Author Topic: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear  (Read 1136 times)


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 12:10:14 PM »
it's actually hard to find pages on the net supporting Beck over the Medina affair.  Nailed his own coffin, cool beck, cool...  Die you sack of shit.

Maybe they will get rid of him like that other annoying guy that used to wear the bow tie. I forgot his name now...I believe Glen Beck came in to replace him...

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 01:04:14 PM »
tucker carlson?


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 01:11:16 PM »
tucker carlson?

You hit the nail right on the head 240...That is the SOB I hated so much.


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2010, 07:04:20 AM »
So lets see,Beck lost 500,000 viwers,that means he only kicks Maddows ass by 4.0 million viewers and Olbermann by 3 million.Id say those two idiots have a lot more to worry about then Beck.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2010, 07:11:57 AM »
So lets see,Beck lost 500,000 viwers,that means he only kicks Maddows ass by 4.0 million viewers and Olbermann by 3 million.Id say those two idiots have a lot more to worry about then Beck.

Beck gave a great CPAC speech. 

As for this whole Medina thing, she should have said yes or no the first time, not the bs drivel she spouted the first time. 

YES or NO do you believe our own govt committed 9/11?  Its a simple question to answer.   


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2010, 08:14:22 AM »
Can someone summarize this Medina thing for me?  I have not paid any attention to it, because usually I just ignore anything involving  Beck.
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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2010, 08:18:41 AM »
Can someone summarize this Medina thing for me?  I have not paid any attention to it, because usually I just ignore anything involving  Beck.

Beck had her on the radio and asked her if she believed the US govt committed 9/11. 

She said "I dont have enough information to make that determination" or something to that effect.  He asked it again and she repeated that answer. 

She later said she was not a 9/11 truther and said she did not believe that the govt committed 9/11 after it caused a media storm.   

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2010, 08:19:39 AM »
"YES or NO do you believe our own govt committed 9/11?  Its a simple question to answer.   "


There are a hundred possibilities between "Bush did it" and "19 guys did it".

Maybe a few key intel ppl knew something was going down and didn't act - they sure told all the brass not to fly that morning.

maybe a few guys knew what airlines would be chosen - they damn sure bought put options on those 2 airlines' stock to plummet.

Maybe a few companies knew - they vacated their offices 2 hours before after getting text messages.

Maybe when you make it so black and white, you're ignoring the reality of such a complex thing.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2010, 08:26:39 AM »
"YES or NO do you believe our own govt committed 9/11?  Its a simple question to answer.   "


There are a hundred possibilities between "Bush did it" and "19 guys did it".

Maybe a few key intel ppl knew something was going down and didn't act - they sure told all the brass not to fly that morning.

maybe a few guys knew what airlines would be chosen - they damn sure bought put options on those 2 airlines' stock to plummet.

Maybe a few companies knew - they vacated their offices 2 hours before after getting text messages.

Maybe when you make it so black and white, you're ignoring the reality of such a complex thing.

Yes it is a simple answer - DO YOU BELIEVE IT OR NOT? 

you do believe it so you should say YES. 

I do not and would say no based on the fact that other than questions on the edges of this, you  still have not one shred of evidence more today than you did on 9/12/2001 that there was a CT with the US govt responsible for doing this.   



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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2010, 08:28:53 AM »
Wow 500,000 Viewers and to think I didn't even loose one minute of sleep.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2010, 08:31:13 AM »
No, it's really not, 333386.

My mailman is part of the 'govt'.  Was he a part of it?  Of course not.

Did the US sec of transportation testify that cheney was warned of an incoming object at 40,30,20, 10 and 5 miles, and repeatedly told aides that "the orders still stand!"?


Not accusing the great man of anything - but there are some real Qs about 911.

But don't take my word for it.  The 911 commissioners said so too.  I'll assume they know more about 911 than you, or I.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2010, 08:35:06 AM »
No, it's really not, 333386.

My mailman is part of the 'govt'.  Was he a part of it?  Of course not.

Did the US sec of transportation testify that cheney was warned of an incoming object at 40,30,20, 10 and 5 miles, and repeatedly told aides that "the orders still stand!"?


Not accusing the great man of anything - but there are some real Qs about 911.

But don't take my word for it.  The 911 commissioners said so too.  I'll assume they know more about 911 than you, or I.

Questions are fine, but the questions is

"Do you believe the US Govt was behind the 9/11 Plot" seems like a fairly black and white question to me.   


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2010, 08:43:47 AM »
Its amazing!!!240 is a guy that flips his lid over people questioning Obamas birth records,but believes America killed 3,000 people.For what end?To go to war with Iraq,which was done WITHOUT any connection to 911.Ive seen and read some dumb ass bullshit in my day,but this is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen.Our government,which cant prosecute Barry Bonds and cant keep his grand jury testimony a secret,could have hundreds of people involved in a plot to kill three thousand people and bring down the trade centers and all the hundreds involved can keep it a secret.Yeah and the Bither people are nuts.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2010, 10:22:43 AM »
this is completely a rightwing backlash billy.  It doesn't have jack shit to do with Maddow or Olbermann.  I doubt they've even commented on the issue.  And it's not like I started the thread holding maddow and olbermann up so cut the bullshit, it doesn't apply here at all.  This is all rightwing, nobody on the left gives a shit.

If his ratings stay at 500,000 less for a period of time, than yes its a reflection of backlash, but if it lasts for a week or two and his ratings rebound, than it was all about nothing.  

I heard the interview and she sounded like a weasal.  

She either believes it or not.  Yes or no.  When she had the opportunity, she said "I dont have enough information".  That is a hack way out of answering a question.  She later went on to claim she did not say what she said and said she is notr a truther.  If thats the case, why didnt she answer that way from the beginning?    

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2010, 10:27:38 AM »
you're such a fucking ass hack.  How are you going to explain Palin wanting a new investigation?  How are you going to give beck a pass on not attacking Palin over it, but going after Medina who didn't even say anything about a new investigation.  Basically what Media was less than Palin.

Wanting a new investigation is not the same as saying that the US Govt was behind it.

BTW - you are the hypocritical hack for getting upset at me for derailing a thread and threatening a ban me and then doing the exact same thing in 240's thread 5 minutes later to Tony.  

Bro - you did SAME MUTHERFUCKING THING in 240's thread that you threatened to ban me for 5 minutes earlier for and you have the balls to call me a Hack?  

Look in the damn mirrior and get off the high horse routine.  Ban me if you like, I really dont care, but man up and stop with the holier than thou bs.      


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #16 on: February 22, 2010, 11:37:18 AM »
"240 is a guy that flips his lid over people questioning Obamas birth records"

Actually BILLY - and I think even 33 and tony will agree to this - I've been pretty vocal about the legit questions that the so-called birthers have.  I just think they come across as idiots with that Orally lady in front of it.  Rather, a legit lawsuit without falsified documents like she provided would be a better route.

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #17 on: February 22, 2010, 11:41:19 AM »
"240 is a guy that flips his lid over people questioning Obamas birth records"

Actually BILLY - and I think even 33 and tony will agree to this - I've been pretty vocal about the legit questions that the so-called birthers have.  I just think they come across as idiots with that Orally lady in front of it.  Rather, a legit lawsuit without falsified documents like she provided would be a better route.

I agree - she was almost a gift to Obama with how wackey she is.  The other guy Phil Berg is much better to lead the birther movement. 

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2010, 11:48:24 AM »
and MSNBC was happy to embrace her as the leader, putting her on tv for 2 straight weeks to label the movement a complete load of horseshit before any of the evidence had been examined.

THAT is what made me think there might be something to it.  Why?

Cause the last time I saw a network pre-emptively destroy a "CT" before it coming to light was... well... 911.


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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2010, 11:57:00 AM »
You sound like a weasel with everything you post here 3333, what's your point ::)
hey, dont be so harsh on 333.... he's a lawyer, after all, cut him some slack
(see, 33, I got your back!)

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2010, 12:02:30 PM »

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Re: Glenn Beck Loses Nearly 500,000 Viewers After Medina Smear
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2010, 01:37:11 PM »
1.  You never adressed your attacking me for doing the same thing you did 5 minutes later.  either derailing is ok or its not.  i think the mod should set a good example for the rest of us.   

2.  As for Medina - she had the chance to answer yes or no and weasled out until it became an issue after the fact. 

And when pressed she said "no" she does not believe the US Govt did 911.

So what is it?