Author Topic: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)  (Read 1353 times)

Soul Crusher

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Beyond Copenhagen
Capping Emissions, Trading On The Future
Joel Kotkin, 12.08.09, 12:01 AM EST
The West's goals in Copenhagen are tantamount to suicide.
Whatever the results of the Copenhagen conference on climate change, one thing is for sure: Draconian reductions on carbon emissions will be tacitly accepted by the most developed economies and sloughed off by many developing ones. In essence, emerging economies get to cut their "carbon" intensity--a natural product of their economic evolution--while we get to cut our throats.

The logic behind this prediction goes something like this. Since the West created the industrial revolution and the greenhouse gases that supposedly caused this "crisis," it's our obligation to take much of the burden for cleaning them up.

Plagued by self-doubt and even self-loathing, many in the West will no doubt consider this an appropriate mea culpa. Our leaders will dutifully accept cuts in our carbon emissions--up to 80% by 2050--while developing countries increasetheirs, albeit at a lower rate. Oh, we also pledge to send billions in aid to help them achieve this goal.

The media shills, scientists, bureaucrats and corporate rent-seekers gathered at Copenhagen won't give much thought to what this means to the industrialized world's middle and working class. For many of them the new carbon regime means a gradual decline in living standards. Huge increases in energy costs, taxes and a spate of regulatory mandates will restrict their access to everything from single-family housing and personal mobility to employment in carbon-intensive industries like construction, manufacturing, warehousing and agriculture.

You can get a glimpse of this future in high-unemployment California. Here a burgeoning regulatory regime tied to global warming threatens to turn the state into a total "no go" economic development zone. Not only do companies have to deal with high taxes, cascading energy prices and regulations, they now face audits of their impact on global warming. Far easier to move your project to Texas--or if necessary, China.

The notion that the hoi polloi must be sacrificed to save the earth is not a new one. Paul Ehrlich, who was the mentor of President Obama's science advisor, John Holdren, laid out the defining logic in his 1968 best-seller, The Population Bomb. In this influential work, Ehrlich predicted mass starvation by the 1970s and "an age of scarcity" in key metals by the mid-1980s. Similar views were echoed by a 1972 "Limits to Growth" report issued by the Club of Rome, a global confab that enjoyed a cache similar to that of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

When carbon output in India is only 10% of the US on per capita bases. How do you expect India to cut its carbon output without lowering its already very low standard of living? If reducing carbon co....

To deal with this looming crisis, Holdren in the 1977 book Ecoscience (co-authored with Anne and Paul Ehrlich) developed the notion of "de-development." According to Holdren, poorer countries like India and China could not be expected to work their way out of poverty since they were "foredoomed by enormous if not insurmountable economic and environmental obstacles." The only way to close "the prosperity gap" was to lower the living standards of what he labeled "over-developed" nations.

These predictions were less than accurate. World-wide systemic mass starvation did not take place as population escalated. Rather those many millions wallowing in poverty in the developing world, particularly in Asia, lifted themselves into the global middle class. Far more efficient ways to use energy have been developed, and unexpected caches new resources continue to be discovered all over the planet.

Yet however wrong-headed, Holdren's world view now has jumped from the dustbin of history into the craniums of presidents and prime ministers. President Obama's pledge to "restore science to its rightful place" has morphed into state-sponsored scientific ideology.

The blind acceptance of this agenda threatens the credibility of Obama and other Western leaders. For one, if the crisis is by its nature global why should we allow massive increases in carbon emissions in developing countries--China will soon surpass us in greenhouse gas emissions, if it hasn't already--while we draconically cut ours? Does the planet really care if it's turned to toast by American- vs. Chinese-made gas?

Then there's the specious historical narrative that insists we pay for creating the industrial revolution since it brought on global warming. Should the West pay for the sins of the British who brought electricity and railroads to India? Does America owe carbon penance for making the technology transfers critical to East Asia's remarkable rise? Maybe we should start by making Wal-Mart ( WMT - news - people ) cancel its China orders. That might help de-carbonize the planet a bit.

There's also growing skepticism about the whole warmist narrative. Climate change now ranks last among 20 top issues in a recent Pew report. There's been a similar rise in skepticism in the U.K., once a hot bed of warmist sentiment.

The reasons for the shift may vary. First, there's a controversy over the temperatures of the past decade, with even some concerned about climate change admitting that there has not been the expected warming. Or perhaps a deep recession has made many "rich" countries feel a trifle less "overdeveloped."

And now we have Climate-gate--where leading warmist pedagogues are trying to suppress unsuitably conformist scientists and perhaps even cook the numbers a bit. Although you won't see too much tough coverage in the mainstream press, the tawdry details have poured out over the Internet and diminished the aura of scientific objectivity of some leading global warming researchers. One recent poll shows that a large majority of Americans believe scientists may have indeed falsified their research data. By well over 4 to 1, they also believe stimulating the economy is a bigger priority than stopping global warming.

Clearly the political risks of giving first priority to the carbon agenda are on the rise. Australia's Senate just voted down that country's proposed cap and trade scheme. The Western center-right, once intimidated by the well-financed greens and their media claque, has become bolder in challenging climate change alarmism.

There's also something of a rebellion brewing, at least toward emissions trading schemes, among some liberals from the South and Midwest, notably Wisconsin's Russ Feingold and North Dakota's Byron Dorgan. As analyst Aaron Renn has pointed out, these areas are most likely to be negatively affected by the current climate change legislation. Feingold recently stated that he was "not signing onto any bill that rips off Wisconsin."

So why do leaders like Barack Obama and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown continue identifying themselves with the climate change agenda and policies like cap and trade? Perhaps it's best to see this as a clash of classes. Today's environmental movement reflects the values of a large portion of the post-industrial upper class. The big money behind the warming industry includes many powerful corporate interests that would benefit from a super-regulated environment that would all but eliminate potential upstarts.

These people generally also do not fear the loss of millions of factory, truck, construction and agriculture-related jobs slated to be "de-developed." These tasks can shift to China, India or Vietnam--where the net emissions would no doubt be higher--at little immediate cost to tenured professors, nonprofit executives or investment bankers. The endowments and the investment funds can just as happily mint their profits in Chongqing as in Chicago.

Global warming-driven land-use legislation possesses a similarly pro-gentry slant. Suburban single family homes need to be sacrificed in the name of climate change, but this will not threaten the large Park Avenue apartments and private retreats of media superstars, financial tycoons and the scions of former carbon-spewing fortunes. After all, you can always pay for your pleasure with "carbon offsets."

So who benefits from this collective ritual seppaku? Hegemony-seeking communist capitalists in China might fancy seeing America and the West decline to the point that they can no longer compete or fund their militaries. A weakened European Union or U.S. also won't be able provide a model of a more democratic version of capitalism to counter China’s ultra-authoritarian version.

The Chinese may win a victory in Copenhagen greater than anything accomplished so far in the marketplace--and our leaders will likely thank them for it. Forget bowing to the emperor in Tokyo; like vassal states at the height of the old Middle Kingdom, the new requisite diplomatic skill for Westerners will be kow-towing to Beijing.

Yet most people in the developing world will not benefit from the suicide of the West. The warmists' vision is not one of growing prosperity, but of capping wealth at a comparatively low level. De-industrialization means the West falls back while emerging economies grow a bit. The "prosperity gap" may close, but ultimately everyone is left with less prosperity.

In the long run developing countries gain less from harvesting guilt than enjoying a bounty of customers, capital and expertise. The West's experience and technology can assist developing nations in improving their far more greatly threatened environment. Turning the West into a spent force will leave the world poorer, dirtier and ultimately less hopeful.

Joel Kotkin is a distinguished presidential fellow in urban futures at Chapman University. He is also an adjunct fellow at the Legatum Institute ( in London and serves as executive editor of He writes the weekly New Geographer column for Forbes. His next book, The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050, will be published by Penguin in February 2010.

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Is this what you idiots voted for? 

Congratulations.  Obama makes Bush look like Lincoln with this trash.   

Soul Crusher

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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 07:08:54 AM »
Another greeat article. 

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EDITORIAL: Killing jobs, Obama-

The president admits that green policies hurt businessFont Size -+PrintEmailCommentTweet this!Yahoo!


The Obama administration used last week's jobs summit to promote policies the president admits will kill jobs.

In case no one in the White House has noticed, unemployment has become a bit of a pressing issue. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs lost in 2009 far surpasses the number in any other year since World War II. More than 3 million jobs have evaporated into the ozone layer since President Obama took office.

Everything the administration is doing threatens to dig that hole deeper. Mr. Obama has never hidden his anti-business agenda. When running for president last year, he told a group of journalists at the San Francisco Chronicle: "We would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is aggressive if not more aggressive than anybody else's that is out there. I was the first to call for a 100 percent auction on the cap-and-trade system. ... So if somebody wants to build a power plant, they can; it's just that it will bankrupt them because they're going to be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that is being emitted."

At the jobs summit, the president promised to keep working on that plan to bankrupt the coal industry. He joined a clean-energy breakout session and emphasized that the cap-and-trade bill still needs to pass the Senate. In case you're curious where this administration draws the line between style and substance on purported global warming, Mr. Obama made it clear: "The most important thing we talked about here is packaging and marketing." He then went on to repeat the canard that the cap-and-trade bill was "not a jobs killer but a jobs grower." Packaging and marketing, indeed.

As the recent scandal about fudged global-warming data has proved, it can be tricky trying to market baloney because facts have a way of bubbling to the surface. For example, Mr. Obama warned that "as you know the unit costs on a lot of these renewable energies, if you're not factoring carbon in, you are not going to be able to catch up to coal. You just can't. Coal is going to be substantially cheaper for the duration unless people take into account the externalities the industry produces."

Translation of that wonkery is fairly simple. The price of coal needs to be jacked up so government-favored but wildly inefficient energy sources can compete. When the price of coal goes through the roof, the number of jobs related to coal will go through the floor. Every business in America will have to pay higher energy costs, making it harder for all employers - from the corner dry cleaners to automakers to international consultants - to hire new workers and retain current staff.

There's no way Mr. Obama's promised boom in green jobs can compensate for the unemployment that will result in traditional industries if his draconian energy policy becomes the law of the land. Contrary to some claims, Mr. Obama does have a jobs plan. The problem is it kills jobs rather than creates them.

The ChemistV2

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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 07:20:08 AM »
I think, of all the disasters that have befallen the USA, Obama will go down in history as the biggest, by far. Virtually every policy he has is terrible. It's almost as if he really wants to destroy America. Maybe the whole "Manchurian Candidate" thing has some truth to it.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 07:22:34 AM »
I think, of all the disasters that have befallen the USA, Obama will go down in history as the biggest, by far. Virtually every policy he has is terrible. It's almost as if he really wants to destroy America. Maybe the whole "Manchurian Candidate" thing has some truth to it.

Welcome to the VRWC! 

The ChemistV2

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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 07:24:21 AM »
If Al Qaeda had wanted to insinuate someone into the White House to further undermine American empire, already on shaky legs during the Bush/Cheney years, by getting the US to further overextend its military, further bankrupt its already creaky economy, and further demoralize its citizens by boosting unemployment and undermining its Constitution, could Bin Laden & Co. have come up with a better Manchurian Candidate than Barack Obama?

If China had wanted a candidate to destroy the American currency, bankrupt the US and its remaining industrial base and leave it helpless and begging to be bought out by Chinese interests (there is now serious talk of China buying General Motors), could the country's Communist rulers have done better than Barack Obama?


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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 07:26:31 AM »
If Al Qaeda had wanted to insinuate someone into the White House to further undermine American empire, already on shaky legs during the Bush/Cheney years, by getting the US to further overextend its military, further bankrupt its already creaky economy, and further demoralize its citizens by boosting unemployment and undermining its Constitution, could Bin Laden & Co. have come up with a better Manchurian Candidate than Barack Obama?

If China had wanted a candidate to destroy the American currency, bankrupt the US and its remaining industrial base and leave it helpless and begging to be bought out by Chinese interests (there is now serious talk of China buying General Motors), could the country's Communist rulers have done better than Barack Obama?

I'm no CT'er, but damn you make some good points ;D

Soul Crusher

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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2009, 07:28:26 AM »
If Al Qaeda had wanted to insinuate someone into the White House to further undermine American empire, already on shaky legs during the Bush/Cheney years, by getting the US to further overextend its military, further bankrupt its already creaky economy, and further demoralize its citizens by boosting unemployment and undermining its Constitution, could Bin Laden & Co. have come up with a better Manchurian Candidate than Barack Obama?

If China had wanted a candidate to destroy the American currency, bankrupt the US and its remaining industrial base and leave it helpless and begging to be bought out by Chinese interests (there is now serious talk of China buying General Motors), could the country's Communist rulers have done better than Barack Obama?

I have said the same thing since the moment I heard Obama's radio interview and the you tube clips below.  These two clips tell me everything i need to know about Obama.  He wants us to fail and wants to inflict pain on people.  


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Re: Going "Green" = Going Broke (Stupidity & Poverty you can believe in)
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 07:37:28 AM »
I'm still having a hard time understanding how the majority of American people could vote for a guy, who is basically an unknown, his past is smoke and mirrors. His associations suspect at best, and on top of it part of the Chicago machine. His political views were available via his books and video's/interviews. The press was on their knee's from day one, and never bothered to investigate any of the questionable shit that he was invovled in, in Illinois.