Author Topic: Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?  (Read 8816 times)


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Hugo Chavez

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these questions are hard.

Like this:
Pick a statement you believe in the most:

I hate waiting in line and will jump ahead if I can.
If you are patient then everyone will get their turn.

I hate people that cut in line and I wouldn't do it but the second option isn't true either, waiting in line for the first showing of a star wars movie is the perfect example of why neither option works.  So since I hate option one, I have to pick an option I don't believe is true.  I've taken tests like this twice before and the results were always that I was dishonest in answering and I wasn't.

Hugo Chavez

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Your Aquiziam Personality Type is:  The Theorist 

You are generally analytical, quiet, thoughtful, self-contained, well spoken and quick-witted. Above all else you value knowledge, competency and logic. Neither a follower not a Leader, you desire only to be allowed sufficient personal space to investigate and focus on that which interests you.  In particular, you can become deeply stimulated by theories and abstract ideas which you may actively try to prove or disprove in order that you can truly understand them. Once this has been achieved you first describe your solutions to yourself and are then compelled to explain them to others. This is not actually driven by a need for recognition but by a need to share.  You feel as if everyone deserves to benefit from what you have clarified.  Although you can be quite brilliant at describing a complex concept or a difficult idea you can also be reserved and intimidated by social situations where the rules of logic are often ignored.  As such, you can be quite difficult to get to know.  On the whole you are not too worried about this as you enjoy your own company and can spend long periods of time on your own working on your projects.  In is not uncommon for you to finish what you are doing only to find it is 3.00am and everyone else has gone home long ago. With regard to day-to-day life you dislike corporate politics, the overly emotional, strict hierarchy and any bureaucracy that prevents you from fulfilling you objective.  You believe in rules and stability as long as they don’t hinder you.  In the right circumstances you can be outspoken, witty and use language with skill and charm. Under pressure you can use the same gift to be caustic, sarcastic, derisive and damaging.  As you have little need to impress or to dominate you can be stimulating and pleasant company when you feel relaxed enough.  As a result you are surprised to find that other people often both admire and like you. Nevertheless, you remain at risk of suppressing your own emotions and failing to empathise with other people.

Soul Crusher

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________________________ ________________________ ________

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Good Soldier 

You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament:  The Guardians
Keirsey Personality Type:   The Inspector
Myers-Briggs Classification:   ISTJ
Myers-Briggs Group:  The Protectors
Myers-Briggs Type:  The Examiner

You are generally serious, thoughtful, honest and quiet. Above all else you are realistic and dependable and have a tremendous respect for facts and proof and it is these things that will change your mind rather than appeals to your emotions. You prefer a world where everything is balanced and constant so that you can pursue your life in a punctual, orderly and logical way without unnecessary distractions that upset your focus and concentration because for you it is very important to finish what you’ve started and you like to make sure that others follow this rule as well.This means that you can almost always accomplish any assignment once you have focused your mind and efforts on it. Being well organised, hard working, practical and down-to-earth are qualities you value highly.  From time-to-time you may have difficulty comprehending a theory or idea which conflicts with your own views on a subject. However, once you see the truth or importance of something you will support it with all your energy and commitment as you see this as no less than your duty. You find joy in order and systems that are naturally suited to classification.  In your world, traditions, heritage, chivalry and loyalty are all respected as qualities in yourself and in others.  You dislike change, stress and unpredictability. You need to be aware that your personality type is not often in tune with feelings and emotions be they your own or those of other people. Knowing that you care or love a person is not enough and you will often need to make an effort to show how you feel.  People are not mind-readers. Still, you normally make a good parent and a loyal friend so long as you remember not to become obsessive about your own goals.  You have a great if sometimes unusual sense of humour when you let it be seen.

You’re Classical Element is: Earth

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Earth” personality is usually associated with solidity, practicality, security restraint, reliability, responsibility and truth. Earth types are the firm foundations of society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.


  • Getbig V
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Absolutely they do!

Through the mis-education of man, you need not tell him what to think.
He will both think & do exactly what you want him to, ...his mis-education makes it so.


  • Getbig V
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Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY

Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait.  BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D


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Cool quiz.

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is:    The Entrepeneur (The Pioneer)

You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament:     The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type:      The Inventor
Myers-Briggs Classification:      ENTP
Myers-Briggs Group:     The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type:     The Originator

You are generally intellectually fast, astute, creative, alert, insightful, adaptable and very well informed. If you have had a privileged education these attributes are dramatically enhanced. As a consequence you may be perceived as “gifted” or extraordinary when you display your abilities. Above all else you believe in invention and have a phenomenal ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions. You tend to know that you are smarter and more able and this stimulates you to debate and you may try to be “one-up” on other people.  Be aware that this can make your family, friends and colleagues insecure and irritated. You love new ideas and concepts and commit yourself to new projects with enthusiasm and energy.  However, your questing and undisciplined mind may well lose interest if the endeavour becomes too “detail” focused.  This makes you a great starter-initiator but a poor completer-finisher.  In addition, you may also ignore mundane and routine aspects of your life such as remembering to pay your bills on time.  You are often so bored and irritated by routine that you will do something differently even if you know that another way is more effective. This trait can lead to enormous inventiveness and sometimes spectacular failures.  In fact, boredom is your enemy!  This doesn’t mean that you are often bored – quite the contrary.  You know a thousand ways to keep your agile mind active but if you are forced by circumstances into a routine you can become despondent and even depressed as the fire inside you goes out.  You are a rare, valuable and often unappreciated personality and need to remember to nurture your strengths.


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Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY

Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait.  BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D

I found it to be a pretty good test considering is gave only 2 options for each question and only asked a couple dozen or so questions. 

I do believe tests like this can reveal character and personality to a point.  I found this interesting at the bottom of the page:


This quiz or test is designed as a broad guide to your personality. It is not a scientifically accredited personality test and is designed merely to stimulate an interest in this subject.  We fully subscribe to the generally held belief that tests of this nature are rarely more than 75% accurate.  This quiz should not be seen or used as a replacement for a professionally administered psychometric testing. accepts no liability for the impact or consequences that may occur as a result of you undertaking this quiz.

So what i don't see is how this relates to the Illuminati?

Also, most people I believe don't know themselves very well.  They are a victim to their perceptions, emotions and beliefs whether accurate or not.

therefore, If the Illuminati administered this test they may know some people better then d so would any other organization who administers tests like this.

So, so what?

BTW the "no fly list" is a simple inconvenience and was mainly put up as propaganda device to make people feel safe.  I posted a thread a couple years ago showing how beat it easily.


  • Getbig V
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I'm feeling a little nekkid right now. {blush}  :-[

Hugo Chavez

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Now that a couple of you have taken the test, did you find the results more or less accurate...OR DID YOU FIND IT VERY ACCURATE? I ask because these questions follow the same format of the surveys you are asked to fill out, format of interviews you have, are similar to questions social workers and the like ask...they are all trying to make an assessment of your character, personality and eventually YOU. So will the more nefarious persons AKA: Illuminati, use this same information and questioning to learn all about you and label you a certain kind of person and consider whether you should be on the NO FLY

Hugo the question you referred to as hard is to test your character to see if you are concerned with yourself and others or if you are concerned only for your self. When asked will you skip a line of people, that shows you are concerned only for YOU and forsake others...and while waiting a long time is tells that you know that everyone will get our turn in time in a fair and square wayif you all patiently wait.  BTW I was labeled a THEORIST as well...are we related? :D
besides for a few small things it was pretty darn accurate and some of the things were freaky accurate like this:

"In particular, you can become deeply stimulated by theories and abstract ideas which you may actively try to prove or disprove in order that you can truly understand them."  And the part about staying up til 3am working on a project  WTF, I started looking around my work area for hidden cameras :D

lol at related.

Captain Equipoise

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Re: Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2010, 10:23:52 AM »
Hahaha, I love this thing!!!


Your Aquiziam Personality Type is:       The Scientist

You are probably closest to …
Keirsey Temperament:     The Rationals
Keirsey Personality Type:      The Mastermind
Myers-Briggs Classification:      INTJ
Myers-Briggs Group:     The Intellectuals
Myers-Briggs Type:     The Strategist

You are generally independent, original, analytical and determined, with an outstanding ability to understand complexity and convert theories into firm action plans.  Above all else you strongly value knowledge, competence, precision and logic – in yourself and to a lesser extent in others.  You are skilled at recognizing patterns and interconnections and are driven to first understand and then explain them even if others are not particularly interested.  You are attracted to science, mathematics, engineering and physics. To you ideas, concepts, theories and possibilities are much more important than people and socializing. You believe that people come and go but a great addition to human knowledge will last forever. In fact, once you become taken by an idea or mission you will work tirelessly to complete it even it exhausts others around you.  For you it is essential to reach a conclusion and achieve proof.  You are a natural leader although you are rarely driven to lead unless you recognise the importance of doing so.  Social situations often make you feel uncomfortable as they are often spontaneous, irrational and vague.  What stimulates you is a debate about something significant to keep your mind awake and you frankly couldn’t be less interested in what the neighbour’s daughter did at a party last weekend. As such, you can be hard work for people who just want to make small talk and have fun.  You can sometimes seem aloof and reserved. You are not known for conventional humour but can be very amused by complex jokes that other people won’t get if they stay up all night. You know that you’re cleverer than most people around you and can, at times, be condescending and patronising. You need to be careful not to appear eccentric. Some of the greatest scientific discoveries and insights into the natural world have been made by people that share your personality type but beware of becoming destracted by obsessive detail .
You’re Classical Element is:    Fire


  • Getbig V
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Re: Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2010, 11:33:46 AM »
besides for a few small things it was pretty darn accurate and some of the things were freaky accurate like this:

"In particular, you can become deeply stimulated by theories and abstract ideas which you may actively try to prove or disprove in order that you can truly understand them."  And the part about staying up til 3am working on a project  WTF, I started looking around my work area for hidden cameras :D

lol at related.

Hahahaha...THEY (men in Black) are watching you through your screen..You better where these to conceal your identity



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Re: Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2010, 12:27:06 PM »
________________________ ________________________ ________

Your Aquiziam Personality Type is: The Good Soldier 

You are probably closest to …

Keirsey Temperament:  The Guardians
Keirsey Personality Type:   The Inspector
Myers-Briggs Classification:   ISTJ
Myers-Briggs Group:  The Protectors
Myers-Briggs Type:  The Examiner

You are generally serious, thoughtful, honest and quiet. Above all else you are realistic and dependable and have a tremendous respect for facts and proof and it is these things that will change your mind rather than appeals to your emotions. You prefer a world where everything is balanced and constant so that you can pursue your life in a punctual, orderly and logical way without unnecessary distractions that upset your focus and concentration because for you it is very important to finish what you’ve started and you like to make sure that others follow this rule as well.This means that you can almost always accomplish any assignment once you have focused your mind and efforts on it. Being well organised, hard working, practical and down-to-earth are qualities you value highly.  From time-to-time you may have difficulty comprehending a theory or idea which conflicts with your own views on a subject. However, once you see the truth or importance of something you will support it with all your energy and commitment as you see this as no less than your duty. You find joy in order and systems that are naturally suited to classification.  In your world, traditions, heritage, chivalry and loyalty are all respected as qualities in yourself and in others.  You dislike change, stress and unpredictability. You need to be aware that your personality type is not often in tune with feelings and emotions be they your own or those of other people. Knowing that you care or love a person is not enough and you will often need to make an effort to show how you feel.  People are not mind-readers. Still, you normally make a good parent and a loyal friend so long as you remember not to become obsessive about your own goals.  You have a great if sometimes unusual sense of humour when you let it be seen.

You’re Classical Element is: Earth

One of the four classical elements in ancient Greek philosophy and science, the “Earth” personality is usually associated with solidity, practicality, security restraint, reliability, responsibility and truth. Earth types are the firm foundations of society. They are said to be attracted to Earth types because the two share qualities of acquisitiveness, retentiveness, and self-protectiveness.

I got the exact same results.

I don't think it's 100% accurate but it is decently specific based on the questions they ask and it looks like some of the employment tests they use in big companies.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Do You Believe The Illuminati Can Know You Better Than You Know Yourself?
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2010, 02:49:09 PM »
I got the exact same results.

I don't think it's 100% accurate but it is decently specific based on the questions they ask and it looks like some of the employment tests they use in big companies.

There are only a limited number of personality types in the world, so at best these exams can only identify certain markers/traits that are prevalent. There may be lesser traits about a person that may makes them uniquely unique, but we all tend to be made in such a way that despite races, religious beliefs and even gender, we fit into certain groups..and that is the identifying markers that makes us KNOWN to others. Ever heard the term BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER? In short you have found someone very much like yourself that you like to be around. This test just helps identify those traits that make you and another person or group compatible.