Author Topic: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.  (Read 2720 times)


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The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« on: August 21, 2009, 05:32:40 AM »
Former head of the Canadian Health Care System, Dr. Brian Day says Government Care Brings Reduced Access, Rationing, Less Value - Video 8/20/09

Dr. Brian Day said that 5 million out of Canada's population of 35 million people have no family doctor. That is more than 14% of the people.

1 million people waiting for surgeries,

another 1 million waiting to see a specialist for their condition.

As for bringing down costs, he said he did not think ObamaCare would bring down costs because in Canada, they ranked dead last in a study of European countries ranking "value for care."



  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 02:52:23 AM »
Former head of the Canadian Health Care System, Dr. Brian Day says Government Care Brings Reduced Access, Rationing, Less Value - Video 8/20/09

Dr. Brian Day said that 5 million out of Canada's population of 35 million people have no family doctor. That is more than 14% of the people.

1 million people waiting for surgeries,

another 1 million waiting to see a specialist for their condition.

As for bringing down costs, he said he did not think ObamaCare would bring down costs because in Canada, they ranked dead last in a study of European countries ranking "value for care."


I can't believe you post this as a means of bolstering your position, ...although I'm sure many will fall for it.

What really cracks me up is the way O'Reilly was trying to lead the guy into saying what he wanted him to say, ...yet he didn't. Instead, the only thing he could offer is that Canada's health care system was rated against many European health care systems, and Canada's came in dead last. Of course what he didn't say, is that the European countries that were compared to Canada have universal health care coverage. So what if Canada's universal health care coverage came in dead last against another country's universal health care coverage? It's still universal coverage, and far superior to the private care model now employed in the US.

The following email is making the rounds across Canada:

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Brett Solomon - <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:06:34 AM
Subject: They are lying about Canada

Dear friends,

Obama's movement for change in the US is collapsing -- in large part because of lies about the Canadian healthcare system!

American corporations are spreading lies about Canadian health care to kill Obama's health plan -- and with it his whole movement for change. Sign the message to Americans about how much we value our public health care. Our system isn't perfect, but it's far better than America's! Let's set the record straight!

It's incredible, but Obama's health plan, and with it his entire Presidency, could be derailed because big corporations and the radical right manage to convince Americans that our health system is a nightmare similar to "Soviet Russia".

We need a huge popular outcry to show the truth -- how proud and grateful we are to have public healthcare in Canada, even despite its drawbacks. Sign on to the message to America -- if enough of us sign and tell friends, we'll be a story in US media and help change the debate:

US healthcare is far more costly and lower quality than almost any other system in the developed world. But reform threatens Obama's majority in the US Congress as happened in 1994 when Bill Clinton attempt to extend health care. If this occurs, progress on every global issue is endangered, from climate change to the war in Iraq.

Obama's health care bill will be championed or buried this month so we have no time to lose. Together we can help turn the debate away from the fear tactics by giving American politicians and the public the truth about government health care in our country.

August is the most critical time in the debate as insurance companies and interest groups begin their lobbying in earnest before the September sitting of Congress. Defend our national health care system and support Obama's reform plan by signing the 'we support universal health care' petition below:

Obama's plan for universal health care is at risk because the powerful medical insurance lobby and right-wing propaganda machine is undermining critical political support in Congress. Our chance is to show that, despite its drawbacks, our national health care system works and should not be used as the bogeyman in the US debate.

The truth is, government funded health care is vastly cheaper, more efficient, and more effective
than turning health care over to large corporations whose only bottom line is profit. The US spends twice as much on health as any other country and ranks 37th in the world in health quality. While 40 million Americans don't have health care, health companies make giant profits. Yet in the US, citizens only hear corporate propaganda that our health care in Canada is a disaster. Say it ain't so below:

Certainly, our health care in Canada is not as good it could be -- but it's a damn sight better than in the US. Let's stand up to the lies about our health care, and let the American population and their politicians know the truth about why health care reform is so important.

With hope,

Brett, Ricken, Ben, Alice, Graziela, Paula, Benjamin, Paul, Pascal and the whole Avaaz team.


Myths about the proposed health care reforms

How health care works in Canada

Extreme tactics of the conservative right

Canada's health care system under attack,0

Paul Krugman on health care

The extent of the health care lobby

Health insurers stocks rise as health care plans fade

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ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages! You can also follow Avaaz on Twitter!

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  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 04:11:43 AM »
The following video was taped by an American living in Canada to help dispell the myth being perpetrated by political ads in the U.S. about how bad the Canadian Health Care System is. This is false political advertising that attempts to defeat the efforts in the U.S. Congress to pass universal health care. The video is by William S. Bates. Major, USMC (Ret), Vietnam veteran of Ottawa, Ontario and is intended to provide a true picture of Canadian Health Care from a private user's perspective.

And here is another video talking to real live Canadians on the street, asking canadians how we feel about our health care system.

The Tommy Douglass refered to at 6 mins 45 secs in the video is Keifer Sutherland's (24) maternal grandfather.

In the following video, the individual being interviewed was so dead-on accurate across the board it's uncanny.  :o
While the clip is mainly about our most recent federal election, he does touch briefly on canadian health care, and how Canadians really feel about our health care systen.


Straw Man

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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 09:18:07 AM »
Former head of the Canadian Health Care System, Dr. Brian Day says Government Care Brings Reduced Access, Rationing, Less Value - Video 8/20/09

Dr. Brian Day said that 5 million out of Canada's population of 35 million people have no family doctor. That is more than 14% of the people.

1 million people waiting for surgeries,

another 1 million waiting to see a specialist for their condition.

As for bringing down costs, he said he did not think ObamaCare would bring down costs because in Canada, they ranked dead last in a study of European countries ranking "value for care."


This ad was paid for by Conservatives for Patient Rights (CPR) founded by Rick Scott, who was ousted in 1997 as head of Columbia/HCA, a huge health-care company, after the firm paid $1.7-billion to settle charges alleging it had over-billed federal and state health programs.

you'd have to be a real schmuck to believe that this group cares about patients rights or even delivering quality health care.   They only care about protecting their corporate interests which is sifting off billions of dolllars in profits out of our healthcare system


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2009, 10:50:10 AM »

And here is another video talking to real live Canadians on the street, asking canadians how we feel about our health care system.


Just curious as to how you can have "free" healthcare but have the cost go up at the same time? Who's paying for these growing costs? Do you have any inforamtion on how much the costs are increasing? Isn't the country running higher deficits now then expected due to the reccesion and doesn't that result in cuts to things like healthcare, how bad is it?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2009, 12:07:12 PM »
Why would anyone trust Rick Scott when it comes to health care or health care reform.

from Wiki:

Richard Lynn "Rick" Scott (born 1953) is a current and former healthcare company executive, and founder of Conservatives for Patients' Rights (CPR) which advertises against healthcare reform. An attorney by trade, in 2009 he founded CPR, a group opposed to President Barack Obama's stated health-care policy goals.[1]

Scott founded the Columbia Hospital Corporation in 1987 and later along with the brother of Senator Bill Frist Columbia HCA Chairman Thomas J. Frist in 1989 merged Columbia with Hospital Corporation of America, to form Columbia/HCA in 1989. Scott was was ousted by the company's own board of directors in 1997 in the midst of the nation's biggest health care fraud scandal in which the company ultimately plead guilty to the nation's then largest Medicaid and Medicare fraud and paid a record fine of $1.7 billion dollars.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2009, 03:22:01 PM »
Just curious as to how you can have "free" healthcare but have the cost go up at the same time? Who's paying for these growing costs? Do you have any inforamtion on how much the costs are increasing? Isn't the country running higher deficits now then expected due to the reccesion and doesn't that result in cuts to things like healthcare, how bad is it?

To the ordinary average everyday citizen, for all intents and purposes it is free. If we go to visit the doctor, or hospital, no money changes hands at all. We simply present our health insurance cards and that's it... literally. No forms to fill out. No one greets us with a clipboard asking us how we intend to pay for the visit. The first questions asked are what is the problem? How can we help you? So as far as we are concerned it is free.

As for the costs, well there are costs for treatment in that the overhead has to be paid. Doctors, nurses etc have to be paid etc., The electricity for the lighting, ...the heating, laundering the linens, scrubbing the floors etc... all these regular routine things that take place in a hospital must be paid for, and these are the costs that are rising.

Diagnostic tests and equipment etc., are all costs in healthcare and those are rising. As for who actually pays for the costs of insuring all the citizens... it's done through an employer health tax of between 1% - 2% paid on payrolls above $400k a year. It doesn't affect small businesses until and unless their payroll exceeds $400k a yr.

Yes, in response to economic factors, often our provincial government has to adjust budgets in anticipation of deficits etc., however healthcare is a top priority for Canadians. Health care & Education are areas Canadians expect to be financed and cuts in those areas can get a politician turfed out on his/her derriere so fast it would make your head spin.

We have seen cuts to our healthcare, but these cuts really don't hurt us. They are just cause for complaint. ie: in response to a budget shortfall, one gov reduced the amount of optometrist visits for routine eye exams to every two years. That doesn't mean ontario residents are limited to getting eye exams only once every 2 yrs. It simply means OHIP {Ontario Health Insurance plan) will only cover the cost of a routine eye exam once every 2 yrs. You're perfectly free to get an eye exam every six months if you want.

  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2009,  <-- this visit is free
  • Eye exam on July 1 2009,
  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2010,
  • Eye exam on July 1 2010,
  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2011, <-- this visit is free
  • Eye exam on July 1 2011,
  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2012,
  • Eye exam on July 1 2012,
  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2013, <-- this visit is free
  • Eye exam on July 1 2013,
  • Eye exam on Jan 1 2014,
  • Eye exam on July 1 2014,

Bear in mind, this is simply for routine visits. If you're experiencing something... then by all means the visit is covered.

You don't have to worry about having a routine eye exam on December 20th, only to have a champagne cork hit you in the eye on New Years Eve 11 days later, and not be covered. You'd be covered. I'm talking about routine preventative care. When these adjustments in the levels and frequencies of coverage are made, they are not made by bean counters, but by physicians based on the statistical data. They realized based on the years of statistical data, that very few if any changes to the eyes and eyesight occur within 2 yrs, and that more frequent eye exams are really nothing more than a waste of money. It would be like having a full physical every 30 days. it's unecessary, and therefore would not be covered. If someone were a hypochondriac and felt the need to have a full physical every 30 days they can, ...they can go to a private health care provider and pay cash. No one says they can't. Most people don't want to pay cash for something they can get for free.

In the USA, doctors will run all sorts of tests which imo are simply to pad the bill. I have a friend experiencing some health challenges, and I tell you it would make me sick every time he told me he was going in for more testing. Everytime he went in for some testing he came out worse than before. And so many allergic reactions to the various medications he was provided for the testing. I'd have to keep it all inside, then when I got off the phone with him i'd be balling my eyes out at the way they were milking him with more useless testing. It wouldn't have surprised me if the doctor decided to give him a pregnancy test next. i better move on otherwise I'm gonna get myself worked up.

With our universal health coverage, there are procedures involved with testing and the various protocols that are used. for certain things, rather than jumping to the most expensive form of diagnostics, there are steps that are required to be taken first. Call it medical profiling if you will. ie: an otherwise healthy 23 yr old woman without a history of breast cancer in her family finds a lump in her breast. :o Of course she's gonna panic and think it's the big C and will want to have a mammogram. Now while it is possible that it could be cancer, chances are more than likely it isn't. She would NOT be given an automatic mammogram no matter how much she begged and pleaded. There would be other tests done first. Chances are 99.999% it's just a simple cyst. The procedure would first be to do a simple needle biopsy right there in the doctors office. If it's discovered to be a cyst, it would be aspirated right there in the doctors office, and the fluid would be collected and examined for cancer cells. If it's discovered NOT to be a cyst, then more extensive testing would be done. The idea of having a needle pierce her breast is probably terrifying to women, and many would probably prefer to be hospitalized with full anaethesia for the procedure, but that would never occur. It's the equivalent of requesting to be fully hospitalized and put under in order to receive a vaccination, or to draw a vial of blood. Another example would be an AIDs test. That's really a misnomer, because they aren't really testing you for AIDs. What they test for are the AIDs antibodies. That's a more economical test. If that test comes back positive for the antibodies, they will then take it a step further, and utilize the more expensive test, that actually detects the HIV virus itself. If you wanted to jump the procedural queu and go straight for the test that detects the actual virus, wouldn't be covered. You'd have to pay for that yourself. If you first do the less expensive test that detects the presence of the viral anitbodies, ...and that came back positive for the antibodies, ...then the more expensive test that detects the actual virus itself would be performed and would be covered.

As for the complaints that patients aren't able to see specialists, that's not true. How it works is, if you walk in off the street and get examined by the specialist, the specialist is paid $2y. If however, you are refered to the specialist by your doctor, the specialist is paid $3y. As a result, many specialists will refuse to see or accept new patients unless they are referred by a GP. It's really not a big deal. All you have to do is to tell your doctor you'd like to see a particular dermatologist, or whatever the specialist is, and s/he'll refer you to them.   

Oh poop we've got more tornados & funnel clouds touching down. I gotta go... gonna go hide under the bed.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 04:44:14 PM »
So some provinces in Canada  use taxes to fund healtcare AND charge for something called a Medical Service's Plan every year that's based on a sliding scale system?    All this info is getting confusing, I'm just tryng to understand how it works up there. Thanks.


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2009, 05:24:20 PM »
So some provinces in Canada  use taxes to fund healtcare AND charge for something called a Medical Service's Plan every year that's based on a sliding scale system?    All this info is getting confusing, I'm just tryng to understand how it works up there. Thanks.

It works kind of like my TV set in that... I don't understand liquid crystal displays, plasma screens or cathode tubes.

All I know is that when I want to watch TV, I push this button. if I want to turn down the volume, I push another button, if i want to switch channels, there's a button I can push. I can even switch back & forth between a previously viewed channel if I want. The picture is crisp & clear, as is the volume. When I need it, it's always there working perfectly for me, and I have no complaints. If you ask me if I'd be willing to trade it in or substitute my TV set for a transistor radio or scratchy Victrola, I'd say "Not on your life... not even if they threw the cute little Victrola puppy into the deal" It works like that for the vast overwhelming majority of Canadians.


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2009, 06:03:21 PM »
It works kind of like my TV set in that... I don't understand liquid crystal displays, plasma screens or cathode tubes.

All I know is that when I want to watch TV, I push this button. if I want to turn down the volume, I push another button, if i want to switch channels, there's a button I can push. I can even switch back & forth between a previously viewed channel if I want. The picture is crisp & clear, as is the volume. When I need it, it's always there working perfectly for me, and I have no complaints. If you ask me if I'd be willing to trade it in or substitute my TV set for a transistor radio or scratchy Victrola, I'd say "Not on your life... not even if they threw the cute little Victrola puppy into the deal" It works like that for the vast overwhelming majority of Canadians.

Well that certainly makes things clearer.  ???  :)

I'm trying to study severel things at once here but it seems that at least 2 provinces pay for healthcare via taxes collected and a thing called MSP in which the  charge is based on your income. The two provinces are Alberta and British Columbia. If I'm wrong please let me know.


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2009, 06:35:12 PM »
Well that certainly makes things clearer.  ???  :)

I'm trying to study severel things at once here but it seems that at least 2 provinces pay for healthcare via taxes collected and a thing called MSP in which the  charge is based on your income. The two provinces are Alberta and British Columbia. If I'm wrong please let me know.

Each province is different. I couldn't say. It'd be quite interesting if it were true, because Alberta is a very right wing conservative province, while British Columbia is home to tree hugging, sandal wearing, granola crunching lefties. For both to use the same finance model would be quite a testament for universal health care wouldn't it?  :D


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2009, 01:20:36 AM »
here you go jagalicious...,2933,539943,00.html

Dr. Anne Doig, the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association, said her country’s health care system is “sick” and “imploding,” the Canadian Press reported.

Canada’s universal health care system is not giving patients optimal care, Doig added

“We all agree the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,” she said.

what say you?


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2009, 03:12:01 AM »
here you go jagalicious...,2933,539943,00.html

Dr. Anne Doig, the incoming president of the Canadian Medical Association, said her country’s health care system is “sick” and “imploding,” the Canadian Press reported.

Canada’s universal health care system is not giving patients optimal care, Doig added

“We all agree the system is imploding, we all agree that things are more precarious than perhaps Canadians realize,” she said.

what say you?

Firsy off, ...that is Fox. Not like they have an agenda is it?   ::)

Secondly: She could not possibly be talking about "Canada's system" because we have 10 different systems.
It's the equivalent of saying subways, busses, and taxi cabs in NYC shouldn't be allowed to operate in Manhatten because we have ample proof in Los Angeles that public transportation is inefficient.

Thirdly: Things are all relative aren't they? For the sake of argument, I will accept your proposed hypothetical that the CMA is in a panic because they feel our system isn't working right for Canadians. It's still a heckuva lot better than what you have in the States. What that would indicate to me is the there are high standards up here, with a priority and emphasis on value to the patient. How else can you explain someone being concerned that Canadians were not getting as good as it could be given, ...especially when the vast majority of Canadian patients themselves are absolutely tickled pink and pleased as punch over the health care coverage and services we are receiving?

It reminds me of my sister's 2nd year at University. Her roomate Cynthia was the daughter of an extremely wealthy Hong Kong businessman. It was the end of the year, and every one was all set to go home for the summer, and all were breathing a huge sigh of relief that they made it through the year, and still had a few bucks left in their bank accounts. Most girls were down to their last two or three hundred dollars. Cynthia was extremely relieved as well. She too had made it through the year by the skin of her nose, ...she was down to her last $30,000.oo, since she had been trying to at least hold out until the last day of school before she called her Dad to ask for more money. $30,000.oo wasn't nearly enough to get her through the summer til school started again in September. It's all relative my friend. The worst of Canadian universal coverage is better than the best private coverage the average, middle or upper class American can get under the US private care system. Your system as it exists only works for the uber rich, and the health insurance companies themselves... for now

grab an umbrella

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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2009, 03:23:18 AM »
Jag being funny again, at least your good for that.  My dad messed his shoulder up and went to the doctor, got an mri the next day and the surgery was performed the next week.  I'm sure that happens all the time in canada.


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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2009, 10:33:13 PM »
Jag being funny again, at least your good for that.  My dad messed his shoulder up and went to the doctor, got an mri the next day and the surgery was performed the next week.  I'm sure that happens all the time in canada.
If he were in Canada, ...that would have been the end of the story, but not in the USA. Is that why you stopped?
How come you didn't finish the story?  ya know... the part where after he had his surgery,
...he got a HUGE GINORMOUS bill for which the insurance company refused to cover...   :D

grab an umbrella

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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2009, 10:40:18 PM »
If he were in Canada, ...that would have been the end of the story, but not in the USA. Is that why you stopped?
How come you didn't finish the story?  ya know... the part where after he had his surgery,
...he got a HUGE GINORMOUS bill for which the insurance company refused to cover...   :D

Got a 5k bill, talked it down to 900 and paid. 


Hugo Chavez

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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2009, 10:48:22 PM »
A lot of fucking babbling and novel length posts.  This is all you fucking need to see.  end of story.

New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care

82 percent of Canadians believe their system is better than U.S. health care.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Canada's Government Health Care System.
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2009, 06:26:37 AM »
A lot of fucking babbling and novel length posts.  This is all you fucking need to see.  end of story.

New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care

82 percent of Canadians believe their system is better than U.S. health care.
why is that all we need to see hugo the majority of ppl in the US dont want obamas health care reform, whats that say?