Author Topic: OC Assemblyman, Mike Duvall, In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally  (Read 2941 times)


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OC Assemblyman, Mike Duvall, In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« on: September 09, 2009, 03:41:23 PM »
OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist . . . No, Literally In Bed
By R. Scott Moxley

SACRAMENTO--Freshmen legislators arriving in Sacramento receive advice from veteran
 politicians about the intricacies of working in California's capital. One of those tips is to remember that microphones broadcasting legislative debates can also capture embarrassing, career-ending personal admissions if a politician isn't careful. Michael D. Duvall, Orange County's 72nd Assembly
District representative, must have forgotten the warning.

In July--two days after Assembly Speaker Karen Bass and Republican leader Sam Blakeslee put Duvall on the Rules Committee that oversees member ethics--the second-term, conservative, Republican assemblyman sat in a public hearing and vividly described lewd details about his trysts with a female lobbyist whose clients had business before another committee on which
 Duvall sits.

Duvall, speaking to a relatively mum Republican colleague seated to his left, apparently had no idea his dais microphone became live beginning about a minute before the start of a cable-televised committee hearing. He was captured in the middle of recounting portions of an affair.

"She wears little eye-patch underwear," said Duvall, who is married with two children. "So, the other day she came here with her underwear, Thursday. And
 so, we had made love Wednesday--a lot! And so she'll, she's all, 'I am going 
up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!"

That line may quickly become part of colorful Sacramento political lore. In the meantime, it leads me to a question: Can someone please buy the assemblyman a box of condoms?

Duvall--who was twice a president of the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce, served two terms as mayor of Yorba Linda before entering the assembly in
 2006, and is the owner of an insurance agency--continues his tale: "So, I am getting into spanking her. Yeah, I like it. I like spanking her. She goes, 'I know you like spanking me.' I said, 'Yeah! Because you're such a bad girl!'"

He then laughed.

The assemblyman representing Anaheim, Fullerton, Placentia, Orange, Brea, La
 Habra and Yorba Linda then offered clues to the identity of his sex partner.

"And so her birthday was Monday," he said at the Wednesday, July 8 committee hearing. "I was 54 on June 14, so for a month, she was 19 years younger than 
me. I said, 'Now, you're getting old. I am going to have to trade you in.' And she goes, '[I'm] 36.' She is 18 years younger than me. And so I keep
 teasing her, and she goes, 'I know you French men. You divide your age by 
two and add seven, and if you're older than that, you dump us.'"

According to voter-registration records reviewed by the Weekly, veteran Sacramento-based lobbyist Heidi DeJong Barsuglia turned 36 years old on Monday, July 6.

Legislative sources say they have witnessed Duvall, who is vice chairman of 
the Assembly's powerful Committee on Utilities & Commerce, socializing after-hours with Barsuglia. Sources--who asked for anonymity because of 
Duvall's power in the capital--say Susan Duvall usually stays in Orange
 County during the week, when her husband flies to Sacramento. They also say 
they have seen Duvall with Barsuglia in restaurants, "arm-in-arm" at political fund-raising events and even shopping together for groceries just blocks from the capitol building.

"Their relationship is the worst-kept secret in Sacramento," a capitol staffer recently told me. "He's old and fat. She's hot, blonde and about 20
 years younger. He could have never gotten a woman like that before he got
 this job.'"

In April--two months after Duvall became vice chairman of the Utilities & 
Commerce committee--privately owned California utility giant Sempra Energy hired Barsuglia as one of its top lobbyists, according to Secretary of State
 Barsuglia, who has a law degree and once worked as a speechwriter for
 Governor Pete Wilson, had previously worked at the California Retailers 
Association (CRA). During 25 months of work at CRA, she reported that she incurred no reportable lobbying expenses. She joined Sempra after the 
departure of another lobbyist: David Hayes, who was named deputy director of the Interior Department by President Barack Obama.
 The San Diego-based utility conglomerate isn't shy about lobbying
 lawmakers for favorable treatment. This session, they gave Duvall $1,500 in campaign contributions. In May, the assemblyman officially adopted the company's negative view on Assembly Bill 64, which proposes increasing the percentage of electricity the utilities must procure from environmentally
 sensitive sources.

Repeatedly asked to explain his recorded sexual boasting, a red-faced Duvall fled me and another reporter, Dave Lopez of KCBS in Los Angeles, three times this afternoon in capitol hallways. He also ignored three handwritten interview requests that were delivered to him on the floor of the assembly. Said one assembly employee who witnessed the scene, "It definitely looks like he is afraid of you guys."

Barsuglia did not responded to a request for an interview made at Sempra's offices located across the street from the capitol building.

Sempra's 2008-2009 "Code of Business Conduct" states, "We've built [the company's] rich tradition because of the emphasis we place on ethical business conduct and compliance with the laws and regulations that govern
our business. We don't compromise on either for the sake of success"

But Duvall wasn't content to just share one adulterous tale at the July 8 committee hearing. He referenced a second, simultaneous affair with another woman. He seemed amused that he was cheating on both his wife and a mistress.

"Oh, yeah, Sher, Shar, Shar," Duvall said. "Oh, she is hot! I talked to her yesterday. She goes, 'So are we finished?' I go, 'No, we're not finished.' I go, 'You know about the other one [Barsuglia], but she doesn't know about you!'"

The assemblyman punctuated his observation with laughter.

During his political career, Duvall has unabashedly espoused conservative
 principles and is known as a partisan Republican with a knack for theatrics:
 He has noisily driven his Harley-Davidson motorcycle to functions. In 2008, 
Duvall blasted efforts to condone gay marriage. Legislatively, he has 
proposed bills to aid the insurance industry and government contractors 
feeding off the state's massive transportation kitty.
 He has offered a law to alter the First Amendment rights of Americans by
 banning anti-war activists from putting the names of fallen soldiers on 
T-shirts with messages such as "Bush lied" on the front and "They died" on the back; he observed that the dead soldiers fought to protect freedom, and "opportunists" should not be allowed to "exploit" the sacrifices with political messages opposing war.

Such thinking impressed certain constituencies. Earlier this year, the man who never graduated from high school received "100 percent" approval scores 
by the California Republican Assembly, the state's leading conservative outfit, and the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI), a fierce guardian of traditional family values.

"Assemblyman Duvall has been a consistent trooper for the conservative causes," CRI president Karen England announced in March. "For the last two years, he has voted time and time again to protect and preserve family values in California. We are grateful for his support of California

Acknowledging the CRI award, Duvall observed in a press release that as long as he is in office, he would work to protect "California families" from "constant assault in Sacramento."


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 04:08:43 PM »
Michael Duvall: Family values R.I.P.
By now, everyone in possession of a frontal lobe should understand that the people who go around trumpeting the cause of “family values” are most likely to be the ones leading lives in contradiction to that puritanical moral code. The latest case-in-point is California Assemblyman Michael Duvall, who was recently caught bragging about his sexual exploits with lobbyists from utility companies. Duvall, who is married and has received glowing praise for his supposedly pro-family values record, is Vice Chairman of the Utilities and Commerce Committee in the Sacramento Legislature. Here’s KCAL’s coverage of the revelations:

So it goes. The harder they come, the harder they fall. Duvall now joins Ted Haggard, Duke Cunningham, Jimmy Swaggart, Mark Sanford, David Vitter, Larry Craig, and all the rest of those who parroted the term “family values” as a way to further a career in politics or pulpit. The term itself is not without meaning. In general, it encompasses a staunchly religious (Christian) code of behavior intent on prohibiting sexual deviancy. As a result, its banner attracts those who are themselves struggling with how to express their own desires. The thinking seems to be that if these men (always the men) simply say the words “family values” enough times, some sort of ethical osmosis will occur.

Of course, having a strong, cohesive, communicative family need not have anything to do with the teachings found in the Bible. Nor does Assemblyman Duvall’s spanking fetish mean he couldn’t be a perfectly wonderful father, so long as he didn’t mete out activity on his own kids. But that’s the thing with puritanism, it fails to extinguish desire, and relegates its followers to a Jekyll-and-Hyde-like existence. The resulting scandals, when the secret lives are eventually exposed to the light of day, have the effect of wrecking the very family whose values were supposed to be so sacred in the first place.

And, oh yes, we relish the cases of those pious leaders who regularly took pains to let us know that their “family values” were so much better than our own, who turn out to be the ideal poster children for deviancy. To watch them choke upon the cake they’ve had and eaten, too, is good sport. It’s also a reminder that those who speak the loudest about “family values” are more than likely the ones you’ll be reading about in tomorrow’s news.


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 04:40:21 PM »
Heidi hoe!

Heidi Barsuglia.  The woman he had the affair with who said, "I am going up and down the stairs, and you're dripping out of me!' So messy!"


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2009, 05:56:13 PM »
Hey atleast it was with a woman this time  ;D


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2009, 06:21:04 AM »
Hey atleast it was with a woman this time  ;D

This time.  Oh, by the way, he resigned yesterday.

Assemblyman Mike Duvall resigns after his sex comments are broadcast
KCAL-TV in Los Angeles played a tape of the married Yorba Linda Republican speaking about sex with two women. He apparently did not realize a microphone was on during a legislative hearing.
By Shane Goldmacher and Patrick McGreevy

Reporting from Sacramento

An Orange County lawmaker who inadvertently broadcast explicit remarks about his sexual conquests over an open microphone abruptly resigned from office Wednesday after legislative leaders stripped him of his committee posts and launched an ethics probe of his actions.

Assemblyman Michael Duvall (R-Yorba Linda), whose remarks were videotaped in July during a lull in a Sacramento hearing, stepped down less than 24 hours after the tape spread online Tuesday night.

In the video, the married family-values crusader from Yorba Linda talks in graphic detail about women he said he slept with -- at least one of whom appeared to be a lobbyist with business before the utilities committee on which Duvall sat as vice chairman.

"I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly," Duvall said in a written statement Wednesday afternoon. "It would not be fair to my family, my constituents or to my friends on both sides of the aisle to remain in office. Therefore, I have decided to resign."

The sudden scandal was one more bruise for Sacramento as it lurches toward Friday, the end of a particularly unproductive legislative year, with unfinished work on such major issues as the prison crisis and the state's wobbly water infrastructure.

And the speed with which Duvall was pushed out the door was small comfort to Capitol-watchers who say the case shows the persistence of anything-goes behavior in the Legislature.

"The use of sexual favors is just one more example of the tactics that energy companies and lobbyists have used to win favorable laws from lawmakers," said Kathay Feng, president of California Common Cause.

As TV camera crews chased lawmakers through Capitol corridors for comment on the scandal Wednesday, the place was abuzz with gossip: other lawmakers with lobbyist mistresses, inappropriate invitations to romantic dinners, married legislators and industry officials canoodling at fundraisers and after-hours mixers.

Duvall, some said, just happened to get caught.

His remarks were videotaped during a July hearing of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and aired on a KCAL television news program Tuesday night. In the video, the socially conservative Duvall tells fellow Assemblyman Jeff Miller (R-Corona) in uninhibited detail about trysts with two women, neither his wife.

The KCAL report says one of the women is a lobbyist for a major utility with business before Duvall's committee. In the video, Duvall says her birthday is July 6. That matches the birth date of a Sacramento lobbyist for the San Diego-based energy firm Sempra.

Sempra issued a written statement saying that it is investigating the matter, but that its "employee has denied the speculative media reports."

On the tape, Duvall describes the "little eye-patch underwear" worn by one of the women. He refers to the age gap between her and him, after a recent birthday made them 18 years apart. "Now, you're getting old, man, I am going to have to trade you in," he said he told her.

And he mentions a second woman, in less detail.

"Cher, Shar, Shar -- oh, she is hot. I talked to her yesterday. She goes, 'So are we finished?' " Duvall says, adding that he replied no. He continues: "And I go, 'You know about the other one, but the other one doesn't know about you.' "

The Capitol Resource Institute, a conservative, self-described "pro-family" advocacy organization that had given Duvall a 100% score for his voting record on issues of concern to the group, denounced the lawmaker in a statement.

"It is always disappointing when a champion of traditional values does not practice the same in his private life," said Karen England, executive director of the institute.

Some GOP leaders were relieved by the resignation.

"Sticking around for a while would have just prolonged the agony, and he would have had the same result," said Scott Baugh, Orange County Republican Party chairman.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger now has 14 days to call a special election to fill Duvall's seat, which could be held as soon as the first week in November. Orange County officials say that election will cost taxpayers between $330,000 and $440,000.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) said the Legislature plans to aggressively investigate Duvall and any conflicts of interest that may have resulted from affairs he boasted about. One member of the legislative ethics panel that will oversee the inquiry said privately that there may be efforts to broaden it to include other lawmakers alleged to have intimate relations with lobbyists.

California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown declined to comment on calls from consumer advocates that he launch a criminal investigation. Duvall's "votes on utility issues should be investigated to determine whether they were compromised," said Doug Heller, executive director of Consumer Watchdog in Santa Monica.

Duvall joined other Republicans in voting several times this year against renewable energy measures opposed by Sempra Energy. The measures would require utilities to derive significantly more electricity from solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable energy sources by 2020.

In Orange County on Wednesday, Duvall's constituents expressed shock.

Placentia Councilwoman Constance Underhill said Duvall's behavior was outrageous, especially if his dalliances were with lobbyists who had business with his committee. "If that's true," she said, "he sold out for sex."

Bob Bowdish, 62, who said he was once Duvall's letter carrier and has for years crossed party lines to vote for the assemblyman, said, "The public deserves more. . . . The fact of the matter is, what he did was wrong. This will ruin more than his political career."

At least one resident saw opportunity in the mess, however. "He did the right thing under the circumstances," said Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby. "He did it quickly. And I'm going to do the right thing. I will be seeking the seat."


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2009, 07:24:46 AM »
Good, America needs a better class of representative

Soul Crusher

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2009, 07:29:59 AM »
Good, America needs a better class of representative

The whole bunch needs to go.  Term limits, etc. 

Kazan - go check out the vids on Acorn I posted.  you wont believe it.   


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2009, 07:35:09 AM »
The whole bunch needs to go.  Term limits, etc. 

Kazan - go check out the vids on Acorn I posted.  you wont believe it.   

I'm from Illinois, there is nothing politcal you can show me that I won't believe. The only thing worse than a politician is an Illinois politician


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2009, 07:44:48 AM »
Another Republican 'family values' politician revealed to be a hypocrite!? Colour me surprised. Only a matter of time before the Vegas sportsbooks start taking bets on who'll be next. 


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2009, 07:53:52 AM »
Another Republican 'family values' politician revealed to be a hypocrite!? Colour me surprised. Only a matter of time before the Vegas sportsbooks start taking bets on who'll be next. 

Todays politicians are little more than actors, they are in general a bunch of power hungry low lifes, who pretend they give a shit about those they represent and the constitution they swore to defend


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2009, 08:37:14 AM »
Michael Duvall is now claiming that his braggadocio caught on tape is not an admission of an affair.  He was only boasting and in fact never had an affair at all.  ::)

Mike Duvall denies an affair, admits 'inappropriate story-telling' on sex comments
September 10, 2009 |  7:19 am

Former Orange County Assemblyman Michael Duvall, who resigned after inadvertently broadcasting explicit remarks about his sexual conquests over an open microphone,  denied this morning that he had an affair.

"I want to make it clear that my decision to resign is in no way an admission that I had an affair or affairs," Duvall said in a statement in his website. "My offense was engaging in inappropriate story-telling and I regret my language and choice of words. The resulting media coverage was proving to be an unneeded distraction to my colleagues and I resigned in the hope that my decision would allow them to return to the business of the state."

Duvall stepped down after legislative leaders stripped him of his committee posts and launched an ethics probe of his actions.

Duvall (R-Yorba Linda), whose remarks were videotaped in July during a lull in a Sacramento hearing, stepped down less than 24 hours after the tape spread online Tuesday night.

In the video, the married family-values crusader talks in graphic detail about women he said he slept with -- at least one of whom appeared to be a lobbyist with business before the utilities committee on which Duvall sat as vice chairman.

The sudden scandal was one more bruise for Sacramento as it lurches toward Friday, the end of a particularly unproductive legislative year, with unfinished work on such major issues as the prison crisis and the state's wobbly water infrastructure.

And the speed with which Duvall was pushed out the door was small comfort to Capitol watchers who say the case shows the persistence of anything-goes behavior in the Legislature.

"The use of sexual favors is just one more example of the tactics that energy companies and lobbyists have used to win favorable laws from lawmakers," said Kathay Feng, president of California Common Cause.

As TV camera crews chased lawmakers through Capitol corridors for comment on the scandal Wednesday, the place was abuzz with gossip: other lawmakers with lobbyist mistresses, inappropriate invitations to romantic dinners, married legislators and industry officials canoodling at fundraisers and after-hours mixers.

Duvall, some said, just happened to get caught.

His remarks were videotaped during a hearing of the Assembly Appropriations Committee and aired on a KCAL television news program Tuesday night. In the video, the socially conservative Duvall tells fellow Assemblyman Jeff Miller (R-Corona) in uninhibited detail about trysts with two women, neither his wife.

The KCAL report says one of the women is a lobbyist for a major utility with business before Duvall's committee. In the video, Duvall says her birthday is July 6. That matches the birth date of a Sacramento lobbyist for the San Diego-based energy firm Sempra.

Sempra issued a written statement saying that it is investigating the matter, but that its "employee has denied the speculative media reports."

On the tape, Duvall describes the "little eye-patch underwear" worn by one of the women. He refers to the age gap between her and him, after a recent birthday made them 18 years apart. "Now, you're getting old, man, I am going to have to trade you in," he said he told her.

And he mentions a second woman, in less detail.

"Cher, Shar, Shar -- oh, she is hot. I talked to her yesterday. She goes, 'So are we finished?' " Duvall says, adding that he replied no. He continues: "And I go, 'You know about the other one, but the other one doesn't know about you.' "

The Capitol Resource Institute, a conservative, self-described "pro-family" advocacy organization that had given Duvall a 100% score for his voting record on issues of concern to the group, denounced the lawmaker in a statement.

"It is always disappointing when a champion of traditional values does not practice the same in his private life," said Karen England, executive director of the institute.

Some GOP leaders were relieved by the resignation.

"Sticking around for a while would have just prolonged the agony, and he would have had the same result," said Scott Baugh, Orange County Republican Party chairman.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger now has 14 days to call a special election to fill Duvall's seat, which could be held as soon as the first week in November. Orange County officials say that election will cost taxpayers between $330,000 and $440,000.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles) said the Legislature plans to aggressively investigate Duvall and any conflicts of interest that may have resulted from affairs he boasted about. One member of the legislative ethics panel that will oversee the inquiry said privately that there may be efforts to broaden it to include other lawmakers alleged to have intimate relations with lobbyists.

California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown declined to comment on calls from consumer advocates that he launch a criminal investigation. Duvall's "votes on utility issues should be investigated to determine whether they were compromised," said Doug Heller, executive director of Consumer Watchdog in Santa Monica.

Duvall joined other Republicans in voting several times this year against renewable energy measures opposed by Sempra Energy. The measures would require utilities to derive significantly more electricity from solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable energy sources by 2020.

Mons Venus

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2009, 08:41:03 AM »
A Repube? Shocking.

Soul Crusher

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2009, 08:48:10 AM »
A Repube? Shocking.

Go check out my ACORN thread you jackass. 

This is nothing compared to that organized crime spree.

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 08:58:11 AM »
she's hot.  nice work.

Mons Venus

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2009, 09:06:09 AM »
A Repube? Shocking.

A straight Repube? Shocking.



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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2009, 09:16:14 AM »
A straight Repube? Shocking.


I wonder how many republicans have sucked me off over the years?  They give such good head, and I usually don't want to know party affiliation... until after the fact.  :-X


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2009, 09:24:03 AM »
The guy Duvall was speaking to has now been identified.  It was fellow assemblyman Jeff Miller.  Pretty.  ::)


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2009, 09:31:40 AM »
I don’t mean to be a snob, but it is 2009 . . . shouldn’t people in the legislature have a high school diploma?  Duvall didn’t.  In this day and age, would you vote into office someone who didn’t finish high school?  ???


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2009, 12:34:12 PM »
Get this, Jeff Miller, the guy Duvall was talking to is on the ethics panel--the panel that will investigate Duvall's corruption!  Today, he was removed from that post.  ::)

It turns out that being a lobbyist in CA has no special requirements.  All you have to do is fill out a registration form and that is all.  As it happens, there are quite a few attractive young women sans experience or a law degree who are working as lobbyist in Sacramento.  Now, connect the dots...  :-[

Calif. lawmaker ousted from inquiry into sex talk
By JULIET WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writer
Thursday, September 10, 2009

A California lawmaker who listened and asked questions as a fellow assemblyman boasted about extramarital affairs has been removed from the panel investigating the conversation.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass removed Republican Assemblyman Jeff Miller of Corona from the ethics committee on Thursday.

The move comes a day after Republican Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda resigned from the Assembly once a videotape of the conversation became public. The racy banter took place in July during a break in a committee hearing.

Duvall, who is married, issued a statement saying he is not admitting to having sex with the two female lobbyists. He said he engaged only in "inappropriate storytelling."

Shannon Murphy, a spokeswoman for the Assembly speaker, says Miller should not sit on the panel that is investigating a conversation in which he participated.

Mons Venus

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2009, 03:31:42 PM »
I wonder how many republicans have sucked me off over the years? They give such good head, and I usually don't want to know party affiliation... until after the fact.  :-X

Is this true BayGBM? Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mons Venus

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2009, 04:20:17 PM »
Get this, Jeff Miller, the guy Duvall was talking to is on the ethics panel--the panel that will investigate Duvall's corruption!  Today, he was removed from that post.  ::)

It turns out that being a lobbyist in CA has no special requirements.  All you have to do is fill out a registration form and that is all.  As it happens, there are quite a few attractive young women sans experience or a law degree who are working as lobbyist in Sacramento.  Now, connect the dots...  :-[

Calif. lawmaker ousted from inquiry into sex talk
By JULIET WILLIAMS, Associated Press Writer
Thursday, September 10, 2009

A California lawmaker who listened and asked questions as a fellow assemblyman boasted about extramarital affairs has been removed from the panel investigating the conversation.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass removed Republican Assemblyman Jeff Miller of Corona from the ethics committee on Thursday.

The move comes a day after Republican Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda resigned from the Assembly once a videotape of the conversation became public. The racy banter took place in July during a break in a committee hearing.

Duvall, who is married, issued a statement saying he is not admitting to having sex with the two female lobbyists. He said he engaged only in "inappropriate storytelling."

Shannon Murphy, a spokeswoman for the Assembly speaker, says Miller should not sit on the panel that is investigating a conversation in which he participated.



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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2009, 04:59:23 PM »
Is this true BayGBM? Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well let's put it this way... they are more hungry... so they try harder! :D

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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2009, 05:06:25 PM »
Well let's put it this way... they are more hungry... so they try harder! :D

Repressed maybe?  ;D


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2009, 05:20:00 PM »
Repressed maybe?  ;D

No "maybe" about it.


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Re: OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist--Literally
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2009, 09:30:03 AM »
Mike Duvall Told Jeff Miller Stories Of Sexcapades

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A California lawmaker who listened and asked questions as a fellow assemblyman boasted about extramarital affairs has been removed from the panel investigating the conversation.

Assembly Speaker Karen Bass removed Republican Assemblyman Jeff Miller of Corona from the ethics committee on Thursday.
She appointed Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher, R-San Diego, to replace Miller on the committee for the rest of the 2009-10 regular session.

The move comes a day after Republican Mike Duvall of Yorba Linda resigned from the Assembly once a videotape of the conversation became public. The racy banter took place in July during a break in a committee hearing.

Duvall, who is married, issued a statement saying he is not admitting to having sex with the two female lobbyists. He said he engaged only in "inappropriate storytelling."

Duvall, 54, said that his "decision to resign is in no way an admission that I had an affair or affairs."

He made the sexual comments to Miller during a break in a committee meeting inside the Capitol on July 8, apparently unaware that the microphone at the desk was on.

"I'm getting into spanking her," Duvall is heard saying on the videotape, which was made as a matter of routine by a legislative office.

Miller asks if she likes it. Duvall responds: "She goes, 'I know you like spanking me.' I said, 'Yeah, that's 'cause you're such a bad girl."'

Duvall also describes the woman's "eye-patch underwear" and the age difference between himself and his mistress, identified in some media reports as a lobbyist for an energy company. He tells Miller, a fellow Republican from Corona, that the woman's birthday was two days earlier.

Shannon Murphy, a spokeswoman for the Assembly speaker, said Miller should not sit on the panel that is investigating a conversation in which he participated.

Miller said he doesn't remember the conversation with Duvall, adding that he "busy doing other stuff."

"Frankly, I wasn't paying attention to him," Miller said. "I really wasn't hearing what he was saying, and so, I didn't make anything of it."

Common Cause, a political watchdog group, thinks a criminal investigation is in order.

"I think the attorney general should be looking at this to see if any laws against bribery or giving large gifts were violated by this particular relationship," Derek Cressman from Common Cause said.

Miller was elected to the Assembly in 2008 to represent the 71st Assembly District, which takes in much of western Riverside County and the eastern edge of Orange County.