Author Topic: Joe Scarborough gets a WIENER shoved down his throat: BEST VIDEO on Healthcare  (Read 4245 times)

The True Adonis

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EDUCATES JOE,Leaves him speechless, Puts Obama and his garbage plans in their rightful place and focuses on strictly THE FACTS on Single Payer.



The True Adonis

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you never answer my question TA

why can we not do those things without providing healthcare to all on other ppls dime is my question...If its simply about competition and choices which is what obama is making it into, let insurance policies cross state lines, implement those regs and procedures that are supposedly going to slash overhead for insurance companies....what exactly does the single payer system offer OVER the regs and procedures that obama is implementing other then health care for all on a few ppls dime...Im aware of how you feel about a single payer health care system but if we can lower costs and provide better coverage without it like obama says we can why do we need one?

The True Adonis

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you never answer my question TA
I did with the previous post.  You are wrong on a lot of your assumptions.  Please go back and review what I wrote.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Let me also add,

If you cannot understand what I wrote or where you are wrong in your assumption, I will gladly point it out and clarify. I do however find it more constructive for you to realize your mistake and for you to post it.

Single Payer is the most economical and cost-effective method.  More than twice the savings as any plan currently offered. 


  • Getbig V
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Let me also add,

If you cannot understand what I wrote or where you are wrong in your assumption, I will gladly point it out and clarify. I do however find it more constructive for you to realize your mistake and for you to post it.

lol, your ego's giving me a great nightime laugh.   :D


  • Getbig V
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Tony Weiner makes a really good point here.


  • Getbig V
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I did with the previous post.  You are wrong on a lot of your assumptions.  Please go back and review what I wrote.
I did read it, it didnt explain what the single payer offers over the rules and regs obama is trying to implement on private insurers all it did was explain why you like the single payer health care system and what that does but if obamas plan does that with out implementing a single payer health care plan why do we need one other then to give health care to ppl on others dimes?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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I did read it, it didnt explain what the single payer offers over the rules and regs obama is trying to implement on private insurers all it did was explain why you like the single payer health care system and what that does but if obamas plan does that with out implementing a single payer health care plan why do we need one other then to give health care to ppl on others dimes?
Please see my other posts and threads.


  • Getbig V
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Please see my other posts and threads.
I read it again you didnt explain anything....

there are only a few things in that and the are of the smallest consequence that a single payer system offers over the proposed legislation etc. that obama is proposing, so why not just enact those steps and leave the single payer out?

you didnt explain shit TA you said what the single payer provides, but obamas supposed rules and regs will provide those as well so why do we need a single payer health system?

maybe youre misunderstand what im asking b/c you didnt answer shit....

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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The simple question is this:

Do Americans want to pay wholesale or retail for their healthcare?

None of these town hall "death-panellers' can explain where the billions of dollars of HMO profit comes from each year... it's not private sector "efficiency": their overheads are 10-12%, which is three or four times the 4% overhead from MediCare, which cover disproportionately more elderly and sickly (pre-existing condition) lo-profit customers.

It's the double whammy of gouging and illegitimate denial of coverage, plain and simple.

The "socialism" argument doesn't hold water either.

The roads system is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer.
The monetary system is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer (via the Federl Reserve).
Foreign aid is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer.
Welfare is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer.
The police force is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer.
The military is socialised: single payer, the taxpayer.

If you are against "socialised medicine", do you want to close the VA hospitals?

That's not "supporting our troops".

The Luke
(thanks to Adonis for the excellent vids)


  • Getbig V
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The simple question is this:

Do Americans want to pay wholesale or retail for their healthcare?

None of these town hall "death-panellers' can explain where the billions of dollars of HMO profit comes from each year... it's not private sector "efficiency": their overheads are 10-12%, which is three or four times the 4% overhead from MediCare, which cover disproportionately more elderly and sickly (pre-existing condition) lo-profit customers.

It's the double whammy of gouging and illegitimate denial of coverage, plain and simple.

thing is we can limit gouging and eliminate denial of coverage WITHOUT A SINGLE PAYER why do we need a single payer system other then to give health care everyone on other ppls dimes?

nobody has been able to give me an answer on this, straw, TA so please luke why do we need a single payer system?

Hugo Chavez

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Dear President Obama,

I understand you’re thinking of dumping your “public option” because of all the demagoguery by Sarah Palin and Dick Armey and Newt Gingrich and their crowd on right-wing radio and Fox.  Fine.  Good idea, in fact.

Instead, let’s make it simple.   Please let us buy into Medicare.

It would be so easy.  You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with this so-called “public option” that’s a whole new program from the ground up.  Medicare already exists.  It works.  Some people will like it, others won’t – just like the Post Office versus FedEx analogy you’re so comfortable with.

Just pass a simple bill – it could probably be just a few lines, like when Medicare was expanded to include disabled people – that says that any American citizen can buy into the program at a rate to be set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) which reflects the actual cost for us to buy into it.

So it’s revenue neutral!

To make it available to people of low income, raise the rates slightly for all currently non-eligible people (like me - under 65) to cover the cost of below-200%-of-poverty people.  Revenue neutral again.

Most of us will do damn near anything to get out from under the thumbs of the multi-millionaire CEOs who are running our current insurance programs.  Sign me up!

This lets you blow up all the rumors about death panels and grandma and everything else: everybody knows what Medicare is.  Those who scorn it can go with Blue Cross.  Those who like it can buy into it.  Simplicity itself.

Of course, we’d like a few fixes, like letting Medicare negotiate drug prices and filling some of the holes Republicans and AARP and the big insurance lobbyists have drilled into Medicare so people have to buy “supplemental” insurance, but that can wait for the second round.  Let’s get this done first.

Simple stuff.  Medicare for anybody who wants it.  Private health insurance for those who don’t.  Easy message.  Even Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley can understand it.  Sarah Palin can buy into it, or ignore it.  No death panels, no granny plugs, nothing.  Just a few sentences.

Replace the “you must be disabled or 65” with “here’s what it’ll cost if you want to buy in, and here’s the sliding scale of subsidies we’ll give you if you’re poor, paid for by everybody else who’s buying in.”  (You could roll back the Reagan tax cuts and make it all free, but that’s another rant.)

We elected you because we expected you to have the courage of your convictions.  Here’s how.  Not the “single payer Medicare for all”  that many of us would prefer, but a simple, “Medicare for anybody who wants to buy in.”


Thom Hartmann

The Luke

  • Getbig IV
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thing is we can limit gouging and eliminate denial of coverage WITHOUT A SINGLE PAYER why do we need a single payer system other then to give health care everyone on other ppls dimes?

...I can't answer your question because I don't understand your grammar. Sorry.

But I'll answer what I can decypher.

If you are arguing that price gouging should be limited, I've got to ask "Why?"
Why limit the gouging, why not eliminate it? Why do you WANT to put money in the HMOs pocket? It's the doctors; hospitals and pharmacies that treat you, the HMO is just a non-contributing toll collector: a gouger by definition.

If you are arguing that denial of coverage can be eliminated within the for-profit HMO industry you are sorely deluded. Denial of coverage is one of only two methods (the other being gouging) by which HMOs make their profits.

The argument about other "peoples dimes" is also deluded.

The public eventually picks up the dime for all healthcare in the US.

As it stands now, the American public pays approximately twice what France pays per capita:
-France has an all-inclusive system funded by taxes which is rated the best in the world.
-America covers 80% of its population with the 37th best system in the world.

Americans are being ripped off: fact!
It's simple mathematics:

Cost to the public = (Cost of care) + (HMO overheads) + (HMO profits)

Why pay the HMOs? They don't provide any care. If the public just bunched together and went to the care providers (doctors; hospitals; pharmacies) directly they could change this eqation to:

Cost to the public = Cost of care

That's all single payer is.
Now imagine how low the premiums wold be if you added in monopoly pricing structures. sin the taxpayer monopoly to guarantee the lowest possible costs: stopping even the doctors and Big Pharma from gouging... then simply roll those premiums into taxes so everyone is forced to pay their fair share.
The 36 countries above America in the ranking of healthcare systems ALL have full inclusion and ALL have single payer.

This entire argument is moronic. Just steal the French system.

The Luke


  • Getbig V
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the reason i say limit gouging is b/c as a business they will always find ways to gouge and the govt must react...

yes we can eliminate denial of coverage with legislation etc...

I love how you guys think the govt wont do the exact same shit that these private health insurers are doing its fucking awesome the amount of trust you guys put into your elected officials.

again all of these things can be addressed without implementing a single payer system.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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the reason i say limit gouging is b/c as a business they will always find ways to gouge and the govt must react...

yes we can eliminate denial of coverage with legislation etc...

I love how you guys think the govt wont do the exact same shit that these private health insurers are doing its fucking awesome the amount of trust you guys put into your elected officials.

again all of these things can be addressed without implementing a single payer system.
Please Review the full coverage Medicare, VA hospitals provide  in the United States which are Single Payer as well as how comprehensive the Health coverage the Rest of the Civilized and Industrialized world gives.

These are all proven systems that put to rest your fears and concerns.


  • Getbig V
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the reason i say limit gouging is b/c as a business they will always find ways to gouge and the govt must react...

yes we can eliminate denial of coverage with legislation etc...

I love how you guys think the govt wont do the exact same shit that these private health insurers are doing its fucking awesome the amount of trust you guys put into your elected officials.

again all of these things can be addressed without implementing a single payer system.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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These things will do nothing in the long run as costs will continue to go up, millions will still not be covered, and you still will have no choice of what doctors you can see or where you can seek treatment as long as Private Insurance dictates points of service and how much they pay or don`t pay.

Don`t think for a moment that Private Insurance Companies can`t easily circumvent these simple "reforms".  The credit card companies were able to do so easily with the "credit card bill of rights" by charging monthly fees, raising service fees etc...

Plans are crafted easily in order to maximize profit.  Don`t think for a moment that any Insurance company that is used to doubling profits each year, in the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS, will not be looking to do the same and therefore will agree to not making as much profit.


  • Getbig V
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These things will do nothing in the long run as costs will continue to go up, millions will still not be covered, and you still will have no choice of what doctors you can see or where you can seek treatment as long as Private Insurance dictates points of service and how much they pay or don`t pay.

Don`t think for a moment that Private Insurance Companies can`t easily circumvent these simple "reforms".  The credit card companies were able to do so easily with the "credit card bill of rights" by charging monthly fees, raising service fees etc...

Plans are crafted easily in order to maximize profit.  Don`t think for a moment that any Insurance company that is used to doubling profits each year, in the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS, will not be looking to do the same and therefore will agree to not making as much profit.

First off...that was an hilarious thread title, I full expected to see Joe having a hot-dog shoved down his throat. Very nice.

Second, I believe that I am leaning towards agreeing with you on some of these points. This reform, whether or not it has a "public option" has been perverted by the lobbyists who hedged their bets on both sides of the issue with plenty of money and "donations". So it really didn't matter what side "won" the day as the insurance/healthcare industry would win either way.

Before a single-payer system is even proposed we need to completely revamp and simplify our tax code, actually enforce our sovereign borders and enforce, hard, our immigration laws. Also, cutting baseline govt. spending and shrinking the actual govt. would also be a good place to start to free up money for a single payer system.

Plenty of other stuff to discuss on this topic, but these are but a few of the points I see.


  • Getbig V
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First off...that was an hilarious thread title, I full expected to see Joe having a hot-dog shoved down his throat. Very nice.

Second, I believe that I am leaning towards agreeing with you on some of these points. This reform, whether or not it has a "public option" has been perverted by the lobbyists who hedged their bets on both sides of the issue with plenty of money and "donations". So it really didn't matter what side "won" the day as the insurance/healthcare industry would win either way.

Before a single-payer system is even proposed we need to completely revamp and simplify our tax code, actually enforce our sovereign borders and enforce, hard, our immigration laws. Also, cutting baseline govt. spending and shrinking the actual govt. would also be a good place to start to free up money for a single payer system.

Plenty of other stuff to discuss on this topic, but these are but a few of the points I see.
this is what im talking about like i said its a worthy cause but free up the money first and then we will talk dont tell us how your going to pay for it b/c all that is saying is "youre going to get fucked tax payers but were just going to put it off for a while and blame it on something else"

Soul Crusher

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You know what TA - that was a good clip.  Weiner made a great point about the cheaper drugs, BUT OBAMA DID THE EXACT OPPOSITE WITH HIS DEAL WITH THE PHARMA COMPANIES! 


  • Getbig V
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First off...that was an hilarious thread title, I full expected to see Joe having a hot-dog shoved down his throat. Very nice.

I agree. I thought he was euphemistically refering to Scraborough getting pwned.
Even though he was, ...I didn't expect it to be from a guy actually named Weiner.


  • Guest
You know what TA - that was a good clip.  Weiner made a great point about the cheaper drugs, BUT OBAMA DID THE EXACT OPPOSITE WITH HIS DEAL WITH THE PHARMA COMPANIES!

100% correct

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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Chris Matthews got the WEINER also.

Soul Crusher

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I may disagree with Wiener - but at least I know where he stands on this.  I can respect him far more than Obama who is lying about all of this.