Author Topic: Why GH15 is full of it / is he Disgusted?  (Read 62172 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #75 on: August 08, 2010, 04:14:56 AM »
Howard you've been around bb much longer than me...I've been around it 11 years.  I have kept my head clear from bullshit and see everything as it is.

1. You, Bob, Tom Prince and just about every pro PUBLICLY underestimate the use of drugs in bodybuilding.  No need to divert the conversation by saying all sports use, I'm not talking about all sports, I'm talking about bodybuilding.  EVERY PRO uses and at that level EVERY PRO uses alot.  The importance of the drugs is demonstrated by watching the drug tested Mr. O Haney competed in...

2.  Training while important is overrated.  This is demonstrated by the halfass effort you see pros give...NOT ALL PROS.  If you have great genetic response to drugs and eat what and when you are supposed to you will grow even training half ass...

3.  Food intake is incredibly important.  You gotta eat ALOT and not chicken and rice bullshit.  I believe this is tied in importance with drugs and drug response.  No drugs no pro size, not alot of food no pro size.

4. Drug response nuff said.

Not all pros are lazy or garbage their are diamonds like Jay, Ronnie and Yates that have everything going for them and you can't use these fellas as examples.

Bottom line is you all underestimate drug importance yet when you take drugs out of the equation, look at Mike "Popeye" Morris or like I said the Drug tested O.  It's clear as ice.

From what I wrote it may look like I'm saying you don't have to train or pros don't train....FALSE I'm saying if other things are covered, the amount of training and intensity said needed is overrated.  important but not as the others.

Wiggs, well put.

You dont even have to eat 'clean' now with all the drugs available. Exactly what GH15 said. I know first hand because I am putting it all into practice now aftyer 13yrs of training. I am now bigger and better conditioned than ever before.
A nod also goes to the great Dan Duchaine, well ahead of his time.

There is so much disinformation out there about this facet of weightlifting.
If the truth was ever told to the mass public, the disgust would be amplified x100 than what it is now.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #76 on: August 08, 2010, 05:04:05 AM »
Mike Asheley 1990 ASC champ after Shawn Ray was busted for the drug test * only yr they tested.
He was clean enough to pass the same drug test others failed!
Ronnie Coleman did NOT win the nationals when he went pro.He was the only finalist in the Hvy wt class to be willing to take and then pass the drug test to go to the IFBB worlds. He got his pro card at the IFBB amatuer worlds at 217 lbs.
Ray was caught, Ashley wasnt. doesnt mean Ashley didnt take drugs.
Like at the 1990 mr o, the show wasnt nattie, they tested for diuretics so the guys came in lighter, worried they wouldnt make it at higher bw. Everybody was using hormones, obviously! they were just softer.

A tested show, was the wbf show where Mike Quinn illustrated what he looks like off. btw, Strydom was the poster boy, clean or not, he was not gona get dqd.

Also, Ronnie did team universe shows, was tested. Is that supposed to mean Ronnie was natural in his top amateur days? Ronnie was juicing in his teens, like unsung said, amazing response. Just because Flex outmassed him in the early 90's, and Ronnie surpassed him by leaps and bounds you're assuming he started juicing later...Flex had maxed out by 93, Ronnie was only upping the dosage, yet to discover growth, slin, synthol.

This tested thing is like saying everyone that passed the test at the olympics was clean, in other words, every champion sprinter incl Bolt, was clean before and after Ben Johnson, cause they werent caught positive for drugs. And Armstrong won all the tour de france's clean, and all the cyclists that dont show up positive for doping, arent doping... c'mon, grow up.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #77 on: August 08, 2010, 05:19:26 AM »
well ,,every 5-6 month or so ,,usually bi yearly,,mr howard like to come and challenge god of hormones,,now i could let my pack of hyenas tare him apart like they just did along the posting,,but i since he is an elder and love bodybuilding i will contribute to this thred with few facts for mr howard,,

1. the hormones are not a must inorder to be an ifbb pro ,,it is  amust to be able to compete in almost ANY COMPETITION unless you do a local classroom in middle texas competition but even part of those kids wil lbe on ,,so the drugs are there from the get go ,,

2. the more you take the bigger you will be,,it is a rule of thumb ,,yes there is diminishing returns but! the more legit test yuo are on the bigger you will be and 1 gram is not even close to diminishing anything

3. foundation is very impoerant and this is why i keep saying that phillip heath is a bad bodybuilder,,he just dont have it ,,same as tomas prince,,they blew up on drugs ,,so yes in this case i agree the foundation is a must inroder to develop an even better physiqe on hormones in relashion to fellas who just stuck needle in themselves

4. genetic repsonse is the key factor when it comes to pro level,,every one take drugs amatuer and professional but the professional responded better to it ,,their genetic RESPONSE was better thus were able to pull more for the same and also were able to sustain more drugs ,aka our body was able to use the drugs and sustain the abuse the best if you can call it the best,,

5. all the aspects you say about training and nutrition and th e such will be absolutely useless and worthless with out hormones and enough of those hormones for the lean muscle mass the bodybuilder is ,,it is not sustainable with out the constant use and abuse of those drugs,,

6. in relashion to who has best genetics ,,the ones with best genetics doesnt mean biggest size,,it means best muscle shape ,,those are usually fellas that sit at 160-170lb at 5'10 at 8% with well developed muscle bellies ,,thats what it is no more no less,, the amatuer level genetics means absolutely nothing,,it is the consistancy in drug taking and the ability to nail condition while maintainig enough size which wont be there unless the bodybuilder use hormones,,there was never a true  natural big fella that was able to get shredded down  to mid singles ,,never been such an animal as of yet,,in the PROS thats where genetics matter when you try to decide who win show at the top level thats when the little things come into considerations when everyone has similar development and you need to establish a winner ,,THATS WHEN GENETICS COMES INTO PLAY

8. ron colman was on hormones way way before he was even remotely a professional,,he was on all through amatuer levels

9. you can only GROW into a show by using HGH ,,no hgh meaning you can not grow into a show and can only DIET INTO ONE AKA LOSING WEIGHT INORDER TO GET ON STAGE,,

10. if the jew was fed what we take he may have not been a top pro or even top amatuer but he would be able to do national and place 15th like 1000s other bodybuilder around the world who do it on regular basis,,

11. diet ONLY matter when dieting for a show

12, jason cutler  and dorian are both fellas with average genetics as in NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT that responded to drugs PHENOMINALLY and the rest is history

13. the hormone smarket is absolutely HUGE ,,there is so much sells going in americana its starrts being equivelentto prostitution number,,that includes professional athletes liek the football players you were talkin about which are ALWAYS ON HORMONES,, not to forget gh has no way of being detcted,,anyone can claim being diabetic and in need of insulin ,,and no ester produducts being sold to pro athletes on regular basis via team docs,,via black market ,,and via gurus,, they all buy it in bulk from suppliers who sit both in europe and china

14. the black market got so big that any kid now days in americana buy poweders cook them and open some stupid ug lab that sell bunk balonie ,,they keep everything for thmselves and sell you kids bunk shit that make you think you have average response since you INJECT BUNK GEAR,,those are the real criminals ,,they abuse the begginers who have all intention to be serious in bodybuilding and  make a lot of money out of your dream

15. the bodybuilder who got anywhere always got there buy using HUMAN GRADE LEGIT HORMONES,,he always have good connection and always use good prducts ,,it is never hrt by the way and always black market but! it is legit products sold by legit suppliers,,

16. the fact mr howard didnt become a professional doesnt mean he should come here and ruin it to the beggining fellas which i consider my pupils,,the fact you coudnt do it doesnt mean they cant,,and trust me there are a number on this board that one day will be professionals and dont need your bad karma ,,the reason they will be professionals is not new technics or new food ,,it is because they knew to begin with what to do ! they had god of hormones to guide them when they were 18 and saved them years over years of the TEARS YOU SHED BECAUSE OF YOUR GYM RAT ATTITUDE BACK IN THE DAY,,

17. there sare many boards on the internet ,,gh15 has invitation to each and every one of them including BEGGINGS to just come and be member of honor just to the board get following,,gh15 refused to all,,gh15 chose the getbig board because it is a no bullshit place ,,majority of members here are the bodybuilders themselves who compete and also fans who know the real truth and have no agenda!,,all other boards have agendas with suppliers and corrupt people on them who live and make a living on your stupidity,,this is the only place that is not and thats why it became the DUNGEON OF BODYBUILDING,,this is the place to be ,,and this is not a place to spit bullcrap,,you as a past competetive bodybuilder should know that this cult is mainly drugs,,you know it well and so are everyone around on each and every board concerning bodybuilding,,

18. next time you try to say what gh15 says ,,make sure you quote it right,,i said majority of bodybuilding is hormones ,,there is still training and nutrition in the equation,,its just not as important as the products you use in modern bodybuilding

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #78 on: August 08, 2010, 05:48:06 AM »
well ,,every 5-6 month or so ,,usually bi yearly,,mr howard like to come and challenge god of hormones,,now i could let my pack of hyenas tare him apart like they just did along the posting,,but i since he is an elder and love bodybuilding i will contribute to this thred with few facts for mr howard,,

1. the hormones are not a must inorder to be an ifbb pro ,,it is  amust to be able to compete in almost ANY COMPETITION unless you do a local classroom in middle texas competition but even part of those kids wil lbe on ,,so the drugs are there from the get go ,,

2. the more you take the bigger you will be,,it is a rule of thumb ,,yes there is diminishing returns but! the more legit test yuo are on the bigger you will be and 1 gram is not even close to diminishing anything

3. foundation is very impoerant and this is why i keep saying that phillip heath is a bad bodybuilder,,he just dont have it ,,same as tomas prince,,they blew up on drugs ,,so yes in this case i agree the foundation is a must inroder to develop an even better physiqe on hormones in relashion to fellas who just stuck needle in themselves

4. genetic repsonse is the key factor when it comes to pro level,,every one take drugs amatuer and professional but the professional responded better to it ,,their genetic RESPONSE was better thus were able to pull more for the same and also were able to sustain more drugs ,aka our body was able to use the drugs and sustain the abuse the best if you can call it the best,,

5. all the aspects you say about training and nutrition and th e such will be absolutely useless and worthless with out hormones and enough of those hormones for the lean muscle mass the bodybuilder is ,,it is not sustainable with out the constant use and abuse of those drugs,,

6. in relashion to who has best genetics ,,the ones with best genetics doesnt mean biggest size,,it means best muscle shape ,,those are usually fellas that sit at 160-170lb at 5'10 at 8% with well developed muscle bellies ,,thats what it is no more no less,, the amatuer level genetics means absolutely nothing,,it is the consistancy in drug taking and the ability to nail condition while maintainig enough size which wont be there unless the bodybuilder use hormones,,there was never a true  natural big fella that was able to get shredded down  to mid singles ,,never been such an animal as of yet,,in the PROS thats where genetics matter when you try to decide who win show at the top level thats when the little things come into considerations when everyone has similar development and you need to establish a winner ,,THATS WHEN GENETICS COMES INTO PLAY

8. ron colman was on hormones way way before he was even remotely a professional,,he was on all through amatuer levels

9. you can only GROW into a show by using HGH ,,no hgh meaning you can not grow into a show and can only DIET INTO ONE AKA LOSING WEIGHT INORDER TO GET ON STAGE,,

10. if the jew was fed what we take he may have not been a top pro or even top amatuer but he would be able to do national and place 15th like 1000s other bodybuilder around the world who do it on regular basis,,

11. diet ONLY matter when dieting for a show

12, jason cutler  and dorian are both fellas with average genetics as in NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT that responded to drugs PHENOMINALLY and the rest is history

13. the hormone smarket is absolutely HUGE ,,there is so much sells going in americana its starrts being equivelentto prostitution number,,that includes professional athletes liek the football players you were talkin about which are ALWAYS ON HORMONES,, not to forget gh has no way of being detcted,,anyone can claim being diabetic and in need of insulin ,,and no ester produducts being sold to pro athletes on regular basis via team docs,,via black market ,,and via gurus,, they all buy it in bulk from suppliers who sit both in europe and china

14. the black market got so big that any kid now days in americana buy poweders cook them and open some stupid ug lab that sell bunk balonie ,,they keep everything for thmselves and sell you kids bunk shit that make you think you have average response since you INJECT BUNK GEAR,,those are the real criminals ,,they abuse the begginers who have all intention to be serious in bodybuilding and  make a lot of money out of your dream

15. the bodybuilder who got anywhere always got there buy using HUMAN GRADE LEGIT HORMONES,,he always have good connection and always use good prducts ,,it is never hrt by the way and always black market but! it is legit products sold by legit suppliers,,

16. the fact mr howard didnt become a professional doesnt mean he should come here and ruin it to the beggining fellas which i consider my pupils,,the fact you coudnt do it doesnt mean they cant,,and trust me there are a number on this board that one day will be professionals and dont need your bad karma ,,the reason they will be professionals is not new technics or new food ,,it is because they knew to begin with what to do ! they had god of hormones to guide them when they were 18 and saved them years over years of the TEARS YOU SHED BECAUSE OF YOUR GYM RAT ATTITUDE BACK IN THE DAY,,

17. there sare many boards on the internet ,,gh15 has invitation to each and every one of them including BEGGINGS to just come and be member of honor just to the board get following,,gh15 refused to all,,gh15 chose the getbig board because it is a no bullshit place ,,majority of members here are the bodybuilders themselves who compete and also fans who know the real truth and have no agenda!,,all other boards have agendas with suppliers and corrupt people on them who live and make a living on your stupidity,,this is the only place that is not and thats why it became the DUNGEON OF BODYBUILDING,,this is the place to be ,,and this is not a place to spit bullcrap,,you as a past competetive bodybuilder should know that this cult is mainly drugs,,you know it well and so are everyone around on each and every board concerning bodybuilding,,

18. next time you try to say what gh15 says ,,make sure you quote it right,,i said majority of bodybuilding is hormones ,,there is still training and nutrition in the equation,,its just not as important as the products you use in modern bodybuilding

gh15 approved

not only is he a kind god.............he is a GENEROUS god.  pay your respects damn you.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #79 on: August 08, 2010, 05:54:12 AM »

not only is he a kind god.............he is a GENEROUS god.  pay your respects damn you.

LOL you dweeb  ;D


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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #80 on: August 08, 2010, 06:00:40 AM »
LOL you dweeb  ;D

haha, i know my place


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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2010, 06:25:57 AM »
well ,,every 5-6 month or so ,,usually bi yearly,,mr howard like to come and challenge god of hormones,,now i could let my pack of hyenas tare him apart like they just did along the posting,,but i since he is an elder and love bodybuilding i will contribute to this thred with few facts for mr howard,,

1. the hormones are not a must inorder to be an ifbb pro ,,it is  amust to be able to compete in almost ANY COMPETITION unless you do a local classroom in middle texas competition but even part of those kids wil lbe on ,,so the drugs are there from the get go ,,

2. the more you take the bigger you will be,,it is a rule of thumb ,,yes there is diminishing returns but! the more legit test yuo are on the bigger you will be and 1 gram is not even close to diminishing anything

3. foundation is very impoerant and this is why i keep saying that phillip heath is a bad bodybuilder,,he just dont have it ,,same as tomas prince,,they blew up on drugs ,,so yes in this case i agree the foundation is a must inroder to develop an even better physiqe on hormones in relashion to fellas who just stuck needle in themselves

4. genetic repsonse is the key factor when it comes to pro level,,every one take drugs amatuer and professional but the professional responded better to it ,,their genetic RESPONSE was better thus were able to pull more for the same and also were able to sustain more drugs ,aka our body was able to use the drugs and sustain the abuse the best if you can call it the best,,

5. all the aspects you say about training and nutrition and th e such will be absolutely useless and worthless with out hormones and enough of those hormones for the lean muscle mass the bodybuilder is ,,it is not sustainable with out the constant use and abuse of those drugs,,

6. in relashion to who has best genetics ,,the ones with best genetics doesnt mean biggest size,,it means best muscle shape ,,those are usually fellas that sit at 160-170lb at 5'10 at 8% with well developed muscle bellies ,,thats what it is no more no less,, the amatuer level genetics means absolutely nothing,,it is the consistancy in drug taking and the ability to nail condition while maintainig enough size which wont be there unless the bodybuilder use hormones,,there was never a true  natural big fella that was able to get shredded down  to mid singles ,,never been such an animal as of yet,,in the PROS thats where genetics matter when you try to decide who win show at the top level thats when the little things come into considerations when everyone has similar development and you need to establish a winner ,,THATS WHEN GENETICS COMES INTO PLAY

8. ron colman was on hormones way way before he was even remotely a professional,,he was on all through amatuer levels

9. you can only GROW into a show by using HGH ,,no hgh meaning you can not grow into a show and can only DIET INTO ONE AKA LOSING WEIGHT INORDER TO GET ON STAGE,,

10. if the jew was fed what we take he may have not been a top pro or even top amatuer but he would be able to do national and place 15th like 1000s other bodybuilder around the world who do it on regular basis,,

11. diet ONLY matter when dieting for a show

12, jason cutler  and dorian are both fellas with average genetics as in NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT that responded to drugs PHENOMINALLY and the rest is history

13. the hormone smarket is absolutely HUGE ,,there is so much sells going in americana its starrts being equivelentto prostitution number,,that includes professional athletes liek the football players you were talkin about which are ALWAYS ON HORMONES,, not to forget gh has no way of being detcted,,anyone can claim being diabetic and in need of insulin ,,and no ester produducts being sold to pro athletes on regular basis via team docs,,via black market ,,and via gurus,, they all buy it in bulk from suppliers who sit both in europe and china

14. the black market got so big that any kid now days in americana buy poweders cook them and open some stupid ug lab that sell bunk balonie ,,they keep everything for thmselves and sell you kids bunk shit that make you think you have average response since you INJECT BUNK GEAR,,those are the real criminals ,,they abuse the begginers who have all intention to be serious in bodybuilding and  make a lot of money out of your dream

15. the bodybuilder who got anywhere always got there buy using HUMAN GRADE LEGIT HORMONES,,he always have good connection and always use good prducts ,,it is never hrt by the way and always black market but! it is legit products sold by legit suppliers,,

16. the fact mr howard didnt become a professional doesnt mean he should come here and ruin it to the beggining fellas which i consider my pupils,,the fact you coudnt do it doesnt mean they cant,,and trust me there are a number on this board that one day will be professionals and dont need your bad karma ,,the reason they will be professionals is not new technics or new food ,,it is because they knew to begin with what to do ! they had god of hormones to guide them when they were 18 and saved them years over years of the TEARS YOU SHED BECAUSE OF YOUR GYM RAT ATTITUDE BACK IN THE DAY,,

17. there sare many boards on the internet ,,gh15 has invitation to each and every one of them including BEGGINGS to just come and be member of honor just to the board get following,,gh15 refused to all,,gh15 chose the getbig board because it is a no bullshit place ,,majority of members here are the bodybuilders themselves who compete and also fans who know the real truth and have no agenda!,,all other boards have agendas with suppliers and corrupt people on them who live and make a living on your stupidity,,this is the only place that is not and thats why it became the DUNGEON OF BODYBUILDING,,this is the place to be ,,and this is not a place to spit bullcrap,,you as a past competetive bodybuilder should know that this cult is mainly drugs,,you know it well and so are everyone around on each and every board concerning bodybuilding,,

18. next time you try to say what gh15 says ,,make sure you quote it right,,i said majority of bodybuilding is hormones ,,there is still training and nutrition in the equation,,its just not as important as the products you use in modern bodybuilding

gh15 approved


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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2010, 07:44:12 AM »
well ,,every 5-6 month or so ,,usually bi yearly,,mr howard like to come and challenge god of hormones,,now i could let my pack of hyenas tare him apart like they just did along the posting,,but i since he is an elder and love bodybuilding i will contribute to this thred with few facts for mr howard,,

1. the hormones are not a must inorder to be an ifbb pro ,,it is  amust to be able to compete in almost ANY COMPETITION unless you do a local classroom in middle texas competition but even part of those kids wil lbe on ,,so the drugs are there from the get go ,,

2. the more you take the bigger you will be,,it is a rule of thumb ,,yes there is diminishing returns but! the more legit test yuo are on the bigger you will be and 1 gram is not even close to diminishing anything

3. foundation is very impoerant and this is why i keep saying that phillip heath is a bad bodybuilder,,he just dont have it ,,same as tomas prince,,they blew up on drugs ,,so yes in this case i agree the foundation is a must inroder to develop an even better physiqe on hormones in relashion to fellas who just stuck needle in themselves

4. genetic repsonse is the key factor when it comes to pro level,,every one take drugs amatuer and professional but the professional responded better to it ,,their genetic RESPONSE was better thus were able to pull more for the same and also were able to sustain more drugs ,aka our body was able to use the drugs and sustain the abuse the best if you can call it the best,,

5. all the aspects you say about training and nutrition and th e such will be absolutely useless and worthless with out hormones and enough of those hormones for the lean muscle mass the bodybuilder is ,,it is not sustainable with out the constant use and abuse of those drugs,,

6. in relashion to who has best genetics ,,the ones with best genetics doesnt mean biggest size,,it means best muscle shape ,,those are usually fellas that sit at 160-170lb at 5'10 at 8% with well developed muscle bellies ,,thats what it is no more no less,, the amatuer level genetics means absolutely nothing,,it is the consistancy in drug taking and the ability to nail condition while maintainig enough size which wont be there unless the bodybuilder use hormones,,there was never a true  natural big fella that was able to get shredded down  to mid singles ,,never been such an animal as of yet,,in the PROS thats where genetics matter when you try to decide who win show at the top level thats when the little things come into considerations when everyone has similar development and you need to establish a winner ,,THATS WHEN GENETICS COMES INTO PLAY

8. ron colman was on hormones way way before he was even remotely a professional,,he was on all through amatuer levels

9. you can only GROW into a show by using HGH ,,no hgh meaning you can not grow into a show and can only DIET INTO ONE AKA LOSING WEIGHT INORDER TO GET ON STAGE,,

10. if the jew was fed what we take he may have not been a top pro or even top amatuer but he would be able to do national and place 15th like 1000s other bodybuilder around the world who do it on regular basis,,

11. diet ONLY matter when dieting for a show

12, jason cutler  and dorian are both fellas with average genetics as in NOTHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT that responded to drugs PHENOMINALLY and the rest is history

13. the hormone smarket is absolutely HUGE ,,there is so much sells going in americana its starrts being equivelentto prostitution number,,that includes professional athletes liek the football players you were talkin about which are ALWAYS ON HORMONES,, not to forget gh has no way of being detcted,,anyone can claim being diabetic and in need of insulin ,,and no ester produducts being sold to pro athletes on regular basis via team docs,,via black market ,,and via gurus,, they all buy it in bulk from suppliers who sit both in europe and china

14. the black market got so big that any kid now days in americana buy poweders cook them and open some stupid ug lab that sell bunk balonie ,,they keep everything for thmselves and sell you kids bunk shit that make you think you have average response since you INJECT BUNK GEAR,,those are the real criminals ,,they abuse the begginers who have all intention to be serious in bodybuilding and  make a lot of money out of your dream

15. the bodybuilder who got anywhere always got there buy using HUMAN GRADE LEGIT HORMONES,,he always have good connection and always use good prducts ,,it is never hrt by the way and always black market but! it is legit products sold by legit suppliers,,

16. the fact mr howard didnt become a professional doesnt mean he should come here and ruin it to the beggining fellas which i consider my pupils,,the fact you coudnt do it doesnt mean they cant,,and trust me there are a number on this board that one day will be professionals and dont need your bad karma ,,the reason they will be professionals is not new technics or new food ,,it is because they knew to begin with what to do ! they had god of hormones to guide them when they were 18 and saved them years over years of the TEARS YOU SHED BECAUSE OF YOUR GYM RAT ATTITUDE BACK IN THE DAY,,

17. there sare many boards on the internet ,,gh15 has invitation to each and every one of them including BEGGINGS to just come and be member of honor just to the board get following,,gh15 refused to all,,gh15 chose the getbig board because it is a no bullshit place ,,majority of members here are the bodybuilders themselves who compete and also fans who know the real truth and have no agenda!,,all other boards have agendas with suppliers and corrupt people on them who live and make a living on your stupidity,,this is the only place that is not and thats why it became the DUNGEON OF BODYBUILDING,,this is the place to be ,,and this is not a place to spit bullcrap,,you as a past competetive bodybuilder should know that this cult is mainly drugs,,you know it well and so are everyone around on each and every board concerning bodybuilding,,

18. next time you try to say what gh15 says ,,make sure you quote it right,,i said majority of bodybuilding is hormones ,,there is still training and nutrition in the equation,,its just not as important as the products you use in modern bodybuilding

gh15 approved

The fat blob Howard is sat at home crying now


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Re: Why GH15 is full of doggy doo!
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2010, 07:59:18 AM »
Poor Howard  :D

Its not too complicated. The genetic foundation must be there from the get-go. If not, no amount of drugs in the world will make you into a pro.

An analogy would be to use a person like Isaac Newton. If Newton didn't have the foundation for intelligence, no amount of studying in the world have made him into a genius. I can study 24/7, and I would probably never be as smart as Newton. And that goes for 99% of the population.

Obviously, Newtons environment played a role in his success, as well as his hard work and determination. So yes, being a pro requires a certain level of hard work, etc. You cant be an IFBB pro if you never train or if you drink a 12 pack every day.

However, the same ingredient played a role in Isaac Newtons and Ronnie Colemans success: genetics.


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Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #84 on: August 08, 2010, 12:48:58 PM »
Ive been good friends with disgusted for the past two years and we talk on the phone on a weekly basis.

Ever since the beginning he used to always tell me how knowledgable and how he agreed with most if not all what gh15 had to say on getbig.

Then recently we were talking and he said something to me that gh15 had just posted minutes earlier on the board, i asked him, then he got really defensive and said that he didnt read the board anymore and had no clue bout what gh15 had said. He also tried to convince me that gh15 was someone else who used to post here.

Then i noticed a few similarities............ ....

Disgusted says most pros are all drugs and they both recommend similar drug cycles.

They both hate doggcrapp/genecrapp and think hes a snake oil salesman.

They both think phil heath is all drugs and say the exact same things bout him.

Those are just a few, but i think they are the same guy.

AC Slater

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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #85 on: August 08, 2010, 12:59:29 PM »
I dont like twinks.

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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #86 on: August 08, 2010, 01:00:26 PM »


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #87 on: August 08, 2010, 01:01:32 PM »
So youre saying Disgusted is a massive drug dealer!?
I need to PM him!


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #88 on: August 08, 2010, 01:04:28 PM »

i might be wrong, but i may be right.

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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #89 on: August 08, 2010, 01:06:21 PM »
i might be wrong, but i may be right.
if you read everything he wrote ... you will see that gh15 is a top competitor also .... his eating advice is also diff than Jim's

gh15 is Dennis James ... you don't need to be smart to figure it out .. he dropped plenty of clues


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #90 on: August 08, 2010, 01:07:43 PM »
Ive been good friends with disgusted for the past two years and we talk on the phone on a weekly basis.

Ever since the beginning he used to always tell me how knowledgable and how he agreed with most if not all what gh15 had to say on getbig.

Then recently we were talking and he said something to me that gh15 had just posted minutes earlier on the board, i asked him, then he got really defensive and said that he didnt read the board anymore and had no clue bout what gh15 had said. He also tried to convince me that gh15 was someone else who used to post here.

Then i noticed a few similarities............ ....

Disgusted says most pros are all drugs and they both recommend similar drug cycles.

They both hate doggcrapp/genecrapp and think hes a snake oil salesman.

They both think phil heath is all drugs and say the exact same things bout him.

Those are just a few, but i think they are the same guy.

Ask him what he charges for Red Tops sent US domestic.


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #91 on: August 08, 2010, 01:07:59 PM »
im suprised you would post this!  :o did you ask jim before doing so?  ;D it owuld be nice to know for certain who it is at last, but it really doesnt matter who it is.


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #92 on: August 08, 2010, 01:08:59 PM »
if you read everything he wrote ... you will see that gh15 is a top competitor also .... his eating advice is also diff than Jim's

gh15 is Dennis James ... you don't need to be smart to figure it out .. he dropped plenty of clues

so...why dont you fill us in space man?  he's ethnic european.  dj does have the german connection.  but gh isnt a black guy.  could be one of the guys from the roid board who would know this board well and how to play it?


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #93 on: August 08, 2010, 01:09:52 PM »
if you read everything he wrote ... you will see that gh15 is a top competitor also .... his eating advice is also diff than Jim's

gh15 is Dennis James ... you don't need to be smart to figure it out .. he dropped plenty of clues

thats what i thought too, but jim has worked with many top competitors and hung backstage at a ton of shows, so he could talk just like he was a pro.

he has dropped clues, but lots were too obvious, it might just be someone trying to throw us off.


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #94 on: August 08, 2010, 01:11:17 PM »
im suprised you would post this!  :o did you ask jim before doing so?  ;D it owuld be nice to know for certain who it is at last, but it really doesnt matter who it is.

lol, no i didnt ask jim.

im sure ill get a call later today lol.

but gh15 is a knowledgable guy, i wouldnt be surprised if disgusted has been playin us all for a fool all along.


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #95 on: August 08, 2010, 01:11:37 PM »
Ive been good friends with disgusted for the past two years and we talk on the phone on a weekly basis.

Ever since the beginning he used to always tell me how knowledgable and how he agreed with most if not all what gh15 had to say on getbig.

Then recently we were talking and he said something to me that gh15 had just posted minutes earlier on the board, i asked him, then he got really defensive and said that he didnt read the board anymore and had no clue bout what gh15 had said. He also tried to convince me that gh15 was someone else who used to post here.

Then i noticed a few similarities............ ....

Disgusted says most pros are all drugs and they both recommend similar drug cycles.

They both hate doggcrapp/genecrapp and think hes a snake oil salesman.

They both think phil heath is all drugs and say the exact same things bout him.

Those are just a few, but i think they are the same guy.

Flex, do you cam with him too and use a microphone? ;)

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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #96 on: August 08, 2010, 01:12:47 PM »
thats what i thought too, but jim has worked with many top competitors and hung backstage at a ton of shows, so he could talk just like he was a pro.

he has dropped clues, but lots were too obvious, it might just be someone trying to throw us off.
no... he said he will never lie

he said at least top 15 Mr O ... but also a contender for the title hopefully ... 90's generation ... has to be Dennis .. also Jim is too polite  ;D

gh15 has a swagger to him .. his energetic signature when he posts is Dennises .. I get his mental picture


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #97 on: August 08, 2010, 01:23:59 PM »

gh15 has made posts during the O weekend.  i guess that's how his prep gets f##ked everytime if he is dennis.  ::)


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #98 on: August 08, 2010, 01:26:36 PM »

gh15 has made posts during the O weekend.  i guess that's how his prep gets f##ked everytime if he is dennis.  ::)
disgusted was @ home olympia weekend posting away on getbig!


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Re: Disgusted = GH15!
« Reply #99 on: August 08, 2010, 01:34:17 PM »
gh15 is def not DJ
ive met DJ before and hes dumb as shit
he could never be gh15