Author Topic: big jobs summit today  (Read 3321 times)


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big jobs summit today
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:21:13 AM »
I can already see it.The little community organiser sitting there,head tilted back,lecturing everyone on how to create jobs with his vast expierance in job creation.He can harken back to his days of rabble rousing and organising and teach these foolish CEOs a thing or two about the economy...God what an arrogant prick he is.

Soul Crusher

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2009, 06:26:13 AM »
I can already see it.The little community organiser sitting there,head tilted back,lecturing everyone on how to create jobs with his vast expierance in job creation.He can harken back to his days of rabble rousing and organising and teach these foolish CEOs a thing or two about the economy...God what an arrogant prick he is.

I was going to post something on this farce Billy. 

Do you know that COMMUNIST-in-Chief invited SEIU to this but not the Chamber of Commerce.

Another thing - I thought this idiot campaigned on the notion that he had the answer as to how to get jobs going.

I thought the 800 billion dollar shit sandwich was supposed to do this?

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2009, 06:41:35 AM »
Jobs Summit will not produce jobs
By C. Edmund Wright

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It is easy to confidently predict that Barack Obama's job summit today will not do anything to create jobs.  It's so easy to predict even a climatologist could do it.

The President will hold this "jobs summit" today at the White House -- where a lot of folks who have never created a single job will talk about everything except serious and adult ideas on how to realistically create jobs.

While the complete list of attendees was not available at press time, we do know that the summiteers will include labor union members, environmentalists and liberal economists from the world of academia.  The historical entirety of these groups' job creation: zero.

Actually, most of what these particular groups agitate for are causes that generally destroy jobs -- or at least productivity -- so the real figure is no doubt a large negative number.

Meanwhile, members from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) have less chance of getting in to the White House today than the latest reality TV show contestants from some obscure BRAVO network offering.  I mean really, why would you invite business groups to a jobs summit after all?

Yes, I know that representatives from Google and other selected high tech and Wall Street types will be at this summit, and they should be.  However, large tech companies or investment banks who are closely linked to government and liberal causes should not be the sole representatives of free enterprise at a jobs summit.  Especially when an entire nation is in the midst of a jobs recession, if not depression.  Quite often, these big players are disconnected from the concerns of small business people such as contractors, shop owners and artisans at best -- or working at cross purposes at worst.

In other words, the real engine of job creation will not even have a seat at the "jobs summit" while many enemies of these people will have numerous seats.

Hopefully, the entire thing will end up being merely a cynical yet benign photo op so that the President can pretend to care about an entire economic system that he spent most of the last twenty years admitting to despising.  With his agenda and the attendees known so far, if anything is accomplished it most certainly will be damaging to free markets.  That is who these people are.  Many have a track record of hurting business interests and are proud of it.

Conversely, the causes of the job situation have been painfully obvious for many months to the entrepreneurial class.  Last December, when a devastating job loss of over 530 thousand was reported for November 2008, the handwriting was on the wall for all who dared to see.  As written here at that time about our plans to unwind our business of 19 years

Watch the financial news and you will see continued job cuts each month. We are ot alone in our strategy. Far from it. Atlas has shrugged all over the country.

Apparently, I or any other business owner who started shutting down or scaling back the day after the election is overqualified to be a pundit on CNBC or Fox Business.

For some reason, the "Atlas Shrugged" dynamic continues to be missed by almost the entire political and financial pundit class.  They continue to be shocked by the jobs numbers each month and continue to predict "the coming recovery" as if nothing has changed in our nation.  There is an assumption that the economy will bounce back because -- well -- it always has.  Small business owners everywhere wonder what country these people are talking about.  We know when we are under attack.  And by we, I mean the entire concept of free enterprise and entrepreneurship as well as current business owners. 

As written last December: 

Like many business owners, we are no longer willing to take all of the financial and legal risks and put up with all of the aggravation of owning and running a business. Not with the prospects of even higher taxes, more regulation, more litigation and more emboldened bureaucrats on the horizon.  Like others we know, we are getting out while the getting is, well, tolerable. 

Remember, this was written some four thousand pages (of Obama Care legislation) ago and before the House had passed Cap and Trade legislation.  This is not rocket science, nor was this unbelievably astute forecasting.  People who have a dream to build a better life by taking risks and starting a business instinctively know when those principles are under attack.

The prediction of "higher taxes, more regulation, more litigation and more emboldened bureaucrats on the horizon" sounds like we all had advance copies of both Cap and Tax and ObamaCare legislation in our possession a year ago.  We did not.  But we knew who Obama was and is and we know who Reid, Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, Waxman, Waters et al are. 

It does not require a genius -- or even a climatologist -- to figure out what kind of business environment will result when the levers of government are all be controlled by folks who despise business.  The passion for taking risks is cooling fast, and you don't need "value added" calculations to figure that one out.

And it is just as easy to predict that the White House jobs summit will do nothing to increase those passions either.  Most of the people at this sham event either know nothing about how to promote business -- or they know how and have dedicated their life's work to doing the opposite.  Again, this was painfully obvious right after the election:

Liberals seem to be clueless as to where "the money" comes from.  They love to tax, regulate and redistribute wealth -- all the while decrying the very profit motive that created it -- something they do not understand.

The lay-offs of November 2008 - which will be part of George W. Bush's statistical record - fall in reality on the Obama election. Business owners understand that the election just gave a lot more power to who think like the Illinois liberal "President elect" who chose another Illinois liberal for his Chief of Staff (and) Michigan liberals for his economic team.  Illinois and Michigan are broke!

These thoughts were made fun of across the liberal blogosphere 11 months ago, especially the part about the job losses being the result of Obama's election.  Let's see, that would be about six million jobs ago. 

As Scott Rasmussen showed on his website, the lay-off mentality did indeed start right as Obama's election became inevitable in October and it surged in November upon the election and has stayed high ever since.  As predicted, the lay-offs have indeed continued, as most entrepreneurs knew they would.

And we are predicting that the White House jobs summit will do nothing to help any of this.  Nothing from Washington will, unless a lot of congressional jobs are lost in 2010. And  that is very, very easy indeed to predict.
12 Comments on "Jobs Summit will not produce jobs"

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We need Obama to crash and burn and fail miserably with ObamaCare and Crap 7 Tax is there is to be any hope that the jobs situation will improve. 

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2009, 06:48:58 AM »
where cna i download an application?

Soul Crusher

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2009, 06:57:16 AM »
Even the Huff Post said this is a joke and nothing more than a stupid Photo-op. 

240 - you voted for this guy so - why dont you go ask him for a job?   

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Obama's Jobs Summit: More Than 'Just A Photo Op'?

Huffpost - Obama's Jobs Summit: More Than 'Just A Photo Op'?
PHILIP ELLIOTT | 12/ 3/09 09:22 AM | 

WASHINGTON — Under pressure from Republicans and an impatient public to fix the sputtering economic recovery, President Barack Obama is refocusing on this politically potent issue by talking job creation with business and labor leaders at the White House.

The White House has lacked a unified economic message in recent weeks, with its attention focused instead on health care and Obama's three-month review of the Afghanistan war. With unemployment in double digits for the first time in decades, Democratic lawmakers are suggesting a second economic stimulus aimed directly at job creation may be needed.

Administration officials are hoping Thursday's jobs forum, an Obama trip to Pennsylvania on Friday and a major economic speech on Tuesday will help counter Republican critics who contend the administration's economic recovery efforts have failed and its oversight of the $787 billion stimulus package has been inadequate.

At the jobs forum, Obama planned to defend his administration's handling of the economy and argue that it would be in far worse shape had Congress not passed the huge stimulus bill earlier this year. Under intense GOP attacks, public support for the stimulus effort has faded.

"I certainly hope it's more than a photo op," said the No. 2 House Republican, Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia. "All of us want to do anything we can to get Americans back to work. Past history has been, with this White House, that there's been a lot of pomp and ceremony with very little follow-through in terms of delivering results."

Administration officials said they don't expect major policy announcements from the president, Vice President Joe Biden or members of the Cabinet who were scheduled to be on hand.

"Increasing employment is everyone's responsibility, from government to businesses to households," Obama economic adviser Larry Summers said in advance of the forum. "The White House jobs forum will take stock of where we are on the implementation of the Recovery Act and explore new job creation measures, including infrastructure investment, incentives for small businesses, developing our green economy and promoting U.S. exports."

The nation's unemployment rate is 10.2 percent, the highest since 1983. Some 15.7 million Americans are out of work. The average jobless worker has been unemployed for more than six months. These sobering statistics spell potentially serious trouble for Democrats in next year's midterm elections.

The recession technically may be over, but analysts say many of the jobs lost in the downturn probably will not return and high unemployment is likely to persist.

Check out the comments, everyone is on to this clown.


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2009, 07:29:17 AM »
Can you imagine?Union leaders and enviro kooks,two groups that have single handidly destroyed a HUGE portion of the American economy.They are going to lead the way in job creation.Incredible what an absolute bufoon we have as a president.

Soul Crusher

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2009, 07:34:08 AM »
Can you imagine?Union leaders and enviro kooks,two groups that have single handidly destroyed a HUGE portion of the American economy.They are going to lead the way in job creation.Incredible what an absolute bufoon we have as a president.

Its truly incredible. 

Never in my life have I seen such a disconnect between reality and what they are doing. 

The Romer article I posted yesterday was also evidence that 240 and 52.3% of the voters voted for perhaps the most idiotic administration in history when it comes to even Econ 101. 


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2009, 07:42:45 AM »
I was going to post something on this farce Billy. 

Do you know that COMMUNIST-in-Chief invited SEIU to this but not the Chamber of Commerce.

Another thing - I thought this idiot campaigned on the notion that he had the answer as to how to get jobs going.

I thought the 800 billion dollar shit sandwich was supposed to do this?

The SEIU? Aren't half-a-dozen of their guys facing assault charges in Missouri for beating up a black conservative, while calling him "n*#*(@", at a healthcare townhall meeting?

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2009, 07:46:04 AM »
The SEIU? Aren't half-a-dozen of their guys facing assault charges in Missouri for beating up a black conservative, while calling him "n*#*(@", at a healthcare townhall meeting?

Yup.  Do you know that a guy named Andrew Stern, lawyer for SEIU, is the most frequent visitor to the WH? 


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2009, 07:52:37 AM »
Seem to remember some guy named Jimmy Carter doing something similar 30 some odd years ago.

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2009, 07:55:12 AM »
Guys: Check this out.


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2009, 08:29:08 AM »
The SEIU? Aren't half-a-dozen of their guys facing assault charges in Missouri for beating up a black conservative, while calling him "n*#*(@", at a healthcare townhall meeting?

You obviously havent been paying attention.When its a liberal black they are to be called African American.When its a conservative black they are to be called "house ni##a" or "uncle Tom" or "sell out".That comes straight from Jesse Jackson who,as you probably know ,is the authority of what is authentically black in this country.


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2009, 09:03:56 AM »
The only way you're going to bring jobs back to America is through private sector innovation.  The only people who are innovative in the private sector are small businesses.  If you're not giving tax breaks to small businesses and throwing money at small businesses you won't spur innovation and you won't have companies hiring.  It's not the big multinational corporations that are going to bring jobs back to the US.  It's pretty simple but Obama has his head so far up his purple asshole along with the rest of the US government.  2010 is going to be much worse than 2009 and 2008.  Just watch! 

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2009, 09:11:01 AM »
The only way you're going to bring jobs back to America is through private sector innovation.  The only people who are innovative in the private sector are small businesses.  If you're not giving tax breaks to small businesses and throwing money at small businesses you won't spur innovation and you won't have companies hiring.  It's not the big multinational corporations that are going to bring jobs back to the US.  It's pretty simple but Obama has his head so far up his purple asshole along with the rest of the US government.  2010 is going to be much worse than 2009 and 2008.  Just watch! 

This whole mess does not have to be. 

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2009, 10:38:42 AM »
Does anyone seriously believe Obama wants people to have jobs? 


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2009, 11:18:54 AM »
Does anyone seriously believe Obama wants people to have jobs? 

Not me!!Unless they are government union jobs.He certainly doesnt want the private sector to create them.NO ONE would do the things hes doing if their goal was to create jobs.

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2009, 11:23:40 AM »
Not me!!Unless they are government union jobs.He certainly doesnt want the private sector to create them.NO ONE would do the things hes doing if their goal was to create jobs.

Rush is playing his clips right now from this fiasco. 

My God what have you Obama voters done! 

This has to be the dumbest president ever.  Serious, I simply can not believe a person in this position can be this clueless.   


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2009, 12:09:29 PM »
You obviously havent been paying attention.When its a liberal black they are to be called African American.When its a conservative black they are to be called "house ni##a" or "uncle Tom" or "sell out".That comes straight from Jesse Jackson who,as you probably know ,is the authority of what is authentically black in this country.

Tongue-in-cheek, Billy. I know that how certain liberal black politicians operation. TRUST ME!!!



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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2009, 12:15:39 PM »
Tongue-in-cheek, Billy. I know that how certain liberal black politicians operation. TRUST ME!!!


Mine was sarcastic as well.These are the same guys who are OUTRAGED over Don Imus but dont blink an eye when a black conservative gets called a n##er.Its simply incredible.

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2009, 12:18:07 PM »
Billy:  Check this out.

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2009, 12:21:02 PM »
This guy is good.  I like his commentary.


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2009, 12:37:32 PM »
Mine was sarcastic as well.These are the same guys who are OUTRAGED over Don Imus but dont blink an eye when a black conservative gets called a n##er.Its simply incredible.

Imus had more of a case to make. Did you see some of those Rutgers gals (ever heard of "Dark-N-Lovely" or at least a hot comb)? Of course, that story overshadowed the fact that Rutgers got KILLED by Tennessee in the NCAA title game.

On top of that, those Lady Vols (Candace Parker, in particular) were just lovely.


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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2009, 12:53:45 PM »
"240 - you voted for this guy so - why dont you go ask him for a job?   "

Why do you keep repeating this lie?

33, how many people do you know that (in 2009) still have harry Browne 2000 stickers all over their gun range suitcases, and can still produce pics of said stickers? :P

besides me, I mean.

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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #23 on: December 03, 2009, 12:55:42 PM »
"240 - you voted for this guy so - why dont you go ask him for a job?   "

Why do you keep repeating this lie?

33, how many people do you know that (in 2009) still have harry Browne 2000 stickers all over their gun range suitcases, and can still produce pics of said stickers? :P

besides me, I mean.

I know, it was a joke.  come on bro, I know you didnt vote for him, you only shilled for him from February - October.



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Re: big jobs summit today
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2009, 12:59:45 PM »
Imus had more of a case to make. Did you see some of those Rutgers gals (ever heard of "Dark-N-Lovely" or at least a hot comb)? Of course, that story overshadowed the fact that Rutgers got KILLED by Tennessee in the NCAA title game.

On top of that, those Lady Vols (Candace Parker, in particular) were just lovely.


Thats what made that whole thing funny.Tenn. had a predominantly black team and right after Imus insulted the Rutgers girls he said "The girls from Tennesee were really cute".It was not racial a bit,but an insult to the thug looking Rutgers girls.