Author Topic: Course advice please - would be appreciated!  (Read 881 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 128
Course advice please - would be appreciated!
« on: March 12, 2011, 06:53:14 AM »
I have access to primobolan, winstrol (oral and injectable), test prop, Equipoise, Test Cyp, Masteron, cannot take tren or deca.....Im looking for 8 weeks and will be training 5 days a week and doing 5 sessions of cardio for 20 mins p/week. Im 12% bf will be eating clean 6 days a week, I am looking for a course that will harden me up and create a little more ripped look and get to 8-9% b/f. Im 41, training 8 years, 5'8"

Schmoe Buster

  • Getbig V
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  • Unnatural Bodybuilder
Re: Course advice please - would be appreciated!
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2011, 09:58:08 AM »
I have access to primobolan, winstrol (oral and injectable), test prop, Equipoise, Test Cyp, Masteron, cannot take tren or deca.....Im looking for 8 weeks and will be training 5 days a week and doing 5 sessions of cardio for 20 mins p/week. Im 12% bf will be eating clean 6 days a week, I am looking for a course that will harden me up and create a little more ripped look and get to 8-9% b/f. Im 41, training 8 years, 5'8"

I prefer longer cycles than 8 weeks but i think what would work well for your desired goals would be

Test Prop EOD
Primo 300mg or more per week
Masteron EOD
Winstrol you could add the tabs at 50mg per day or more, running them for 8 weeks is ok IMHO ;) ive done it a few times

I left out EQ because you need to run that longer than 8 weeks to get the good effect, Test Prop instead of Cyp because its a short cycle and Prop wont hold water like Cyp does to some.
Keep a clean diet, good training and im sure you will look great :)
Thunderdome approved


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 128
Re: Course advice please - would be appreciated!
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2011, 06:32:47 PM »
I prefer longer cycles than 8 weeks but i think what would work well for your desired goals would be

Test Prop EOD
Primo 300mg or more per week
Masteron EOD
Winstrol you could add the tabs at 50mg per day or more, running them for 8 weeks is ok IMHO ;) ive done it a few times

I left out EQ because you need to run that longer than 8 weeks to get the good effect, Test Prop instead of Cyp because its a short cycle and Prop wont hold water like Cyp does to some.
Keep a clean diet, good training and im sure you will look great :)

Thanks for your help.  :)