Author Topic: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach  (Read 75152 times)

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #225 on: September 13, 2012, 07:37:50 AM »

U.S. State Dept. alerts travelers in wake of embassy protests

By Laura Bly, USA TODAY
Updated 20h 16m ago


U.S. embassies in at least seven countries in the Middle East, Africa and the Caucuses are warning of possible anti-American protests following an attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans, the Associated Press reports.

The killings in Libya followed demonstrations in front of Cairo's U.S. Embassy Tuesday, where protesters tore down the U.S. flag and scaled the embassy's wall. That protest was planned by conservative Salafists well before news circulated of an objectionable video ridiculing Islam's prophet, Mohammed, Eric Trager, an expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told USA TODAY.

Embassies in Armenia, Burundi, Egypt, Kuwait, Sudan, Tunisia and Zambia all issued warnings on Wednesday that don't report any specific threat but note that demonstrations can become violent and advise Americans in those countries to be particularly vigilant.

Also on Wednesday, between 300 and 400 Muslims protested outside the U.S. consulate in Morocco's largest city, Casablanca, an AFP photographer reported.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #227 on: September 13, 2012, 08:07:01 AM »

 President Obama says the U.S. would no longer consider the Egyptian government an ally, "but we don't consider them an enemy."
In an interview with the Spanish-language network Telemundo, less than 24 hours after violent mobs stormed American diplomatic outposts in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya, Obama said the new Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt was still "trying to find its way."
"They were democratically elected. I think we are going to have to see how they respond to this incident, to see how they respond to maintaining the peace treaty with Israel," he said.
Egyptian security forces were slow to respond to attacks on the U.S. embassy Tuesday night when crowds infiltrated the compound and tore down the U.S. flag. The incident occurred shortly before an attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya left four Americans dead. Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi did not offer a public response to either incident until 24 hours later.
"What we've seen is that in some cases, they've said the right things and taken the right steps. In others, how they've responded to other events may not be aligned with some of our interests, so I think it's still a work in progress," Obama told Telemundo. "But certainly in this situation what we're going to expect is that they are responsive to our insistence that our embassy is protected that our personnel is protected. And if they take actions that indicate they are not taking those responsibilities like all countries do where we have embassies, I think that's going to be a real big problem."
The White House said Obama phoned Morsi on Wednesday night to underscore "the importance of Egypt following through on its commitment to cooperate with the United States in securing U.S. diplomatic facilities and personnel" in the wake of violent anti-American protests outside the U.S. embassy in Cairo. Morsi told Obama "that Egypt would honor its obligation to ensure the safety of American personnel," according to a statement released by the administration.
In his interview with Telemundo, Obama stopped short of calling for a reconsideration of the more than $1 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt. "The United States doesn't have the option of withdrawing from the world. We're the one indispensable nation. Countries around the world look to us for leadership, even countries where sometimes you experience protest," he said.

You really can't make this up any more how demented this sick fuck is 


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #228 on: September 13, 2012, 08:36:06 AM »
You cant declare war on an nation before you now they were responsible. Use your brain

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #229 on: September 13, 2012, 08:38:40 AM »
You cant declare war on an nation before you now they were responsible. Use your brain

STFU - obama put Morsi into office and now tosses him under the bus?

94er please. 


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #230 on: September 13, 2012, 08:45:29 AM »
STFU - obama put Morsi into office and now tosses him under the bus?

94er please. 

First he is kneepadding then tossing them under the bus? Make sense dude

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #231 on: September 13, 2012, 08:46:16 AM »
First he is kneepadding then tossing them under the bus? Make sense dude

Yes - because obama does not like the results of his horrible policies so close to an election. 

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #232 on: September 13, 2012, 09:35:03 AM »
Obama Admits He Lost Egypt as American Ally
by John Nolte

13 Sep 2012, 8:30 AM PDT

In a stunning admission a media currently obsessed with manufacturing a gaffe for Romney can hardly bring itself to report, President Obama made a tacit admission yesterday that he has lost Egypt as an American ally:
President Obama says the U.S. would no longer consider the Egyptian government an ally, “but we don’t consider them an enemy.”
In an interview with the Spanish-language network Telemundo, less than 24 hours after violent mobs stormed American diplomatic outposts in Cairo and Benghazi, Libya, Obama said the new Muslim Brotherhood leadership in Egypt was still “trying to find its way.”
“They were democratically elected. I think we are going to have to see how they respond to this incident, to see how they respond to maintaining the peace treaty with Israel,” he said.
This morning, on MSNBC of all places, NBC’s chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel obviously didn’t get the memo about protecting The One throughout this crisis and hammered Obama over losing one of three allies America has in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Israel being the other two):
CHUCK TODD: I just want to get your first reaction, before you give me a report, of the President saying Egypt was not an ally or an enemy.

RICAHED ENGEL: Yeah, I almost had to sit down when I heard that.  For the last forty years, the United States has had two main allies in the Middle East — Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the other ally in the Middle East being Israel.  For the President to come out and say, well, he’s not exactly sure if Egypt is an ally any more but it’s not an enemy, that is a significant change in the perspective of Washington toward this country, the biggest country in the Arab world.  It makes one wonder, well, was it worth it?  Was it worth supporting the Arab Spring, supporting the demonstrations here in Tahrir Square, when now in Tahrir Square there are clashes going on behind me right in front of the US embassy?
Hot Air's Ed Morrissey fills in the rest:
Who lost Egypt? Barack Obama.  His administration waited eight whole days when those demonstrations erupted to demand Mubarak’s ouster, and then insisted on immediate elections — even though the only opposition organized well enough at that point in time for elections was the radical Muslim Brotherhood.  In both Egypt and even more in Libya — where Obama applied military force to dislodge and topple Moammar Qaddafi — the White House left power vacuums that allowed the most radical elements to seize control.  Critics of Obama’s policies in both regards warned of this very outcome eighteen months ago, to no avail.
The point Morrissey makes here about the White House pushing for elections when the only possible outcome was the Muslim Brotherhood taking over is a crucial one.

This is leading from behind and refusing to get your hands dirty in the crucial role of filling a power vacuum you helped to create with American influence.

And don’t buy the spin that this wasn't an either/or proposition. We weren't boxed in by events that said we either stand by our ally Mubarak or live with the Muslim Brotherhood after democratically held elections.

We had a third option and that was to get in there, engage, and work our will to create the kind of power structure that wouldn't have allowed what happened on Tuesday to happen. What stops attacks like the one on our embassy is cooperation from the host country's government in the form of intel and muscle.

For all the hell it cost us, we we're able to foster that kind of government In Iraq and Afghanistan. The only question now is whether or not President Lead From Behind is doing the difficult work to retain those relationships.

Announcing the date of our Afghan withdrawal to our enemies surely didn't help.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #233 on: September 13, 2012, 09:42:16 AM »


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #234 on: September 17, 2012, 06:03:12 AM »

Even the NYT reporter sees reality of obama's failed policies.


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #235 on: September 17, 2012, 09:23:24 AM »
New regime closes Egypt’s last synagogue

Special to

WASHINGTON — Egypt’s new Islamist regime has stopped the last
 synagogue from holding services.

“The Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue, which had operated in Alexandria, was the last functioning center of Jewish life in the country,” the Gatestone Institute said.
The Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue was told by the regime of President
 Mohammed Morsi that Jews would not be allowed to pray during High Holiday services in September. The synagogue’s rabbi was told that Egyptian police could not guarantee security.
Eliayahu Hanavi was called the last functioning synagogue in Egypt. The Jewish community, most of which was driven out after Israel was established in 1948, was said to number no more than 100.
Jewish groups have criticized the prevention of services in Egypt, which receives $1.3 billion in annual U.S. defense assistance. The Zionist Organization of America questioned the motivation for Morsi’s decision after his predecessor allowed the synagogue to conduct services on the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur.
“If the Hosni Mubarak regime was able to protect Jews worshipping in synagogue on the High Holidays, why cannot the Mohammed Morsi regime?” ZOA
 asked in a statement on Sept. 13. “This seems to be more an act of enmity
 towards Jews rather than one of concern for their security.”
Shiraz Maher, a leading analyst, went further. Maher, a senior research
 fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation Kings
 College in London, said Morsi’s decision would destroy Jewish life in Egypt.
“The news that Egypt’s last synagogue, the Eliyahu Hanavi, will now be
 unable to hold services effectively brings an end to any remaining semblance
 of Jewish life in Egypt,” Maher said.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #236 on: September 18, 2012, 10:05:37 AM »
Egypt to try US citizen, seven others over anti-Islam video
 The Hill ^ | Sept. 18, 2012 | Julian Pecquet

Posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:05:15 PM

Egypt's general prosecutor on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for Florida Pastor Terry Jones and seven Coptic Christian Egyptians linked to an anti-Islam video on YouTube that sparked riots across the Middle East, The Associated Press is reporting.

The eight individuals, none of whom are believed to be in Egypt, are charged with harming national unity, insulting and publicly attacking Islam and spreading false information. They could face the death penalty.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #237 on: September 19, 2012, 03:23:23 AM »
Egypt Threatens to Execute American Citizens

18 September 2012
Egypt is looking more like post-1979 Iran every day.

Cairo has issued international arrest warrants for eight Americans—seven of them Coptic Christians from Egypt—who are allegedly involved with the anti-Mohammad video everyone’s rioting over. The prosecutor’s office also issued a warrant for Terry Jones, the Koran-burning nutjob in Florida, just because, and says if convicted the defendants may get the death penalty.

Mahmoud Salem (aka “Sandmonkey”) was interviewed on CNN yesterday. He says the new Muslim Brotherhood government is much more oppressive than the Mubarak regime. That should have been obvious to everyone in advance, though astonishingly it was not. And Mahmoud is hardly a Mubarak apologist. He was one of the most outspoken critics of the ancien régime in the world, and he was arrested and beaten for it.

He also says explicitly that Egypt’s government isn’t an ally and that “if the United States wants to cut the aid [money], please, do it…The majority of the aid goes to the military anyway. We don’t see it.”

Egypt's threat is most likely an empty one, but don't be so sure. Anti-Islamic blasphemers in the West have been hunted or even killed a number of times. Salman Rushdie and Theo Van Gogh are just the most famous cases. Just yesterday Iran upped the bounty on Rushdie's head to 3.3 million dollars.

Either way, how long is the United States going to pretend that Egypt is still friendly? The government just threatened individual American citizens by name with arrest and execution. Will the Muslim Brotherhood regime have to take hostile action against American citizens before something changes?

Perhaps. But even Barack Obama has figured out that Egypt is no longer an ally. He said so on television. He’s having a hard time standing by that statement because he’s Obama, but he knows. He knows. We’re bound to break off with Cairo at some point whether we like it or not.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #238 on: September 23, 2012, 06:41:32 PM »
Morsi sets terms for US-Arab ties (and Obama will accept those "terms")
 Indian Express ^ | 9/23/2012 | DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK & STEVEN ERLANGER

Posted on Sunday, September 23, 2012 6:48:45 PM by tobyhill

On the eve of his first trip to the US as Egypt’s new Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi said the US needed to fundamentally change its approach to the Arab world, showing greater respect for its values and helping build a Palestinian state, if it hoped to overcome decades of pent-up anger.

A former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s first democratically elected president, Morsi sought in a 90-minute interview with The New York Times to introduce himself to the US public and to revise the terms of relations between his country and the US after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak.

He said it was up to Washington to repair relations with the Arab world and to revitalise the alliance with Egypt.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #240 on: October 08, 2012, 10:36:52 AM »
Reporter Lara Logan brings ominous news from Middle East

BY LAURA WASHINGTON October 7, 2012 4:04PM

CBS correspondent Lara Logan covers the reaction in Cairo's Tahrir Square the day Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stepped down in February 2011. | CBS News photo

Updated: October 8, 2012 2:18AM

This was no ordinary rubber chicken affair. That was my reaction to the extraordinary keynoter at Tuesday’s Better Government Association annual luncheon.

 Lara Logan, a correspondent for CBS’ “60 Minutes,” delivered a provocative speech to about 1,100 influentials from government, politics, media, and the legal and corporate arenas. Such downtown gatherings are a regular on Chicago’s networking circuit. (I am a member of the BGA’s Civic Leadership Committee, and the Chicago Sun-Times was a sponsor).
Her ominous and frightening message was gleaned from years of covering our wars in the Middle East. She arrived in Chicago on the heels of her Sept. 30 report, “The Longest War.” It examined the Afghanistan conflict and exposed the perils that still confront America, 11 years after 9/11.
Eleven years later, “they” still hate us, now more than ever, Logan told the crowd. The Taliban and al-Qaida have not been vanquished, she added. They’re coming back.
“I chose this subject because, one, I can’t stand, that there is a major lie being propagated . . .” Logan declared in her native South African accent.
The lie is that America’s military might has tamed the Taliban.
“There is this narrative coming out of Washington for the last two years,” Logan said. It is driven in part by “Taliban apologists,” who claim “they are just the poor moderate, gentler, kinder Taliban,” she added sarcastically. “It’s such nonsense!”
Logan stepped way out of the “objective,” journalistic role. The audience was riveted as she told of plowing through reams of documents, and interviewing John Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan; Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and a Taliban commander trained by al-Qaida. The Taliban and al-Qaida are teaming up and recruiting new terrorists to do us deadly harm, she reports.
She made a passionate case that our government is downplaying the strength of our enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a rationale of getting us out of the longest war. We have been lulled into believing that the perils are in the past: “You’re not listening to what the people who are fighting you say about this fight. In your arrogance, you think you write the script.”

Our enemies are writing the story, she suggests, and there’s no happy ending for us.

As a journalist, I was queasy. Reporters should tell the story, not be the story. As an American, I was frightened.

Logan even called for retribution for the recent terrorist killings of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other officials. The event is a harbinger of our vulnerability, she said. Logan hopes that America will “exact revenge and let the world know that the United States will not be attacked on its own soil. That its ambassadors will not be murdered, and that the United States will not stand by and do nothing about it.”
In the “good old days,” reporters did not advocate, crusade or call for revenge.

In these “new” days in a post-9/11 world, perhaps we need more reporters who are willing to break the rules.


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #241 on: October 13, 2012, 07:29:35 PM »
STRATFOR: Egypt Is Prepared To Bomb All Of Ethiopia's Nile Dams
 Michael Kelley and Robert Johnson|Oct. 13, 2012, 11:34 AM|10,644|29


Central Asia Could Go To War Over Water

In 2010 Egypt discussed taking military action in cooperation with Sudan against Ethiopia to protect their stake in Nile River, according to internal emails from the U.S. private-security firm Stratfor.
Egypt and Sudan get 90 percent of the river’s water under colonial-era accords while upstream countries including Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia have been clamoring for a new deal during more than a decade of talks.
The Nile flows south to north, making it one of only a handful of rivers in the world to do so and one of only two in Africa.
So, rather than Cairo sitting at the mouth of the massive water supply, it sits dead last—subject to all the whims and fancies of each upstream nation. With several factional governments upstream and the premium on fresh water, diplomacy only goes so far.
A dispatch from May 26, 2010, that cited information from a Egyptian diplomatic source points to the country's frustration:
Sudanese president Umar al-Bashir has agreed to allow the Egyptians to build an a small airbase in Kusti to accommodateEgyptian commandos who might be sent to Ethiopia to destroy water facilities on the Blue Nile... It will be their option if everything else fails
The Blue Nile, which begins in Ethiopia, contributes about 85 percent of the flow that passes through Egypt to the Mediterranean.

wikipedia commons
Egypt's Aswan Dam
Ethiopia became an even bigger threat a month after the Egyptian Revolution toppled President Hosni Mubarak in February 2011 when they announced new details about the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
In April of this year Bradley Hope of the The National reported that construction had begun and that the massive project "could destabilize Egypt in a way that would make the last year of political upheaval look minuscule."
"It would lead to political, economic and social instability,"  Mohamed Nasr El Din Allam, Egypt's minister of water and irrigation until early last year, told Hope. "Millions of people would go hungry. There would be water shortages everywhere. It's huge."
Ethiopia is also currently struggling to fund the dam, which would need foreign aid to be completed. Egypt and Sudan have lobbied foreign donors to refrain from funding the project while they try to find a diplomatic solution to the increasingly dire water situation.
A dispatch from June 1, 2010, that cited a "high-level Egyptian security/intel source, in regular direct contact with Mubarak and [then-intelligence head Omar] Suleiman" said:
The only country that is not cooperating is Ethiopia. We are continuing to talk to them, using the diplomatic approach. Yes, we are discussing military cooperation with Sudan. ... If it comes to a crisis, we will send a jet to bomb the dam and come back in one day, simple as that. Or we can send our special forces in to block/sabotage the dam... Look back to an operation Egypt did in the mid-late 1970s, i think 1976, when Ethiopia was trying to build a large dam. We blew up the equipment while it was traveling by sea to Ethiopia.
A dispatch from July 29, 2010, that cited the Egyptian ambassador to Lebanon said that Egypt and leaders of the soon-to-be independent southern region of Sudan "agreed on developing strategic relations between their two countries," including Egypt training the South Sudan military, and noted that "the horizons for Egyptian-southern Sudanese cooperation are limitless since the south needs everything."
In 1979 Anwar Sadat, Egypt’s second president, said: “The only matter that could take Egypt to war again is water."
The government of current Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi described the Stratfor emails as hearsay “designed to disturb Egyptian-Ethiopian relations.”
WikiLeaks has published 53,860 out of what it says is a cache of 5 million internal Stratfor emails (dated between July 2004 and December 2011) obtained by the hacker collective Anonymous around Christmas. Check out our coverage here.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #242 on: October 21, 2012, 03:07:31 AM »
Bump for TU.

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #243 on: October 21, 2012, 07:43:29 AM »

Benny and Andre - is this what you stupid fucking dolts cheer on? 

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #244 on: October 21, 2012, 07:49:39 AM »
New FJP (Muslim Brotherhood) leader in Egypt calls for Sharia law ^ | 10/20/2012 | Jpost Staff

Posted on Sunday, October 21, 2012 10:51:18 AM by Qbert

Saad al-Katatny was elected chairman of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party, Egyptian media reported Friday. He beat out FJP’s acting leader Essam al- Erian in a vote that took place October 6.

The FJP is Egypt’s largest political party, currently occupying 47 percent of all seats in the country’s lower house of parliament.

Katatny hailed his election as “a first step” towards achieving the goals of the FJP, according to Egypt’s Al-Ahram newspaper.

In this respect, Katatny was quoted as saying that “The Muslim Brotherhood established the [FJP] to represent the Brotherhood’s political project, which, in the end, will be a wise government that will institute Islamic Shari’a law.”

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi earlier this year ran for office on the FJP ticket. However, he resigned from the party immediately after being elected.

Last week Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Muhammad Badie called on Muslims worldwide to liberate Jerusalem by means of jihad.

According to AFP, in his weekly message to supporters, Badie asserted that “The jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims,” stressing that the city’s conquest “will not be done through negotiations or at the United Nations.”

The Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide previously vowed that if the Muslim Brotherhood ever rose to power in Egypt, it would work to sever relations with Israel. “We are certainly not happy with the illegitimate marriage between Cairo and Tel Aviv,” he said.

“Once we rise to power we will change many things in Egypt’s policy, starting with the country’s relations with Israel which have caused us great harm.”

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #245 on: November 14, 2012, 08:41:00 PM »
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Egyptian Salafi Sheikh: Destroy Pyramids, Tax Christians, Bin Laden Greater Than Saladin
MEMRI ^ | 11-14-12
Posted on November 14, 2012 8:00:21 PM EST by SJackson

Following are excerpts from a show featuring Egyptian Salafi sheikh Murgan Salem; the show aired on Dream 2 TV, on November 10 and 13, 2012.

Click here to view this clip on MEMRI TV.

"Jews, Christians, And Zoroastrians Are Welcome To Live In The Abode Of Islam, As Long As They Pay The Jizya"

Murgan Salem: "They must pay the jizya poll tax. They cannot be exempted."

TV host Wael Al-Abrashi: "You mean the Christians...?"

Murgan Salem: "I'll tell you, just bear with me. Yes, this should be one of the sources of income of the state. The Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians are welcome to live in the Abode of Islam, as long as they pay the jizya poll tax, and abide by the terms set by the Emir of the Believers, who rules the country."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "What if they serve in the military?"

Murgan Salem: "They don’t need to. We will defend them. We will defend them." [...]

"All Pagan Statues And Monuments" Including The Pyramids "Must Be Destroyed"

Wael Al-Abrashi: "When you say that you will destroy the statues, the Sphinx, and the pyramids, just like you destroyed the Buddha statues in Afghanistan – isn't this a cause for fear?"

Murgan Salem: "What is there to be afraid of?"
Journalist Nabil Sharaf al-Din: "This is a universal heritage. It doesn't belong only to you."

Murgan Salem: "Let me ask you a question: Why are you afraid of shattering these idols? Do you worship these idols?"

Nabil Sharaf al-Din: "No sir, but this is a universal heritage that must be respected."


Wael Al-Abrashi: "If you were in power, you would destroy the Sphinx, the pyramids, and all the Pharaonic statues and antiquities?"

Murgan Salem: "All pagan statues and monuments – whether they are worshipped now or there is fear that they will be worshipped again, even if by a single person in the world – must be destroyed by us or others." [...]

"I Consider Sheikh Osama Bin Laden To Be Greater Than Saladin"

Wael Al-Abrashi: "You met Osama bin Laden in [Afghanistan]. You worked with him and fought with him."

Murgan Salem: "First of all, I won't allow anyone to say 'Osama bin Laden' without the title 'sheikh.'"

Wael Al-Abrashi: "Fine, Sheikh Osama bin Laden. That's your call."

Murgan Salem: "Sheikh bin Laden is one of the greatest leaders of the Muslims to this day. I consider Sheikh Osama bin Laden to be greater than Saladin. Saladin had supporters in his day..."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "Sheikh Murgan, don't get me worked up..."

Murgan Salem: "Okay, I won't. Let me explain. When Saladin wanted to liberate the Islamic world and expel the Tatars, there were emirates and armies that, although they were weak, supported him. Bin Laden had no supporters. Everybody was against him."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "And you consider the killing of innocent women and children to be a glorious deed?"

Murgan Salem: "Sheikh Osama bin Laden did not kill a single innocent woman or child who was a Muslim. Who says Sheikh Osama killed innocent people? Where exactly?" [...]

"Three Ministries Must Be Abolished; The Ministry Of Tourism Is The First... [It] Is Based On Prostitution And Depravity"

Murgan Salem: "This [Buddha] statue was worshipped by over 800 million people in the world – in the Koreas, Japan, Burma, Thailand, part of the Philippines, much of China, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. They are all Buddhists, who worship Buddha, a god other than Allah. This statue was worshipped rather than Allah. Its destruction was not an act of destroying a universal heritage. We have no respect for idols that are worshipped instead of Allah.


"If I were president of Egypt, I would have destroyed those idols, whether worshipped or not. This is the law of the Prophet Muhammad.


"Three ministries must be abolished. The Ministry of Tourism is the first one. This ministry is based on prostitution and depravity..."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "Sheikh Murgan, it seems that you want to close the country, and turn it into darkness. No tourist would come here. Do you want to destroy this country's economy?"

Murgan Salem: "I want to purify the economy.


"Anyone who thinks what I am saying is an exaggeration..."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "You want to destroy the pyramids and the Sphinx. Can there be anything more exaggerated than that?"

Murgan Salem: "This exaggeration is in keeping with the shari'a..."

Wael Al-Abrashi: "What more would you like to destroy? Would you fill up the Nile with earth? Are we to wake up tomorrow morning and hear a fatwa about filling up the Nile?"

Murgan Salem: "We will dig another river for you, Allah willing." [...]


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #246 on: November 17, 2012, 04:33:03 AM »
Report: Rockets Fired from Egypt Hit Israel
7:27 PM, NOV 16, 2012    • BY DANIEL HALPER        Single PagePrintLarger TextSmaller TextAlerts
Two major Israeli newspapers are reporting that rockets fired from Egypt have hit Israel. 

"Terrorists in the Sinai Peninsula launched rockets into Israel Friday night," reports the Jerusalem Post. "The rockets fell near an Israeli village on the southern border, causing some damage, but no injuries."

The Israeli daily Haaretz reports, "Rockets fired from direction of Egypt toward Eshkol Regional Council."

It appears no damage was reported in connection with the rocket fire from Egypt. Earlier today, the Egyptian prime minister visited Gaza to express solidarity with the Palestinians there.

This new front comes a day after a rocket landed near Tel Aviv and on the same day Israel's capital Jerusalem was the target of rocket fire. Those attacks were courtesy of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

"After Tel Aviv metropolitan area, capital under fire too: An air raid siren was sounded in Jerusalem and surrounding communities early Friday evening. After residents reported hearing blast sounds, security forces confirmed that one rocket had landed in the Gush Etzion area near a Palestinian village," Ynet reports.

"There were no reports of injuries or damage. This was the first air raid siren sounded in the area since the IDF launched Operation Pillar of Defense in the Gaza Strip. Air raid sirens were sounded in southern communities throughout the day and a barrage of missiles hit the area."


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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #247 on: November 17, 2012, 10:16:54 AM »

Benny and Andre - is this what you stupid fucking dolts cheer on?  

no one cheered on anything....let the Egyptians decide what kind of government they want for themselves....if they want to continue to be opressed and want to fall behind the rest of the civiled world then so be it....Mubarak fucked this whole thing up by not sharing power sooner or at least democratizing.....

same thing with Ghaddafi...same thing with saleh in Yemen...same thing with Bashir in Syria....why can't you see that??? long is your ignorance going to go on??????????????????????????????????????????

Soul Crusher

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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #248 on: November 23, 2012, 06:09:07 AM »
no one cheered on anything....let the Egyptians decide what kind of government they want for themselves....if they want to continue to be opressed and want to fall behind the rest of the civiled world then so be it....Mubarak fucked this whole thing up by not sharing power sooner or at least democratizing.....

same thing with Ghaddafi...same thing with saleh in Yemen...same thing with Bashir in Syria....why can't you see that??? long is your ignorance going to go on??????????????????????????????????????????

Andre - is this what they voted for? 



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Re: Egypt And The Success Of Obama's Reasoned Approach
« Reply #249 on: November 23, 2012, 07:52:31 AM »

Andre - is this what they voted for? 


they desewrve what they get..just like you keep saying that we do as well