Author Topic: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today  (Read 1212 times)


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Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« on: December 02, 2009, 08:37:39 AM »
Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
By Jim Kirwan

This country used to hold up the American Judicial System as the fairest in the world. Obviously it was a flawed system at best, but at least the participants from judges, prosecutors and the government did not dare to do what they have now accepted as "normal." In this case and in almost all others now - 'normal' calls for police-state procedures from arrests through the charging or the lack of charges brought, which includes the possibility of the indeterminate holding of citizens without charges, in solitary military confinement (if you're a civilian), and torture, total isolation and the possibility of no access to either a lawyer or to family members.
The CRIMINAL-Just-Us System is not just broken; it's been shattered beyond repair. When I was an advisor attached to the California Department of Justice, in 1979, this image became the symbol for the California District Attorney's Association, they requested permission to use it; I didn't push it.
This "Justice" rises from a burning human heart, with a well-worn sword, and sheds tears for those that found neither justice nor law in her care.
In the most recent outrage in which four cops were murdered, there appears to be reason for the cold-blooded murder of the 'suspect, in the sense that the cops could not afford to allow this man to be questioned by anyone but the already thoroughly involved police and other officers that might have been incriminated had he been allowed to live to testify, as to why he did what he supposedly did. The cops that were chasing him were no better than an enraged lynch mob; hell-bent on assassinating their target - because obviously for those members of that department "arrest was not an option."
Cops in America today are becoming nothing more than just another street gang, but it is the one gang that the public officially pays to protect them: These uniforms-without-names or badge numbers are nothing but vigilantes that serve that very particular criminal-cabal that wants us dead. Now these thugs have clearly turned upon their providers and it is way past time that the public begins to respond by taking them out!
We should begin by demanding the resignation of all the major police chiefs that have allowed their departments to be trained by BLACKWATER & the Israeli's to make war upon the American public. In February of 2008 I tried to avert some parts of this problem with an "Open Letter to Tens of Thousands of Rogue Cops."
"What you don't seem to realize is that when you take off the Kevlar, and unstrap both your weapons, you need a shower, possibly a shave if you're male, and you'll need to grab something to eat. If you live in the Burbs which most cops do, you probably have "friends" and maybe you might want to go to a game or just get together with "friends." In brief you do what other people do unless you're a robot living in a barrack somewhere dark and semi-distant. If you have a family they have their lives to live as well, grocery shopping, school etc. just like other people-except that you are not like other people! You have become a secret enforcer, the muscle and bullets of the fascist state incarnate. And that makes you and yours into targets for those that you have wronged.
What used to protect you was the good will of the people you served, but with that out-of-the-way now, because you've put yourself beyond the law and above the people that once cared whether you lived or died-your world has changed almost as much as ours: Only you still have no clue about the consequences that are coming! [We outnumber you by 5,000 to one]
When you do what you do to ordinary people your actions affect the lives of a great many people beyond the targets of your brutality-and those people whether adults or children will not forget. Meanwhile you have forgotten that you are not Supermen or Superwomen, you're just flesh and blood like all the rest of us: and with every day that passes the numbers of your enemies continue to increase by the hundreds, until that figure reaches into the thousands, and you are beginning to close in on that magic number now." (1)
To date I have yet to hear from any of those bastards that are obviously afraid to write about what they do, or what they are officially or unofficially trying to do the people of this country: by manipulating their official-powers to limit the rights and privileges of Americans from all walks of life. I was not the only one writing about these transgressions, but the overall response to all of these problems has been pathetically lean, to say the least!
In the events that have happened around the murder of 4 cops just outside Tacoma, subsequent events have revealed that the conduct of "officers" is still well below human.Here is the official story. (2)
In a New York Times report this morning it was also reported that "a lone officer killed the suspect." When cops do what this one did this morning," when that supposedly lone officer murdered the cornered suspect (instead of calling for backup and arresting him) - the public can clearly see how these fascists want the public to fear & obey them; rather than to trust them to do anything except kill people without waiting for a trial! (3)
This only confirms the fact that the police cannot be trusted to do the right thing, especially when "one or more of their own is involved." The people of this country have largely not bothered to write or object to these crimes against us all. So it would appear that it is indeed too late: Because no one can have either the freedom or the liberty needed to live their lives; if they haven't the guts to challenge those that are trying to steal both their freedom and their lives.
"In this revision of the Department of Justice, to 'honor' the National Intelligence Director: We have a perfect interpretation for everything that's currently coming down upon us all. In the previous article the situation which this 'seal' also applies to refers to cops and their various back-up agencies, as they go about their self-appointed task of deciding guilt and meeting out punishment to ordinary people in a routinely malevolent way that all too often ends in serious injury or death. That previous article is called "Perfecting the Trifecta."" (4)
If America no longer has a Department of Justice, then it has no laws to keep anyone safe from whatever happenstance might befall any of us at any time. The Government's excuse for doing away with our own laws was and still is that " we are in a time of war" but that is not only 'insufficient reason' to dump the constitution and the Bill of Rights; that amounts to treason against all of us, on top of having thrown away everything we once believed we stood for. Cops need to be forcefully reminded of who they work for; and that is not the Coup leadership or the Israeli's, or the New World Order-it's you and me and all the rest of us that they have targeted for assassination!
1) Open Letter to Tens of Thousands of Rogue Cops:
2) Shooter possibly wounded ­ four police officers shot dead ­ with video
3) Suspect in Police Shootings is dead, official says:
4) Judges, Juries & Executioners

Soul Crusher

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2009, 08:39:30 AM »
These uniforms-without-names or badge numbers are nothing but vigilantes that serve that very particular criminal-cabal that wants us dead.

________________________ ______

Thats a huge issue in Yonkers, NY where I live.  the cops jhave no badges, name tags nothing, and routinely administer beat downs like a roving pack of wild dogs. 


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 08:57:07 AM »
What a crock of shit. A bleeding heart piece for a man who sodomizes children. Thank God they shot that scumbag. Jim Kirwan is a raging CT nutcase.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 09:15:22 AM »
Perhaps if there were more beatings by cops we could avoid situations where honor roll students are beaten to death in Obamas community in Chicago.

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2009, 09:17:43 AM »
Perhaps if there were more beatings by cops we could avoid situations where honor roll students are beaten to death in Obamas community in Chicago.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2009, 09:36:49 AM »
My sister has been on the force for 16 years.  She is an Lt.  She has been the only female to ever win State Officer Of The Year and she has won that award three times.

In those 16 years she has been shot on 3 different occassions.  2 wounds (hand, arm) the first time, 1 wound (stomach) second time and the third time her walkie talkie caught the bullet before it went in her neck where it would have been fatal.

She has had a complete knee replacement on her right knee after a driver she pulled over for running a red light decided the best course of action instead of getting a ticket was to put the car in reverse and try to run her down, which he drove over her leg in his attempt.

She has been in more fights than can count.  She has been spit on, bled on, jumped on and in once case a gang killed a rival gang member, gutted him, busted into her personal vehicle (not police car), and left the body in the back seat as a warning to her.

My sister just turned 36 last month.  And after 16 years of bullshit like that, when I hear a story about how the cops were a little rough on a criminal, I have no sympathy at all.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2009, 09:40:42 AM »
My sister has been on the force for 16 years.  She is an Lt.  She has been the only female to ever win State Officer Of The Year and she has won that award three times.

In those 16 years she has been shot on 3 different occassions.  2 wounds (hand, arm) the first time, 1 wound (stomach) second time and the third time her walkie talkie caught the bullet before it went in her neck where it would have been fatal.

She has had a complete knee replacement on her right knee after a driver she pulled over for running a red light decided the best course of action instead of getting a ticket was to put the car in reverse and try to run her down, which he drove over her leg in his attempt.

She has been in more fights than can count.  She has been spit on, bled on, jumped on and in once case a gang killed a rival gang member, gutted him, busted into her personal vehicle (not police car), and left the body in the back seat as a warning to her.

My sister just turned 36 last month.  And after 16 years of bullshit like that, when I hear a story about how the cops were a little rough on a criminal, I have no sympathy at all.

Nor should you.The bash the police attitude is a joke.The very same people that bash the cops as thugs,are the first ones to bitch when they dont get there quick enough when THEY call.Its a joke!The cops are doing their jobs.99% of them are terrific.Its the dumbass lawmakers that are the enemy.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2009, 08:08:26 PM »
Nor should you.The bash the police attitude is a joke.The very same people that bash the cops as thugs,are the first ones to bitch when they dont get there quick enough when THEY call.Its a joke!The cops are doing their jobs.99% of them are terrific.Its the dumbass lawmakers that are the enemy.
When has a cop ever helped you? All I have received from them were traffic tickets.

A friend of mine had a minor accident with his bike when it slipped driving through an oil puddle. The copped pulled next to him and asked if he had been drinking. He answered no and the cop took off. Mission accomplished. He was not drunk so he had no reason to ticket or take him to jail. But what about making sure he has no injuries or assisting him? Hell no.

There may me a few good cops out there but this system is broke people.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2009, 07:05:20 AM »
When has a cop ever helped you? All I have received from them were traffic tickets.

A friend of mine had a minor accident with his bike when it slipped driving through an oil puddle. The copped pulled next to him and asked if he had been drinking. He answered no and the cop took off. Mission accomplished. He was not drunk so he had no reason to ticket or take him to jail. But what about making sure he has no injuries or assisting him? Hell no.

There may me a few good cops out there but this system is broke people.

The police have no responsiblity to help you.  The Supreme Court has held this up numerous times.  Complain about the cop just being an impolite dick...not about "the system" which was never intended to help you or I in the first place.  To say the cops have to help people (which most do anyways) is just an excuse for the government to take care of people from cradle to the grave.

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 07:06:39 AM »
The police have no responsiblity to help you.  The Supreme Court has held this up numerous times.  Complain about the cop just being an impolite dick...not about "the system" which was never intended to help you or I in the first place.  To say the cops have to help people (which most do anyways) is just an excuse for the government to take care of people from cradle to the grave.

I tried explaining that to peopel and they are clueless.  The police have absolutly no obligation to help you.   


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 08:31:15 AM »
The problem is,because of sissy liberals,and political correctnes we now think cops are like nannys.They arent,they are there to protect us from criminals.PERIOD!!!

Soul Crusher

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 08:38:07 AM »
The problem is,because of sissy liberals,and political correctnes we now think cops are like nannys.They arent,they are there to protect us from criminals.PERIOD!!!

True.  People need to take responsibility for their own defense and learnd basic self defense on their own.   


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 04:55:49 PM »
Well - outside of the US, it is 'common knowledge' that if you shoot a US cop, your chances of going to trial are zero.

Shoot a cop, you end up in a body bag.

To be honest, why should it be any other way ? If the punishment was courts, leniency, claims of mental illness, early parole, bleeding hearts etc. etc., then surely a whole lot more cops would get shot.

I had presumed that US criminals also know what happens when you shoot a cop.

I don't see it as an issue.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2009, 05:08:08 PM »
Well - outside of the US, it is 'common knowledge' that if you shoot a US cop, your chances of going to trial are zero.

Shoot a cop, you end up in a body bag.

To be honest, why should it be any other way ? If the punishment was courts, leniency, claims of mental illness, early parole, bleeding hearts etc. etc., then surely a whole lot more cops would get shot.

I had presumed that US criminals also know what happens when you shoot a cop.

I don't see it as an issue.

Maybe you should red the 240 post on being stopped by the cops and how quickly an innocent person can end up shot dead.

 Doesn't take an einstein to see that the criminal justice system in america is run by criminals. Amazing how the news was all over this man who was murdered by the police even though he was not the person who committed the crime. However two drunk white cops ran over and killed a pedestrian just a few weeks ago and hardly a word has been spoken of it other than the initial report..Hmmmm? Previously another drunk white cop ran over and killed a family of four and never served a day in jail or lost his job; follow that up witht he white cops in Long Island that had white women walking along the highway in the dead of winter NAKED...because to him it was "fun"; or maybe that YouTube video should be posted again of the deranged white cop screamign at the two young boys because they were skate boarding (California) he stopped short of shooting the kids but certainly terrorized them; how about those New Jersey cops caught dealing drugs (millions of dollars worth) and when busted tried to make it seem like it was the innocent residents of the community whom they terrorized for years with their illegal activity.

My point Pedro... make sure when you thow the blanket of innocence on someone that the person is deserving of such.... not because they are cops, politicans, presidents, wealthy etc....


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2009, 05:15:35 PM »
Maybe you should red the 240 post on being stopped by the cops and how quickly an innocent person can end up shot dead.

 Doesn't take an einstein to see that the criminal justice system in america is run by criminals. Amazing how the news was all over this man who was murdered by the police even though he was not the person who committed the crime. However two drunk white cops ran over and killed a pedestrian just a few weeks ago and hardly a word has been spoken of it other than the initial report..Hmmmm? Previously another drunk white cop ran over and killed a family of four and never served a day in jail or lost his job; follow that up witht he white cops in Long Island that had white women walking along the highway in the dead of winter NAKED...because to him it was "fun"; or maybe that YouTube video should be posted again of the deranged white cop screamign at the two young boys because they were skate boarding (California) he stopped short of shooting the kids but certainly terrorized them; how about those New Jersey cops caught dealing drugs (millions of dollars worth) and when busted tried to make it seem like it was the innocent residents of the community whom they terrorized for years with their illegal activity.

My point Pedro... make sure when you thow the blanket of innocence on someone that the person is deserving of such.... not because they are cops, politicans, presidents, wealthy etc....

STFU already. A cop in my county was just arrested and is going on trial for driving 95 mph while coming back from a call and t-boning a car with two 19 year olds in it and killing them. They've even released the video of the crash all over the news here. Your lies and fallacies are tired and worn out.

And let me guess, you have evidence proving that guy didn't kill those four cops. Funny how you haven't posted it yet.  ::)


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2009, 05:21:06 PM »
STFU already. A cop in my county was just arrested and is going on trial for driving 95 mph while coming back from a call and t-boning a car with two 19 year olds in it and killing them. They've even released the video of the crash all over the news here. Your lies and fallacies are tired and worn out.

And let me guess, you have evidence proving that guy didn't kill those four cops. Funny how you haven't posted it yet.  ::)

Is that country you talk of america? that the ASSHOLE cop was going 95 MPH for no reason? I saw the news on that. HE WAS GOING NO WHERE!!!! and the footage of him speeding was caught by another driver. Meantime two teenage children lay dead and their parents grieving. Guarantee you he will not serve a day in jail and will NOT lose his job, but at best will be relocated to another precinct or another precinct in another area or even state. COPS ARE SCUM....


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2009, 05:26:04 PM »
Is that country you talk of america? that the ASSHOLE cop was going 95 MPH for no reason? I saw the news on that. HE WAS GOING NO WHERE!!!! and the footage of him speeding was caught by another driver. Meantime two teenage children lay dead and their parents grieving. Guarantee you he will not serve a day in jail and will NOT lose his job, but at best will be relocated to another precinct or another precinct in another area or even state. COPS ARE SCUM....

You have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about but thanks for playing. First off, it wasn't caught by another driver. It was videotaped by another police officer and released by the police department. Secondly, this guy has already been put on leave and is pretty much all but guaranteed of going to jail, even with the fact that the people in the other car were drinking earlier in the night. Again, please stop acting like you have any clue of what you're talking about. Your propaganda is tiresome.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2009, 06:21:24 PM »
Is that country you talk of america? that the ASSHOLE cop was going 95 MPH for no reason? I saw the news on that. HE WAS GOING NO WHERE!!!! and the footage of him speeding was caught by another driver. Meantime two teenage children lay dead and their parents grieving. Guarantee you he will not serve a day in jail and will NOT lose his job, but at best will be relocated to another precinct or another precinct in another area or even state. COPS ARE SCUM....


Read Lurker's post.  It's probably one of the best posts he's ever made and thankfully people like his sister are out there taking the shit for us.  It's the minority of cops that are bad.  The majority are great people sticking their neck's out to keep us safe and secure.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2009, 07:03:52 PM »

Considering this is coming from a person who thinks the whole world is one big conspiracy and hoax I am not surprised that he gets a few stories of bad cops and decides unilaterally that "cops are scum."  Par for the course......

George Whorewell

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2009, 06:49:02 AM »
SAMSON is the biggest threat to literacy, personal hygiene, and non incestuous sex in the Western Hemisphere.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2009, 07:37:07 AM »
Here in Ft Lauderdale, they just arrested a police officer a couple months ago for forcing illegal immigrants to engage in homosexual sex acts with him or other illegals that he had stopped and picked up in exchange for letting them go.  He is/was a sexual predator and used to cruise the spots where illegals were known to stand each morning and wait for someone to come pick them up and give them some work for the day.  They would be committing no crime other than being here illegally and he would take them into custody, drive them to a remote location and force them to have sex. Often physically assaulting them and robbing them.  Every local shelter in town had his picture and poster up warning everyone to avoid that officer and run if they saw him.

Last year they arrested 4 officers for acting as muscle for the mafia and drug cartel.  Had FBI agents posing as drug dealers and needing drugs moved from the port here to places around state and up to NY and SC.  This went on for about 6 - 8 months with the officers receiving payments for handling the transport, getting trucks through weigh stations, using state survellience equipment on "rival" drug dealers, etc...

Around the same time there were two other officers that were arrested and found guilty for the murder of a teenage boy that had broken up with one's daughter. 

Does this mean cops are bad?  No.  All professions are going to have bad apples in them.  There are going to be cashiers who short change the register, warehouse employees that steal merchandise, nurses who use their jobs to feed their narcotic habit with the meds of their patients, docs who molest people, firefighters who actually start fires out of boredom or to be heroes.  There is no occupation out there that will not attract the wrong kind of people to it.

And sometimes the good people in those occupations make mistakes too.  These are human beings, not robots so mistakes happen.  But overall cops do more good than harm.  I can't tell you the number of times my sister has made a judgment call out of kindness just to help an anonymous stranger who was breaking the law have a second chance.  Instead of busting down a teenager and giving him a record and blight on himself for the rest of his life for possessing a reefer roach she takes them to their house and makes them tell their parents why she is bringing them home.  Or instead of sending some kids down to the tank for underage drinking and bringing trouble on them with the state and college scholarships she instead has them call their parents to come get them and drive their car home. 

After going through the daily shit that she has to deal with each day, the injuries, the gov't bullshit (she is part of a class action law suit against the city with other officers because of not receiving overtime back pay.  In the past 7 years she has a bit over 4700 overtime hours that she has never been paid a dime for), the bullshit lawsuits that she has to deal with when being sued because instead of just standing there and allowing Tyrone The Crackhead to throw fists in her face and then say "thank you sir" to him, she took him down, twisted his arms behind his back and cuffed him and suddenly Jackson and Sharpton pop out of a tree or from a nearby alley and start crying about "police brutality",.....   makes you wonder why she is even nice to anyone at all.  But for every life she has alledgedly "ruined" she has helped 100x more out with second chances and putting them on a better path.

George Whorewell

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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2009, 10:03:38 AM »
Look- Most cops are total fucking douchebags-- its a fact of life and its why most cops become cops. Here in NYC, they frame people, blatantly fuck with minorities, go out of their way to be assholes to average citizens in order to meet their arrest quotas and just in general are uneducated, hyper aggressive, unprofessional slobs.

However, by and large I don't think most cops use excessive force and some cops actually do meaningful work and try to help the community. Also, keep in mind- its not the easiest job in the world by a long shot. Risking your life for a civil servants salary and having most people hate your guts hardly makes for a beneficial job description.

The moral of the story is that SAMSON is a complete moron and should have his fingers broken for starting such a stupid thread.


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2009, 08:33:28 PM »
The police have no responsiblity to help you.  The Supreme Court has held this up numerous times.  Complain about the cop just being an impolite dick...not about "the system" which was never intended to help you or I in the first place.  To say the cops have to help people (which most do anyways) is just an excuse for the government to take care of people from cradle to the grave.
Maybe you are misunderstanding the word "help". I don't mean they should help people carry their groceries or some stupid thing. But they should provide assistance in crime prevention, sustained injuries incurred by citizens involved in accidents, preventative actions etc.

For example I once saw a female cop pulled to the side of a road and she was moving a tree branch that was blocking the street. That is one instance where I witnessed a cop "helping" the citizens. I guess I have been "helped" once.

What is the role of a cop in your opinion?

The police have no responsibility to help you? Why the hell do you think they are there but to provide assistance to society. That is the very reason they are getting paid salaries with tax dollars. And some of them make a good living indeed.

Would you pay anybody something if they did not help you in anyway?

So tell me of all the times you have personally benefited. And I love those Americans that say yes cops give a lot of tickets and America is a police state but it is the price to pay for being free. They don't know what free is. You're not free. Wake up!


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Re: Cops 'R' The Greatest Threat To Life & Limb In The USA Today
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2009, 08:51:18 PM »

The moral of the story is that SAMSON is a complete moron and should have his fingers broken for starting such a stupid thread.

It would be Ironic if a cop did it......accidentally.   :D