Author Topic: anavar woman cycle  (Read 17139 times)


  • Getbig II
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anavar woman cycle
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:53:52 AM »
my girlfriend just started a cycle of anavar 10mg per pill 20 mg a day.. im tryin to find out how long she needs to be on this.. she is not stacking anything else with the anavar and this is her first time in doing gear.. please and help would be appriciated...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2010, 09:01:52 AM »
Just make sure its human grade...a lot of ug var is tainted with a different steroid...she would yield great gains off of just 10mgs a day


  • Getbig III
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 09:26:04 AM »
my girlfriend just started a cycle of anavar 10mg per pill 20 mg a day.. im tryin to find out how long she needs to be on this.. she is not stacking anything else with the anavar and this is her first time in doing gear.. please and help would be appriciated...

How about a little info like her age, what she is trying to accomplish, is she fat, skinny, muscular, how long has she been training, you know, some of those little things that might matter a bit.  Otherwise you are asking "how long is a piece of rope?".


  • Getbig II
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2010, 11:17:54 AM »
ok here r the stats of my gf..

age   46
weight 134

shes always wo on her own but she just started with a personal trainer a year ago. she is tone and in shape but with trouble areas due to age..her goals r to get rid of the fat in her abdomen section and tone her tights and butt...  i hope tht breaks it down for u she has already cycled for a week now at 20 mg a day..and her is from british dragon...


  • Getbig IV
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 11:53:08 AM »
Im sorry but you guys are both ignorent and stupid if shes using british dragon anavar...the real british dragon is out of business...she could be using a low dose of dbol for all you know...fuck around with that and she could get irreversible side effects such as facial hair and deepening in the voice and much more..


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2010, 12:00:50 PM »
Im sorry but you guys are both ignorent and stupid if shes using british dragon anavar...the real british dragon is out of business...she could be using a low dose of dbol for all you know...fuck around with that and she could get irreversible side effects such as facial hair and deepening in the voice and much more..

Calm down nancy at 46 I'm sure the last thing she is worried about is facial hair and an enlarged clit.  LOL.  A little low dose dbol isn't going to turn her into a man overnight.  You really have no clue what women fitness competitors and bodybuilders take do you? 

It's not unusual for women bodybuilders to take dbol.  That being said she would know the difference between dbol and anavar within a couple of days.

To the OPer.......don't you think she/you should have done a little more research BEFORE she started?  For women if the anavar is legit they should take anywhere from 5-20mgs per day.......usually tapering up and then tapering down.  How long?  It's subjective.  You can stay on anavar for a fairly long time without any adverse or woman.  If the gains keep coming and the sides don't appear..........keep going. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2010, 12:03:50 PM »
How about a little info like her age, what she is trying to accomplish, is she fat, skinny, muscular, how long has she been training, you know, some of those little things that might matter a bit.  Otherwise you are asking "how long is a piece of rope?".

LOL..........what are you going to punch all her stats into an Iphone application and come up with the perfect cycle for her?  How does knowing any of that really in the grand scheme of things matter?  She's female......she's looking to loose weight and replace it with muscle i..e tone up.  How long has she been training?  Does that really matter?  She's already started the anavar already.  So whether she's a complete newbie or a veteran of 20 years...........the more and more you post the more it seems most of your "knowledge" is just parroted from years and years of hanging out on bodybuilding forums.   ::)


  • Getbig III
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2010, 12:23:00 PM »
LOL..........what are you going to punch all her stats into an Iphone application and come up with the perfect cycle for her?  How does knowing any of that really in the grand scheme of things matter?  She's female......she's looking to loose weight and replace it with muscle i..e tone up.  How long has she been training?  Does that really matter?  She's already started the anavar already.  So whether she's a complete newbie or a veteran of 20 years...........the more and more you post the more it seems most of your "knowledge" is just parroted from years and years of hanging out on bodybuilding forums.   ::)

Here we go again.  Ok genius, give us a doctor's opinion..... oops, sorry, I forgot, you aren't a doctor, you're a nurse.  And yes, things like your goals do matter, and I'm just taking a guess here but she may just care about facial hair and growing a dick.  How would a person that has never done a cycle know the difference between anavar and d-bol after a few days?  Maybe there is a reason she wanted to take anavar and not d-bol?  Don't you have to go pretend you're learning how to fight over at the Vagina instead of wasting time here fighting to breath cuz your head is so far up your ass?  Every one of your posts is nothing but shit-talking and no useful information ever comes out of you, so why don't you go post with the other wanna-be fighters on an arnis forum somewhere.  Or are you busy pulling a double emptying bedpans and licking used catheters tonight?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2010, 12:35:51 PM »
Yes i kno what fitness competitors and female bodybuilders take but this women is neither...shes just trying to lose fat,tone up,and get into better sure shes trying to do that with the least amount of side effects as possible..better to be safe than sorry especially with irreversible side effects


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2010, 12:39:40 PM »
Here we go again.  Ok genius, give us a doctor's opinion..... oops, sorry, I forgot, you aren't a doctor, you're a nurse.  And yes, things like your goals do matter, and I'm just taking a guess here but she may just care about facial hair and growing a dick.  How would a person that has never done a cycle know the difference between anavar and d-bol after a few days?  Maybe there is a reason she wanted to take anavar and not d-bol?  Don't you have to go pretend you're learning how to fight over at the Vagina instead of wasting time here fighting to breath cuz your head is so far up your ass?  Every one of your posts is nothing but shit-talking and no useful information ever comes out of you, so why don't you go post with the other wanna-be fighters on an arnis forum somewhere.  Or are you busy pulling a double emptying bedpans and licking used catheters tonight?

LOL..........So you deduce everything down to what I do for a living?  Deep down you know I'm right about you if you have to always reduce an argument down to insulting someone's chosen profession.  When you have yet to fess up to what it is you actually do.  Anyways, obviously you've NEVER used dbol or anavar or both if you think you cant tell the different between dbol and var in a few days.  Ok maybe not a few days but a week i.e. 7 days I'm pretty sure that what I have is dbol and not anavar.  I bloat up and pump up and even start seeing some oily skin and acne on dbol after a week or so.  Never in my entire 10 years of using steroids have I ever gotten those sides from legit anavar.  That was my point.  

Now on to my next point..........dbol is actually not harmful to women when it's used in low doses.  It's no different than women who use low dose testosterone.  I've seen plenty of female competitors use 2.5-5mgs of dbol a day for weeks on end without no other side effects than bloating.  And most of the time they are using anti-estrogen anyways so the bloating is down to a minimum as well.  So before you go spouting off at the mouth maybe you might offer some real world scientific experience instead of spoonfeeding your internet"broscience" to everyone else.  Most people that want to take that nextstep to use steroids if they are a female want to lose weight and tone up.  What do you want to know many orgasms she had in the last 24 hours or what color are her panties?   ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2010, 12:44:34 PM »
Yes i kno what fitness competitors and female bodybuilders take but this women is neither...shes just trying to lose fat,tone up,and get into better sure shes trying to do that with the least amount of side effects as possible..better to be safe than sorry especially with irreversible side effects

Well it's not rocket science guy.  Anavar if what you have is legit anavar is a very safe and mild steroid.  Like I said women who use it take between 5-20mgs per day for all different lengths of time.  A girlfriend of mine took Spa oxandrolone for 12 weeks and lost fat and toned up.  She took 2.5mgs twice a day for the first 3 weeks.  5mgs twice a day for 3 weeks.  10mg twice a day for 3 weeks and then 5mgs twice a day for the last 3 weeks.  It really isn't going matter what she does.  Everything is based on the individual.  Will she see side effects......maybe maybe not.  Depends on her body.  Is 5mgs going to work better than 20mgs?  Who knows.  She's got to experiment and see what works.  Bottomline is I would make damn sure what you are giving her is anavar.  If not then stick with more reputable brands...........Otherwi se get he on some winny.  Winstrol is much easier to come by than anavar. 
Bonavar from March Pharmaceuticals/Body Research


  • Getbig III
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2010, 12:56:19 PM »
LOL..........So you deduce everything down to what I do for a living?  Deep down you know I'm right about you if you have to always reduce an argument down to insulting someone's chosen profession.  When you have yet to fess up to what it is you actually do.  Anyways, obviously you've NEVER used dbol or anavar or both if you think you cant tell the different between dbol and var in a few days.  Ok maybe not a few days but a week i.e. 7 days I'm pretty sure that what I have is dbol and not anavar.  I bloat up and pump up and even start seeing some oily skin and acne on dbol after a week or so.  Never in my entire 10 years of using steroids have I ever gotten those sides from legit anavar.  That was my point.  

Now on to my next point..........dbol is actually not harmful to women when it's used in low doses.  It's no different than women who use low dose testosterone.  I've seen plenty of female competitors use 2.5-5mgs of dbol a day for weeks on end without no other side effects than bloating.  And most of the time they are using anti-estrogen anyways so the bloating is down to a minimum as well.  So before you go spouting off at the mouth maybe you might offer some real world scientific experience instead of spoonfeeding your internet"broscience" to everyone else.  Most people that want to take that nextstep to use steroids if they are a female want to lose weight and tone up.  What do you want to know many orgasms she had in the last 24 hours or what color are her panties?   ::)

I forgot how slowly one has to explain things when dealing with you, and for that I apologize.  Let me try again.  Telling a 40+ year old woman with no competitive aspirations that it doesn't matter if she takes d-bol or low doses of test is retarded.  The woman is looking to get in a little better shape and you say she won't care if she gets facial hair or grows a dick?  This isn't a competitive athlete that is willing to make some sacrifices.  And I didn't say I can't tell anavar from d-bol, I said how is she supposed to tell in a few days which she is taking.  You are in such a big hurry to try to prove me wrong that you don't even bother to read anything posted and then you come up with ridiculous shit like that.  Do you have any idea how retarded things like this make you sound?  "Calm down nancy at 46 I'm sure the last thing she is worried about is facial hair and an enlarged clit.  LOL.  A little low dose dbol isn't going to turn her into a man overnight.  You really have no clue what women fitness competitors and bodybuilders take do you?"  Arguing with you is like swatting a fly with a dump truck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2010, 01:19:02 PM »
I forgot how slowly one has to explain things when dealing with you, and for that I apologize.  Let me try again.  Telling a 40+ year old woman with no competitive aspirations that it doesn't matter if she takes d-bol or low doses of test is retarded.  The woman is looking to get in a little better shape and you say she won't care if she gets facial hair or grows a dick?  This isn't a competitive athlete that is willing to make some sacrifices.  And I didn't say I can't tell anavar from d-bol, I said how is she supposed to tell in a few days which she is taking.  You are in such a big hurry to try to prove me wrong that you don't even bother to read anything posted and then you come up with ridiculous shit like that.  Do you have any idea how retarded things like this make you sound?  "Calm down nancy at 46 I'm sure the last thing she is worried about is facial hair and an enlarged clit.  LOL.  A little low dose dbol isn't going to turn her into a man overnight.  You really have no clue what women fitness competitors and bodybuilders take do you?"  Arguing with you is like swatting a fly with a dump truck.

I didn't say it doesn't matter if she takes low dose test vs. anavar.  My point was dbol is not going to turn her into man overnight.  And yes even virilization is REVERSIBLE if she happened to suffer some of those sides because what she thought was anavar was actually dbol.  But you're the guy that thinks dbol will cause liver failure.  LMAO!  I forgot I have to spell out every little thing I say because you cannot deduce what I'm saying through reasoning.  My dbol comment was in response to tsmaniac's comment genius.  You don't sprout facial hair the minute you take dbol. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2010, 01:52:18 PM »
Then you agree with whole point was to use a reputable brand...not some shitty british dragon


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2010, 02:00:17 PM »
Then you agree with whole point was to use a reputable brand...not some shitty british dragon

Absolutely.  I mean even with low dose dbol at least she'd now what she's getting.  The reason men hate dbol is because of the estrogenic sides.  Or should I say that's what causes the problems with dbol.  So if you give dbol to a woman she doesn't have to worry about the estrogenic sides especially if she is taking an anti-e which most women who use low dose testosterone do as well.  Dbol for women isn't really that much different than testosterone.  It's the dose that is important.  There are quite a few women who compete that use very low dose dbol i.e. 2.5 mg per day.  It works quite well. 


  • Getbig IV
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2010, 03:08:00 PM »
My whole point was to use a reputable brand...that british dragon could contain 20mgs of dbol for all we know or winstrol or anadrol...who knows whats in that shit and she could get some fucked up side for as u saying that female bodybuilders can use dbol 2.5 to 5mgs a day and be fine is probably right...but im sure this women doesnt want to take any chances with some shitty ugl


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2010, 03:10:07 PM »
My whole point was to use a reputable brand...that british dragon could contain 20mgs of dbol for all we know or winstrol or anadrol...who knows whats in that shit and she could get some fucked up side for as u saying that female bodybuilders can use dbol 2.5 to 5mgs a day and be fine is probably right...but im sure this women doesnt want to take any chances with some shitty ugl

Why anyone would use fucking british dragon is beyond me.  I mean a 5th grader can find legit human grade gear these days.  There is no excuse for using brands like British dragon.


  • Getbig III
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2010, 04:22:10 PM »
I didn't say it doesn't matter if she takes low dose test vs. anavar.  My point was dbol is not going to turn her into man overnight.  And yes even virilization is REVERSIBLE if she happened to suffer some of those sides because what she thought was anavar was actually dbol.  But you're the guy that thinks dbol will cause liver failure.  LMAO!  I forgot I have to spell out every little thing I say because you cannot deduce what I'm saying through reasoning.  My dbol comment was in response to tsmaniac's comment genius.  You don't sprout facial hair the minute you take dbol. 

I brought this over for you again, because you're still trying to twist what I said.  Here you go.  Try to read slowly:

One more time for you slowly nurse McAnus.  My comment in regards to length of time for taking d-bol was in response to this:
"No one uses 50 mg dbol/day year round, right?"

To which I responded: "And you think that is because it quits working?  Its because no one wants liver failure."

There is really no point in trying to argue with a person that has the reading comprehension of a prepubescent. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2010, 05:41:46 PM »
I brought this over for you again, because you're still trying to twist what I said.  Here you go.  Try to read slowly:

One more time for you slowly nurse McAnus.  My comment in regards to length of time for taking d-bol was in response to this:
"No one uses 50 mg dbol/day year round, right?"

To which I responded: "And you think that is because it quits working?  Its because no one wants liver failure."

There is really no point in trying to argue with a person that has the reading comprehension of a prepubescent. 

LMAO!  You're really desperate.  50mg of dbol year round doesn't cause liver failure moron.  It takes years and years of abuse to cause liver failure.  Do you even realize what liver failure is?  Alcoholics who drink a bottle of whiskey day in and day out don't eve succumb to liver failure.

Mega Man

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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2010, 08:00:51 PM »
Actualy, I have several family members and family friends, who were text book alcoholics.....and let me tell ya.....they got liver failure on top of diabeties and pancreas cancer ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: anavar woman cycle
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2010, 08:47:40 PM »
Actualy, I have several family members and family friends, who were text book alcoholics.....and let me tell ya.....they got liver failure on top of diabeties and pancreas cancer ;D

Yeah not after a year. It takes several years of very heavy drinking to get diabetes and liver failure.  I have a cousin who is/was an alcoholic.  Started drinking at 14.  Is now a diabetic.  But he's yet to have liver failure.  I'm sure one day.  Trust me I've seen what liver failure does to a person how much abuse the liver can take.  To say you'll get liver failure after a year of 50mg of dbol is pretty assinine.  Old people stay on anadrol for years at a time.  AIDS patients as well.  None of them get liver failure.