In regards to item 1....why would you expect someone to pay for an expensive drug test to prove their natural status? Or are you referring to them just saying this out of the blue defensively? I've had a cop that works out in my gym accuse me of using before and I told him just that.
they say this because they use it in the form of reverse then start to think "well if he's willing to do this then he MUST be telling the truth".
its like the cheating whore who comes home late and says the same thing, "i was with cindy!!" she throws you her phone and says "call her if you dont fkn beleuve me you jerk!" and runs off. you wont call because she gave you the phone and told you to call her friend, she "must" be telling the truth.
go look at kyoshit moodys posts...all of them "anywhere anytime, test me!" and then says "as long as you pay for the test".
whos going to pay for that expensive test? what board member is going to meet in person just for this?
so thats point number 1 as far as naturals screaming this on bodybuilding boards. your situation may be different because your boss may actually have a test waiting for you all paid in company expenses so no problem for him. im just talking about bodybuiklding boards and natural bodybuilders.
point number 2 is then their explaination as to why they are so freaky ripped...."well i have been dieting for 6 months..."
point number 3 is then their explaination as to why so much muscle...."well i have been lifting weights for 20 years you know..."