Author Topic: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events  (Read 8323 times)


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #50 on: October 12, 2013, 09:22:37 PM »
The definition of a pedophile is:

A person who is sexually attracted to children.

And it goes to the extent of rape.

However, people in the past married (read married, not raped or assaulted) young. You may dislike it, but live with it. Kings, queens of England, France, etc... married young too. Mary (peace be upon her) was bethroted at the age of 12 and pregnant with Jesus (peace be upon him) in the bible.

So yap yap yap yap. You're still epic fail of braintard EDL

The age of consent was raised to 18 when Indian women and British women complained of child abuse, exploitation and prostitution in the British Empire. That's the real reason for raising the age limit. A historical fact.

You are a pathetic liar (and an all too typical muslim), twisting facts.  Mohammed was a mature man.  It was not a marriage of two very young people.  BIG DIFFERENCE.


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #51 on: October 12, 2013, 09:44:54 PM »
Ah, the good ole days.  :D

yeah it is.

Muslims will just turn the west into Islamic states.

Back to the good old days.


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #52 on: October 12, 2013, 09:47:58 PM »
This is for a_ahmed...

Members of an Oxford gang who groomed vulnerable young girls for sex, repeatedly raping them and threatening to kill them if they told anyone, have been jailed for life.

Left to right, top: Akhtar Dogar, Anjum Dogar, Kamar Jamil, Assad Hussain. Bottom: Mohammed Karrar, Bassam Karrar and Zeeshan Ahmed
"Among their victims were girls as young as 11"
" Rochdale, Rotherham, Derby, Oxford. The towns change, but the pattern is always the same. Gangs of men, mainly of Pakistani Muslim heritage, lure white girls as young as 10 with gifts and displays of affection. Next, the girl is raped as a way of “breaking her in”. Once the child’s spirit is subdued, and her mind fogged with drugs, she is sold for sex to multiple men at £200 a time. If the girl tries to break away, a gang member might threaten to behead her or firebomb her home. Mohammed Karrar, who was found guilty in the Oxford sex-grooming case this week, took a scalding hairpin and branded one girl so she would know she was his property. Later, the gang gave the same girl a DIY abortion. She was 12 years old. And this, all this, is happening in Britain now.

In a particularly warped twist, the pimp will teach his victim that her parents are racist towards Asians, which is why they disapprove of their relationship"
Muslim leader says police are 'too cautious' over Asian pimp gangs suspected of prostituting young white girls for fear of stirring up race riots.
Police 'investigating 54 child grooming gangs'

Roger Bacon

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #53 on: October 12, 2013, 10:00:17 PM »
Ah, the good ole days.  :D

Hey, the party doesn't have to end. I guess old G.W. Bush wasn't such a bad guy after all.  8)


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #54 on: October 12, 2013, 10:03:22 PM »
yeah it is.

Muslims will just turn the west into Islamic states.

Back to the good old days.

You make statements like that and you wonder why the EDL wants you out.


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2013, 10:08:24 PM »
yeah it is.

Muslims will just turn the west into Islamic states.

Back to the good old days.

Thanks for being truthful.  It must be hard for you. 


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2013, 10:13:01 PM »
Thanks for being truthful.  It must be hard for you. 

A moment of true candor.  This statement gives insight into what the Muslims are really thinking.  They have no respect for other cultures so why respect them

Roger Bacon

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2013, 10:33:17 PM »
"The historian Bernard Lewis is not the only one who has asked what went wrong?" In 2002 a committee of Arab intellectuals under the auspices of the United Nations published the candid Arab Human Development Report, said to be 'written by Arabs for Arabs'. The authors documented that Arab nations were plagued by political; repression, economic backwardness, oppression of women, widespread illiteracy, and a self-imposed isolation from the world of ideas. At the time of the report, the entire Arab world exported fewer manufactured goods than the Philippines, had poorer internet connectivity than sub-Saharan Africa, registered 2 percent as many patents per year as South Korea, and translated about a fifth as many books into Arabic as Greece translates into Greek...

It wasn't always this way...

...Why did Islam blow its lead and fail to have an age of reason, an enlightenment, and a Humanitarian Revolution?...

...Lewis Points instead to the historical lack of separation between mosque and state. Muhammad was not just a spiritual leader but a political and military one, and only recently have any Islamic states had the concept of a distinction between the secular and the sacred. With every potential intellectual contribution filtered through religious spectacles. opportunities for absorbing and combining new ideas were lost. Lewis recounts that while works in philosophy, and mathematics had been translated from Greek into Arabic, works of poetry, drama, and history were not. And while Muslims had a richly developed history of their own civilization, they were incurious about their Asian. African, and European neighbors and about their own pagan ancestors. The ottoman heirs to classical Islamic civilization resisted the adoption of mechanical clocks, standardized weights and measures, experimental science, modern philosophy, translations of poetry and fiction, the financial instruments of capitalism, and perhaps most importantly, the printing press. (Arabic was the language in which the Koran was written, so printing it was considered an act of desecration.) In Chapter 4 I speculated that the humanitarian Revolution in Europe was catalyzed by a literate cosmopolitanism which expanded peoples circle of empathy, and set up a marketplace of ideas from which a liberal humanism could emerge. Perhaps the dead hand of religion impeded the flow of ideas into the centres of Islamic civilization, locking it into a relatively illiberal stage of development. As if to prove the speculation correct, in 2010 the Iranian government restricted the number of university students who would be admitted to programs in the humanities, because, according to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini, study of the humanities "promotes skepticism and doubt in religious principles and beliefs." -- Harvard Psychology Professor and Cognitive Scientist, Steven Pinker, "The Better Angels of our Nature 'Why Violence has Declined.'"


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2013, 11:36:02 PM »
You make statements like that and you wonder why the EDL wants you out.

Who had the last laugh?

Pharoah or moses?


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2013, 11:36:50 PM »
Who had the last laugh?

Pharoah or moses?

The Romans.


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2013, 11:38:09 PM »
Thanks for being truthful.  It must be hard for you. 

Its not me that's being truthful, its the last prophet to mankind who is Prophet Mohamed who is being truthful,

“Surely, this religion will reach the boundaries of the day and night and Allah will not spare a rural or an urban dwelling except that he would cause Islam to enter it by elevating some and degrading others. A glory with which Allah elevates Islam and a humiliation with which Allah degrade Kufr (disbelief).”


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2013, 11:41:06 PM »
Its not me that's being truthful, its the last prophet to mankind who is Prophet Mohamed who is being truthful,

“Surely, this religion will reach the boundaries of the day and night and Allah will not spare a rural or an urban dwelling except that he would cause Islam to enter it by elevating some and degrading others. A glory with which Allah elevates Islam and a humiliation with which Allah degrade Kufr (disbelief).”

Let's recap, your perverted prophet raped a nine year old girl (probably a few boys too)and you admit Muslims want to take over Europe. Why should you be considered as anything other than an enemy?


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #62 on: October 12, 2013, 11:41:22 PM »


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #63 on: October 12, 2013, 11:42:22 PM »
Let's recap, your perverted prophet raped a nine year old girl (probably a few boys too)and you admit Muslims want to take over Europe. Why should you be considered as anything other than an enemy?



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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #64 on: October 12, 2013, 11:42:40 PM »
Yeah must be right.

That's why 3000 muslims defeated 20000 romans.

And then time stood still and they did nothing up to the present except get their asses handed to them repeatedly by Israelis.


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #65 on: October 12, 2013, 11:43:40 PM »
Islam started strange and it will end strange, so have glad tidings to the strangers.

Kid fucking is way beyond strange.   I

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #66 on: October 13, 2013, 12:45:41 AM »
Why do you always focus on muhammad (peace be upon him) and Aisha (peace be upon her)? How about Mary (peace be upon her) who carried Jesus at the age of 12 in her womb and was betrothed?  How about British kings and queens?

How about the age of consent in the 'new world' in the 1800s? Or facts like I mentioned about British age of consent as plea by women for women abuses in India in the British Empire, child prostitution being a prelavent problem in the British Empire being the sole reason for making the age of consent 18. Not 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, but 18 because some man said so.

Even Romeo and Juliet? How old was Juliet when her mother says stop playing with dolls you should be married with children? Yes a fiction, but a reflection of society at large, so not fiction.
bust because brittish kings use to do it 500 years ago doesnt mean its right.  And yes its common tradition that muslim parents are forcing there daughters to get married with a cousin or who ever the father choose. Yes often they dont say no but thats because they know that they will bring shame to there family and they will be pushed from there own family.

Bad Boy Dazza

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #67 on: October 13, 2013, 02:06:51 AM »
Let's recap, your perverted prophet raped a nine year old girl (probably a few boys too)and you admit Muslims want to take over Europe. Why should you be considered as anything other than an enemy?

Islam started strange and it will end strange, so have glad tidings to the strangers.

That sounds like a confession that your people are into little European kiddies.  Not that we didn't know that already.

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #68 on: October 13, 2013, 02:19:37 AM »
The thing i dont understand is how a ahmed and stingray can support these guys. And im not talking about the everhday muslim like big bobs but the extreme muslims that marches with signs like kill the cops and want to make england a muslim nation and acts like nutcases. If white europeans started to immigrar
Te to a arab country in masses and started to act the same way i would be ashamed and condemn them. And im pretty sure thqt white europeans would never show so much disrespect against a country that saves them like muslims do.

No achmed wlill start to talk about the crusades christians did 1100 years ago....


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #69 on: October 13, 2013, 02:35:04 AM »
The thing i dont understand is how a ahmed and stingray can support these guys. And im not talking about the everhday muslim like big bobs but the extreme muslims that marches with signs like kill the cops and want to make england a muslim nation and acts like nutcases. If white europeans started to immigrar
Te to a arab country in masses and started to act the same way i would be ashamed and condemn them. And im pretty sure thqt white europeans would never show so much disrespect against a country that saves them like muslims do.

No achmed wlill start to talk about the crusades christians did 1100 years ago....


Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #70 on: October 13, 2013, 03:52:05 AM »
They are immigrating from Europe to arab states, there called the jews.Missed the memo did you?
Nothing wrong with peaceful changes, Indonesia converted to islam peacefully.So it can be done.
the jews are scum to just like the extreme muslims


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #71 on: October 13, 2013, 05:13:49 AM »
Hey, the party doesn't have to end. I guess old G.W. Bush wasn't such a bad guy after all.  8)

Hahahaha could you imagine what kind of Stone Age punishment those Muslims or Iranians or whatever the fuck you call them would do to their wives if they only knew what devious, lusful thoughts were REALLY floating through the ladies minds when that group of pussy slaying, alpha male bros came strutting through the village like a pack of Bantem roosters  :D

Probably scurry back and hide in their caves with tears streaming down their face knowing full well they couldn't do a damn thing to stop it!


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #72 on: October 13, 2013, 06:33:17 AM »
The thing i dont understand is how a ahmed and stingray can support these guys. And im not talking about the everhday muslim like big bobs but the extreme muslims that marches with signs like kill the cops and want to make england a muslim nation and acts like nutcases. If white europeans started to immigrar
Te to a arab country in masses and started to act the same way i would be ashamed and condemn them. And im pretty sure thqt white europeans would never show so much disrespect against a country that saves them like muslims do.

No achmed wlill start to talk about the crusades christians did 1100 years ago....

When did anyone myself especially ever say I support people who carry signs like 'kill the cops' what a moron. You're filth.

Secondly I barely talk about hte crusades, I talk about the violent and deceitful wars being fought by the US and europe today. Perpetual warfare that ironically has and is ruinining the US and European economies. Idiots on the other hand are blaming muslims for wait for it... being invaded and for living peacfully in europe and the west.

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #73 on: October 13, 2013, 08:07:02 AM »
When did anyone myself especially ever say I support people who carry signs like 'kill the cops' what a moron. You're filth.

Secondly I barely talk about hte crusades, I talk about the violent and deceitful wars being fought by the US and europe today. Perpetual warfare that ironically has and is ruinining the US and European economies. Idiots on the other hand are blaming muslims for wait for it... being invaded and for living peacfully in europe and the west.
thats true my fault. But you seem to think its okay for a grown man to have sex with  a child so i tought you would think its ok to march with signs like that in england


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Re: Britain's police state. EDL leader banned from attending EDL events
« Reply #74 on: October 13, 2013, 08:15:34 AM »
When did anyone myself especially ever say I support people who carry signs like 'kill the cops' what a moron. You're filth.

Secondly I barely talk about hte crusades, I talk about the violent and deceitful wars being fought by the US and europe today. Perpetual warfare that ironically has and is ruinining the US and European economies. Idiots on the other hand are blaming muslims for wait for it... being invaded and for living peacfully in europe and the west.

You don't talk about Muslims wars and slave trade.  You don't talk about Muslim violence in Europe including murder and rape.  You justify your Muhammad's pedophelia.  Stinkray in a moment of candor revealed how muslimes really think about Europe.