Author Topic: Obama asks NASA to do more outreach to "dominantly Muslim" countries.  (Read 4810 times)

Soul Crusher

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NASA plans more outreach to Muslim countries
Uncategorized — posted by Mark Matthews on February, 16 2010 4:55 PM Discuss This: Comments(100) | Add to | Digg it

NASA chief Charlie Bolden

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WASHINGTON — NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has asked him to “find ways to reach out to dominantly Muslim countries” as the White House pushes the space agency to become a tool of international diplomacy.

“In addition to the nations that most of you usually hear about when you think about the International Space Station, we now have expanded our efforts to reach out to non-traditional partners,” said Bolden, speaking to a lecture hall of young engineering students.

Specifically, he talked about connecting with countries that do not have an established space program and helping them conduct science missions. He mentioned new opportunities with Indonesia, including an educational program that examines global climate change.

“We really like Indonesia because the State Department, the Department of Education [and] other agencies in the U.S. are reaching out to Indonesia as the largest Muslim nation in the world. We would love to establish partners there,” Bolden said.

As a presidential candidate, Obama espoused a space program that invited more participation from the international community and Deputy NASA Administrator Lori Garver said recently that the next time NASA lands on the moon it would be part of an international exploration effort.

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So cut jobs for domestic employees but expand monies spent on puttings Arabs in space? 


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I wonder how the liberal clown car known as Danny, KC, Lurker, mons, Blacken, the Luke, and Benny would react had Obama said we should outreach to only dominiately Christian or hindu or Buddhist nations? 

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This is more indication that space exploration has been relegated to being a status symbol, rather than a serious program. To expand our commerce into space we need to concentrate, and not shop it around as a bauble for some authoritarian leader. We need to have a program and then see who could contribute – hint: Japan and Europe – instead of starting with Indonesia and then seeing what they want to do. Maybe they don’t have any goals in space – or we could fake up another experiment that deals with oil I guess.

Posted by: CharlesHouston | Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 5:51 PM

In my opinion this is just another way to “spread the wealth.” NASA to act as a tool of diplomacy for the Muslim world … strikes me as an odd mission ! Is the Constellation Team up to this?

Posted by: Bob Mack | Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 9:26 PM

Get ready for industry jobs and technology to flow out to foreign countries. Boldin plainly stated at MSFC meeting that ITAR regulations needed to be changed to enable more international involvement with NASA. Boldin stated that any foreign country no matter how small of if they even had any space program, as long as they indicated an iterest, then U.S. wants them as a partner. International money laundering and/or International wellfare under the guise / interest of “spaceflight” is the new mission for NASA under the Obama/Boldin regime. How about an astronaut from Yemen, or maybe partner up with Somolia? Be afraid and take a stand America!

Posted by: Frank | Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 9:30 PM

I’m sure the Scientists at NASA are thrilled about this turn of events. It truly is amazing how many folks Obama has thrown under the bus.

Posted by: Moe | Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 10:49 PM

The pathetic decline of the glorious american space agency…

Posted by: one | Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 11:28 PM

Bolden should resign. What a weak leader of such a great agency.

It’s ok Charlie, you can have a good cry when you’re being booted out. We all know you like a cry.

Posted by: Danny Westbrook | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 2:14 AM

FOR SALE: One national space agency; Used but still a great status symbol. Prior owner forced to sell due to financial troubles and declining business. Will suit outward-looking and ambitious up-and-coming world power that wishes to ensure the long-term survival of its culture and ideology.

Apply: Barak Obama, Obama, Reid & Pelosi; Official Liquidators of USA Inc.

Posted by: Ben the Space Brit | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Come on, there are national security benefits to such ’soft power’ gestures that make it well worth the effort. One example: You can tell how much Islamic extremists fear the idea of the US space program by their vehement embrace of the ‘Apollo was a hoax’ myth and their attacks (not merely verbal) on anyone who disagreees with them on this. Sparking a new front in the cultural civil war in the Moslem world between the past and the future, strikes me as a sound tactic. It might not be too healthy for the first specialists there who sign up for partnering with NASA, so some care is called for, but it could be a positive process.

Posted by: Jim Oberg | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 8:31 AM

Obama is using the United States of America and all of it’s resources to further the Islamic agenda. Which is not “freedom for all”. Wake up free world stop the thief in the White House. We are being robbed in plain site. This is the United States of America. Help “de-throne” the demonic leaders in Washington.

Posted by: cu_mr2ducks | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 9:23 AM

This is a pathetic joke. You just slashed 10,000 jobs and you want your affirmative action director to jazz it up with the muzzies. This president has it in for us. He wants us in last place forever. India is launching a man to the moon, China is heading for Mars, and we are heading for the toilet. Thanks, BO. The once proud USA is in a head long race to last place. If anyone doubted our chief executive is not a muslim, now you know. BTW, has anyone seen Bill Nelson, our senator??

Posted by: BusterLhode | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 9:50 AM

This is another stupid way to waste what little funds the agency still has. I am so fed up with all the socialistic/communistic ideas coming out of Obama’s cabinet. They all need to be ousted as soon as possible.

Posted by: David Cooley | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 10:08 AM

SOLD: The freedom of America. Our socialist dictator has sold out America. Not long ago, he would have been shot for treason, now, all we can hope for is that the people who put him in office don’t make the same mistake in the next election, if we have one. He may burn the constitution before then, and finish transforming our great nation into another muslin, socialist republic. It is time for America to fight back. It is time to excercise our constitutional rights. It is time to bear arms and let our elected leaders know we have had enough, and that we aren’t buying the “hopey changey” of the Barak Obama bin Laden administration.

Posted by: Mike | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 10:36 AM

Appeasement, tolerance, and reaching out to those whose main goal is the destruction of America and Israel is an ignorant and dangerous proposition. I’ve read where as many as 300 million Muslim’s are radical terrorists. You don’t “negotiate”, “appease”, “tolerate”, or “reach out” to these people. Is our government absolutely crazy???

Posted by: Connie | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 1:31 PM

Why does’nt obama move to a muslim nation ( and take pelosi with him ) so this country can get on the right track to return it to what it once was?

Posted by: Lenny | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 1:37 PM

Space superiority will be the key to the next century. Whoever dominates space will be able to control, and if wanted, knock out others’ satellites. Now, why would someone named Barack Hussein Obama want to give Muslims the key to doing that while simultaneously gutting our own space programs? Huh. With the appointment of a terrorist-sympathizer as our \outreach to the Muslim world\ and the discovery by Fox that record of that was expunged last February, with the constant apologies and paeans to Muslims while ignoring Christians and Jews…makes you wonder which way his prayer rug points, doesn’t it?

Wake up, people. We have a Manchurian candidate in the most powerful seat in the world. How much more evidence stacking up every single day, EVERY DAY…will you need?

Posted by: CommonSense02 | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 1:57 PM

In a year of assinine moves, this one might top the list. If NASA was hard up for partnerships, you’d think they’d try Australia, France, Taiwan, Japan, Israel, etc…….but no. They reaching out to …who???? It is SO apparent that Obama is forsaking the not only the US’s allies, but the US itself for at best, dubious, and at worst (and most likely) – lethal bedmates. Introducing the REAL ugly American : The Current Prez. I agree with you , Common Sense 02.

Posted by: OMG | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 2:47 PM

Bolden is Obama’s handpicked NASA puppet. His job is to shut down our “bad capitalist” space program and replace it with the “good progressive” Department for Global Warming Studies and International Wealth Redistribution. One more step towards 3rd world status. Thanks Chairman Obama. Thanks a lot!

Posted by: Ralph | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 3:04 PM

How about a mosque on the moon?

The choice was once incompetence or ignorance to describe government action.

But willful destruction may now be on the table as a choice.

Posted by: RSweeney | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 3:22 PM

Seems to me and everyone I talk to that the obamma administration,”made up of has-beens,want-to-be’s, and any far-leftwing, socialistic, communistic,ignorant calling themselves democrats”..ahh, my grandfather would roll over in his grave if he could see what the democratic party has turned to. All we can see is someone acting in the president’s position, that on his best day wouldn’t make a freckle on a real president’s butt..! We are the only country capable of fielding a real space program and with the Constalation Program we had a chance to really do a great thing for the future of space exploration…But it’s like getting jobs for the ones who lost them because of washington’s mistakes, giving money to all his supporters, getting all the special intrest groups out of his staff, I guess in over a year the president has accomplished exactly —0—. Nothing he promised on his tour and speachmaking for president has he done except ( Fudamentally Changing the United States) He should be proud of the life he has left for his children and the hundreds of thousands of actual innocent children in America. Thanks prez.. I’m sure you and your croanies will be surprised at election time to find you have lost your jobs and because of you there are no jobs…McDonalds is very choosy about who works there..!

Posted by: JIM HAWKINS | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 4:54 PM

Obama is no longer the President of America, he’s now Barack Obama Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Washington

Posted by: ytba | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 5:08 PM

WHY Muslim countries? Why not Christian? Hindu? Where is the Left and the ACLU on the Seperation of Church and State? Why is Obama endorsing (again) one religion?

Obama admitted he was going to ’spread the wealth’, I guess we can now understand he meant that to include ’spread our technology’, ’spread our advancements’, ’spread our knowledge’, and ’spread our jobs’ all Internationally and we will be doing it with Stimulus money at taxpayer expense.

Posted by: smiles | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM

Why don’t he just go ahead and ask Osama bin Laden to join us on the ISS. We need to boot Bolden and HIS BUDDY out before we ALL lose our jobs.

Posted by: Marcus | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 6:50 PM

we have a weak president with a weak intellect.

Posted by: tess | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 at 11:47 PM

I am now convinced that Obama Hussein is not brilliant nor is he stupid. There is no way he is organizing this destruction of our country. He is simply an empty suit with no core moral values that will carry out his leaders orders. There is no way one person could put in place, this quickly, the multitude of parts in infinite areas that is now in place. It was planned well before he was anointed. He is simply the right person at the right time. He will, no doubt, throw this country under the bus. However has does share the their idiom.

Posted by: malcomb madison | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 12:47 AM

I think NASA scanners would be great. \And in news from Orlanda today, the moon mission left 3 hours late as the astronauts underwear was checked for bombs\

OBAMA —- Ancient Indian word for \Big wind from Northern sky\

Posted by: The Log | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 5:13 AM

One of the interesting things in reading the comments is the level of fear, suspicion, prejudice and ignorance that the posters demonstrate. I understand why people are upset about the cancellation of the Constellation program including, most likely the loss of their jobs. But NASA has reached out before to the Muslim/Moslem world – there was a payload specialist from Saudi Arabia ( who “helped” launch ARABSAT-1B and an Indonesian satellite was launched from the Shuttle payload bay. There was a great deal of publicity at the time of these activities which were designed to do exactly what the current effort is aimed at – involve non space-faring nations. The last time Ronald Reagan was president and James Beggs was NASA administrator. The space program has been used for “diplomatic purposes” on a continuing basis. So, this is not really new.

Posted by: Mike Hill | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 8:34 AM

I say we put em all on a trip up to the moon but only fill the tank half full!!!!

Posted by: dick van dike | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 9:03 AM

Soft Power?! That is what got us where we are today. Move to France idiot!

Posted by: Phil McCracken | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 9:51 AM

sounds like a good idea to me. you dont give them anything though. you let them in only once they demonstrate that they have something worthshile to funding independant research. then, we get their good ideas. If you believe as i do that the military has had its own secet space program since about the time they backed out of their own shuttle, we wouldnt be giving much away and preserve the NASA smoke screen.

Posted by: frank | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10:08 AM

Oh, this is just great. Let’s give these “peaceful”, incompatible-with-the-U.S.-Constitution Islamics even more American knowledge. Hell, why don’t we give them Cape Kennedy, while we’re at it? The Obama administration has lived up to, and exceeded, my worst expectations of it, and whenever I think he had put the final nail in America’s coffin, he manages to get a screw into it (us)!


Posted by: Chuck Alcini | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10:13 AM

I find it amazing that we would turn to countries that would rather spread the notion that we are all “infidels” and in many cases, use the millions that they make in oil to buy toys rather than workable sewer systems and potable running water in their cities and small towns. I am also mystified that most of the education that these Muslim citizens are trying for is not from their aspiring educational systems but from countries that developed those student programs and have contributed to the current success of the space program. I guess I see this is just another one of Obama’s “spreading the wealth” campaigns. I’m for cleaning house with the whole bunch of them.

Posted by: R. Burban | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10:19 AM

More climate change hoax….more embracing enemies….with Kennedy’s legacy. Vote in November!

Posted by: shack guy | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 11:18 AM

You have got to be kidding me!!! This country is already in decline and our Glorious Leader is greasing the skids. How about waiting for the Muslim countries to reach out to us for a change? When we reach out to them it means they get what they want and America is seen as a big sap and it’s only getting worse under the current regime. I’ve always been a fan of our space program since I was a kid but I really feel sorry for the engineers at NASA that have to put up with this bullcrap. God help us before the Annointed One destroys us.

Posted by: Fred | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 11:57 AM

To all who have posted: I am very proud that there are real Americans reading this article. I am proud that American are seeing what Hussein Obama is really like. I am proud that real Americans are understanding what this “so-called” president is doing to our country and our people. Thank you all for your comments. Now we need to get him and his adminstration out so we can start to have our country back. I want the land of the free and the home of the brave back!

Posted by: Aero | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 12:14 PM

It all makes sense now! That’s why muslims hate us, because we don’t share our space program with them. If we just “partner” with them on space exploration they’ll all start to love us and we can all hold hands around the campfire and sing kum-by-yah and live in a big gum drop house on Lollipop Lane.

And they said Bush was stupid…

Posted by: Loki | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 2:21 PM

We used Germans to get the moon we might as well use Muslims money to get back and futher.

Posted by: Karl Evans xmtype | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 3:13 PM

this is the right idea. the youth of some of these countries have to have some new role models. what better such person than an astronaut or two, or three. we all know who their current role models are. spend some time on the ISS, come back and inspire others. it’s just that we don’t have a launch vehicle to get them there, but i suppose elon musk and space-x will come up with the transportation.

Posted by: D Rowley | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 4:41 PM

I found this story unbelievably frustrating and depressing, but the comments here are encouraging. Great to see that Americans are awakening to the threat Washington poses to us.

Posted by: Dr Zaius | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 4:47 PM

Bolden was picked for that position for good reason. He’s a gutless idiot who doesn’t believe in NASA or the space program and Obama wanted a gutless idiot who didn’t believe in NASA or the space program in that position. He was a perfect match.

Posted by: Diogenes | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 6:52 PM

And I guess we would have to stop manned space flights if we partner with the Muslim countries. We can’t afford to let a terrorist get abord the space station with a bomb strapped under their flight suit.

Posted by: Diogenes | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 6:57 PM

How much longer are we going to allow things like this happen? Obama is destroying what little good we had left in our country. God can’t be happy with any of us.

Posted by: Lyn | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 7:32 PM

The American scientific community has officially been put on notice that legitimate science will take a back seat to this President’s commitment to Islam and the pseudo-science of climate change. Disregard all the lip service this administration pays to American scientific achievement, educational excellence and competitiveness. Funding NASA’s rocket science program to maintain America’s scientific and military advantage in space is not as important as making believe that Indonesia, a corrupt Muslim nation with no history of scientific achievement deserves priority because this President’s love of Islam, Indonesia and pseudo-climate science. Forget about American scientific endeavor (in BHO’s 57 states?); the religion of clitorectomies, civil rights abuses and jihad against science and civilization is now the beacon of the future.

Posted by: Infidelgranny | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 7:40 PM

My 2 guesses are:

1) He made a deal with Indonesia about his bronze statue. They’ve taken it down, after he asked them to wait.

2) The Indonesians were yelling to remove the statue because he never did anything FOR them. He only ate & sheet there (yes, they said that only they used the REAL word). So, this is their prize/reward.

Posted by: TejasKat | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 8:20 PM

If Allah makes his beneficience to shine upon all Muslim lands, then why has Tehran been slighted so egregiously? Mad, Mad Ahmadinejahd wants to embrace thermonuclear climate change on a grand and glorious scale and is just waiting for Barry to send NASA to Tehran with love! In exchange for propulsion and guidance technology, Mad Mad Ahmadinejahd and the Thermonuclear Mullahs will provide nuclear materials and rocket parts for assembly. Mad Mad sends a big sloppy SWAK to his favorite Muslim brotha! Mad Mad promises that what happens in Tehran, stays in Tehran…until launch codes are activated!

Posted by: To Tehran With Love? | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 11:34 PM

How very sad that the President of these United States is so unfamiliar with the Standard for this Great Nation, the Holy Scriptures, from which our Constitution and Bill of Rights were crafted. He really should have been familiar, as our Leader, of the verses from the Book of Joshua, Chapter 23, Verses 6 and 7.

Posted by: Arden | Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 11:49 PM

“As a presidential candidate, Obama espoused a space program that invited more participation from the international community”

Barack Obama

The international commmunity doesn’t include the United States.

Posted by: John | Friday, February 19, 2010 at 4:37 AM

It is clear that we have lost Adam Smith position on the role of Government in Economics. I fear that following Karl Marx positions will lead us to the same results as previous Countries who failed in their efforts.

Posted by: John Danise | Friday, February 19, 2010 at 8:59 AM

This decision to join hands with Muslim countries is another reason I can’t wait till
the next Presidental election, if we are still here in 3 years. With Obama you never know.

Posted by: randnate | Friday, February 19, 2010 at 10:52 AM

Bar none, this has got to be the dumbest thing I have seen thus far in 2010.


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space jihad, great idea.

Soul Crusher

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space jihad, great idea.

Maybe we can blast a few million of the crazies into space and tell them their virgins are waiting for them in the sky.   

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Column: Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy?
By Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene CernanUpdated 21h 47m ago |

"First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish."—President John F. Kennedy, Joint Session of Congress, May 25, 1961

Was President Kennedy a dreamer, a visionary, or simply politically astute? We may never know, but he had the courage to make that bold proposal 50 years ago Wednesday. The Soviet Union's Yuri Gagarin had completed an orbit of the Earth the previous month and electrified the world. The United States had taken only one human, Alan Shepard, above 100 miles altitude and none into orbit. Americans, embarrassed by the successes of our Cold War adversary, were eager to demonstrate that we too were capable of great achievements in space.

In addition to its own editorials, USA TODAY publishes a variety of opinions from outside writers. On political and policy matters, we publish opinions from across the political spectrum.

Roughly half of our columns come from our Board of Contributors, a group whose interests range from education to religion to sports to the economy. Their charge is to chronicle American culture by telling the stories, large and small, that collectively make us what we are.

We also publish weekly columns by Al Neuharth, USA TODAY's founder, and DeWayne Wickham, who writes primarily on matters of race but on other subjects as well. That leaves plenty of room for other views from across the nation by well-known and lesser-known names alike.

President Kennedy called in the leaders of the nascent National Aeronautics and Space Administration for their opinion on any space goal that Uncle Sam could win. They concluded that the only possibility was a manned lunar landing, and that would include all the principal elements of human space travel.

The president decided this was the right project, the right time, and the Americans were the right people.

"Now it is time to take longer strides — time for a great new American enterprise — time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.

… Let it be clear that I am asking the Congress and the country to accept a firm commitment to a new course of action, a course which will last for many years and carry very heavy costs."

— President Kennedy

A half century has passed since Kennedy challenged our citizenry to do what most thought to be impossible. The subsequent American achievements in space were remarkable: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Skylab. Our efforts enhanced international cooperation with Apollo-Soyuz, the space shuttle and the International Space Station. The compelling fascination of our space achievements among young people spurred their interest in education.

By 2005, in keeping with President Kennedy's intent and America's resolve, NASA was developing the Constellation program, focusing on a return to the moon while simultaneously developing the plans and techniques to venture beyond, and eventually to Mars.

The program enjoyed near-unanimous support, being approved and endorsed by the Bush administration and by both Democratic and Republican Congresses. However, due to its congressionally authorized funding falling victim to Office of Management and Budget cuts, earmarks and other unexpected financial diversions, Constellation fell behind schedule. An administration-appointed review committee concluded the Constellation program was "not viable" due to inadequate funding.

President Obama's proposed 2011 budget did not include funds for Constellation, therefore essentially canceling the program. It sent shock waves throughout NASA, the Congress and the American people. Nearly $10 billion had been invested in design and development of the program.

Many respected experts and members of Congress voiced concern about the president's proposal. Some supported the president's plan,but most were critical. The supporters' biases were often evident, particularly when there was a vested or economic interest in the outcome.

Obama's advisers, in searching for a new and different NASA strategy with which the president could be favorably identified, ignored NASA's operational mandate and strayed widely from President Kennedy's vision and the will of the American people.

"We intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world's leading space-faring nation."

— President Kennedy

Congress, realizing the devastating effects to the plans, program and morale of those trying to keep America in the forefront of exploring the universe and expanding the human frontier, worked diligently to steer NASA's program back toward Kennedy's goals.

Congress passed an authorization bill directing NASA to begin development of a large rocket capable of carrying humans toward the moon and beyond and to continue development of a multipurpose spacecraft based on the configuration that was being developed in the Constellation program. However, the president's 2012 budget reduced funding significantly below the authorized amount for both the big rocket and the multipurpose crew vehicle.

On the other hand, the president's budget had significantly increased funding over the congressional direction in the area of space technology research programs and the development of rockets and spacecraft by the commercial entrepreneurs.

Congress stated that rather than depending on NASA subsidies, the development of commercial sources to supply cargo and crew to the International Space Station should be a partnership between government and industry.

Entrepreneurs in the space transportation business assert that they can offer such service at a very attractive price — conveniently not factoring in the NASA-funded development costs. These expenditures, including funds to insure safety and reliability, can be expected to be substantially larger and more time consuming than the entrepreneurs predict.

The response to Kennedy's bold challenge a half-century ago has led to America's unchallenged leadership in space. We take enormous pride in all that has been accomplished in the past 50 years. And we have the people, the skills and the wherewithal to continue to excel and reach challenging goals in space exploration.

But today, America's leadership in space is slipping. NASA's human spaceflight program is in substantial disarray with no clear-cut mission in the offing. We will have no rockets to carry humans to low-Earth orbit and beyond for an indeterminate number of years. Congress has mandated the development of rocket launchers and spacecraft to explore the near-solar system beyond Earth orbit. But NASA has not yet announced a convincing strategy for their use. After a half-century of remarkable progress, a coherent plan for maintaining America's leadership in space exploration is no longer apparent.

"We have a long way to go in this space race. But this is the new ocean, and I believe that the United States must sail on it and be in a position second to none."

— President Kennedy

Kennedy launched America on that new ocean. For 50 years we explored the waters to become the leader in space exploration. Today, under the announced objectives, the voyage is over. John F. Kennedy would have been sorely disappointed.

Apollo astronauts Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell and Gene Cernan all commanded moon missions. Armstrong was the first man to reach the lunar surface, and Cernan was the last to leave it.


  • Getbig III
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We should have a staging base already built on the moon and should have conducted several manned missions to Mars by now.  It is such a tragedy how worthless our space program has become.  Over 40 years and we still haven't managed to get back to the moon.  We should have used the 787 billion stimulus package and given all to NASA, think of what we could accomplish in space with all that cash.  But no, we gave it to Obama's union buddies, Goldman Sachs, etc. 
Live free or die

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Federally Funded NASA 'Educates' Children About Global Warming on 'Climate Kids' Web Site
CNS News/ You Tube ^ | 5/25/11 | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Web site network
Posted on May 25, 2011 11:33:12 PM EDT by Nachum

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Web site network includes "Climate Kids: NASA's Eyes on the Earth," which use cartoons, games, and other activities to teach children about man-made global warming and climate change. Tax dollars at work.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Fucking stupid... Who gives a damn about sending any of the muslim world into space?

Wait... maybe if they build a HUGE rocket and shoot them out to another planet... That could actually work.

Hugo Chavez

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"Obama asks NASA to do more outreach to "dominantly Muslim" countries."

I'm not seeing how this is a bad idea.  I'm not jumping back on the Obama bandwaggon, but done right this is a plus on several levels.


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  • Sam Sesambröt Sulek
Could be a good move, though I guess the outsourcing interests will prevail.

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Taking terrorism into space. 

George Whorewell

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"Obama asks NASA to do more outreach to "dominantly Muslim" countries."

I'm not seeing how this is a bad idea.  I'm not jumping back on the Obama bandwaggon, but done right this is a plus on several levels.

I agree. To hasten the apocalypse Islam must be spread to other galaxies. Before long Mars will be teeming with alien suicide bombers and green one eyed creatures with 12 vaginas wearing burqas. After the alien converts to Islam decide to join up with their comrades on earth and destroy civlization Obama's idiotic idea will have reached its destination.

What's next? Government outreach and funding for the residents of Bed Stuy to build a spaceship so they feel better about themselves? ::)

Hugo you are a complete fucking moron who isn't fit to moderate Barney Franks bowels.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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I agree. To hasten the apocalypse Islam must be spread to other galaxies. Before long Mars will be teeming with alien suicide bombers and green one eyed creatures with 12 vaginas wearing burqas. After the alien converts to Islam decide to join up with their comrades on earth and destroy civlization Obama's idiotic idea will have reached its destination.

What's next? Government outreach and funding for the residents of Bed Stuy to build a spaceship so they feel better about themselves? ::)

Hugo you are a complete fucking moron who isn't fit to moderate Barney Franks bowels.
holy shit....  A little hard ass for such a small comment...

Georgie, you're one of those fellas that absoluteley demands everyone agree with you 100% or they are shit... Is that about the way you play your game?  It must be, because I've spent the last few years talking shit about Obama but it still isn't good enough for your royal ass....

Georgie, why don't you start by tellling us exactly why it is a bad idea.... then I will school you...

Hugo Chavez

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By the way, I'm switching parties for the first time since 92 back to the republican party.  I'm sure I'll vote in the primary, not sure yet if I'll vote in the presidential election but if I do, I'm 99% sure it won't be for Obama.


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I don't see this as a bad idea, unless of course you think Obama is talking about a joint partnership with AQ in space exploration  ;D

It looks like a political move of sorts. 


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I don't see this as a bad idea, unless of course you think Obama is talking about a joint partnership with AQ in space exploration  ;D

It looks like a political move of sorts. 

Well let me think, yes lets get them up to speed on rocket technology, then all they need is a nuke and the know how to produce and ICBM

Soul Crusher

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Anyone thinking this is a good idea really shows the lengths the obama cult will go to defend what previously would be considered unfathomable. 


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Well let me think, yes lets get them up to speed on rocket technology, then all they need is a nuke and the know how to produce and ICBM

Really?  Is that what you think that is?  

Yeah, we are going to muslim countries and give them rocket technology in the guise of "outreach."  


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Anyone thinking this is a good idea really shows the lengths the obama cult will go to defend what previously would be considered unfathomable. 

Blah Blah Blah   ::)

Don't you have some new thread to start about how Obama puts his pants on the wrong way while ignoring the economy?


  • Getbig V
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Really?  Is that what you think that is?  

Yeah, we are going to muslim countries and give them rocket technology in the guise of "outreach."  

Well how exactly are they going to "explore space" without a propulsion system? Maybe I giant catapult?

Or maybe this would work better

The law of unintended consequences

Soul Crusher

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Allah in space. 


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Well how exactly are they going to "explore space" without a propulsion system? Maybe I giant catapult?

Or maybe this would work better

Lol  yeah.

Look, things like the technology it takes to send a Rocket into space is 50+ years old, and is likely common knowledge with the scientist and engineers for most of these countries.  What they don't have is the money or the desire to go there.  Just as with nukes, but probably sooner, they will have them.

Hell, they have perfect launch vehicles right now to deploy and shoot nukes at this country very easily and there's not much we can do about it.  the only thing missing is the nukes.  

Soul Crusher

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Why not focus outreach to taxpayers' kids in schools instead? 

WTF have these arab countries ever done to warrant a dimoe of our taxpayer money going to outreach to them? 


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Why not focus outreach to taxpayers' kids in schools instead? 

WTF have these arab countries ever done to warrant a dimoe of our taxpayer money going to outreach to them? 

We have been giving money to all types of countries for years to advance our foreign policy and politician agendas.

It was pointed out in the "Obama is giving billions to Egypt" failed posts.

I am not in favor of foreign aid. 

But that will never stop under any administration.  This is more of a political move than anything designed at winning "hearts and minds."   ::)