, where he retired after his resurrection, living to the ripe old age of 120

Besides, I thought YOU were McWay? I'm not the only one who thinks so either.

The Luke