Author Topic: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.  (Read 758 times)

Soul Crusher

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Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« on: August 16, 2010, 06:10:49 AM »
Hamas leader: Ground zero mosque must be built
The Associated Press
Monday, August 16, 2010; 6:31 AM

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NEW YORK -- A Hamas leader says Muslims "have to build" a mosque near ground zero.

Mahmoud al-Zahar said Muslims "have to build everywhere" so that followers can pray, just like Christians and Jews build their places of worship.

Al-Zahar spoke Sunday on "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on WABC-AM. He is a co-founder of Hamas and its chief on the Gaza Strip.

Sen. Chuck Schumer says Al-Zahar's comments don't carry any weight because Hamas is a terrorist organization. Schumer hasn't taken a stand on the mosque.

Rep. Peter King, who opposes the mosque, says he won't respond to Hamas.

The mosque is a project of the Cordoba Initiative, an advocacy group that promotes improved relations between Islam and the West. It didn't respond to Al-Zahar's comments.


Information from: New York Post,

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The far left, hamas, terrorists, obama, bloomberg, etc are all begging for a marriage between Mosque/State.


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2010, 07:41:21 AM »
This shouldn't be surprising. The Koran states that the ultimate goal of Islam is to establish a worldwide caliphate where all peoples are subjected to Sharia Law. They're just doing what their holy book commands them to do.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 07:41:35 AM »
Progressives and Liberals supporting this = useful idiots.

Yes they have a legal, technical, and narrow right to build this thing, however, just because something is legal does not make it the right thing to do.

Additionally, not one of the so called progressives and leftists always screaming about about the separation of church and state has had a word to say about the State Department funding this Imams' trip to support the mosque or the fact that the State Dept. is paying to refurbish mosques in the Middle East.

Finally, as a charity, this Imam has a duty to disclose the sources of funding for this thing. Will you so called "progressives" still support this if taxpayer dollars or funds from terrorist nations like Iran contribute to this?

What if Hamas funds this thing? Is that ok too?

Soul Crusher

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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 07:50:05 AM »
Obama Adviser Says Sharia Law Misunderstood – Implications For The Ground Zero Mosque
25. May, 2010 Comments (42)

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By GJ Merits Update (8/16/2010):

The post below takes on great significance given the radical views of the Ground Zero mosque’s imam Faisal Abdul Rauf concerning Sharia law, his outright support of terrorist organizations, and the significance of mosque’s name to Islam. Combined with the statements supporting Sharia law of Obama’s adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, it is time to drive a stake through heart of the building of the mosque and open a full investigation into the ideology and radicalism of Dalia Mogahed, Faisal Abdul Rauf, and the State’s department decision to fund a world tour for Mr. Rauf to raise money for the building of a mosque on hallowed ground. That our tax dollars are funding a known supporter of terrorist organizations to build what is nothing short of a monument to the victory of radical Islam on September 11th, 2001 is an act of such contempt that nothing short of a full purging of any radical elements within the administration is called for and a full apology by the President of the United States to the citizens of this country for the deplorable lack of oversight on his part in the selection of his advisers and his statement that Muslims have the right to build a mosque near New York’s Ground Zero (some evidence now suggests the mosque location is on ground zero proper). A supporter of terrorism does not have the right to anything short of deportation from this country.

In 2004, radical imam Rauf published a book titled What is Right with Islam is What is Right with America. While this may send a tingle up the leg of Prince Charles who believes that we must “Follow the Islamic way to save the world“, here in the United States we have a document called the Constitution which trumps Sharia law in every circumstance and every instance. Sharia law has no legal standing in our country and belongs only in those places where barbaric behavior is celebrated and women are second class citizens.

In that book the radical imam argued:

The American political structure is Sharia compliant. For America to score even higher on the ‘Islamic’ or ‘Sharia compliance’ scale America would need to do two things. Invite the voices of all religions in shaping the nations’ practical life, and allow religious communities more leeway to judge among themselves according to their own laws.

Shove it Rauf.

Just as troubling is the refusal of radical imam Rauf to condemn terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas. In my world, refusal to condemn equates to tacit approval and no sane argument exists that can rebut this fact. Pajamas Media reports:

Evidence continues to mount showing that the developer of the proposed mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Abdul Faisal Rauf, is untrustworthy at best, and possibly downright dangerous. The project would be called Cordoba House, named for a Spanish city conquered by the Moors which Muslims regard as a model for other communities.

Rauf’s political/religious vision is intimately connected with Malaysia, where he lived for ten years as a youngster and where he now owns a home and bases his policy-making organization, the Cordoba Initiative, which also has an office in Manhattan. Malaysian officials have come out with statements that are virulently anti-American and anti-Semitic, including explicit calls for jihad and suicide bombing. Rauf claims that he intends to build bridges between the West and Muslims, yet he has never made any public statement objecting to such incitement….

…Previously unpublished English translations of sermons from Malaysia’s Department of Islamic Development reveal potentially lethal levels of hostility towards the West that appear to have gone unnoticed…

…Every Friday, the Muslim holy day, sermons (khutbahs) are given in mosques. During Israel’s Cast Lead operation in January 2009, when Israel entered Gaza to stop being bombarded with rockets, the khutbahs of Malaysia’s Department of Islamic Development became warlike….

…On January 9, 2009, the khutbah denounced Israel as “evil” and a call was made to use the Malaysian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to channel financial assistance to the Palestinians. A boycott was demanded of all goods and services connected with both Israel and America. Countries that are part of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and all other Muslims were urged to stop using the American dollar as currency.

On January 16, 2009, military plans were further consolidated. There was a call to “strengthen strategic planning in the defense system of Islamic countries” and to stop allowing foreign military bases to be built in Islamic countries on the grounds that they are used for spying.

On January 2, 2009, we have the most alarming khutbah of the three given here. The unnamed imam proclaimed his support for Hamas and Hezbollah, demanded a boycott of any goods associated with all Jews (not just Israelis), and called for jihad and suicide bombing, or “bind(ing) the stomach” in the manner of the “fatwa [of] Sheikh Yusof Al-Qaradawi.

By using the word “fatwa,“ the imam gives moral authority to his call for jihad and suicide bombing. Sheikh Qaradawi is a Muslim Brotherhood ideologue based in Qatar who has made himself very popular throughout the Muslim world by constantly calling for “martyrdom operations” against Israelis. Qaradawi even expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler and hopes that Jews will be “punished” with another Holocaust. He has stated: “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption.The last punishment was carried out by Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them — even though they exaggerated this issue — he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.”

To borrow Obama’s favorite line: Let me be clear – stop the building of this mosque by the pawn of radical Islam, radical imam Rauf. Withdraw any support for this man and do not under any circumstance use our tax dollars to spit on this country or we’ll spit right back. Remove Dalia Mogahed from her position as your adviser on Muslim affairs – now.

Let us now turn our attention back to the original post concerning Obama’s adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed:


Yeah, I had to do a double take to when I stumbled on this one. Par for the course for the administration of the perpetual apology.

From the Daily Telegraph: Barack Obama adviser says Sharia Law is misunderstood:

President Barack Obama’s adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, has provoked controversy by appearing on a British television show hosted by a member of an extremist group to talk about Sharia Law.

Miss Mogahed, appointed to the President’s Council on Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships, said the Western view of Sharia was “oversimplified” and the majority of women around the world associate it with “gender justice”.

The White House adviser made the remarks on a London-based TV discussion programme hosted by Ibtihal Bsis, a member of the extremist Hizb ut Tahrir party.

The group believes in the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world.

Miss Mogahed appeared alongside Hizb ut Tahrir’s national women’s officer, Nazreen Nawaz.

During the 45-minute discussion, on the Islam Channel programme Muslimah Dilemma earlier this week, the two members of the group made repeated attacks on secular “man-made law” and the West’s “lethal cocktail of liberty and capitalism”.

They called for Sharia Law to be “the source of legislation” and said that women should not be “permitted to hold a position of leadership in government”.

Miss Mogahed made no challenge to these demands and said that “promiscuity” and the “breakdown of traditional values” were what Muslims admired least about the West.

She said: “I think the reason so many women support Sharia is because they have a very different understanding of sharia than the common perception in Western media.

If the reader could possibly help me out on this one, I’m not exactly quite sure how one can lack understanding and perspective when it comes to honor killings, stonings, hanging, and lets not forget beheading. In this Alice in Wonderland world I guess I’m the one who is supposed to feel backward and out of touch with what apparently should be completely acceptable and mainstream practices.

My take? I doubt Miss Mogahed has watched the movie The Stoning of Soraya M.. This is a must see for anyone who is does not mind inconvenient truths, with an ending so difficult to watch my wife had to cover her eyes with her hands while sobbing.

There is no perception issue with Sharia law in the West and the fact that Obama has done nothing to address the statements of Miss Mogahed is very troubling. Add to this his recent snubbing of Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the demands that Israel kowtow to the Anointed One’s demands, and his walk tall and carry a tiny twig approach concerning Iranian nuclear weapons. Either the leader of the free world moonlights as the poster boy for naivety, or something more sinister is afoot. The pattern of complete acts of negligence and outright incompetence are so prevalent that anyone not paranoid is probably neurotic.

Google Sharia law. Watch the Stoning of Soraya M. and tell me your not concerned the statements of Dalia Mogahed are allowed pass as acceptable in the Obama White House.

The story, which broke last year, was eclipsed by the ongoing ObamaCare saga. Maybe its time to shine a little light into the dark corners. This says more about the administration’s stance towards radical Islam than a hundred bows ever could.

The impact of Miss Mogahed’s statements to Obama and his administration of malcontents cannot be measured. Even given the previous narrative of the administration’s contempt for this country and the constitution, modern developments already are having an effect.

First we have the Sestak saga. Next is the upcoming Rod Blagojevich trial where Rahm himself has been issued a subpoena. Add to the mix Andrew Romanoff’s statement the White House offered him not one, not two, but three different job proposals to drop his bid against Obama-favored Democratic Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet. Throw this cherry on top and it’s going to be a long and very hot summer for Obama and an even greater November for the country. The chickens have come home to roost. It’s time for the Apologizer-in-Chief to pay some dues for his misrepresentation to the world of this great country and what we stand for.

Here’s a video of Sharia law at work. Misunderstood my a$$.

Update: The story gets even worse.

In other news and opinion:

Dick Morris has it right – An Oil Spill Is Not An Act Of God. Just another example of incompetence on the part of a President in the process of redefining the very concept itself. Mr. Morris concludes:

Obama is and he deserves a round of condemnation for his obtuse failure to plan for a disaster that was always inevitable.

Amen to that. Add to that a number of additional rounds of condemnation for just about every single act committed or policy supported by this administration. November can’t come soon enough.

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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 07:57:07 AM »
I get a kick out of leftists constantly trying to tell us that we misunderstand Sharia when it's clear as day that they are the ones who misunderstand it. They think that if they repeat it enough times that the sheeple will believe it. Too bad the civilized world is heading the other way. Traffic on sites showcasing the true Islam is way up recently and the jihadis only have themselves to thank. The West (the people, not the governments) seem to be tired of bending over backwards for the Muslim world while getting nothing in return but violence and hatred.


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 08:13:49 AM »
Progressives and Liberals supporting this = useful idiots.

Yes they have a legal, technical, and narrow right to build this thing, however, just because something is legal does not make it the right thing to do.

Additionally, not one of the so called progressives and leftists always screaming about about the separation of church and state has had a word to say about the State Department funding this Imams' trip to support the mosque or the fact that the State Dept. is paying to refurbish mosques in the Middle East.

Finally, as a charity, this Imam has a duty to disclose the sources of funding for this thing. Will you so called "progressives" still support this if taxpayer dollars or funds from terrorist nations like Iran contribute to this?

What if Hamas funds this thing? Is that ok too?

Sitll plucking that EMOTIONAL HARP 3? as opposed to standing up for your constitution. You make it easy for your politicians to enact new regulations to put people under further oppression/control.


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 08:16:33 AM »
Sitll plucking that EMOTIONAL HARP 3? as opposed to standing up for your constitution. You make it easy for your politicians to enact new regulations to put people under further oppression/control.

It's always funny when a foreigner (this time a googly-eyed Canadian) who doesn't understand the US constitution tries to tell an American who does understand it that they don't know what they're talking about.

But do go on, it's always funny watching you embarrass yourself.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 08:17:45 AM »
Sitll plucking that EMOTIONAL HARP 3? as opposed to standing up for your constitution. You make it easy for your politicians to enact new regulations to put people under further oppression/control.

 ::)  ::)

Samson - lets say you and I are neighbors, I rape and kill your wife and get off on a technicality.  I then post a huge naked picture of your wife on my lawn with the private parts covered up so as to observe laws, are you ok with that?  

My point is that while they have a legal right to do it, their claims of seeking dialogue are completely bogus since they know this thing is intended to inflame and provoke a situation.  

I did not say the govt should ban it, unless the funding sources are from terrorists or like sources.  


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2010, 08:24:49 AM »
Progressives and Liberals supporting this = useful idiots.

Yes they have a legal, technical, and narrow right to build this thing, however, just because something is legal does not make it the right thing to do.

Additionally, not one of the so called progressives and leftists always screaming about about the separation of church and state has had a word to say about the State Department funding this Imams' trip to support the mosque or the fact that the State Dept. is paying to refurbish mosques in the Middle East.

Finally, as a charity, this Imam has a duty to disclose the sources of funding for this thing. Will you so called "progressives" still support this if taxpayer dollars or funds from terrorist nations like Iran contribute to this?

What if Hamas funds this thing? Is that ok too?

Yep, no screaming about separation of church and state about this mosque. But, let some school vouchers go to put a black child in a Christian school. They'll squeal like stuck pigs.


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2010, 02:50:52 PM »
It's always funny when a foreigner (this time a googly-eyed Canadian) who doesn't understand the US constitution tries to tell an American who does understand it that they don't know what they're talking about.

But do go on, it's always funny watching you embarrass yourself.

Samson owned. 

And that's the exact problem, a complete lack of understanding - be it intentional or unintentional.  Or she could just be reading the headlines and thinking she has a clue.

Yep, no screaming about separation of church and state about this mosque.

The WH is spinning this shit three sheets to the wind.  Barry's squirming, haha.


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2010, 03:07:48 PM »
Hamas leader: Ground zero mosque must be built
The Associated Press
Monday, August 16, 2010; 6:31 AM

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NEW YORK -- A Hamas leader says Muslims "have to build" a mosque near ground zero.

Mahmoud al-Zahar said Muslims "have to build everywhere" so that followers can pray, just like Christians and Jews build their places of worship.

Al-Zahar spoke Sunday on "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on WABC-AM. He is a co-founder of Hamas and its chief on the Gaza Strip.

Sen. Chuck Schumer says Al-Zahar's comments don't carry any weight because Hamas is a terrorist organization. Schumer hasn't taken a stand on the mosque.

Rep. Peter King, who opposes the mosque, says he won't respond to Hamas.

The mosque is a project of the Cordoba Initiative, an advocacy group that promotes improved relations between Islam and the West. It didn't respond to Al-Zahar's comments.


Information from: New York Post,

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The far left, hamas, terrorists, obama, bloomberg, etc are all begging for a marriage between Mosque/State.

It was only a matter of time before an actual muslim terrorist would issue a statement on the matter..
Who would've thought a muslim terrorist would require religious tolerance..
What he didn't say was how many muslim countries are as tolerant of other religions as the U.S. or most other non muslim nations.
How can they demand tolerance when they have not shown any themselves? (rhetorical question)


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Re: Hamas leader: Ground Zero mosque must be built.
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2010, 03:13:57 PM »
It was only a matter of time before an actual muslim terrorist would issue a statement on the matter..
Who would've thought a muslim terrorist would require religious tolerance..
What he didn't say was how many muslim countries are as tolerant of other religions as the U.S. or most other non muslim nations.
How can they demand tolerance when they have not shown any themselves? (rhetorical question)

A USCIRF report published at the end of April found 10 of 13 worst violators of religious freedom in 2009 to be Muslim countries.  ;)

They can demand tolerance without showing any themselves because the Muslim-worshiping MSM and the leftists will not address atrocities carried out by Muslims every day. They want everyone to believe that they're peaceful, tolerant and all that jazz.

Never mind that non-Muslims are BANNED from stepping foot inside Mecca (which was once home to multiple religious groups before it was conquered by the armies of the pedophile). But it's Westerners who are intolerant. ::)