Author Topic: Doctor says catastrophe is coming: Illegals choking hospitals to death  (Read 347 times)


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A Texas emergency room doctor has a message for the rest of the country: illegal aliens are destroying the medical care delivery system in his part of south Texas.

Dr. Antonio Falcon cited diseases and conditions such as tuberculosis diabetes obesity and swine flu, brought by illegals, as major threats to America’s border hospitals because illegals refuse to pay for medical care.

Dr. Falcon says the problem started with the 1986 Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA), the federal law compelling hospitals to treat anyone in medical emergencies without regard to the patient’s ability to pay.

Falcon started his practice in 1980 and has seen the terrible results of EMTALA. In the early 1980’s Mexicans were usually among the best paying patients in border hospitals because the system required up front payments. Today the same population offers only smiles and empty palms in return for their care. Now the influx of those willing to sneak into America to steal medical services is taking its toll.

Dangerous diseases

If illegals aren’t specifically excluded from any health care legislation Dr. Falcon foresees the effect on border hospitals being the same as forcing them to continue operating with 35% funding cuts.

The problems involved in protecting Americans from the onslaught of illegals goes well beyond merely providing emergency room care and obstetrics. One of the consistently under reported stories about illegals is the shocking array of exotic and deadly diseases they bring with them.

Among the worst is Chagas Disease a South and Central American parasitic illness that causes heart failure in million of people. Unknown here ten years ago, Chagas is now found in 23 states.

Incredibly Illegals have reintroduced Leprosy in America and there are now 7000 lepers in our country.

Open borders plus free healthcare equals dead hospitals

Open borders plus free healthcare for illegal aliens will bring about the death of hospitals and epidemics of serious diseases that will kill maybe millions of Americans.

Tuberculosis attacks the weakest among any population. That includes already sickly illegal children who will carry it from their homes to our schools and on to our homes through our own children making them prime targets.

During the course of a bout with Tuberculosis an infected person will transmit it to as many as 50 people before being identified as a carrier.

Free healthcare without having to hide

Nevertheless, Tuberculosis and Chagas are just two diseases illegal aliens bring with them. If we don’t slam the doors now, and take away the lure of free healthcare we will see a huge stampede across our borders and we will lose our sovereignty. Be assured that Mexico and every other Central and South American country plus Cuba and other poor countries will send their sickest and weakest people here and expect free prioritized treatment. Just look at how the open bordered European Union is sagging under the weight of sick illegal aliens from Africa and you’ll get the picture of post Obamacare America.

This should be a lead story in the debate over whether to have government run healthcare or not, but of course it continues to be smothered.