Author Topic: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court  (Read 7847 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2010, 04:32:50 PM »

Straw Man

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #76 on: May 01, 2010, 08:37:30 PM »
Palin has been found not guilty on almosÞ every single bogus charge against her.

You libs hate her because she is not some morbidly obese crew cut hairdo, angry, commie, star wars bar scene looking, 24 7 365 abortion any time anywhere, gay, crunchy, doped up, mirror cracking, extreme left, shrill, haggardly, pant suit wearing, messy dyke. 

what were those bogus charges again?


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2010, 09:50:30 PM »
Palin has been found not guilty on almosÞ every single bogus charge against her.

You libs hate her because she is not some morbidly obese crew cut hairdo, angry, commie, star wars bar scene looking, 24 7 365 abortion any time anywhere, gay, crunchy, doped up, mirror cracking, extreme left, shrill, haggardly, pant suit wearing, messy dyke. 

reallly.... ::)

REPUBLICAN vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin used her job as Alaska Governor to get a state trooper sacked, a report said today.

In a 263-page report released by Alaska's Legislative Council following a six-hour closed doors hearing, investigator Steve Branchflower said Governor Palin was guilty of violating state ethics rules for public officials.

"I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act," Branchflower wrote in the report.

The report comes as another blow to John McCain's struggling White House bid.

As McCain sought to restore control over unruly rallies which have seen a stream of invective, including a death threat, aimed at Democratic rival Barack Obama, the "troopergate" scandal threatened to torpedo his campaign.

In the long awaited report Mr Branchflower said she had allowed her husband Todd Palin to use the Alaska governor's office and its resources to pressure officials to fire her former brother-in-law, state trooper Mike Wooten.

"Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired," the report said.

"She had the authority and power to require Mr Palin to cease contacting subordinates, but she failed to act," the report added.

Palin, the first woman to be selected on a Republican ticket, was plucked from political obscurity in Alaska by the Arizona senator in late August to be his running mate in the November 4 elections.

A devout Christian mother-of-five who is pro-life and a committed hunter, she fired up the party's conservative base, which had not fully embraced McCain.

But her lack of national and foreign experience raised doubts among observers about McCain's hasty judgment in assigning such a high office to a young unknown.

Palin, 44, has become McCain's chief attack dog against Obama, drawing thousands of people to her rallies, and accusing the Chicago senator at the weekend of "palling around with terrorists".

As Obama, 47, took a hefty lead in the polls even in battleground states, McCain's campaign sought to refocus its fight for the White House away from the economy, with relentless, searing attacks.

But a series of negative ads casting doubt on Obama's character and his past associations backed by frequent pointed questions about who he is, whipped up anger at Republican rallies, causing widespread concern.

After the US Secret Service said yesterday it was investigating an alleged death threat shouted at a Florida rally, McCain was forced to tone down the attacks.

"We want to fight, and I will fight, but we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments and I will respect him," McCain, 72, told a Minnesota rally today.

"I want to be president ... but I have to tell you that he is a decent person and a person you don't have to be scared of as president of the United States."

Crowds at the rallies had become increasing inflammatory shouting out "terrorist" and "liar" when Obama was mentioned. At one Florida rally, someone even shouted "kill him".

Obama, who has kept his campaign focused on the country's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s, today rebuked McCain for preaching a politics of "anger and division".

"In the last couple of days we have seen a barrage of nasty insinuations and attacks and I am sure we will see much more over the next 25 days," he told an Ohio rally.

"It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that is not what we need now in the United States, the times are too serious."

The economy is now voters' top concern, and for the first time in a Newsweek poll, Obama was yesterday given a double digit lead, 52 per cent with 41 per cent for McCain.

The last poll by the magazine a month ago, before the economic crisis began to bite, had the two men tied on 46 per cent.

But with 25 days to go before Americans cast their ballots, McCain vowed to rally.

"How many times, my friends, have the pundits written off the McCain campaign?" he told the cheering crowd. "We're going to fool 'em again, my friend!"
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2010, 10:46:12 PM »
I dont like her because I feel there are MUCH better prepared repub candidates, and I'd like to see one of them beat the pants off obama.

She's going to look dumb against Obama - let's face it.  The moment they ask some Q in the debate about a detailed situation, she'll revent to her "america rocks, am I right?" answer.  Obama will list details about the nation, leader, situation, etc.

And, she's a lot like Obama on her positions, actually.  She told America how much we needed the bailout.  She supported the amnesty bill, and even talked about the importance of those illegals eventually voting. 

There are repubs who know their shit, who will make obama look like a dummy in the debates.  She ain't one of them.

There are repubs who have true conservative positions - she ain't one of them.

She is ideal for repubs whose morals won't let them have a wank at tube8 or another porn site - so they enjoy their stiffy watching fox news.  Once you nut, you'd realize your infatuation was unfounded and there are better people to choose for the 2012 GOp nomination.

So go watch some porn, then support Thune, Perry, pwlenty, Tancredo, or whoever else could whoop obama.  Thanks in advance!

Dos Equis

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2010, 10:52:34 PM »
reallly.... ::)

REPUBLICAN vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin used her job as Alaska Governor to get a state trooper sacked, a report said today.

In a 263-page report released by Alaska's Legislative Council following a six-hour closed doors hearing, investigator Steve Branchflower said Governor Palin was guilty of violating state ethics rules for public officials.

"I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act," Branchflower wrote in the report.

The report comes as another blow to John McCain's struggling White House bid.

As McCain sought to restore control over unruly rallies which have seen a stream of invective, including a death threat, aimed at Democratic rival Barack Obama, the "troopergate" scandal threatened to torpedo his campaign.

In the long awaited report Mr Branchflower said she had allowed her husband Todd Palin to use the Alaska governor's office and its resources to pressure officials to fire her former brother-in-law, state trooper Mike Wooten.

"Governor Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda, to wit: to get Trooper Michael Wooten fired," the report said.

"She had the authority and power to require Mr Palin to cease contacting subordinates, but she failed to act," the report added.

Palin, the first woman to be selected on a Republican ticket, was plucked from political obscurity in Alaska by the Arizona senator in late August to be his running mate in the November 4 elections.

A devout Christian mother-of-five who is pro-life and a committed hunter, she fired up the party's conservative base, which had not fully embraced McCain.

But her lack of national and foreign experience raised doubts among observers about McCain's hasty judgment in assigning such a high office to a young unknown.

Palin, 44, has become McCain's chief attack dog against Obama, drawing thousands of people to her rallies, and accusing the Chicago senator at the weekend of "palling around with terrorists".

As Obama, 47, took a hefty lead in the polls even in battleground states, McCain's campaign sought to refocus its fight for the White House away from the economy, with relentless, searing attacks.

But a series of negative ads casting doubt on Obama's character and his past associations backed by frequent pointed questions about who he is, whipped up anger at Republican rallies, causing widespread concern.

After the US Secret Service said yesterday it was investigating an alleged death threat shouted at a Florida rally, McCain was forced to tone down the attacks.

"We want to fight, and I will fight, but we will be respectful. I admire Senator Obama and his accomplishments and I will respect him," McCain, 72, told a Minnesota rally today.

"I want to be president ... but I have to tell you that he is a decent person and a person you don't have to be scared of as president of the United States."

Crowds at the rallies had become increasing inflammatory shouting out "terrorist" and "liar" when Obama was mentioned. At one Florida rally, someone even shouted "kill him".

Obama, who has kept his campaign focused on the country's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression in the 1930s, today rebuked McCain for preaching a politics of "anger and division".

"In the last couple of days we have seen a barrage of nasty insinuations and attacks and I am sure we will see much more over the next 25 days," he told an Ohio rally.

"It's easy to rile up a crowd by stoking anger and division. But that is not what we need now in the United States, the times are too serious."

The economy is now voters' top concern, and for the first time in a Newsweek poll, Obama was yesterday given a double digit lead, 52 per cent with 41 per cent for McCain.

The last poll by the magazine a month ago, before the economic crisis began to bite, had the two men tied on 46 per cent.

But with 25 days to go before Americans cast their ballots, McCain vowed to rally.

"How many times, my friends, have the pundits written off the McCain campaign?" he told the cheering crowd. "We're going to fool 'em again, my friend!"

lol.  Really? 

Breaking: Sarah Palin cleared in Troopergate by independent state panel
November 3, 2008 |  5:19 pm

A report by an independent state personnel board has cleared Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin of ethics violations in the firing of her public safety commissioner last summer.

Released today, the last day of the presidential campaign as the 44-year-old mother of five hop-scotched across the country to numerous states in last-minute hectic campaigning, the report says there is no probable cause to believe Palin or any other state official violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with the firing.

The report was prepared by an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board.

A separate legislative investigation recently concluded that Palin, the Republican vice presidential nominee, abused her office.

The charges included she allowed her husband and staffers to pressure the public safety commissioner to fire a state trooper who went through a nasty divorce from Palin's sister and other charges and that he Tasered their son and threatened members of the Palin family.

Palin says the commissioner's firing had nothing to do with the incident involving the trooper.

Palin's attorney Thomas Van Flein released a statement saying:

“Gov. Palin is pleased that the independent investigator for the Personnel Board has concluded that she acted properly in the reassignment of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

"The Governor is grateful that this investigation has provided a fair and impartial review of this matter and upholds the Governor’s ability to take measures when necessary to ensure that Alaskans have the best possible team working to serve them."

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2010, 11:07:37 PM »
I believe you're both right.  In October, a heavy-republican group (Alaska's Legislative Council) found her guilty of violating state ethics rules for public officials.

About a month later, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board filed a second report saying she was not guilty.

So she was found guilty by the board, then the day after the election, this person found her not guilty.

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #81 on: May 02, 2010, 04:52:29 AM »
She was cleared on the other 26 bogus charges as well.

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #82 on: May 02, 2010, 07:26:30 AM »
Alaska Personel Board = 3 member board appointed by the prior Governor (one of which was re-appointed by Palin)

i don't see how the finding of this board nullifies the finding of Alaska's Legislative Council

The facts are pretty clear Monigan was fired because he wouldn't do the bidding of Palin to fire her former brother in law.   

There are plenty of other incident of sleaze by the Palin administration.  It seems odd that someone who was only in office for 2 years had so many incidents like this

I say where there is smoke there is probably fire


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #83 on: May 02, 2010, 09:52:40 AM »
Alaska Personel Board = 3 member board appointed by the prior Governor (one of which was re-appointed by Palin)

i don't see how the finding of this board nullifies the finding of Alaska's Legislative Council

The facts are pretty clear Monigan was fired because he wouldn't do the bidding of Palin to fire her former brother in law.   

There are plenty of other incident of sleaze by the Palin administration.  It seems odd that someone who was only in office for 2 years had so many incidents like this

I say where there is smoke there is probably fire

The second "finding"...was just a cover up so it doesnt derail her vice presidential run. Some people are just blinded by her star power and want to believe she's oh so perfect and "fighthing corruption...she's one of us"...bullshit. BTW here's something that came out recently.....

Sarah Palins Latest Facebook Lie

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin — recently dubbed by Gabriel Sherman of as the “President of bourgeois America” — and her Anchorage attorney Thomas Van Flein continue to deal in duplicity and fraud in response to findings issued by the Alaska Department of Law apropos Ethics Act complaints levied adjoin Palin and her deceptively named Alaska Fund Trust.

Van Flein, who is as pompous as he is verbose, rambled extensively in a missive entitled “Hit and Miss”:. In a widely reported announcement on Palin’s Facebook page — the intellectual bunker from which Palin launches her lies and verbal grenades, yet addition “filter,” as Andrew Sullivan recently noted, that “protects Palin from scrutiny” — Van Flein issued yet addition troubling and intentionally misleading statement about Palin’s violations of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

(Indeed, Palin is to political transparency what raw crude is to ocean water, but that’s addition matter). Quite a mouthful (French, Latin and benighted English in a single sentence!), and it’s a backpack of lies further obfuscated by the fact that neither Palin nor Van Flein had theintellectual integrity to make the opinion public.

Instead, it asserts simply that the Ethics Act applies solely “to a current officer and does not apply to a former accessible officer by definition.” The complaint referenced was filed adjoin Palin last year she quit her governorship midterm amid mounting political controversies in Alaska. Furthermore, the AlaskaFund Trust (set up to pay for Palin’s mounting legal bills — and not to be confused with SarahPAC, with which she spends money on her political allies and sycophants) remains “frozen” following a “preliminary finding” in July of 2009 in which independent Alaska Personnel Board investigator Thomas Daniel contended that “there is apparent cause to believe that Governor Palin used, or attempted to use, her official position for claimed gain” in establishing the fund. In fact, the ruling — which I have exclusively obtained — is extremely limited in its scope (at two-and-half pages it is hardly “detailed”) and does nothing to address the “factual” basis of the complaint, as Van Flein contends.

They also diminish the Palin “brand” as marketed in every medium imaginable back her self-serving resignation nine months ago. Those are details, of course, that Palin and Van Flein would rather not make public, particularly to the masses alfresco of Alaska who follow Palin on Facebook as she aboveboard promotes herself towards a run for the presidency in 2012. (In Alaska, she is still widely referred to as a “grifter.”).
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #84 on: May 02, 2010, 12:36:11 PM »
any vote for Palin in the primaries is a vote for Obama in the general election.


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #85 on: May 02, 2010, 12:44:21 PM »
any vote for Palin in the primaries is a vote for Obama in the general election.


Palin followers will be in tears when they figure out that Palin has no intention of running and even less interest in governing.

Do you think Palin wishes she were dealing with the oil spill and NYC bomb right now or would she prefer to be twittering her inane comments to her gaggle of dumfoudned dipshits and collecting a fat paycheck from Faux News


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #86 on: May 03, 2010, 06:25:15 AM »
any vote for Palin in the primaries is a vote for Obama in the general election.


Any vote for Crist in the general election in Florida is a vote for Meek,an Obama suck ass. ::)


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #87 on: May 03, 2010, 06:28:19 AM »
Any vote for Crist in the general election in Florida is a vote for Meek,an Obama suck ass. ::)

How old are you? ;D
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #88 on: May 03, 2010, 06:39:19 AM »
Palin followers will be in tears when they figure out that Palin has no intention of running and even less interest in governing.

Do you think Palin wishes she were dealing with the oil spill and NYC bomb right now or would she prefer to be twittering her inane comments to her gaggle of dumfoudned dipshits and collecting a fat paycheck from Faux News

And any taxpayer should be crying over the treason being commited by Dear Asshole in Chief right now. 

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #89 on: May 03, 2010, 06:46:23 AM »
This is from her personal attorney.  But I guess 240, DU, HP, and the commies, pinkos, marxists, lgbt'ers, enviro freaks, and their motly crew know something her lawyer doesnt.  Care to to refute this O Danny boy? 

________________________ ____________________

Swing and a missShare..
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 8:06pm

Yesterday we learned that another “ethics” complaint that was filed against Governor Palin was dismissed as baseless. (If you are counting, the Governor is 26-0-1 regarding such complaints or suits, with one still pending). Only this complaint was actually filed after she left office, and alleged that the mere existence of the Alaska Fund Trust (the legal defense fund set up for her to help defray the costs incurred during the Troopergate fiasco and related machinations that followed in its wake) was violative of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act as well as its solicitation or receipt of contributions. The raison d’être of the legal defense fund was inexorably linked to Governor Palin’s nomination as the Republican candidate for Vice President and the post-nomination political tactics arising therefrom; thus making the nomination sine quo non for the fund. In a detailed opinion, the complaint was dismissed as lacking a factual or legal basis. Last June, upon learning that a complaint against the Governor’s Anchorage Office Director was dismissed as baseless, Governor Palin’s then Chief of Staff Mike Nizich said, “This is not about holding the governor or state employees accountable. This is pure harassment.” That still rings true today.

When I discussed this with Governor Palin, she had an interesting take: “My reaction upon reading the opinion in this matter was not what I expected. Though I’m always pleased with the results of these investigations that prove the false allegations wrong, and I appreciate the detailed reasoning set forth in this recent opinion, I was primarily disappointed that the State of Alaska, the Attorney General’s office, and others, still have to spend time and resources addressing the abusive onslaught of frivolous complaints directed against me—even after I left office.”

At times (indeed, as recently as Sunday in a magazine cover story) people allege that the “real” reason Governor Palin stepped down was to “make money” (citing primarily her best selling book). As this most current complaint again emphasizes, Governor Palin stepped down for the right reasons—she did not want to see her state government continue to get bogged down with inane “ethics” complaints that were transparently political, plainly partisan, and diverting state resources. The voluntary relinquishment of power for the greater good is normally praised as an example of true leadership—just review any biography of George Washington—and it should be in this case as well. But for those who seek power for the sake of power, a selfless act is confusing, so a new narrative is created, such as the “profit” motive now being asserted with renewed vigor. Rest assured Sarah Palin had obtained approval to write her memoir while still in office without running into any conflict with the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Her financial future from her best selling book, though unknown then, would not have altered much whether she stayed in office or resigned, except the number of “ethics” complaints did dramatically decrease, so any legal fees associated with such complaints decreased concomitantly.

Let this latest dismissed complaint serve as a reminder for one of the real—and stated—reasons for her voluntary relinquishment of office, an office she campaigned for diligently, tirelessly and effectively. It stands as a marker that occasionally, every so often, there are public servants who can recognize the difference between self-interest and public interest. Sarah Palin is one such public servant.

- Thomas Van Flein, personal attorney for Sarah Palin


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #90 on: May 03, 2010, 07:22:35 AM »
 refute what...a statement from her lawyer????? people accused of murder have lawyers that say they are not guilty but that doesn't mean shit.::) Oh that Palin and her lawyer are sooo always "right" no matter what. Of course You can believe whatever you want ...but facts are facts. She was found guilty by Alaska's Legislative Council. End of story.
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #91 on: May 03, 2010, 07:25:03 AM »
The fact that she is 26-0-1 on the bogus ethics complaints filed against her by the likes of that little fag who hacked her account.


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #92 on: May 03, 2010, 07:44:07 AM »
This little punk should be waterboarded
RIP Bob Probert


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #93 on: May 03, 2010, 07:50:48 AM »
Agreed. I also don't think he should be punished on the basis that this prevented Palin from communicating with her staff.

She broke the law in using her personal email for government business.
You can't punish a kid for preventing someone else from breaking the law.

That's where a judge should say tough poop. I can't compensate you for your inability to break the law.

And as for big tits... Billy, you're one to talk. At least he's not full of pubescent like acne.

Not to detract from the subject at hand, ...but wtf was she thinking using a yahoo email for government business?  And to have such a flimsy easilyy accessible password security? Where is her judgement? Could you have imagined if she was the VP? She'd be using yahoo for vice-presidential business? ...or would she have quit her job as VP to do the FOX reality / talk show circuit?

Hey skank,I TAKE STEROIDS.Acne is part of steroids.By the way,I take steroids and win meets and squat 942 so my use is justified,lets compare that to many of the getbig pukes who take steroids to walk around in their wife beaters.

Now,I know your jealous of this little fag because his tits are bigger then yours[including your back tits]and he would probably be able to get a date with a man quicker then you, and despite the swelling of your clit,your pissed because you don't have a full fledged penis yet,but there is no need to insult me.

This little girl will go to jail where I hope he is introduced to the world of anal rape.Although,by the looks of him can it really be called rape when he obviously wants it to happen.This is his dream come true,being some prisoners little bitch.Its the liberal males dream,now he can live it.Like I said,I hope he needs a colostomy bag when he gets out of jail.

Congrats though.I knew you would blame Palin for getting hacked.Liberals are very predicable.

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #94 on: May 03, 2010, 07:53:03 AM »
Other than the right to a 365/24/7 taxpayer funded abortion and those of foreign terrorists, there is not one right that the left in this country supports.  Not one.




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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #95 on: May 03, 2010, 08:02:47 AM »
Hey skank,I TAKE STEROIDS.Acne is part of steroids.By the way,I take steroids and win meets and squat 942 so my use is justified,lets compare that to many of the getbig pukes who take steroids to walk around in their wife beaters.

Now,I know your jealous of this little fag because his tits are bigger then yours[including your back tits]and he would probably be able to get a date with a man quicker then you, and despite the swelling of your clit,your pissed because you don't have a full fledged penis yet,but there is no need to insult me.

This little #### will go to jail where I hope he is introduced to the world of anal rape.Although,by the looks of him can it really be called rape when he obviously wants it to happen.This is his dream come true,being some prisoners little bitch.Its the liberal males dream,now he can live it.Like I said,I hope he needs a colostomy bag when he gets out of jail.

Congrats though.I knew you would blame Palin for getting hacked.Liberals are very predicable.
is that legal? D is that worse than being an illegal alien?
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #96 on: May 03, 2010, 08:44:06 AM »
is that legal? D is that worse than being an illegal alien?

I dont know,but the difference is I SAY ITS ILLEGAL!!!!I dont say its not as the illegal idiots do.


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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #97 on: May 03, 2010, 09:18:05 AM »
I dont know,but the difference is I SAY ITS ILLEGAL!!!!I dont say its not as the illegal idiots do.

What YOU are saying or what THEY are saying is totally irrelevant. In the eyes of the law you are probably breaking it just as much as they are I would think :)
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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #98 on: May 03, 2010, 09:21:33 AM »
What YOU are saying or what THEY are saying is totally irrelevant. In the eyes of the law you are probably breaking it just as much as they are I would think :)

Who cares?I dont ever post that they are breaking the law and Ive never ranted about illegals.Im fine with it the way it is.Just beef up the border.Im not for deporting them or making them legal.I have no opinion of it.In fact the only thing Ive said about it is the Arizona law changes nothing that already is done every single day.The filthy police can pull you over now and demand ID and ,make up any excuse they want.I see nothing in the Arizona law that changes this.

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Re: Palin hacker found guilty on two counts in Federal Court
« Reply #99 on: May 03, 2010, 10:33:14 AM »
The fact that she is 26-0-1 on the bogus ethics complaints filed against her by the likes of that little fag who hacked her account.

Pretty obvious that the complaints were politically motivated.