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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #225 on: May 23, 2011, 03:27:19 AM »
I still maintain the US should be neutral in this conflict and not pick sides.
I hate the State.


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #226 on: May 23, 2011, 03:30:07 AM »
I hate the State.


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #227 on: May 23, 2011, 06:17:51 AM »

Yeah, no love from Andre today.  Interesting though, he has two masters degrees and the grammatical skills of a retarded 12 year old.

I guess my writing skills match your mind,  huh?

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #228 on: May 23, 2011, 06:21:19 AM »
I guess my writing skills match your mind,  huh?

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #229 on: May 23, 2011, 06:22:50 AM »
One a military hero and paratrooper, the other a dope smoking communist hippie and puke.   



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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #230 on: May 23, 2011, 07:02:41 AM »
I still maintain the US should be neutral in this conflict and not pick sides.

I'm pretty sure the Palestinians would disagree, I believe the US is the only reason the Israeli's haven't wiped them out. The "military's of the rest of the ME are not threat, Israel has already proven that fact. So sure lets be neutral and see how large Israel ends up being.

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #231 on: May 23, 2011, 07:12:55 AM »
Obama: 1967 Lines With 'Swaps' Means Different Israeli Border Than in 1967
Fox ^ | May 22, 2011 | Fox News

WASHINGTON -- Claiming his remarks earlier this week on borders for Israel and a future Palestinian state had been misrepresented, President Obama said Sunday that "1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps" means the two sides will "negotiate a border that is different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967."

In remarks Sunday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the president tried to explain his earlier position to a warm but occasionally tentative crowd by saying that his speech Thursday at the State Department didn't offer anything new or provocative in the way of peace negotiations.

"There was nothing particularly original in my proposal; this basic framework for negotiations has long been the basis for discussions among the parties, including previous U.S. administrations," he said

"What I did on Thursday was to say publicly what has long been acknowledged privately," he added, saying his remarks were no different than a "well-known formula" that has been worked on for a generation.

"It allows the parties themselves to account for the changes that have taken place over the last 44 years, including the new demographic realities on the ground and the needs of both sides. The ultimate goal is two states for two peoples. Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people; each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace," he said.

Since Thursday, tensions between the U.S. and Israel have been sharper than ever. The remarks -- in which the president said he wants Israel and the Palestinians to negotiate a land deal that starts with the 1967 borders -- received considerable criticism, including a public dressing down by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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obama probably setting up for re-drawing the lines of the USA to pre 1841. 

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #232 on: May 23, 2011, 07:24:37 AM »
Is this who Obama wants to reward?

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Hamas to Obama: We Won't Recognize Israel
CNSNews ^

Posted on Monday, May 23, 2011

Hamas to Obama: We Won't Recognize Israel Monday, May 23, 2011 By Patrick Goodenough

( “The U.S. administration will fail, just as all others have in the past, in forcing Hamas to recognize [Israel],” a Hamas spokesman declared Sunday after President Obama once again pressed the terrorist group to relinquish violence and recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Sami Abu Zuhri, spokesman for the group that controls the Gaza Strip, reiterated a stand which, in Obama’s own words, should make it impossible for Israel to negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas.

Hamas and its rival, Fatah – Palestinian Authority (P.A.) chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ movement – early this month signed a reconciliation agreement and agreed to establish a “unity” government.

Addressing an American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference in Washington on Sunday, Obama said the Fatah-Hamas agreement “poses an enormous obstacle to peace,” adding that “no country can be expected to negotiate with a terrorist organization sworn to its destruction.”

His answer to that dilemma was not to call on Abbas, Israel’s professed “peace partner,” to shun Hamas and crack down on its terror activities – as he is committed to do under signed agreements – but rather to urge Hamas to change. Obama also did not say what Israel should do if Hamas does not.

“We will continue to demand that Hamas accept the basic responsibilities of peace: recognizing Israel’s right to exist, rejecting violence, and adhering to all existing agreements,” Obama said.

Abu Zuhri’s statement made clear Hamas has no intention of following the advice.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #233 on: May 23, 2011, 07:43:05 AM »
Netanyahu's rules of debate
Washington ^ | May 22,2011 | Hugh Hewitt

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If it had been a fight, they would have stopped it. Friday's showdown between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasn't close, and it wasn't pretty -- though Netanyahu didn't want to leave any obvious marks. The end result was that our president is suddenly aware that Chicago rules don't work on tough-minded leaders of countries surrounded by terrorists.

The battle between the warrior and the academic was bound to turn out this way. President Obama was a community organizer once. Netanyahu was commander of the Israeli Defense Forces' elite special forces unit, Sayeret Matkal. Faculty meetings can get rough, but not as rough as the hostage rescue mission to free Sabena Flight 571.

So the president's absurd declaration about 1967 borders is off the table. In fact, the table is gone. Israel can wait out the 20 months left to Obama's presidency, or even 48 months if American voters insanely choose to experiment with epic incompetence at the top for another term. Israel isn't going back to the Auschwitz borders, and only a naive and inexperienced academic would think that Thursday's speech would do other than worsen prospects for a negotiated settlement.

Netanyahu's take-down of the president should be on the TiVo of Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, Jon Huntsman (and, yes, Rick Perry if what I have been hearing is true). One of those men will be standing opposite the president in the debates of September and October of 2012, and Netanyahu showed exactly how to respond to the prolixities and pauses of the teleprompter-dependent president.

First, let the president talk, and talk, and talk. (And talk.) His frequent rhetorical cul-de-sacs numb the minds of listeners and set up the opportunity for sharp contrasts between the definitive and the ambiguous, the purposeful and the feckless.

Second, look right at him when responding. This so unnerved President Obama that his anger and frustration was visible. Whether he brought the sense of superiority to the White House or whether it erupted there, the president does not care for people who challenge him directly, cannot seem to believe that anyone would have the temerity to do so. This is the sign of a deep insecurity, and Netanyahu used it.

Next, speak from specifics, using facts and especially history. Netanyahu used history to spank the president on Friday. A GOP nominee armed with specific references -- not just to Obama's many blunders but also to clear evidence of the American exceptionalism that Obama has clearly rejected -- will put the wordy academic on his heels.

Finally, express core truths bluntly -- especially the harshest ones, such as the nature of Hamas. The president has been shrinking from clarity for more than two years, whether it is clarity on Iran, on the butcher Assad and the nutter Chavez, and most recently on the key Palestinian problem -- that Hamas, like Hezbollah to the north, wants Israel destroyed.

Netanyahu showed a worldwide audience that purposefulness can be as polite as it is pointed, and that Obama has a glass jaw. A clenched glass jaw, but a glass jaw nonetheless.

Israel isn't going back to the 1967 borders. Hamas cannot be a partner in peace negotiations. And Israel is a friend and a valued ally, not a lap dog. The president would do well to figure out that our country prefers Netanyahu's approach to his. Even the president's own party does.

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #234 on: May 24, 2011, 06:36:42 AM »
Obama’s diversionary tactics
Jerusalem Post ^ | 5-24-11 | CAROLINE B. GLICK

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What did the president wish to accomplish by purposely starting an ugly fight with the prime minister this past weekend?

As the Washington Post pointed out on Friday, US President Barack Obama purposely provoked the current fight with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. He knew full well that Netanyahu does not back the Palestinian formulation that negotiations with Israel must be based on the indefensible 1949 armistice lines, or what are wrongly referred to as the 1967 lines. In the days leading up to Obama’s speech last Thursday, Israel registered explicit, repeated requests that he not adopt the Palestinian position that negotiations should be based on those lines.

And so it was a stinging rebuke when Obama declared Thursday: “The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.” According to the Washington Post, Obama wrote these lines of his speech himself and Netanyahu was informed of them just as he was scheduled to fly to the US on Thursday evening. Obama gave the speech while Netanyahu was in the air on his way to Washington to meet Obama the next morning. It is hard to think of a more stunning insult or a greater display of contempt for the leader of a US ally and fellow democracy than Obama’s actions last week. And it is obvious that Netanyahu had no choice but to react forcefully to Obama’s provocation.

The question is why would Obama act as he did? What did he wish to accomplish by purposely starting such an ugly fight with Netanyahu?

Probably the best way to figure out what Obama wished to accomplish is to consider what he did accomplish, because the two are undoubtedly related.

ON MAY 4, two weeks before Obama gave his speech, Fatah and Hamas signed a unity agreement. Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Like its fellow Brotherhood satellite al-Qaida, Hamas shares the Brotherhood’s ideology of global jihad, the destruction of Western civilization and the establishment of a global caliphate. Also like al-Qaida, it is a terrorist organization which, since its establishment in 1987 has murdered more than a thousand Israelis.

In 2005, Hamas subcontracted itself out to the Iranian regime. Since then, its men have been trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and by Hezbollah. Hamas maintains operational ties with both outfits and receives most of its weapons and significant funding from Iran.

The agreement between Fatah and Hamas makes Hamas a partner in the leadership of the Palestinian Authority. It also paves the way for Hamas to win the planned Palestinian legislative and presidential elections that are scheduled for September just after the UN General Assembly is scheduled to endorse Palestinian statehood. It also sets the conditions for Hamas to integrate its forces and eventually take over the UStrained Palestinian army in Judea and Samaria and to join the PLO.

The Hamas-Fatah unity deal constitutes a complete repudiation of the assumptions informing Obama’s policies towards the Palestinians and Israel. Obama perceives the conflict as a direct consequence of two things: prior US administrations’ refusal to “put light” between the US and Israel, and Israel’s unwillingness to surrender all of the territory it took during the course of the 1967 Six Day War.

The Hamas-Fatah unity deal is indisputable proof that contrary to what Obama believes, the conflict has nothing to do with previous administrations’ support for Israel or with Israel’s size. It is instead entirely the consequence of the Palestinians’ rejection of Israel’s right to exist and their commitment to bringing about Israel’s destruction.

Forcing Israel into indefensible boundaries, (which as Netanyahu explained to Obama at the White House on Friday, “were not the boundaries of peace, they were the boundaries of repeated wars because the attack on Israel was so attractive for them,”), will not advance the cause of peace. It will advance the Palestinians’ goal of destroying Israel.

Obama had two options for contending with the Palestinian unity deal. He could pay attention to it or he could create a distraction in order to ignore it. If he paid attention to it, he would have been forced to disavow his policy of blaming his predecessors in the White House and Israel for the absence of peace. By creating a distraction he would be able to change the subject in a manner that would enable him to maintain those policies.

And so he picked a fight with Netanyahu. And by picking the fight, he created a distraction that has, in fact, changed the subject and enabled Obama to maintain his policies that have been wholly repudiated by the reality of the Palestinian unity deal.

By inserting the citation of the 1949 armistice lines into his speech, Obama made Israel’s size again the issue.

The Hamas-Fatah unity deal actually demonstrates that not only is Israel’s size not the cause of the conflict, it is the main reason that Israelis and Palestinians live in relative peace.

Israel’s control over Judea and Samaria and east Jerusalem, and with them, its ability to ward off invasion and attacks on its major cities is what has prevented wars. If Israel were more vulnerable, the de facto Palestinian terror state would not be weighing whether or not to begin a new terror war as its leaders from Fatah and Hamas are doing today. It would be waging a continuous campaign of terror whose clear aim is Israel’s destruction for again, as Netanyahu said the 1949 armistice lines make war an attractive option for Israel’s enemies.

BY PICKING a fight with Netanyahu, since Thursday, no one could have possibly noted this basic truth because the false issue of Israel’s control over these areas – that is, Israel’s size – has dominated the global discourse on the Middle East.

Obama would never have been able to create his diversion from the unwelcome fact of Palestinian duplicity and rejectionism, to imaginary problem with the size of Israel without the enthusiastic support given to him by the Israeli Left.

Led by opposition leader Tzipi Livni, the Israeli Left responded to Obama’s full-scale assault on Israel’s legitimacy by launching a full-scale partisan assault on Netanyahu. Rather than back Netanyahu as he fights for the country’s future, Livni called for him to resign and said that he was wrecking Israel’s ties with the US. In so doing, the Left provided crucial support for Obama’s move to maintain his phony anti- Israel paradigm for Middle East policymaking in the face of the Palestinian unity deal’s repudiation of that model.

The Left’s assault on Netanyahu is not the only way it has enabled Obama to maintain his pro-Palestinian policies in the face of the Palestinians’ embrace of terror and war. In his speech to AIPAC, Obama argued that Israel needs to surrender its defensible boundaries because the Palestinians are about to demographically challenge Israel’s Jewish majority.

As Obama put it, “The number of Palestinians living west of the Jordan River is growing rapidly and fundamentally reshaping the demographic realities of both Israel and the Palestinian territories. This will make it harder and harder – without a peace deal – to maintain Israel as both a Jewish state and a democratic state.”

The demographic time bomb story is a Palestinian fabrication. In 1997, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics published a falsified Palestinian census that inflated Palestinian population data by 50 percent.

The Israeli Left adopted this fake report as its own when Palestinian terrorism and political warfare convinced the majority of Israelis that it was unwise to give them any more land and that the peace process was a lie.

Since 2004, repeated, in-depth studies of Jewish and Arab birthrates and immigration/ emigration statistics west of the Jordan River undertaken by independent researchers have shown that the demographic time bomb is a dud. In January, the respected demographer Yaakov Faitelson published a study for the Institute of Zionist Strategies in which he definitively put to rest the tale of pending Jewish demographic doom.

As Faitelson demonstrated, Jewish and Arab birthrates are already converging west of the Jordan River at around three children per woman. And whereas the fertility rates of Israeli Arabs, Gazans and residents of Judea and Samaria are all trending downward, Jewish fertility is consistently rising. Moreover, whereas the Arabs are experiencing consistently negative net immigration rates, Jewish net immigration rates are positive and high.

Faitelson based his multiyear projections on current population numbers in which Jews comprise 58.6 percent of the population west of the Jordan River and Muslims constitute 38.7% of the overall population. Non-Jewish, non-Muslim minorities comprise the other 2.7%. Using assessment baselines for Jewish net immigration well below current averages, Faitelson showed that in the years to come, not only will Jews not lose our demographic majority. We will increase it.

Faitelson’s study, like the studies published since 2004 by the American-Israeli Demographic Research Group show that from a demographic perspective, Israel is in the same situation as many Western states today. Namely, it has to develop policies for dealing with an irredentist minority population.

There are many reasonable, liberal policies that Israel can adopt. These include applying the liberal Israeli legal code to Judea and Samaria and enforcing the laws of treason. It is hard to see why the best policy for Israel is to take some of that irredentist population off its books by establishing a terror state ruled by what Netanyahu rightly referred to as “the Israeli equivalent of al-Qaida” on its border.

ALL OF this brings us back to Hamas, terrorism, the Palestinian rejection of Israel’s right to exist, and Obama’s diversionary moves to facilitate his preservation of a Middle East policy based on a wholly false and discredited assessment of reality and the Israeli Left’s facilitation of Obama’s efforts.

When we realize what Obama is up to, we recognize as well what Netanyahu must do in response.

In his address before Congress on Tuesday and in all of his appearances in the coming weeks and months, Netanyahu should have one goal: to bring the focus of debate back where it belongs – on the Palestinians.

At every opportunity, Netanyahu needs to pound the message that the Palestinians’ commitment to Israel’s destruction is the sole reason that there is no peace.

As for the Israeli Left, it is high time that Netanyahu place the likes of Livni on the defensive. Netanyahu must attack the Left’s doomsday demographic projections that are without factual basis and are indeed antithetical to reality. As long as the demographic lie goes unchallenged by Netanyahu, the Left will continue to argue that by refusing to build a terror state on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, Netanyahu is endangering Israel.

Netanyahu deserves a lot of credit for standing up to Obama on Friday. He showed enormous courage in doing so. It was his finest hour to date and polls over the weekend show that the public appreciates and supports him for it. He must build on that success by putting the focus on the truth.


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #235 on: May 24, 2011, 07:56:03 AM »
Obama can say whatever he wants. At the end of the day, it only matters what the Israelis decide to do and how the Palestinians react.

Netanyahu has said that Israel will not return to pre-1967 borders. That's it. End of discussion. Doesn't matter what the president says or how much pressure he tries to apply. The Israelis are not going to commit national suicide just to try to appease people who don't care about the land. People whose real goal is to kill every single Jew that is on that land.


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #236 on: May 24, 2011, 08:08:52 AM »
Obama can say whatever he wants. At the end of the day, it only matters what the Israelis decide to do and how the Palestinians react.

Netanyahu has said that Israel will not return to pre-1967 borders. That's it. End of discussion. Doesn't matter what the president says or how much pressure he tries to apply. The Israelis are not going to commit national suicide just to try to appease people who don't care about the land. People whose real goal is to kill every single Jew that is on that land.

what Netanyahu wants in the long run doesn't matter...he is really stupid because he doesn't realize that Obama was trying to save his ass and Israel in the long run....Israel is going to be overrun..thats the reality....the Palestinian population is exploding and they will overtake the Jewish population soon..once that happens, Israel will effectively be controlled by the Palestinians ..unless Israel bars them for voting....which they dare not do

by giving the Palestinians their own state, this solves this problem and enables Israel to stay a JEWISH state.....

Also the Palestinians are now going to adopt non-violent tactics..which means they are going to march and go over the borders unarmed.....if Israel shoots at them, they will be condemned by the international community and will further erode any support they have from the US...Israel has to find a way to make a deal now and wash their hands of the Palestinian problem

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #237 on: May 24, 2011, 08:39:57 AM »
You are out of your mind.   Hamas already said they will NEVER recognize Israel and that is who the barbarians vted for. 

Screw em.   


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #238 on: May 24, 2011, 09:30:09 AM »
what Netanyahu wants in the long run doesn't matter...he is really stupid because he doesn't realize that Obama was trying to save his ass and Israel in the long run....Israel is going to be overrun..thats the reality....the Palestinian population is exploding and they will overtake the Jewish population soon..once that happens, Israel will effectively be controlled by the Palestinians ..unless Israel bars them for voting....which they dare not do

by giving the Palestinians their own state, this solves this problem and enables Israel to stay a JEWISH state.....

Also the Palestinians are now going to adopt non-violent tactics..which means they are going to march and go over the borders unarmed.....if Israel shoots at them, they will be condemned by the international community and will further erode any support they have from the US...Israel has to find a way to make a deal now and wash their hands of the Palestinian problem

Listen you freaking idiot. The Israelis were willing to give away land at Camp David when Clinton was president. They offered to give most of the land in the West Bank and Gaza with incremental lands given to them as years went by. That is what Arafat claimed he wanted for years. Clinton himself stated that the offer exceeded his own expectation going into the talks. ALL IT NEEDED WAS FOR ARAFAT TO SIGN. He didn't. WHY? Their lame excuse is that "they were offered only disconnected cantons in the West Bank. Israeli negotiators and U.S. officials disputed this claim, claiming that the Israeli proposal ensured contiguity."

The real reason is that the "palestinians" want every single Jew out of the entire region. Preferably dead. They want THEIR OWN STATE but don't want the existence of an ISRAELI STATE.  You don't want to comprehend that. If you did you wouldn't say such a stupid thing as "Obama was trying to save his ass and Israel in the long run." This situation is a life and death struggle. All those Islamic states want the destruction of Israel. They will never be satisfied with pre-1967 borders. Keep believing that BS that they are going to use non-violent tactics. All they know is violence. Four year old kids dress up all the time as suicide bombers and you think eventually they will adopt Gandhi's philosophy. LOL!!!

As soon as Israel agrees to pre-1967 borders, Israel would sign its own death warrant. Because literally the day after Israel's borders were reassigned to what it was before 1967, the Palestinians with the help of Iran, Syria and Jordan would attack and with those borders they would have a better than average chance of taking over Israel. Agreeing with dumbo Barack, would be seen as a sign of weakness and that is all those islamic idiots need to work up their followers to a frenzy.

Israel has been giving land away since they gave back the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and they still don't know what it is to live in peace. Are you actually that naive to think that if Israel agreed to Barack's retarded statement, that all of the sudden there would be peace in the Middle East and that Israel would endure for ever?  You are out of your damn mind. There are only 2 ways that an Israeli state can be preserved. One, Palestinians accept Israel's right to exist. Two, since Palestinians won't accept Israel's right to exist, a war is necessary and who ever comes out the victor gets to stay. Number two is what will eventually happen. A war that will wipe out one side or the other. My money is on the Jews wiping out all the muslim pigs.

Straw Man

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #239 on: May 24, 2011, 09:31:29 AM »
Haven't the last 3 POTUS's said pretty much the exact same thing as Obama.

Here's Bush from just a couple of years ago:

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #240 on: May 24, 2011, 09:35:29 AM »
ha ha ha ha - so obama = bush.   

Fuck Bush and Obama. 

Israel needs to just stamp these assholes out already.     

Straw Man

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #241 on: May 24, 2011, 09:39:36 AM »
ha ha ha ha - so obama = bush.   

Fuck Bush and Obama. 

Israel needs to just stamp these assholes out already.     


Obama = Bush2 = Clinton = Bush1 etc...

nothing new or radical in what Obama said

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #242 on: May 24, 2011, 09:41:24 AM »

Obama = Bush2 = Clinton = Bush1 etc...

nothing new or radical in what Obama said

 ::)   ::)  ::)

Just like his picking the scab on illegals, Straw - please tell me why he is making this an issue now?   

Hint - it starts with the word "E" 

Straw Man

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #243 on: May 24, 2011, 09:44:32 AM »
::)   ::)  ::)

Just like his picking the scab on illegals, Straw - please tell me why he is making this an issue now?   

Hint - it starts with the word "E" 

I'm sure you think anything he does is because of the election (and then when that's over then anything he does will be back to his main objective of collapsing the nation)

back on planet earth this just looks like business as usual


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #244 on: May 24, 2011, 09:44:41 AM »
ha ha ha ha - so obama = bush.   

Fuck Bush and Obama. 

Israel needs to just stamp these assholes out already.     


Straw Man is so stupid he actually believes he is helping Obama.

Hey, earth to retarded strawman, you are not helping Obama when comparing what he said to Bush. The same Bush that you, like many left wing idiots, call the worst president ever.

Bush is an idiot for saying it and so is Obama. And if Reagan said it, I would also call him a retard. Any president that calls for pre-1967 Israeli borders is a buffoon. And if that is the USA's policy or belief, then it needs to change ASAP.

Straw Man

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #245 on: May 24, 2011, 09:48:33 AM »

Straw Man is so stupid he actually believes he is helping Obama.

Hey, earth to retarded strawman, you are not helping Obama when comparing what he said to Bush. The same Bush that you, like many left wing idiots, call the worst president ever.

Bush is an idiot for saying it and so is Obama. And if Reagan said it, I would also call him a retard. Any president that calls for pre-1967 Israeli borders is a buffoon. And if that is the USA's policy or belief, then it needs to change ASAP.

how the fuck is posting on an obscure message board "helping" Obama

I didn't compare Obama to Bush

I compared him to Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and probably other POTUS's too

how is it that you two dunces couldn't figure that out in my short and concise post?

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #246 on: May 24, 2011, 09:59:07 AM »
We figured it out perfectly Straw.   We dont give a rats ass what Bush said or clinton for that matter.   

Again - Why did Obama decide to make this an issue now?   Same with illegals amnesty?   Same with all his other WTF pronouncements as of late?

Hint:   he is avoiding the huge E word, and its not election.   

Bro - you voted for this scam artist, take ownership.   

Straw Man

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #247 on: May 24, 2011, 10:13:02 AM »
We figured it out perfectly Straw.   We dont give a rats ass what Bush said or clinton for that matter.   

Again - Why did Obama decide to make this an issue now?   Same with illegals amnesty?   Same with all his other WTF pronouncements as of late?

Hint:   he is avoiding the huge E word, and its not election.   

Bro - you voted for this scam artist, take ownership.   

Bro - you think everything Obama does is:

1.  intended to collapse the nation and

2. politically motivated so to further #1

you can't expect anyone to take anything you say seriously

Didn't we already establish that a long time ago?

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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #248 on: May 24, 2011, 10:15:40 AM »
Again dipshit - you voted for this shitshow - take ownership.   

Economy sucks still.
Foreign policy a complete mess. 
Skyrocketing debt and deficit 
Energy prices skyrocketing 
Weekly job losses still a disaster
Labor participation rate at all time lows.
Stim Bill massive fail. 
2000 + waivers in obamacare   

and on and on and on and on and on.   


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Re: Obama says Palestine must be based on 1967 borders
« Reply #249 on: May 24, 2011, 10:18:04 AM »
how the fuck is posting on an obscure message board "helping" Obama

I didn't compare Obama to Bush

I compared him to Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and probably other POTUS's too

how is it that you two dunces couldn't figure that out in my short and concise post?

Hey retard. I and everyone in this forum knows exactly what you are doing. You are trying to hamper the criticism that Obama is RIGHTFULLY receiving by bringing up Bush. It surprises me that you stupid left wing morons keep bringing up Bush. What you are doing is comparing what one numbnuts stated with what another numbnuts said. It doesn't justify what Obama said and he still is wrong no matter who else said it before him. What don't you get, fag?