Author Topic: Obama Mocks Border Enforcement: "They'll Need A Moat With Alligators"  (Read 13402 times)


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Loco I like you, but Im going to have to stick with my Neanderthal conservative brethren on this one.

FYI Obama can naturalize everyone if he wants to with ease. He is making this an "us" versus them debate to hoodwink stupid spanish voters into thinking he actually cares about them. With a call to Eric Holder, amnesty could be granted. Don't be taken in.

I like Loco too, and I usually agree with him on here. but his points on this subject are Irrelevant, as it does not matter one bit why they come here illegally, what matters is that it needs to stop.

Soul Crusher

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Again - I ask this question all the time - if 10 million zips from Italy showed up tommorow in New York Harbor - no papers, no docs, no background checks, no verifications, etc, do we have obligation to take them in?   

Fuck no!   Send em back, same w the border jumpers who are looting the nation.   


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Again - I ask this question all the time - if 10 million zips from Italy showed up tommorow in New York Harbor - no papers, no docs, no background checks, no verifications, etc, do we have obligation to take them in?   

Fuck no!   Send em back, same w the border jumpers who are looting the nation.   

Of course not.  Is there anyone on this thread advocating for that?

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Of course not.  Is there anyone on this thread advocating for that?

Yes - you.   

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Obama Invokes Bible to Push Immigration Policy

   "Immigration reform is a moral imperative, and so it's worth seeking greater understanding from our faith. As it is written in the Book of Deuteronomy [10:19], 'Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.' To me, that verse is a call to show empathy to our brothers and our sisters; to try and recognize ourselves in one another."

________________________ ______


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EXCLUSIVE: Border Community Organizing Petition to Protest Obama's Immigration Speech
By Jana Winter
Published May 13, 2011

A United States Border Patrol agent checks an area under a bridge crossing between the United States and Mexico in El Paso, Texas November 14, 2010. El Paso lies across the border from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, a violent city on the frontlines of Mexico's war against drug cartels. Picture taken November 14, 2010.

The residents of the Chiricahua-Peloncillo drug and human smuggling corridor that runs from the Mexican border north through eastern Arizona and western New Mexico are circulating a petition to send to the White House in response to President Obama's recent immigration speech.

"It is with great wonderment and sadness that we listened to your May 10 speech on immigration issues.  All of the joking about moats and alligators cut residents of Portal, AZ, to the core as we sheltered with friends or at a Red Cross evacuation site, to survive a terrible fire that still threatens our lives and property, as well as our ecotourism-based economy," the letter reads.

On Sunday, a massive fire broke out in Horseshoe Canyon, about 50 miles north of the Mexican border, which residents and law enforcement say they believe was started by criminal illegal aliens. Last year, a fire in the same location caused more than $10 million in damages.

"During its first 24-hrs, the fire consumed a greater area than did last year's fire over a 6-week period. Local residents were roused after midnight, and some slept fitfully in cars after fleeing with family photos and any valuables that could be quickly assembled. Elderly retirees left with medical supplies, including oxygen tanks on which some depend," the letter reads.

The petition comes just days after Obama appeared in El Paso, Texas, to plead the case for immigration reform that has been bottled up in Congress for years. During his remarks, the president argued that the border is as safe as it has ever been but Republican opportunists are using the issue to score political points and prevent legal reforms to address illegal immigration.

"We have gone above and beyond what was requested by the very Republicans who said they supported broader reform as long as we got serious about enforcement. All the stuff they asked for, we've done," the president said.

"But even though we've answered these concerns, I've got to say I suspect there are still going to be some who are trying to move the goal posts on us one more time. You know, they said we needed to triple the Border Patrol. Or now they're going to say we need to quadruple the Border Patrol. Or they'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat. Maybe they want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied," he continued.

Jeff Gee, one of the organizers behind the petition and a firefighter battling the still-burning fire in Horseshoe Canyon, says he was insulted by Obama's speech.

“I’m really disappointed at current border security, I’m really disappointed at the president’s speech saying that people like me wants moats with alligators, but moats with alligators might work, nothing else,” he told

“We’re doing everything we can to get the word out that this is serious problem, it’s not just a border issue, the drugs and crime are moving through the corridor and they keep going to major cities. I don’t know if this letter will help, but nothing else is."

Cochise County, Ariz., Sheriff Larry Dever, who penned an op-ed in The New York Times Friday describing the plight of border residents, told that the petition is a plea for the administration to take a closer look at the hardships they are suffering.

"These people are not overreacting. What they suggest in letter is very deep part of their belief system based on their experience and their experience has been horrific -- they see human smuggling and drug trafficking, they sit on their porch and watch people walk through, they've had their homes burglarized," Dever said.

"It's a beautiful landscape and for those that moved out there for a sense of tranquility and peace, that's been destroyed," he added.

The letter has been posted at post offices in the border towns of Portal, Ariz. and Rodeo, New Mexico, for signatures to be added.

Copies of the letter will also be sent to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., Arizona Republican Sens. John McCain and Jon Kyl, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, and National Public Radio.

In the letter, petitioners say that despite the president's protestations, "neither the border nor daily life" is secure.

"Seizure of record quantities of drugs may pad the statistics of Homeland Security, but it does nothing to ease the burdens we have been forced to bear. Over the years, as our homes have been burgled or invaded, our fences, water lines and windows repeatedly broken, our businesses driven toward bankruptcy, our natural surroundings desecrated by trash and fire, and our lives even obliterated (neighbor Rob Krentz, murdered by a drug scout), it has amazed us how little note is taken of these tragedies by our government and the press," the letter reads.

"Is it enough, now that we have suffered back-to-back fires that threaten to erase our very reasons for living here? What must we say or do to garner your attention and help?  How is it that, on the same day we took Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, we could not prevent illegals - 50 miles within our borders (!) - from setting a fire along a known smuggling route in an extremely dry year? Why were federal agents (BP, ICE, National Guard, or Special Forces) not posted along this route in anticipation of a repeat of last year's calamity?  Better still, why were the illegals not captured before they had traveled 50 miles north of the border?! Or, in the eyes of our government, do we just reside in a 'sacrifice zone'?"

The letter also describes the devastation the fires have caused to the areas unique biodiversity, which attracts bird-watchers and naturalists from around the world.

The petitioners then asks the president to outline how he plans to fulfill his obligation to protect their constitutional right to defense from foreign invasions "especially as this regards fires set by Mexican drug and human smugglers.

"We thank you in advance for your anticipated response," it concludes.

Dever said the residents of the area are generally self-sufficient and do their part, "but they also expect government agencies to take some responsibility. They're not, and these people are suffering the consequences," Dever said.

The residents will "come together and unite in this front," he added. "They're not going to give up. They're not going to roll over."

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"White persons, percent : 79.6%"

2010 Census :
 72.4%, of which 26.7million are white Hispanics or Latino Americans
 Excluding these, this category comprises 63.7% or 196.8 million

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Gov. Brewer to Obama: Stop the Jokes, Secure the Border
Fox News ^ | May 14, 2011
Posted on May 14, 2011 3:17:19 PM EDT by jazusamo

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wasn't laughing when President Obama stood at the U.S.-Mexico border Tuesday and joked that Republican lawmakers who won't support a sweeping overhaul of the immigration system until the border is secured won't be happy until they get a moat with alligators along the border.

"I think he should get back to business being the president of the United States," Brewer told Fox News on Saturday.

"I don't think his comic attitude and laughing at a serious issue is being very well received, certainly not here in Arizona, I would imagine not across America," she said. "This is a serious situation. And for him to go to a pep rally and make light of the situation is unbelievable."

In a new video created by the Arizona Republican Party and posted to YouTube, Brewer tells Obama to stop the jokes, do his job and secure the border.

The video notes that Brewer invited Obama to visit the Arizona border nearly a year ago, but he declined.

In his speech on Tuesday, Obama boasted of increasing border patrol agents, nearing completion of a border fence, and screening more cargo.

But the video says the U.S. Border Patrol controls only 44 percent of the border with Mexico – only 15 percent of that right on the border, according to the Government Accountability Office.

The video also notes that Mexican drug cartels are operating in more than 230 U.S. cities, according to the State Department, and points out that Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed in December by an armed group of illegal immigrants.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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May 16, 2011
Obama's Hypocritical Rhetoric on Immigration Reform
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By Michael Barone

Barack Obama's immigration speech in El Paso May 10 was an exercise in electioneering and hypocrisy. Hypocrisy because while Obama complained about "politicians" blocking comprehensive immigration bills, he was one of them himself.

In 2007, when such a bill was backed by a lame duck Republican president and had bipartisan backing from Senate heavyweights Edward Kennedy and Jon Kyl, Sen. Obama voted for union-backed amendments that Kennedy and Kyl opposed as bill-killers.

In 2009 and 2010, President Obama acquiesced in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's decision to pass cap-and-trade and bypass immigration and in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's decision not to bring an immigration bill to the floor.

Both times the votes were probably there to pass a bill. Obama did not lift a finger to help.

But that did not stop the president who is constantly calling for civility to heap scorn on those who seek stronger enforcement. "They'll want a higher fence. Maybe they'll need a moat," he said to laughter from the largely Latino audience. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat. They'll never be satisfied."

Was that on the teleprompter, or was it ad-libbed? In either case, Obama was showing his contempt for those who bitterly cling to the idea that the law should be enforced.

That's no way to assemble the bipartisan coalition necessary to pass an immigration bill.

It's obvious that nothing like the legalization (opponents say "amnesty") provisions considered in 2007 can pass in this Congress. They can never pass the Republican House, where Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith is a longstanding opponent and Speaker John Boehner will not schedule a bill not approved in committee.

Nor will this Congress pass the most attractive proposal Obama mentioned, the Dream Act, providing a path to legalization for those brought in illegally as children who enroll in college or serve in the military. That failed last December in a more Democratic Senate and won't pass now.

Some new approach is needed, and Obama did little to point the way. One idea, advanced by a bipartisan Brookings Institution panel, is a bill that would strengthen enforcement and would shift the U.S. away from low-skill and toward high-skill immigration.


Canada and Australia have done this to their great benefit. And with a sluggish economy it makes little sense, as current law does, to give preference to low-skill siblings of minimum wage workers rather than to engineering and science Ph.D.s. We need more job creators, not more job seekers.

The problem here is that the lobbying forces backing comprehensive legislation don't favor such an approach. Latino groups and lobbies representing employers of low-skill workers are interested in legalizing the low-skill Latinos who make up the majority of the 11 million illegal immigrants.

High-tech firms seek more H-1B visas for high-skill graduates, but these tie immigrants to particular employers. They don't have an interest in provisions allowing these people to work for anyone they don't like or to start their own businesses, as they can in Canada and Australia.

In the absence of significant lobbying support, the only way to provide support for Brookings-style legislation is a bold presidential initiative advertising it as a clean break from past proposals.

Obama didn't come close to doing that in El Paso. He included a few words about letting in more high-skill folks, but didn't suggest any reduction in low-skill immigration.

And he said only a few words about workplace enforcement on which his administration has developed a valuable new tool.

That's a refinement of the E-Verify electronic system now available in which employers can verify the Social Security numbers of new employees.

The Department of Homeland Security has been ironing out glitches in E-Verify and, as former National Security Agency general counsel Stewart Baker reports, DHS now allows job-seekers in some states to use E-Verify before applying for a job not only to check their status but also to protect against identity theft.

The administration has been attacking state laws requiring employers to use E-Verify. If Obama were serious about enforcement, he would be calling for mandatory E-Verify. That would be a more effective tool against illegal immigration than even the strongest border enforcement.

But as Obama's record makes clear, he's not really interested in passing a law. He knows his support has been slipping among Latino voters, and he wants to goose it back up. El Paso was all about election 2012, not serious immigration reform.

Copyright 2011, Creators Syndicate Inc.

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  • Getbig V
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No, not irrelevant.  If there is a demand for foreign workers, shouldn't they be given work permits to enter the US legally and work there?  Just asking!

My experience with the US is that it doesn't matter what the restaurant is, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, American.  You go in the back and you'll find that the restaurant is run by Hispanics, they cook, they clean, they fix stuff, etc.  Many construction sites have on average one Caucasian guy and a legion of Hispanics. 


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I like Loco too, and I usually agree with him on here. but his points on this subject are Irrelevant, as it does not matter one bit why they come here illegally, what matters is that it needs to stop.

Thanks James!  I'm just asking questions.  If you want to stop them from going into the US illegally, is giving them work permits not a way to stop that?

Soul Crusher

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No, not irrelevant.  If there is a demand for foreign workers, shouldn't they be given work permits to enter the US legally and work there?  Just asking!

My experience with the US is that it doesn't matter what the restaurant is, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, American.  You go in the back and you'll find that the restaurant is run by Hispanics, they cook, they clean, they fix stuff, etc.  Many construction sites have on average one Caucasian guy and a legion of Hispanics. 

The only reason there is a supposed "demand" is that employers get to exploit these people at below cost rates.   The illegals dont care since they have already shown a disregard for the law and send whatever they make home and stink up the joint here.  25 in a room, flop houses, etc.   

The jobs that these illegals are doing used to be done by teens looking for work, low skilled people looking for a part time job, etc.   

Its a false demand created by lax enforcement by immigration laws.   



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The only reason there is a supposed "demand" is that employers get to exploit these people at below cost rates.   The illegals dont care since they have already shown a disregard for the law and send whatever they make home and stink up the joint here.  25 in a room, flop houses, etc.   

The jobs that these illegals are doing used to be done by teens looking for work, low skilled people looking for a part time job, etc.   

Its a false demand created by lax enforcement by immigration laws.   


Employers get to exploit these people at below cost rates?  Aren't there laws already in the books to prevent this?

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Who cares what the laws are if they are not enforced?   

Until a lot of employers are jailed and bankrupted for hiring illegals, the exploitation will continue. 

Why would employers hire a legal citizen and all the paperwork, payroll taxes, bs, workers comp, when he can hire an illegal for the same hourly price without the added bs? 

Evan Ceasar Chavez was against illegals taking jobs. 

Illegals have also destroyed the wage rate for many professions blue collar men used to have. 

Many men who did not go to college used to be able to get a decent paying construction job that could pay bills.   No more, nowe the illegals, like the locusts they are, destroyed that.  So now we have what is known as a man-cession.   



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Who cares what the laws are if they are not enforced?   

Until a lot of employers are jailed and bankrupted for hiring illegals, the exploitation will continue. 

Why would employers hire a legal citizen and all the paperwork, payroll taxes, bs, workers comp, when he can hire an illegal for the same hourly price without the added bs? 

Evan Ceasar Chavez was against illegals taking jobs. 

Illegals have also destroyed the wage rate for many professions blue collar men used to have. 

Many men who did not go to college used to be able to get a decent paying construction job that could pay bills.   No more, nowe the illegals, like the locusts they are, destroyed that.  So now we have what is known as a man-cession.   


So illegals are bad because they are too much of a temptation for American employers to break the law?

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So illegals are bad because they are too much of a temptation for American employers to break the law?

Its not a temptation - its reality.   

Illegals are far less prone to file workers comp claims, file UE claims, tort lawsuits, etc since they fear being deported and having the cash cut off to send home to wherever they came from. 

Bro - you seem like a nice guy - but your blind spot on this is so big its not funny.   


  • Getbig V
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Employers get to exploit these people at below cost rates?  Aren't there laws already in the books to prevent this?
If there are illegal immigrants working for a company, who are not going to file individual taxes. Why wouldn't a company or a contractor not pay below minimum wage? Or not even pay them for the work they have done? You have never heard of such things happening?  


  • Getbig V
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Its not a temptation - its reality.   

Illegals are far less prone to file workers comp claims, file UE claims, tort lawsuits, etc since they fear being deported and having the cash cut off to send home to wherever they came from. 

Bro - you seem like a nice guy - but your blind spot on this is so big its not funny.   

Just trying to understand. 


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If there are illegal immigrants working for a company, who are not going to file individual taxes. Why wouldn't a company or a contractor not pay below minimum wage? Or not even pay them for the work they have done? You have never heard of such things happening?  

I thought illegals applied with fake papers, which means taxes and social security would be taken out of their paychecks before they receive them.

Around 10% of social security funds are from illegal workers with fake papers who contribute, but will never collect.

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Just trying to understand. 

You are only looking at the problem from the worker point of view.  Yes many are hard working decent people, no one disputes that.  However, they bring massive problems to the labor market for domestic legal citizens and taxpayers that far outweight any benefits they allegedly bring.    

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I thought illegals applied with fake papers, which means taxes and social security would be taken out of their paychecks before they receive them.

Around 10% of social security funds are from illegal workers with fake papers who contribute, but will never collect.

They take out far more than they pay in overall.   Plus, many file returns and claim the EITC as well as claim dependents in other countries and get that money back, plus some.       


  • Getbig V
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I thought illegals applied with fake papers, which means taxes and social security would be taken out of their paychecks before they receive them.

Around 10% of social security funds are from illegal workers with fake papers who contribute, but will never collect.

I know several contractors where I live. Just speaking of contractors (roofing, construction, etc). Many just pick them off the street and pay them under the table. Even some local business do the same thing. They can pay them less than minimum or not even pay them. There are a lot of stories on the paper of illegal immigrants complaining about how they did not get paid at all for their work.

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Mexico Detains 513 People Crammed Into Two US-Bound Trucks
Updated: Tuesday, 17 May 2011, 2:56 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 17 May 2011, 2:56 PM EDT

TUXTLA GUTIERREZ, Mexico - Police on Tuesday detained 513 undocumented migrants from Latin America and Asia who were crammed into two trucks bound for the United States, prosecutors in southeast Mexico said.

The migrants, from Latin America, Japan, China, India and Nepal, "were traveling in inhuman conditions" in the southeastern state of Chiapas, near the Guatemalan border, the local attorney general's office said in a statement.

Police stopped the trucks, carrying 240 and 273 people, on the outskirts of state capital Tuxtla Gutierrez early Tuesday, after they accelerated through a vehicle scanner at a police checkpoint, the statement said.

Officers chased down the vehicles shortly afterward, it added.

Police detained the Mexican drivers of the two trucks, and the migrants were provided with aid and food, the statement said.

Mexican lawmakers last month unanimously approved a law to "strengthen the protection and security" of migrants amid widespread abuse.

Rights groups have long criticized Mexico for failing to protect tens of thousands of migrants, mainly from Central America, trying to cross the vast country to illegally enter the US each year.

The gruesome discovery of 72 murdered migrants from Central and South America in northeastern Tamaulipas state last August increased pressure on the government to act.

Copyright 2011 AFP. All rights reserved

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University Insiders: Illegal Immigrants Get Affirmative Action
By Maxim Lott
Published May 17, 2011

Gov. Martin O'Malley signed a bill to require the state's public universities to give undocumented aliens -- generally illegal -- in-state tuition privileges.

The bill, known as the Dream Act, is already the law in ten other states, including California, New York, Texas and Illinois.

But critics argue that the bill will give illegal aliens better treatment than Americans and legal immigrants -- thanks to existing diversity policies at universities.

University of Maryland (College Park) computer science Prof. James Purtilo told that, during his time as an associate dean, he frequently saw admission officers favor students because of their “undocumented” status.

"They favor students with special circumstances. 'Undocumented alien' would be one of these special circumstances... They help fill out the diversity picture for the admissions office."

"It was just the norm," Purtillo added, "that obviously we need more of these students [undocumented aliens]… 'this student has a real story to tell' would be a common thing the admissions officers would say. Or that 'they're enriching the College Park experience.'"

University of Maryland spokesman Millree Williams said because admissions staff were either busy with commencement ceremonies or on vacation, he was unable to answer questions about the university’s affirmative action policies as of Tuesday morning.

Gustavo Torres, executive director of Casa de Maryland, which pushed for the bill, said he thought the concern over affirmative action was a non-issue. He noted that in the current system, undocumented immigrants are discriminated against in many ways.

“I don't see how [they could have an advantage.] Those kids don't qualify for anything at this point – their only benefit right now is in-state tuition. They can’t get scholarships or anything.”
President Obama also renewed his push last week for a national Dream Act, which would go further and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented students.

“We should stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents,” Obama said at the Mexico-Texas border on Tuesday. “We should stop denying them the chance to earn an education or serve in the military. And that's why we need to pass the DREAM Act.”

Critics of the Dream acts say that affirmative action is simply built into the system for most illegal immigrants.

“Almost everyone who would benefit from the DREAM act would also benefit from affirmative action,” Steven Camarota, the research director for the think tank Center for Immigration Studies told

“A state school wouldn't say, well, you're a Dream Act kid, so you don't get affirmative action,” he added. “I worked in admissions at a small college for a while (at Juniata, Pa.) and the affirmative action stuff just runs on auto pilot. If you check the box, you get put in the [affirmative action] applicant pool. That's just how it works.

“We have to ask the question: Can you have mass immigration and affirmative action? Does that lead to a just social policy?”

Affirmative action benefits can be substantial. A study of selective universities by Princeton sociologists Thomas Espenshade and Alexandria Radford found that listing one’s race as “Hispanic” instead of ‘White” increased the likelihood of being admitted by the same amount as scoring an extra 130 points on the SAT. Compared to Asians, the study found, Hispanics receive a 240-point advantage.

Has this played out in states that have already passed Dream Acts? California, which has had a Dream Act since 2001, would seem immune due to a state law forbidding universities from using race as a factor in admissions.

University of California spokesman Ricardo Vazquez told that their policy is to treat “all students equally in the admissions process without regard to their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.”

“Residency status is not taken into consideration at all in the admissions process,” he also noted.
However, the data show that Hispanic students admitted to the University of California system had lower GPAs and SAT scores than White or Asian students who came from families with similar incomes. For example, admitted Hispanic students whose parents made more than $120,000/year had an average SAT score of 1749, while Asian students with parents making that much had an average of 1890, 151 points higher. For Whites it was 1844.

A similar pattern holds for GPAs, and for individual schools within the University of California system. Scores are not separated by legal residency status.

Vazquez said the differences in scores were not due to race, but rather “the school context in which an applicant studied, a broad variety of both academic and nonacademic achievements and talents, and a range of family circumstances beyond income and parental education level.”

Back in Maryland, Purtilo said that one reason he is speaking out about his university’s practices is that he feels they are unfair to U.S. citizens.

“Too bad for the very well prepared student, a U.S. citizen and taxpayer in this state, whose parents might once have thought their kids should have a shot at the flagship campus,” he said.

Dream Act supporters question what is wrong with applying the same policies that apply to citizens – even if it’s affirmative action – to undocumented students. And Torres notes that many undocumented immigrants, despite being in the country illegally, do pay taxes.

“[Despite being undocumented] the parents are working anyway -- and we actually help those parents have a tax ID number, so they can pay taxes.

“This is about opportunities for people. And we prefer those people to be professionals, because when you are a professional, you pay more taxes -- you prosper and make more contributions to society.”

Maryland's Dream Act differs from the other states' acts by only granting in-state tuition if the parents of the undocumented student have paid state taxes for at least three years.

“We really have one of the most conservative Dream Acts,” Torres noted, adding that he places his biggest hopes in a national Dream act that includes a path to citizenship.

“We really, really hope it will happen. It is our dream that the state law will be the base for it.”

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Obama Trawling For Hispanic Votes Not Real Immigration Reform

By Alicia Colon

How clever of President Obama to recruit a Hispanic with absolutely no credibility on the immigration issue but who looks really hot. Eva Longoria, the Desperate Housewife on ABC TV, was born in Texas and may be of Mexican heritage but she hardly speaks for all Hispanics when she said that failure to pass an amnesty bill was costing Obama support in the Hispanic community. She's another actress who confirms Truman Capote's opinion that actors are dumb. Actually what he said was, "The better the actor, the more stupid he is." Having seen Ms. Longoria's body of work maybe she's just a little dumb but very naïve to believe that President Obama has any intention of reforming immigration laws.

Rosario Dawson is another Obama recruit who has more of my background as she was born in New York City and grew up in the tenements as I did. Other recruits included Jose Diaz-Balart born in Ft. Lauderdale and an anchorman for Telemundo; America Ferrera and Maria Elena Salinas both actresses born in Los Angeles. None of these celebrities have a clue about how the rest of the country feel about illegal immigration but we're supposed to be thrilled about the amnesty issue because Obama thinks he can get us to reelect him. Ha!

I'm not being lazy by having others write my column for me this week but I've selected statements from two conservative Hispanics, one a Mexican immigrant and the other a New York Puerto Rican, because they speak very well for all us who love this country and feel blessed to be here.

#1: I am a conservative Hispanic. I came to the US in 1966 at the age of 3. My parents came from Guanajuato Mexico and we lived in Tijuana for about a year before we came across the border to the US.

My current view on immigration is 1) seal the border. I would even like to see it militarized. 2) institute e-verify. 3) a comprehensive immigration policy created. Maybe one where employers sponsor an immigrant and pay some of the fees to give them legalized. 4) ALL CONVICTED Felons deported (I have no sympathy for felons. I am 48 years old and I NEVER committed a felony). If you have a felony that wasn't downgraded in a plea, as usually happens, you are one bad person. 5) a deal where Mexican prisoners in American jails are transferred to Mexican jails (I'd even pay for it - Mexican jails are horrible and cheaper).

We don't have the same kind of immigrant we had back in 66. Mexico is no longer the third world country it was (save for the border states with a transient population) when people came over for a better life. Mexico now has the 8th largest economy in the world. My family in Mexico lives VERY well, coming from poverty. The draw today is in large part the social services they get and a super porous border. I know of people that commute regularly from Tijuana or Ciudad Juarez without visas. Our liberal policies have destroyed black families and now Hispanic families.

We let our immigration policy deteriorate and now we are hesitant to enforce it at all. I want people to follow a process that is fair, but I want a process, not just blanket amnesty every couple of years.

#2 From a fellow New York Puerto Rican.

I am against any reform that does not address border security and enforcement. Also, I do not think we should be coddling illegal immigrants regardless of where they come from. Our immigration laws are not to be trampled. They are laws much like criminal and civil laws. You break them, you pay the price. Our immigration laws are not the problem. The problem lies with nations who send their citizens to us, who promote such policy with disregard to our laws and our sovereignty. The other part of the problematic equation is with our political and business leaders who quietly accept this illegal immigration wave for cheap labor with careless disregard for the American workforce. Our nation abolished slavery 150 years ago, but finds it acceptable to shortchange Americans and legal resident aliens with illegals. Not acceptable and not Constitutional. Why do we complain to the Chinese when they use cheap labor to produce goods they ship to us, but our leaders allow illegal alien cheap labor to cut our fruits and vegetables and cook our foods at fast foods? The double standard is too unctuous. The USA has a dearth of leadership. It's no longer about American morality as it was back in the 1950s but American commerce at any cheap cost today. I don't make political decisions based on my ethnicity, but on my Americaness. Namely, What is good for the USA? There are millions of Hispanic conservatives who agree with me.

There really are millions of us but the mainstream media is only interested in hearing from La Raza, a government funded leftwing non-profit that lobbies the Senate for open borders and amnesty for illegals. Whenever New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement ( shows up to protest illegal immigration this group is ignored by the press even though its members include Hispanics and blacks. They have been physically attacked in NYC by liberals objecting to their signs urging border security.

For proof that we exist look no further than last November. We are the ones that elected Marco Rubio to the Senate and Brian Sandoval and Susana Martinez to the governorships of Nevada and New Mexico. We are now the largest minority group in the nation and we still do not have any one to represent our interests. That's because we are Americans and don't need a special interest group with a secret agenda that only wants government funding.

My opinion on immigration should be just as valid as those celebrities that the president schmoozed with and I agree with my fellow correspondents. Secure the border first. Anyone who does not understand that since 9/11 is a moron. Forget amnesty. Overhaul the Immigration and Naturalization Service and replace the agents who rubberstamped visas for terrorists and deported worthy immigrants. Cancel the diversity green card lottery and instead examine each applicant thoroughly. Funnel money into revamping and modernizing the INS so the process is efficient and quicker.

As long as the Democrats remain in power, the problem of illegals will not go away unless we enact voter fraud measures.

To all those Hispanic celebrities that drink this administration's Kool-Aid - "You Do Not Speak For Us."

Alicia Colon resides in New York City and can be reached at and at

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