Author Topic: Understanding Atheism  (Read 14468 times)


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #75 on: April 08, 2011, 01:26:24 PM »
Tell that to these people:

An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help lead to a life of fulfillment


The New Jersey Humanist Network is a vibrant and growing community of secular humanists. Humanism is a democratic and ethical life-stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives.   We believe that virtues like morality, kindness, justice and generosity derive from natural human values and reason, and are realized fully only when free from belief in supernatural powers and a spiritual afterlife.  Please join us at any of our meetings which are always open to the public.

That sounds like a "belief" system to me.

In short, "There is no God; man is his own 'savior'. Hence, it's the reason I've suggested that atheism, at its core, is simply MAN WORSHIPPING HIMSELF.

WRONG!! Atheists don't say "I don't know". They emphatically declare that there is no God (See the aforementioned items from "American Atheists" and the New Jersey Humanists Network).

NOPE!! To be an atheist, you must believe that THERE IS NO GOD. If you believe that there is a God, you're not an atheist. It's just that simple.

They didn't believe in the flying spaghetti monster. But, they believed that their government was to be in the place of God. And, since they headed the government, the people effectively were to worship them (Stalin and Pol Pot, in their respective countries).

Even Hitler stated that he wanted his people to find salvation in the swastika, instead of the cross. In essence, their governnments (and for all practical purposes) they themselves became God.

The only difference between the two is that one used humanist doctrine as justification to murder and the other used religious doctrine.

The apostle Paul has a term for that: Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Plus, if man makes the rules, then this guy's morality is no better or worse than that of Hitler, Stalin, or Pol Pot.

And in the words of Jesus Christ, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:13).

This canard is so easy to rip apart, it's not funny.

- Abortion rights? Gee, complain about "genocide" one minute but give no thought about destroying babies in the womb the next. That's really "progressive" for you. As one recent ad put it, "The most dangerous place for an African-American is the womb". Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sangor, FOR THE EXPRESSED PURPOSE of killing black people. Surprise, surprise!!! She's an atheist, too.

- Gay "marriage"? What part of "one man, one woman" don't you understand? Most gay "marriage" advocates decry polygamy, which makes no sense. They are basically saying that THEY can change the rules of marriage for their purposes; but others can't. Plus, you'll notice that marriage rates overall tend to DROP in places where gay "marriage" is legalized (the very thing gay "marriage" proponents swore wouldn't happen).

- Stem Cell Research? PLEASE!! The only form of that, opposed by people of faith, is embryonic stem cell research (the one kind that hasn't cure one blasted disease TO THIS DAY). Progressives tend to forget about that. Every time stem cell research is cited for a new cure or treatment, progressives run their mouths, forgetting to mention that the cure came from ADULT stem cells. And, they also forget that it was a certain president from Texas who STARTED federal funding for adult stem cell research.

- Sex Education? Sex makes babies!! Progressives seem to forget about that. It never dawned on them that the fewer teens that do the wild thing, the fewer of them get burned with STDs or get knocked up. We've seen such lovely progressive "comprehensive" education, such as "Fistgate" and letting kids 2nd graders put condoms on pickles (OK, they were regular cucumbers). As with too many of their "reforms", it seems progressives put forth mind-bogglingly stupid ideas then act surprised when they don't work.

- AIDS Funding in Africa: Another blatant LIE. Bush gave more to funding AIDS research and treatment in Africa than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT (including Obama). Heck, even AIDS activist and pop star, Bono (hardly a Bush fan) acknowledged Bush's contributions.

- Middle East relations? This guy must be on crack. You think the folks in the Middle East are going to abide by progressive diplomacy? NEWS FLASH!! European countries that have tried that crap are being OVERRUN by Muslim extremists. Within a decade or so, they'll be bowing the knee to Allah or get killed (and you progressives think Christianity is bad? Try Islam, extra strength, no chaser).

- Global Warming? How many times does this have to be exposed for the farce that it is? It's all about trying to hike taxes on people and force them to buy crap that few, if any, would purchase of their own free will.

Unfortunately for whining progressives, our constitution allows for FREE expression of religion. We're allowed to have it and YES we can take in people's religious beliefs (in word and practice, in terms of social issues) to cast our votes. We don't leave our constitutional rights at the ballot box. And, if progressives don't like it, TOUGH COOKIES!!!

We determine what our self-interest is, not this writer or any other progressive. Although, one could easily argue that certain demographics vote straight Democratic ticket, because they think it's the right thing to do, even though they suffer more than anyone else, due to progressive policies.

It goes both ways. People will vote for a guy who promised to "take from the rich and give to the poor". Guess what!! That NEVER HAPPENS. Look at the poor people today; look at the high unemployment rates. How many people in the ghettos and trailer parks and poor farms got all that money that progressives were supposedly taking from the rich?

And how many of them have all this health insurance that was promised? Basically NONE, as most of the so-called benefits don't kick into gear for another three years. Furthermore, what about all the people whose insurance has gone SKY HIGH? Wasn't ObamaCare supposed to bring premiums down? It didn't happen. And forcing someone to buy health insurance (or anything else, for that matter) is as unconstitutional as you can get.

Yet, you don't see anyone breaking their necks, risking life and limb, to go to those countries. They do that to come HERE. And, if the progressives loves these atheistic shangri-las so much, ain't nothing stopping them from packing their back and moving.

- Dead wrong (See American Atheists and New Jersey Humanist Network, among others)
- Yes they do. Atheists don't speak from doubt.
- Actually they do. They have faith that they are their own saviors.
- With atheism effectively being man worshipping himself, they have killed in the name of their own deification (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot).
Get a job, bum.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2011, 06:27:04 PM »
As we agreed earlier, the numbers don't prove anything, BUT they do demonstrate a strong correlation. High suicide rates might be correlated to atheism, I have no problem accepting that.

Good!   ;)


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #77 on: April 10, 2011, 08:50:44 PM »
Get a job, bum.

I got one. It takes little time or effort to dismantle such silliness as this.

What's your excuse?


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #78 on: April 11, 2011, 01:33:50 AM »
Good!   ;)

lol, I guess that settles the discussion then.  ::)
from incomplete data


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #79 on: April 11, 2011, 03:38:17 AM »
I got one. It takes little time or effort to dismantle such silliness as this.

What's your excuse?
Wait. Sex leads to babies?

Oh yeah, I always seem to forget about that.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2011, 03:36:37 PM »

your links don't provide any evidence of what you speak. Man being is own saviour has nothing to do with him worshipping himself. It is said in the context that man has to due it for himself, that there is no god or anyone who will correct the wrongs of life.

Your arguments are always piss poor.

stop with the hitler nonsense you have been corrected on this topic numerous times. Seriously, its plainly evident that he was religious. Also, there is no logical connection be atheism and the nazi's, in fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god. That is it, what people do with that is different however there are no logical conclusions to be made only that it contradicts religion and the idea of a god.

It also doesnt hold that man is the most sentient being in the universe.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #81 on: April 12, 2011, 10:05:00 AM »

your links don't provide any evidence of what you speak. Man being is own saviour has nothing to do with him worshipping himself. It is said in the context that man has to due it for himself, that there is no god or anyone who will correct the wrongs of life.

Your arguments are always piss poor.

stop with the hitler nonsense you have been corrected on this topic numerous times. Seriously, its plainly evident that he was religious. Also, there is no logical connection be atheism and the nazi's, in fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god. That is it, what people do with that is different however there are no logical conclusions to be made only that it contradicts religion and the idea of a god.

It also doesnt hold that man is the most sentient being in the universe.

I have been corrected by no one on that topic, least of all YOU. Listen to what you just said, In fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god.

Atheism DOES NOT (in practice) merely state that there is no God. That's a simple fact you can't get through your head, EVEN WITH THE WORDS OF THOSE ATHEISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.

Man has to "do" (not "due") it for himself? NEWS FLASH!! Man can't do it for himself. He hasn't done for himself and he never will do it for himself.  And, we've all seen the horrors of those men who have tried (i.e. Hitler). Hitler was religious? DUH!!!! Key word......WAS. But, when he went into Jew-killing mode, his stated goal was to make the swastika replace the cross, to destroy Christianity root and branch.

And, as has been asked a zillion times, if man isn't the most sentient being in the universe, WHO IS? Atheists claim they don't know. Of course, until they "find out", they'll gladly place themselves in that role.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #82 on: April 12, 2011, 12:03:50 PM »
I have been corrected by no one on that topic, least of all YOU. Listen to what you just said, In fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god.

Atheism DOES NOT (in practice) merely state that there is no God. That's a simple fact you can't get through your head, EVEN WITH THE WORDS OF THOSE ATHEISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.

Man has to "do" (not "due") it for himself? NEWS FLASH!! Man can't do it for himself. He hasn't done for himself and he never will do it for himself.  And, we've all seen the horrors of those men who have tried (i.e. Hitler). Hitler was religious? DUH!!!! Key word......WAS. But, when he went into Jew-killing mode, his stated goal was to make the swastika replace the cross, to destroy Christianity root and branch.

And, as has been asked a zillion times, if man isn't the most sentient being in the universe, WHO IS? Atheists claim they don't know. Of course, until they "find out", they'll gladly place themselves in that role.

You're making a lot of ungrounded assumptions about "atheists". Why would a simple disbelief in a god make you part of any group? You don't believe in astrology, do you? Aha! What's your hidden agenda???

Wait, lets do that in caps:


Btw, you strike me as someone who's never read any Hitler biographies... but then again, what would it matter if he was indeed an atheist? Stalin certainly was an atheist, but you don't see the entire scandinavia participate in purges around the clock do you? Even though they happen to share the same disbelief.
from incomplete data


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #83 on: April 13, 2011, 08:45:51 AM »
I have been corrected by no one on that topic, least of all YOU. Listen to what you just said, In fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god.

Atheism DOES NOT (in practice) merely state that there is no God. That's a simple fact you can't get through your head, EVEN WITH THE WORDS OF THOSE ATHEISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.

Man has to "do" (not "due") it for himself? NEWS FLASH!! Man can't do it for himself. He hasn't done for himself and he never will do it for himself.  And, we've all seen the horrors of those men who have tried (i.e. Hitler). Hitler was religious? DUH!!!! Key word......WAS. But, when he went into Jew-killing mode, his stated goal was to make the swastika replace the cross, to destroy Christianity root and branch.

And, as has been asked a zillion times, if man isn't the most sentient being in the universe, WHO IS? Atheists claim they don't know. Of course, until they "find out", they'll gladly place themselves in that role.

I can post on this computer it erases everthingfor fucks sake, ill post in a bit.

Dr Loomis

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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #84 on: April 13, 2011, 08:50:13 PM »
Atheism is the most unintelligent way to believe of all them, no matter how ludicrous the belief. It's total narcissism and if you look at the people who subscribe to it, it usually fits the personality type. Alone, over indulged, non commital and self absorbed.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2011, 10:12:22 AM »
Atheism is the most unintelligent way to believe of all them, no matter how ludicrous the belief. It's total narcissism and if you look at the people who subscribe to it, it usually fits the personality type. Alone, over indulged, non commital and self absorbed.

I can see why you would post under another name..

Dr Loomis

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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #86 on: April 15, 2011, 06:05:30 AM »
I can see why you would post under another name..

Huh? Look, not everyone fits a profile exactly, but most atheists are a piece of work. Good people to interview for a mental health thesis. I haven't met a normal, grounded one yet who didn't make atheism conform to their own self indulged look at the bigger picture. Hey, whatever, who cares right? We all find out in the end   :)


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #87 on: April 15, 2011, 09:45:04 AM »
Huh? Look, not everyone fits a profile exactly, but most atheists are a piece of work. Good people to interview for a mental health thesis. I haven't met a normal, grounded one yet who didn't make atheism conform to their own self indulged look at the bigger picture. Hey, whatever, who cares right? We all find out in the end   :)

"I've never met..." has always been a poor substitute for a sampling of any group and is about as worthless as a penis at a Domestic Violence seminar.

Just sayin...


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #88 on: April 16, 2011, 06:26:35 PM »
Atheism is the most unintelligent way to believe of all them, no matter how ludicrous the belief. It's total narcissism and if you look at the people who subscribe to it, it usually fits the personality type. Alone, over indulged, non commital and self absorbed.

Not believing in a god makes you narcissistic? Explain that to me.

Captain Equipoise

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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #89 on: April 20, 2011, 01:20:12 PM »
Huh? Look, not everyone fits a profile exactly, but most atheists are a piece of work. Good people to interview for a mental health thesis. I haven't met a normal, grounded one yet who didn't make atheism conform to their own self indulged look at the bigger picture. Hey, whatever, who cares right? We all find out in the end   :)

LOL you should be one to talk, do you believe in santa claus and the easter bunny as well?

like George Carline once said, god is an imaginary friend for adults, an imaginary man in the sky that makes you love him otherwise he will kill you/destroy you, LOL

keep on drinking that Kool Aid


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #90 on: April 20, 2011, 01:25:50 PM »
LOL you should be one to talk, do you believe in santa claus and the easter bunny as well?

like George Carline once said, god is an imaginary friend for adults, an imaginary man in the sky that makes you love him otherwise he will kill you/destroy you, LOL

keep on drinking that Kool Aid

"God is dead" - George Carlin

"George Carlin is dead" - God

Captain Equipoise

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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #91 on: April 20, 2011, 03:27:07 PM »
"God is dead" - George Carlin

"George Carlin is dead" - God

We all gotta die sometime, that's part of our biological timeline, everything dies, even the stars and the suns,, they just have a significantly longer timeline then we do :)


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #92 on: April 20, 2011, 05:20:06 PM »
Huh? Look, not everyone fits a profile exactly, but most atheists are a piece of work. Good people to interview for a mental health thesis. I haven't met a normal, grounded one yet who didn't make atheism conform to their own self indulged look at the bigger picture. Hey, whatever, who cares right? We all find out in the end   :)

Self-indulgent? Care to clarify?
I hate the State.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #93 on: April 22, 2011, 05:28:06 AM »
Christianity's self-preservation clause - "And if anyone still prophesies, his father and mother, to whom he was born, will say to him, 'You must die, because you have told lies in the LORD's name.' When he prophesies, his own parents will stab him." - Zechariah 13:3


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #94 on: April 22, 2011, 08:48:19 PM »
Christianity's self-preservation clause - "And if anyone still prophesies, his father and mother, to whom he was born, will say to him, 'You must die, because you have told lies in the LORD's name.' When he prophesies, his own parents will stab him." - Zechariah 13:3

That is from what is generally referred to as "the Old Testament".  The "New Testament" is for followers of Jesus of Nazareth, i.e, "Christians". 

"Christianity's self-preservation clause"?  Give me a break and fuck that noise.  WTF were you thinking?  Oh weren't thinking because if you had been  you would never have made such a lame-o supposition.  And remember, I'm an atheist so don't even try to go there.  ;D


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #95 on: April 23, 2011, 06:04:16 AM »
That is from what is generally referred to as "the Old Testament".  The "New Testament" is for followers of Jesus of Nazareth, i.e, "Christians". 

"Christianity's self-preservation clause"?  Give me a break and fuck that noise.  WTF were you thinking?  Oh weren't thinking because if you had been  you would never have made such a lame-o supposition.  And remember, I'm an atheist so don't even try to go there.  ;D
Have you ever had sex?


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #96 on: April 23, 2011, 06:31:31 AM »
Automobile accident deaths increased by 20% during the period of time "Jesus take the wheel" was on the charts.  

The percentage of auto accidents attributed to driver error also increased by exactly 20%.  Apparently Jesus isn't a very good driver.



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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #97 on: April 23, 2011, 10:30:17 AM »
Automobile accident deaths increased by 20% during the period of time "Jesus take the wheel" was on the charts.  

I actually heard this about "Firestarter" by Prodigy.


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #98 on: April 23, 2011, 11:09:56 AM »
I have been corrected by no one on that topic, least of all YOU. Listen to what you just said, In fact if hitler believed himself to be a god, or nazism to be a new religion, it then goes to show the perversion relgious belief can have on the mind. Atheism has no logical in roads to killing others, it simply states there is no god.

Atheism DOES NOT (in practice) merely state that there is no God. That's a simple fact you can't get through your head, EVEN WITH THE WORDS OF THOSE ATHEISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.

Man has to "do" (not "due") it for himself? NEWS FLASH!! Man can't do it for himself. He hasn't done for himself and he never will do it for himself.  And, we've all seen the horrors of those men who have tried (i.e. Hitler). Hitler was religious? DUH!!!! Key word......WAS. But, when he went into Jew-killing mode, his stated goal was to make the swastika replace the cross, to destroy Christianity root and branch.

And, as has been asked a zillion times, if man isn't the most sentient being in the universe, WHO IS? Atheists claim they don't know. Of course, until they "find out", they'll gladly place themselves in that role.

"Atheism DOES NOT (in practice) merely state that there is no God. That's a simple fact you can't get through your head, EVEN WITH THE WORDS OF THOSE ATHEISTS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE."

yes it does, you are wrong, what is the definition of atheism? its like saying being an aunicorn does not merely state there is no unicorns. It does, but some people may then conclude that means horses are trash to be beaten and killed or that magic doesn't exist since they equate magic with unicorns. That is there own attachment, not a property of aunicornism. Some atheists might say that atheism means we should all kill each other and eat babies, it doesn't reflect atheism. Its a heated arena atheism and god thus people are likely to have more conclusions then just there is a god or no god.

"Man has to "do" (not "due") it for himself? NEWS FLASH!! Man can't do it for himself. He hasn't done for himself and he never will do it for himself.  And, we've all seen the horrors of those men who have tried (i.e. Hitler). Hitler was religious? DUH!!!! Key word......WAS. But, when he went into Jew-killing mode, his stated goal was to make the swastika replace the cross, to destroy Christianity root and branch. "

hitler was religious, i used the past tense in the sense that hitler has been dead for a while, not some particular event in his life, good comprehension there. Man can't do it for himself? LOLLOLOL thats all we do. I tell you what you cut your arm off and pray to god to fix it and ill do the same and go to a man called a doctor, see who does more for you, god or the doc. Where do you get this shit, there is not one obvious example of good intervening in someones life, an outright miracle that is obvious to all, not up for debate. However, conversely there are too many examples of god not helping man, japan much? im sure all the men over there are doing less then the god that allowed it to happen.

"And, as has been asked a zillion times, if man isn't the most sentient being in the universe, WHO IS? Atheists claim they don't know. Of course, until they "find out", they'll gladly place themselves in that role."

As far as any human on earth KNOWS it is man, again where do you get this shit? im human i do not KNOW god exists, hence you do not thus according to all the facts and observations ever made in history man is. However, that doesn't mean that there are not more sentient beings or that god does not exist. Your arguments are so shitty is laughable, what does being the most sentient being have to do with self-worship? many cultures worship animals that exist which are obviously less sentient, there goes that argument.

Watch lets ask question of you to see how you respond, your religious mind won't let you be wrong. How does god create? is it from stardust? is it from nothing, is it magic, does it take time? give me the facts of the matter please


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Re: Understanding Atheism
« Reply #99 on: April 29, 2011, 06:41:00 PM »
Christianity's self-preservation clause - "And if anyone still prophesies, his father and mother, to whom he was born, will say to him, 'You must die, because you have told lies in the LORD's name.' When he prophesies, his own parents will stab him." - Zechariah 13:3

Your statement, quoted above.  I must admit to be at something of a loss as to just what the fuck you were thinking.  Oh wait!  I addressed that in my  reply, shown directly below.

That is from what is generally referred to as "the Old Testament".  The "New Testament" is for followers of Jesus of Nazareth, i.e, "Christians". 

"Christianity's self-preservation clause"?  Give me a break and fuck that noise.  WTF were you thinking?  Oh weren't thinking because if you had been  you would never have made such a lame-o supposition.  And remember, I'm an atheist so don't even try to go there.  ;D

Have you ever had sex?

Your well thought out and structured reply to same.  Below is my reply to your insightful missive.

What are  you, a fucking moron?  No...Don't answer.  The strain on your already taxed "brain" might well shut down involuntary functions such as breathing.  I suppose that a mental eunuch such as yourself thinks your reply as quoted above somehow  "funny", "witty" or even "clever".  Fuck that noise,  you'r e obviously in over your head little man.  I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but that would result in something like a dog chasing its tail.

Yup.  You're stupid enough to try.

If you ever feel up to actually responding to what I posted in a manner befitting a human being, please do so and give us all a heads up as I shall be certain to alert the media.  Such an event would pre-empt the Royal Wedding or maybe even Roller Derby.  So tell us all, are there any more at home like you or did they spay and neuter your sister and brother right after you were born? ;D