Author Topic: Elimination Chamber PPV results:  (Read 3469 times)


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Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:37:57 AM »
In a nutshell....

John Cena won the World title in the Raw chamber match but then McMahon came out and demanded that Cena defend the title against Batista. Batista then demolished at very tired and beat up John Cena and pinned him to become new WWE champion!

The Miz retained the US title after pinning MVP.

Drew Mcytyre retained the IC title after defeating Kane.

Jericho won the world heavyweight championship in the Smackdown chamber match when out of no where, Shawn Michaels came through a hidden chamber door and sweet chinned music the Undertaker allowing Jericho to get the pin.


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 09:11:32 AM »
I was too cheap last night and didn't get it. Was it good? So now is it ON between Undertaker and HBK for Wrestlemania?
I guess we were both wrong and it looks like HBK will face Undertaker round 2 at WM, Chef. I was really hoping to see HHH fight HBK but I see the WWE has plans to have HHH fight Sheamus and VKM to fight Bret in a street fight.


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2010, 12:00:09 PM »
It's gonna be a great Wrestlemania! Too bad Shawn is gonna loose again.
He might win. You never know. IMO I think it would be silly to end the streak but at the same time, no one is expecting the Undertaker to lose either so it could really go either way. Then again, they could just be teasing that match too. Things are always subject to change.


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 05:26:29 AM »
Great point. Maybe the match still might not even happen. Seems like the card is pretty much ready to go though? If Undertaker doesn't face HBK? Who will it be then? It's not gonna be Edge, Animal, Cena, HHH, Jericho, Orton, or any other of they're top stars? Tonights RAW will answer some more questions. Really looking forward to it.
Well last nights Raw confirmed the Undertaker vs HBK at WM26 in a career vs streak match. Both wrestlers are expected to take 4 months off (officially confirmed) after their big match. The WWE did a great job here. Will the streak end? Who knows. Is HBK planning on retiring and thus the career ending angle? Something will definately go down in that match. I'm very excited!  :)

How about those delicious diva's riding that mechanical bull last night on Raw? I know its silly but damn they looked fine!


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2010, 12:12:18 PM »
See this is a perfect example of my feelings towards HHH living in HBK's shadow. This HBK/Taker is such a huge main event. And not because it's a rematch. Because it's the two of the biggest stars the Federation has ever produced. If it were HHH/Taker retirement vs. streak would it headline Mania? HHH was so played out. They tried to push him by bringing in what I call, "the weapon of last defense." Bringing VKM and the family into it. HHH/Orton went absolutely no where and they're match blew last year along with the whole fued in general. So then they bring back DX only for HHHs benefit. If it's not true? Who would HHH have fueded with and people would be interested? They can put HBK anywhere on the card and the fans will love him. Now Shawn is headlining WM once again and HHH is gonna face some zero red head Sheamus. The only time HHH is bareable is when he's a heel. He's only made it in the biz because first HBK took him under his wing. Then second he married into the family. Everything was handed to him.

No....I strongly disagree here. HHH would have made his legacy with or without marying Stephanie. He would have had backstage pull just as easily as the Undertaker, Hogan, Austin, the Rock and any other top star has. HHH was the best wrestler going from 2000-2005 easily. He was making 2 mil per year prior to his marrying Stephanie.

His match with Orton was just a matter of bad chemistry between the two. He has had legendary matches with Michaels, the Undertaker, Austin and many others. He was always a star. When he broke out of DX after WM14, he cemented his own legacy and formed his own crew (Evolution). Trust me, nothing was "handed" to him. He worked his way up just like everyone else. Michaels did the same. Who the hell was Michaels when he was merely a "rocker"?? It's when he became HBK that he really started to shine. 


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2010, 01:29:59 PM »
HHH is a total bore and his entire style and gimmick are so 10 years ago.  The entrance, the stringy hair, the water spewing, the ugly face going wuuuuuuuggggghhhhh like he is flexing up something impressive, etc...

Tired and old.  Move along.


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Re: Elimination Chamber PPV results:
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2010, 01:38:18 PM »
HHH is a total bore and his entire style and gimmick are so 10 years ago.  The entrance, the stringy hair, the water spewing, the ugly face going wuuuuuuuggggghhhhh like he is flexing up something impressive, etc...

Tired and old.  Move along.
You just basically described every wrestler over the age of 42.