Author Topic: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape  (Read 672 times)


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O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape, Proves He’s Wrong

Remember that in the Rove-Breitbart playbook, when your side is on defense,
your side is losing. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has obviously gotten under Bill O’Reilly’s skin with her detailed readout of Fox News’ race-baiting with its deceptive stories about Van Jones, ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, the New Black Panthers Party and illegal immigration.

At first, O’Reilly’s rebutted Maddow’s charge of race-baiting basically with a succinct, “Nuh-UHH.” And by bragging that his, um, ratings were bigger than hers — because, you know, big ratings on a network designed to stoke the hatred and fear of the GOP-Tea Party’s racist base is obviously evidence that no race baiting is going on. Or something.

But Bill-O can’t seem to let it go. Last week, O’Reilly defended himself and his network again by dismissing Maddow as “a far left loon” and repeating his assertion that Fox News is not racist because it has higher ratings than MSNBC and CNN.

In rebuttal, Maddow points out that, by O’Reilly’s standards, sharks must be more even less racist than O’Reilly because “Shark Week” beat Fox News in the ratings last week. She also runs a series of clips that show O’Reilly making racist comments on Fox and that prove beyond a doubt that race baiting is, as she says, what Fox does.

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Here’s a rough transcript of Maddow’s report — this was provided by MSNBC:

    >>> when you argue against someone by calling that person names or by saying that the person you’re arguing with is a bad person, that’s called arguing ad hominum. it is to cast judgment on a person’s argument by casting judgment on the person making the argument. here’s a perfect example. it is a fallacy. it’s avoiding the point to be insulting instead. here’s a different type of logical fallacy.

    >> it’s not new. it’s actually not even interesting about this scandal. fox does what fox does.

    >> which is kick your network’s butt every single night, madam.

    >> when i responded to that on the air, i put up a graphic that said argument ad hominum. i got a really nice note from a ph.d. in the english department at tulane, saying i was wrong because more people watch his show, that was an argumentum ad populum. isn’t that awesome?

    instead of avoiding the point by insulting me directly, it’s avoiding the point by saying his position must be correct because more people believe it to be correct. if many believe so, it is so. argumentum ad populum. classical logical fallacy. sorry for mislabeling before.

    now mr. o’reilly is eliminating the need for precision because he is still going after me but is now calling me names and saying he’s right because of his ratings again. so he’s both all at once.

    this time, the case against me is in his nationally syndicated column which i’m sure is read by millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people. the headline is quote, only far left loons scared of fox news. guess who the loon is? yes.

    talking about me on david letterman’s show this week, mr. o’reilly says speaking with far left commentator rachel maddow, dave listened as she put forth the theory that fox news wants to frighten white americans by reporting about black americans. in the past, rants like that would have been dismissed as fringe speak but not anymore. without a shred of evidence, a guest on letterman’s late show, which by the way, gets trounced in the ratings by fox news channel every night, defines an entire news organization as a racist enterprise and letterman goes along. mr. o’reilly’s repeated insistence that fox news must be right because fox has high ratings is a many splendored thing particularly because this week if you believe mr. o’reilly, this week means we’re all wrong and only shark sploitaition is right.

    there is something else going on that isn’t just a fallacy about ratings or collateral swipe at the lovely creature that is the loon. it is something stupid, something stupid enough that it doesn’t even get dressed up in latin phrasing. it’s him saying there’s no evidence to back up my claim that fox news consistently runs stories it says are news, but that nobody else really covers.

    stories that are exaggerated, in some cases flat-out made up scare stories designed to make white people feel afraid of black people. designed to make it seem like black people or in some cases immigrants are threatening white people and taking what is rightfully theirs. you may not like that diagnosis of what fox has been up to, but to say there’s no evidence, not a shred of evidence, as he said, that’s bull pucky.

    >> speaking at an naacp event in march, department of agriculture official shirley sherrod was caught on tape saying something very disturbing. seems a white farmer in georgia had requested government assistance from miss sherrod. wow. well, that is simply unacceptable and miss sherrod must resign immediately.

    >> of course, the shirley sherrod story ended up being exposed as total bull pucky. manufactured by nifty video editing. mr. o’reilly had to apologize for that statement but it’s not like the shirley sherrod story stands alone.

    >> the collapse of a.c.o.r.n. is the subject of this evening’s talking points memo. here’s the latest scandal. you’re not going to believe it. because federal authorities have not done much policing of a.c.o.r.n., two private citizens launch an undercover sting investigation themselves. the two pose as a prostitute and a pimp and asked a number of officials to help them get housing for a prostitution enterprise. the latest sting was in california, where an a.c.o.r.n. employee engaged the young woman posing as a prostitute. a.c.o.r.n. is a tax-exempt organization that should immediately lose that status and attorney general holder should begin an intense investigation.

    >> of course, the a.c.o.r.n. story ended up being exposed as total bull pucky, too, also manufactured by nifty video editing. remember after the california attorney general looked into the full tapes and then arrested all those a.c.o.r.n. folks for those crimes that bill o’reilly showed them committing on tape? yeah, you don’t remember that? me, neither, because it never happened. bull pucky again. but still, very scary.

    >> a guy like van jones who is a friend of the president, and he comes in and he’s a hardcore marxist. he admits it.

    >> all i keep hearing is from people like eugene robinson who traffics in racism every time you turn around. white americans don’t like the huge expansion of the federal government. they also oppose the big spending increases that the president has imposed. it’s simple. white americans fear government control. they don’t want the feds telling them what to do and they don’t want a bankrupt nation. for decades, african-americans have supported a bigger federal government so it can impose social justice. the vast majority of blacks want money spent to level the playing field, to redistribute income from the white establishment to their precincts.

    >> black people want white people’s money. they want to redistribute income from the white establishment to their precincts. but remember, mr. o’reilly says there is not a shred of evidence that fox news hypes stories about scary black people taking white people’s stuff. i am not interested in playing cable news insult ping-pong with mr. o’reilly, but as much as he keeps insisting that i’m no one worth arguing with, that i’m an uber-leftist, he called me that in his column, and a loon twice now and a slightly larger percentage of 1% of the population watches his show than the proportion of 1% of the population that watches my show, for all he complains about how unimportant i am, my criticism that fox news scares white people on purpose to politically benefit conservatives, damn the consequences for the country, that criticism appears to have struck a nerve over at fox. it appears to have gotten under mr. o’reilly’s skin.

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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2010, 09:03:54 AM »
O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape, Proves He’s Wrong

Remember that in the Rove-Breitbart playbook, when your side is on defense,
your side is losing. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has obviously gotten under Bill O’Reilly’s skin with her detailed readout of Fox News’ race-baiting with its deceptive stories about Van Jones, ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, the New Black Panthers Party and illegal immigration.

At first, O’Reilly’s rebutted Maddow’s charge of race-baiting basically with a succinct, “Nuh-UHH.” And by bragging that his, um, ratings were bigger than hers — because, you know, big ratings on a network designed to stoke the hatred and fear of the GOP-Tea Party’s racist base is obviously evidence that no race baiting is going on. Or something.

But Bill-O can’t seem to let it go. Last week, O’Reilly defended himself and his network again by dismissing Maddow as “a far left loon” and repeating his assertion that Fox News is not racist because it has higher ratings than MSNBC and CNN.

In rebuttal, Maddow points out that, by O’Reilly’s standards, sharks must be more even less racist than O’Reilly because “Shark Week” beat Fox News in the ratings last week. She also runs a series of clips that show O’Reilly making racist comments on Fox and that prove beyond a doubt that race baiting is, as she says, what Fox does.

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Here’s a rough transcript of Maddow’s report — this was provided by MSNBC:

    >>> when you argue against someone by calling that person names or by saying that the person you’re arguing with is a bad person, that’s called arguing ad hominum. it is to cast judgment on a person’s argument by casting judgment on the person making the argument. here’s a perfect example. it is a fallacy. it’s avoiding the point to be insulting instead. here’s a different type of logical fallacy.

    >> it’s not new. it’s actually not even interesting about this scandal. fox does what fox does.

    >> which is kick your network’s butt every single night, madam.

    >> when i responded to that on the air, i put up a graphic that said argument ad hominum. i got a really nice note from a ph.d. in the english department at tulane, saying i was wrong because more people watch his show, that was an argumentum ad populum. isn’t that awesome?

    instead of avoiding the point by insulting me directly, it’s avoiding the point by saying his position must be correct because more people believe it to be correct. if many believe so, it is so. argumentum ad populum. classical logical fallacy. sorry for mislabeling before.

    now mr. o’reilly is eliminating the need for precision because he is still going after me but is now calling me names and saying he’s right because of his ratings again. so he’s both all at once.

    this time, the case against me is in his nationally syndicated column which i’m sure is read by millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of people. the headline is quote, only far left loons scared of fox news. guess who the loon is? yes.

    talking about me on david letterman’s show this week, mr. o’reilly says speaking with far left commentator rachel maddow, dave listened as she put forth the theory that fox news wants to frighten white americans by reporting about black americans. in the past, rants like that would have been dismissed as fringe speak but not anymore. without a shred of evidence, a guest on letterman’s late show, which by the way, gets trounced in the ratings by fox news channel every night, defines an entire news organization as a racist enterprise and letterman goes along. mr. o’reilly’s repeated insistence that fox news must be right because fox has high ratings is a many splendored thing particularly because this week if you believe mr. o’reilly, this week means we’re all wrong and only shark sploitaition is right.

    there is something else going on that isn’t just a fallacy about ratings or collateral swipe at the lovely creature that is the loon. it is something stupid, something stupid enough that it doesn’t even get dressed up in latin phrasing. it’s him saying there’s no evidence to back up my claim that fox news consistently runs stories it says are news, but that nobody else really covers.

    stories that are exaggerated, in some cases flat-out made up scare stories designed to make white people feel afraid of black people. designed to make it seem like black people or in some cases immigrants are threatening white people and taking what is rightfully theirs. you may not like that diagnosis of what fox has been up to, but to say there’s no evidence, not a shred of evidence, as he said, that’s bull pucky.

    >> speaking at an naacp event in march, department of agriculture official shirley sherrod was caught on tape saying something very disturbing. seems a white farmer in georgia had requested government assistance from miss sherrod. wow. well, that is simply unacceptable and miss sherrod must resign immediately.

    >> of course, the shirley sherrod story ended up being exposed as total bull pucky. manufactured by nifty video editing. mr. o’reilly had to apologize for that statement but it’s not like the shirley sherrod story stands alone.

    >> the collapse of a.c.o.r.n. is the subject of this evening’s talking points memo. here’s the latest scandal. you’re not going to believe it. because federal authorities have not done much policing of a.c.o.r.n., two private citizens launch an undercover sting investigation themselves. the two pose as a prostitute and a pimp and asked a number of officials to help them get housing for a prostitution enterprise. the latest sting was in california, where an a.c.o.r.n. employee engaged the young woman posing as a prostitute. a.c.o.r.n. is a tax-exempt organization that should immediately lose that status and attorney general holder should begin an intense investigation.

    >> of course, the a.c.o.r.n. story ended up being exposed as total bull pucky, too, also manufactured by nifty video editing. remember after the california attorney general looked into the full tapes and then arrested all those a.c.o.r.n. folks for those crimes that bill o’reilly showed them committing on tape? yeah, you don’t remember that? me, neither, because it never happened. bull pucky again. but still, very scary.

    >> a guy like van jones who is a friend of the president, and he comes in and he’s a hardcore marxist. he admits it.

    >> all i keep hearing is from people like eugene robinson who traffics in racism every time you turn around. white americans don’t like the huge expansion of the federal government. they also oppose the big spending increases that the president has imposed. it’s simple. white americans fear government control. they don’t want the feds telling them what to do and they don’t want a bankrupt nation. for decades, african-americans have supported a bigger federal government so it can impose social justice. the vast majority of blacks want money spent to level the playing field, to redistribute income from the white establishment to their precincts.

    >> black people want white people’s money. they want to redistribute income from the white establishment to their precincts. but remember, mr. o’reilly says there is not a shred of evidence that fox news hypes stories about scary black people taking white people’s stuff. i am not interested in playing cable news insult ping-pong with mr. o’reilly, but as much as he keeps insisting that i’m no one worth arguing with, that i’m an uber-leftist, he called me that in his column, and a loon twice now and a slightly larger percentage of 1% of the population watches his show than the proportion of 1% of the population that watches my show, for all he complains about how unimportant i am, my criticism that fox news scares white people on purpose to politically benefit conservatives, damn the consequences for the country, that criticism appears to have struck a nerve over at fox. it appears to have gotten under mr. o’reilly’s skin.

YAWN!!! Why is it that Maddow always like to points out that entertainment shows have higher ratings than O'Reilly? We know that. Entertainment shows tend to do that. What she can't back up is the fact that her news network has been getting KILLED by that of O'Reilly. If you're comparing ratings, you compare them between similar genres.

When the investigation was done on Van Jones, he got tossed. When the investigation was done on ACORN, they got de-funded and at least two dozen of their members got arrested.

And, out of fear that she'd be aired on Glenn Beck's show on July 19th, the USDA canned Shirley Sherrod, after her statements to an NAACP crowd hit the web.

In other words, the Fox reports had some teeth to them.

We know MSNBC is in bed with the Obama administration, which is why they continue to slobber all over him, while ignoring stories like this. So, it's no surprise that Maddow continue to spew this stupid mess. In fact, she's been on Obama's nuts so much, I'm beggining to wonder if she's really a lesbian.

Bottom line: The left is doing the usual race-baiting crap, because the Dems are on the brink of getting clobbered at midterms.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2010, 09:25:21 AM »
But MSNBC puts on Al Sharpton EVERY week to discuss isues of race.Al Sharpton.Al Tawanna Brawley Sharpton.Al get rid of the white interlopers Sharpton.Al we were here before those greek homos Sharpton.

For ANYONE on MSNBC to bring up race baiting is incredible.The station that continues to lie and say the tea party people spat at black congressmen and called them racial names.A lie.Reported onlt to race bait and shut down speech.

Maddow gets her ass kicked every night,which is why ,when comcast finally takes over MSNBC she and Olbermann better worry about their jobs.Comcast wants ratings,those two dolts give them none.

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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2010, 09:26:10 AM »
so does that make the original post false?


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 09:46:57 AM »
so does that make the original post false?


Shirley Sherod is a racist!Her husband is a racist!To report her as a racist is simply reporting the truth.The women is a white hating little racist scum bag and her husband is even worse.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2010, 10:05:11 AM »

Shirley Sherod is a racist!Her husband is a racist!To report her as a racist is simply reporting the truth.The women is a white hating little racist scum bag and her husband is even worse.

somebody said "trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." I think that perfectly applies to you.
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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2010, 10:15:52 AM »
somebody said "trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." I think that perfectly applies to you.

Are they not racist?Shall I show you the clips AGAIN?They are racists PERIOD!!They hate whites!!Just like Obama hates whites which is why he sat in a racist church for twenty years.Oreilly had it right,she is a racist,her husband is a blatant racist and MOST blacks in government are racists like John Lewis who stated Sherods husband didnt have a racist bone in his body.

Now,come back when you can show me clips proving they arent racists.Save the insults and try to argue your point.My bet,no point,just insults and insults you would never make face to face.

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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2010, 10:17:13 AM »
Are they not racist?Shall I show you the clips AGAIN?They are racists PERIOD!!They hate whites!!Just like Obama hates whites which is why he sat in a racist church for twenty years.Oreilly had it right,she is a racist,her husband is a blatant racist and MOST blacks in government are racists like John Lewis who stated Sherods husband didnt have a racist bone in his body.

Now,come back when you can show me clips proving they arent racists.Save the insults and try to argue your point.My bet,no point,just insults and insults you would never make face to face.

calm down man... wow...


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2010, 10:27:14 AM »
calm down man... wow...

Liberals CAN NOT debate a point.They can only insult.Sherrod is a racist,her husband is a racist,their own words prove they are racists.Oreilly reporting they are racist is called news reporting not race baiting and only an ignorant pea brained idiot like the failure Maddow would see it as race baiting.These two scum bags,the Sherrods, are racists.PERIOD!John Lewis is a racist,Maxine Waters is a racist,Bobby Rush in a racist,Barrack Hussein Obama is a racist,Holder is a racist.I can give you clips of their own words,or show their past records to clearly show they are racists,but libs wont answer the point,they will post their usual well thought out argument "duh,your dumb".

Funny,Trent Lott is a racist for complimenting a senator who happened to be a segragationalist,but Sherrods husband calling black conservatives UNCLE TOMS doesnt mean a thing.Sherrod giggling that she didnt help the white farmer isnt a racist,but a morning shock jock saying "nappy headed ho" is a racist.

Libs are a joke.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2010, 10:41:14 AM »
somebody said "trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." I think that perfectly applies to you.

I can say the same thing about you. You only put up articles based on the OPINION of the left.

Yet, Billy puts up videos, word by word quotes proving his points. Who should be taken more seriously? You who only repeats the opinion of Obama nut huggers like yourself? Or Billy who provides proof showing the same very people you support spewing racism and trying their best to pit the poor vs the wealthy?

Maddow is a stupid, lying dyke. MSNBC is a million times more racist than any other network.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2010, 10:47:27 AM »
Liberals CAN NOT debate a point.They can only insult.Sherrod is a racist,her husband is a racist,their own words prove they are racists.Oreilly reporting they are racist is called news reporting not race baiting and only an ignorant pea brained idiot like the failure Maddow would see it as race baiting.These two scum bags,the Sherrods, are racists.PERIOD!John Lewis is a racist,Maxine Waters is a racist,Bobby Rush in a racist,Barrack Hussein Obama is a racist,Holder is a racist.I can give you clips of their own words,or show their past records to clearly show they are racists,but libs wont answer the point,they will post their usual well thought out argument "duh,your dumb".

Funny,Trent Lott is a racist for complimenting a senator who happened to be a segragationalist,but Sherrods husband calling black conservatives UNCLE TOMS doesnt mean a thing.Sherrod giggling that she didnt help the white farmer isnt a racist,but a morning shock jock saying "nappy headed ho" is a racist.

Libs are a joke.

Remember though, the issue with the white farmer was a "teachable moment". However, her claim in the same speech that people who opposed ObamaCare did so, primarily because its namesake is black is much tougher for the left to defend.

As for the Imus routine, a few years back, I guess they forgot that Imus was also musing over how BEAUTIFUL the BLACK women on Tennessee's basketball team (especially the lovely Candace Parker) were. Plus, he was joking that this was similar to the scenario in Spike Lee's movie, "School Daze", which touched on the civil war (for lack of a better term) between light-skinned and dark-skinned African-American women.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2010, 12:34:39 PM »
Hahaha, as if the left isn't full of race-baiting idiots. Both sides are pathetic when it comes to that.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2010, 01:41:49 PM »
somebody said "trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table." I think that perfectly applies to you.
thanks for playing along with Billy; he and the two Tonys are fun to tease; they dont make too much sense but are fun to bait. After all, this really is a steroid site ( how to use, where to find, etc ) for the 20 somethings.  If you really want to have fun, try That's where the grown up  Billys play.

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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2010, 01:49:30 PM »
Hahaha, as if the left isn't full of race-baiting idiots. Both sides are pathetic when it comes to that.


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Re: O’Reilly on Defense: Denies Race-Baiting on Fox – Maddow Rolls Tape
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2010, 02:41:35 PM »
calm down man... wow...

lol.  Irony.